Member Reviews

This Could Be Us quickly became my favorite Kennedy Ryan book, and that's saying something because every Kennedy Ryan book is my favorite. The journey she took us on in this story was one of the best I have ever experienced and I loved every second of it. Soledad went through so much and came out so strong and seeing her strength in this story was incredible. And Judah? Judah was utter perfection. I loved his interactions with his boys and I loved how he was so patient and kind to Soledad.

The plot in this book was riveting. I intentionally went in blind and I am so happy I did. Part one had my flipping the pages so quickly because I had to know what happened next. Edward? Absolutely scum, I'm so glad he got what he deserved but it should have been even worse!

I love the journey of self love and self dating we witnessed in this story. The romance was top tier and I absolutely loved it, but Soledad's own journey was at the forefront of the story and it was so inspiring.

Thank you #netgalley for an early copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thanks to Forever and Netgalley for this advanced copy.

Serious question: who gave Kennedy Ryan permission to write these books? Who let her write books that just rip out our hearts, pounce on them, and then stitch them back together? Because this book was incredible. Amazing, I don't honestly have words to adequately describe how I feel as I read Solodad's book. What a book about the triumph of love, the resiliency of black women, the community one can build, and how all of this can come together to support someone as their life falls apart. Judah and Solodad are so fantastic together, especially the way he sees her in everything and the way she sees him. Ugh. I can't believe I had to stop reading this.

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Another hit by Kennedy Ryan!

I loved Before I Let Go last year and although this book is in the same universe, it can be read as a stand-alone.

This book is a true romance but it also brings in so much more. Both main characters are parents and that is their top priority. Things do not come easy for Soledad and Judah but they keep orbiting each others’ world. The comfort they find in each other is so beautiful. Judah is one of my favorite characters in a while. I loved his story! And I loved his relationship with his kids and his ex wife.

This is a definite must read

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It really is me vs my inability to figure out if a book is part of a series 🤡 sure, I’m online. Sure, I could just as easily pull up google and check, but I don’t. I’m the problem!! it’s me!! Anyway.

I’ve been seeing a lot of Kennedy Ryan on my feed, and curiosity really got the better of me on this title. I’m so glad it won out though, BECAUSE WHAT WAS THAT 😭🫶🏼 You know how some books are on the verge of being soap opera-ic but in the very best way? This was like that for me. There’s something so special about Kennedy’s flair for the dramatics that just sucks you in and pulls you deeper. I could NOT put this down—I loved the plot, the characters, the representation, diversity, THE GREENEST FLAG KNOWN TO MAN THAT IS JUDAH CROSS!!! Genuinely had such a great time with this book and I can’t wait to pick up the first one!

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I loved Soledad’s journey to self love and healing after her traumatic divorce. The autism rep from Judah’s sons is something i’ve never read in a romance and I’m so glad Kennedy included it. Soledad’s experiences as a single mom and her need to lean on the community around her was powerful and I think we need more romances like this where the characters feel like real people with real lives.

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I loved this book! It was a beautiful journey that kept me up reading late at night and not regretting the sleepy mornings. The neurodiversity in the book was done very tastefully and I loved how it was intertwined in the books. Judah was my favorite character! More books like this please! Thanks for my advanced reader copy!

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Kennedy Ryan has talent! Her writing style is amazing as someone who only reads thrillers. This book was amazing Soledad POV is everything about self love!! Allowing the right man to change her mind

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I absolutely adored this book and it only took me so long to read because I had a bad reading month in general. Just a lot going on in my personal life.

I loved how real the main characters and their families felt. I was rooting for the love interests, which has been missing for me in some of the romances I've read recently. Partly this is because I loved the personalities of Soledad and Judah and their chemistry; the other part is because I hated Soldedad's husband with a fiery passion.

There's definitely a lot of spice, which I was here for. Though it does take a bit to get there.

I will definitely be reading more by Ryan Kennedy. I love her writing style and enjoyed this reading experience immensely.

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4.5🌟 kennedy ryan is such a fantastic writer and the depth she brought to sol's journey in this book was next level. i also loved the celebration of all forms of love, and the way sol was able to lean on her best friends through an incredibly difficult time. this quote actually made me sob:

"there aren't enough sonnets for friendship. not enough songs for the kind of love not born of blood or body, but of time and care."

judah was the perfect partner for sol: understanding, a great listener, and respectful of her doing what she needed to do to prioritize getting her own life back. the way that he pines for her 🤭 the tensions builds every time they cross paths and their chemistry when they can finally be together is so!!

i think overall, i still loved before i let go more, but this was still excellent and i can't wait to read hendrix's book!

