Member Reviews

This Could Be Us was a great addition to the Skyland series and I could not put it down. The journey of self love that Soledad was on was beautiful, inspiring, and encouraging. I hope that all women get to experience it one day. The theme of female friendship was also prevalent in this book and beautifully done. Sol went through so much but her tribe was there for her and so was the very patient and sexy Josiah. I loved how their relationship unfolded and became romantic once Sol was ready and there was no pressure from Josiah. Check this one out if you haven’t! You will definitely swoon

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I loved Soledad as a supporting character/bff to Yaz in Before I Let Go. One of my favorites with friends being there for the main character.
In This Could Be Us, Soledad is divorced and determined to make it on her own before she starts anything with anyone else.
Judah is such a good guy. He's also a single parent. He's on good terms with his ex. Such a relief ! Judah and his ex are fantastic parents to their autistic son.
I think that as a reader, I'm so anxious for the romance, I need to remember that the heroine (& hero0 needs to find their own way- and be stronger in the long run.
It's so obvious that Kennedy writes with her whole heart. She KNOWS her characters SO well. I really did too. There are so many wonderful heartfelt and romantic moments.
This leans more toward a slow burn. I'm so exited for Hendrix's book <3

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The main thing that stuck out to me upon finishing the book is the notion of self love no matter which part of the journey of life you are in. I would say that added another layer to an already swoon romance!

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This is the second book of the "Sklyand" series and centers around Soledad.
After her world is turned upside down, she must find a way to keep a roof over not just her head but the heads of her 3 daughters; and become their primary financial provider.
In her quest to take care of her daughters, she realizes she has to love herself and begins to start loving and rediscover herself & who she was before kids and marriage; however, a man that she should NOT be attracted to she is attracted to & tries her hardest to resist but decides against it. In the end, can Soledad love herself and not make the same mistakes?

I honestly enjoyed this one a lot more than Before I Let Go. The beginning was a bit slow with way too many characters for my liking but about 40% in it does pick up and get better.
I loved Soledad's transformation from just being a stay-at-home to becoming the sole breadwinner because of an unfortunate situation that was not her fault.
She also inspired me to date myself lol and find my passions that I also had before becoming a mother.

Overall, I definitely recommend this book. You don't necessarily have to read the first book but just for a backstory on Soledad's close friends, I recommend reading the first book in the series.

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again!! I loved this second book in the series. Soledad is such a nuanced character and goes through so much in this book. I loved following her journey. Judah is the perfect match for Soledad and I loved them together.

I also really enjoyed the side characters, especially Soledad’s friends and both of their children.

Yet another beautiful story from Kennedy Ryan! Thank you to her, the publisher, and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Are there any words that I can say that can describe the pure artistry that is Kennedy’s work? This book will have a special place in my heart for way too many reasons to count, but wow this tugged on my heartstrings. First, the autism rep was beautifully done and I asked someone who’s close to me and it was right on the money and thank you for doing the research, b/c most people don’t.

Wheww, Soledad, Miss Sol honey girll the QUEEN! I aspire to be Sol and throughout reading how Sol the beautiful friendship she had with Yasmine and Hendrix who held her down, b/c “ they aren’t enough sonnets for friendships”. Those three reminded me of my best friends who I know will ride for when the chips get down. Sol was forced after her trifling ex-husband embezzled money from his company to find her footing as not just a mother, but as a single being as just Soledad Charles and go on a self love journey which met maybe falling and having this attraction to Judah Cross, the accountant who helped put her ex in jail.

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I really liked this book. I had extremely high hopes after reading "Before I Let Go" so this one didn't measure up to the hype, but I loved alot of aspects to it, especially the autism rep.

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Following behind my all time fave book “Before I Let Go”, we watch Soledad’s story unfold. From a man she has been with for years who seems to have his eye on someone else, to someone else falling for Soledad. But is she ready to move on? This story was so heartwarming. Besides the love, I truly enjoyed the friendship between Soledad, Yasmen and Hendrix. This story was beautifully told like Kennedy Ryan knows how to do, but it also made you think and long for Hendrix story!

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I think this book made me a Kennedy Ryan auto-reader!! Loved all the aspects of this book and how just when you think the conflicts are all done, bam comes another surprise!!

My favorite thing about this book is the timeline!! It spans over months which is so realistic. No rushing things here, but I also was never bored —- the best balance.

Kennedy really knows how to make us hate a character, coming off of a second chance romance in book 1, that was definitely not the vibes. The audacity of her husband is unlike any other! He had my jaw on the ground multiple times.

I will say, emotional cheating even if it’s just a few thoughts and exchanging of words. Is still cheating! The physical cheating in this book was much worse, so I don’t have too much of a bone to pick with that. No matter how crappy someone was, it will never justify cheating on them.

The fact that the FBI is involved in this book is all you need to know. I LOVED the scandal associated with this story and was always eating up the details we learned along the way. Especially with the phone call, or lack there of! The horrible actions just keep piling on. Romance, but also gossip!! <3

I love an honest mom who doesn’t shelter her kids, but who also doesn’t trauma dump. The autism representation was authentic to the authors lived experience which always just adds a person, informed touch. :)

I adored this book and the ending and will now devour every Kennedy Ryan book that exists.

