Member Reviews

This Could Be Us is Kennedy Ryan's second book in the Skyland series. I was excited to get my hands on this book after reading her first book Before I Let Go. This series is so beautiful and heart-wrenching. When Soledad's perfectly planned life goes up in flames, she has to figure out how to rebuild it and support herself and her kids. When she falls for the absolute last person she should, what will she do?

Kennedy Ryan knows how to write prose that makes you feel like a friend living this life with the main characters. I love the friendships, support, and communication in this book and her previous novel. This book has heartbreak, betrayal, loss, and new love. I was hooked on this empowerment that Soledad or FMC exuded throughout the story, even when she was struggling. No book boyfriend can not live up to Judah Cross! His patience and tenderness with Soledad were terrific to have portrayed in this story. Kennedy, I also felt that the representation of autism in the kids and the parenting aspect was not something I had previously read.

Overall, this book was incredible, and I highly recommend picking it up. As always, please read trigger warnings before going into it.

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Kennedy Ryan writes another captivating story in This Could Be Us. This story follows Soledad Barnes who we meet in Before I Let Go (another 5 star read. Go read NOW if you haven't yet!) in the Skyland universe.

All I can say is...Kennedy did it again! TCBU is another captivating read that takes you through Soledad's journey of rediscovery during a tremendous season of change.

Kennedy Ryan has an amazing ability to create such powerful and relatable female leads that are truly inspiring. Soledad's story is one of self - discovery, resilience, and SELF LOVE!

"I'm a hornet. I can love. and I can sting."

I can't wait for the Skyland world to continue to evolve!

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Rating: 3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you @netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

I was so looking forward to this book after loving Before I Let Go. Unfortunately, this was not at all what I was expecting. Maybe it’s just full of issues that I cannot relate to at this point in my life? I was expecting more of a chemistry and love story, there is no chemistry and a side love story. It’s all about self love in the face of a devastating relationship event. I was fully invested in part one, then part two became monotonous and boring. At 60% I started skimming for major point and ignoring all the ancillary dialogue.

Autism representation
Self discovery

Overdone autism representation
Overdone self love relationship angst
Didn’t feel the connection between the side love interests


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This was my first time reading Kennedy Ryan and unfortunately I do not think she is an author whose writing I vibe with. I had a hard time connecting to it and the characters. To be honest, I am picky about contemporary or romance.

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Another incredible 5star book by Kennedy Ryan! I am not surprised Kennedy is always able to craft such a beautiful, real and raw story. This one was filled with self-love, finding yourself and coming out a lot stronger. Soledad and Judah's love was so special and after their hardships, I'm so happy Soledad got her happily ever after. She deserves it!😌💖

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This book did not disappoint in the least! After reading the first in the series, I was really hoping this one would follow suit and it certainly did! I remember meeting Soledad in Before I Let Go and was hoping we'd get to learn more about her.

Soledad is the type of woman you want to be like. She's beautiful inside and out, hardworking, caring and an amazing mother. To watch her on her journey of self-love was inspiring. She truly deserved all that she worked hard for.

Then there's Judah Cross. He's an amazing, patient, caring dad to twin boys with Autism. He's divorced but friendly with his ex and her new spouse. Who wouldn't want a partner who respects his ex and her new spouse?

What a journey this book was of self discovery for Sol, motherhood, inspiring friendships and of course a love story.

Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for the eArc of this book!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC!

OMG!! This book!!! I have no words! I absolutely love this book!! This book was amazing! Such an easy read. Such a great story!

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Wow! I loved this book soooo much! The character development was amazing! I swear Kennedy Ryan never disappoints! This book is everything you need. A must read!

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I discovered Kennedy Ryan after reading Before I Let Go last year, and that book EASILY made my top favorites of 2023. So, when I realized this was going to be a series with all three girl besties, you best believe I preordered this ASAP.

What's beautiful about Kennedy's writing is the romance is not the sole and core focus of her novels (or at least in this series.) If I were to describe "This Could Be Us", it definitely leans more towards women's literary fiction. Soledad's journey with single parenting and trying to FIND herself was the sole focus of this novel which I had really appreciated. Her strength and resilience was inspiring as she navigates this new chapter in her life to just simply find herself was insightful and inspiring. Judah was the perfect parent who was the Yin to Sole's Yang. The autistic representation (also with Kennedy's author's note - beautiful) was done so well.

Before I Let Go is still my favorite but this was a great sequel. The girlhood in this series? Unmatched. I CANNOT wait for the third book because besties I best believe I will be crying of laughter (and probably tears) as the series comes to an end!