Thank you, NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing)

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This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan was absolutely beautiful! The exquisite care and detail taken by the author to not only describe the characters, but their lives, and weave the story of their lives left the reader not only falling in love with Soledad and her tribe, but also yearning for more of her as she grew into her own strength. The accuracy and research that Kennedy Ryan put into depicting what life can look like on the autism spectrum made me respect her so much more, not only as an Author, but for the humanity and awareness brought to this disorder the children and families. Just as I was left anxiously awaiting more after Before I Let Go, I cannot wait to read the third installment in the series when it is released next year. Through the Skyland series, Kennedy Ryan has truly captured the love and strength that lies in the bonds between a mother and her children, between a true circle of friends, and the beauty that lies in self-discovery and new beginnings. Soledad’s story truly showed us that the unknown is not scary because we are not capable, it’s only because we haven’t been there before…I felt privileged that Kennedy brought us into Soledad’s world and allowed us to witness her self-love, dreams, growth, and strength blossom right before our eyes.

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I love Kennedy and she can honestly do no wrong. Like many of her other books, I was pulled in right from the start and fell in love with all the characters. And a girl knows how to write spice!

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This Could Be Us will be a book I'll push into the hands of friends for quite awhile. I loved everything about this book and have come to love Kennedy Ryan's writing diving into her backlist over the last year, when I also read Before I Let Go.

This book follows alternating chapters from Judah and Soledad. After a personal tragedy hits Soledad's family, she's forced to quickly pivot and reevaluate her life and how she can make a living for her family. Judah had a hand in the downfall of Soledad's family, but she doesn't hold him accountable for what happened. He actually shows up to help her family along with her close friends Hendrix and Yasmen and their friendship slowly starts to develop into something more.

I love that in this story it shows you don't need a man to fulfill your true happiness. Don't get me wrong I love my husband, but I had to learn to love myself before we got together. That's also part of the theming of this book. Kennedy Ryan also touches on children with autism with the inclusion of Judah's sons. With her own background being a parent with an autistic child, I thought Kennedy handled that storyline with a lot of care.

Trust me and pick up This Could Be Us. I devoured it in a day and I think you'll do the same. Once you start you'll have a hard time putting it down.

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Excellent read, really related to the storyline with the kids with autism. Love how the author showed different sides of the spectrum. I have a grandson with it.

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THIS COULD BE US was my first Kennedy Ryan book, and it was flawless! I loved the chemistry, characters, and heat in this one.

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I was immediately drawn into this story with drama unfolding at the very beginning. I felt so much for Soledad and really found myself invested in how her story would end. Unfortunately my attention slowly dwindled. While I appreciated Soledad's journey and decision to "self-partner," I really think the repetitiveness and the influencer business annoyed me more than it endeared. All that said, I loved the author's writing style so I will definitely be reading more by her.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for providing me a digital reviewer copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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After devouring the first book I was so excited to be approved for this book through NetGalley. This was a slow burn that I just gobbled up. The main characters were well developed and I instantly fell for Judah Cross. This will not be the last book I read of this author that’s for sure!

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Wow. Kennedy Ryan is a powerhouse storyteller.

This is the second in the Skyland series, this story focusing on Soledad. In an evocative 400+ pages, we are front seat on her journey to rebuild her life after tragedy.

This story starts off heavy, and as a person going through a difficult divorce, the betrayal Sol experiences is emotional and hard to stomach. When she talks about "mourning" the death of her illusions and world, I felt so seen. But similarly, it's just as powerful to watch the main character face an incredible challenge, and to overcome it through the story.

As someone who has her whole life planned, designed, and perfect, Sol's life is changed forever as betrayal and disillusion alters her idea of forever. Sol is a powerful and admirable character, rebuilding herself and her life from the ashes of her ex-husband's hurt. A true phoenix. The ultimate love story of Sol and Judah -- a forbidden love -- feels satisfactory, genuine, and earned, because she's gone on this significant self-love journey. (Plus, Judah is major SWOON.) It's empowering and healing as a reader. A truly emotional and impactful story.

I also respect how this story is able to meaningfully convey meaningful messages about friendships, loss, partnerships, parenting, and self-love. And it's a Masterclass -- capital M -- in presenting the daily life of those who love and care for those with autism. A truly powerful representative novel that Kennedy has put great care into.

I do believe this book was a *bit* too long. I think it could have been edited for a sharper, more concise narrative. Some scenes and descriptions felt overdone, and like unnecessary filler. I also found myself pulled out of the story by some genuinely cringey bits, especially during intimate scenes. Words like "slurp" and "spurt" really put me off. Ha.

Overall, a deep, powerful read that I'm glad to have picked up.

Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest, unbiased review.

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The first 30% or so of this book I inhaled. Yay... a plot! After that though... I had to force myself to keep going. There just wasn't a whole lot of believable tension between Sol and Judah and the whole self-love social influencer gig Sol had going on was a little nauseating. (I do find real life influencers annoying so this might just be a me thing). I know a lot of people really loved this book but for me it was... meh...

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After a devastating break-up, Soledad is left to pick up the pieces for herself and her young daughters. When an unlikely man comes into the picture, Soledad must decide if she can trust him, and herself, enough to let him in.
God, Kennedy Ryan is just so good. She has an uncanny knack for filling her novels with so much warmth and emotion. I adore the way she writes about food, how smart and strong and funny and well-rounded her characters are, and the way she can balance of romance and intense, real-world issues.
Everyone told me this was even better than BEFORE I LET GO, but I think I preferred the first book. Don't get me wrong, this one is amazing, but something about the first book really did it for me.

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This Could Be Us is the second installment in the Skykand series by Kennedy Ryan. Here we learn more about Soledad as she discovers her life with her husband is all smoke and mirrors.

This was a cute story. I loved how Soledad discovers her inner strength and falls in love with herself. I loved how Autism was presented and addressed in this story. I especially loved the nontoxic coparenting relationship between Judah and his ex wife. It was all a breath of fresh air…especially in a black novel.

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