Thank you so much to Kennedy Ryan, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this beautiful eARC!

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Kennedy Ryan is such a phenomenal writer! This book makes you feel all the feelings! It is so emotional and beautifully written! I cannot wait to read Hen’s story!

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This was my first Kennedy Ryan and my goodness she has such a wonderful way of writing a character. Her characters were so real and fresh. Flaws that were relatable and honest. Soledad was such a loveable character and her growth throughout this book was absolutely beautiful. I felt that this was one of the first times I’ve really seen romance done well. Where there was this raw sexiness with that bit of smut we all love - but it was deep. The attraction, the love the relationship and the dynamics of all the characters went so much deeper. I love a book with depth and this was it for me.

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This Could Be Us is #2 in the Skyland series but it’s even better than the first book!

As we follow Soledad on this journey of love & rediscovering her self worth, the story just gets better and better.

I don’t currently have the words to express how much I LOVE this book. The themes, character development and touch points are all SO GOOD!

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Dual POV. Slow burn. Self love & discovery. Strong female friendships. Autism representation. Happily ever after. The romantic tension. MY GOD THE ROMANTIC TENSION!

Kennedy Ryan has absolutely delivered with Soledad and Judah’s story. I can’t believe I’ll have to wait a whole year before revisiting Skyland.

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Give Kennedy her flowers. She really knows how to put her characters through it. This is Soledad’s story, the best friend of the FMC from Before I Let Go. Both the h and H in this book are divorced with children. There’s a lot of healing and working on yourself while exploring being with someone new. It’s a beautiful story that deserves all the praise and attention that it’s getting.

Thanks to Forever and NetGalley for my copy to review.

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I need more authors to write romance with people over 40 because I think it’s important to note that finding love is never over and some people deserve a second chance at it

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Sublime! Superb! Nothing Kennedy Ryan writes is less than this and this book is the whole proof of it. It's not only about the engaging romance and the absolutely captivating story, it's about lifting up women and empowering them through her chaeacters. Judah and Soledad's story is inspiring, hopeful and full of everything the Romance genre represents, how it should be written. Five stars ain't enough for this one!

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“I’m the girl who has always loved too hard and offered too much, sometimes to those who didn’t deserve it.”
I love Soledad! Kennedy Ryan really knows how to make her characters feel like your real life friends. Can’t wait for Hen’s story!

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I absolutely loved 𝘽𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙄 𝙇𝙚𝙩 𝙂𝙤 and was very excited when I heard another book in the series was coming out and that it would tell Soledad’s story.

Soledad is one strong, bad ass woman. Her world gets torn apart and the life she thought she knew goes up in smoke. But it’s her story as she rebuilds herself and her life that’s beautiful to read. I loved following her self love journey as she rediscovers who she truly is and learns to love again in the process.

And Judah, he was just perfect. He was always putting Soledad first and lifting her up. And I loved how respectful he was with his ex wife and the way they co-parented together. And how much of a devoted caring father he is to his two teeenage autistic boys.

There was the perfect amount of spice and romance in this one. And I loved the slow burn chemistry between the two of them.

I highly recommend picking this one up!

This is the second book in the 𝘚𝘬𝘺𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 series, but it can be read as a standalone.

I am very much looking forward to Hendrix’s story next.

~Thank you to Netgally and the publisher for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I need to see This Could Be Us as on on-screen adaption! The drama and tension demands a visual medium!
I love Soledad as a character, and needed to see her find happiness after the tidbits we got about her in Before I Let Go, and this installment did not disappoint. I loved seeing her find her confidence, and learn to love herself after realizing she had to step away from a rough relationship. It's not an easy process, and I'm glad Kennedy Ryan didn't shy away from how difficult it can be to walk away even when you know you have to. I also treasured the way family was incorporated into this story. With the children and their individual challenges and personalities, co-parenting, Soledad's sisters, and the connection to her mother. My favorite romance stories are those that showcase characters' lives beyond the romantic relationship, and Kennedy Ryan excelled at creating well-rounded characters. This book made me laugh and tear up, and I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a romance with a healthy side of community.
And bonus points for the recipes at the end!

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"Kennedy Ryan's 'This Could Be Us' offers a compelling narrative with well-developed characters navigating complex relationships. While the story captures attention with its emotional depth, pacing inconsistencies at times hinder the flow. Despite this, Ryan's skillful prose and poignant themes make it a worthwhile read."

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