*thank you Forever & netgalley for the eARC!

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I received this book way too late, but it’s okay because I I adored it. Something about Kennedy Ryan …she knows how to write romance while pulling at your heartstrings. I adored this book and I can’t wait for more from this author

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𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔: Single Mom/Single Dad, Found Family, Parent of Autistic Kids, Blended Family, Love after heartbreak

Soledad has built a solid life revolving around her family. Everything comes crashing when her husband is caught in an embezzlement case and has cheated on her. The man responsible, Judah, is not the monster her husband made him out to be. Judah has 2 autistic sons and has an amazing relationship with his ex-wife. Soledad is focused on turning her life back around and is not keen on a relationship, but her attraction to Judah is at a different level.

Kennedy Ryan is excellent at writing deep emotional stories. I liked this book a lot, there were so many things in this book that resonated and touched me deeply. The friendship between Soledad and her friends is so well written! The complexities with her daughters and handling hardships in life was so well written. Judah was amazing! A little too amazing to feel real! Soledad turning herself around in a short span was a tad bit unrealistic. Lot of details with Judah's Autistic children were written well, I wish they all coming together was fleshed out a little more. There are just minor issues, but overall a solid read!! I can't wait for the 3rd book!

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Kennedy Ryan continues to blow me away every single time with her writing and storytelling. She is probably the most compassionate author I read . Every time you pick one of her stories, not only do you lose yourself in the worlds she creates, are blissfully happy from the enjoyment of the story but you always come away feeling like you’ve learnt something and left in awe of this woman.
She always includes such reality in her stories, There’s always a topic included where so many will relate, so many will feel like their not alone, so many will appreciate the voice of her telling the facts and showing people a further insight of the cause she’s covering. And if you don’t relate, you will absolutely have a better understanding and knowledge of said cause, she’s always raising awareness of such things and covers these in so much depth.
It maybe romance but they’re so much more, they are the real love stories kind. The connection between her characters are always with such deep understanding, warmth and the highest of chemistry too.
Soledad and Judah have an instant attraction, it’s a buzz of electricity you feel off the pages. Their first encounter is one that brings butterflies and excitement and you know it needs to be explored. But throughout this story, it’s a little of a slow burn but without really realising because you’re so lost in the story and their emotional connection.

It could be us is an inspirational read for self love and worth:
a read that can really motivate and pick you up. To show new beginnings can happen, learning how to trust again when you’ve been let down.
It’s filled with love, solid friendships that mean everything, something i only pray everyone has at least one kind like it.

Another sensation from an outstanding writer… bring on Hendrix story ❤️

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SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP. This was absolutely amazing. I was blown away by Before I Let Go last year and I knew I would feel the same with this one. Soledad made me feel SO POWERFUL, but also so seen in the times of weakness and uncertainty. I loved her mistakes and picking herself back up. I was enamored with Judah just trying to do his job. He's serious but thoughtful and kind. The autism representation made my heart soar, along with the author's note in the beginning. Kennedy Ryan has become an AUTO BUY and AUTO SCREAM ABOUT author. I just adore her so much. I cannot WAIT for the third story!!! I try to live Rich Auntie (TM) life, so it's going to be so interesting to see how it goes.

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A beautiful story of love and resilience. More than just romantic love, it was about the importance of self-love too. The first half will definitely make you want to fight, but the latter half, pure joy and smiles. I think I’m in love with Judah Cross too!

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This was such a beautiful and validating story about love that when beyond romantic love.
Soledad’s love story with herself.
A parent’s love and journey with their kids.
A love between coparents.
& then the love between Soledad and Judah.

This was perfect. Thank you NetGalley for the early arc.

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𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗕𝗲 𝗨𝘀 by Kennedy Ryan gifted by @readforeverpub


Soledad and Judah are divorced parents. Newly divorced Sol has 3 daughters and has been clever and creative to provide for her family without causing further disruption and trauma than they’ve already experienced. Judah shares equal custody of his twin teen boys who have autism with his ex wife with whom he has the most amicable and supportive relationship. Sol and Judah’s connection is complicated as he’s responsible for her ex being out of the picture. While that’s a good thing, not all her girls see it that way. Despite that, their relationship gradually deepens.

Through the many layers of heartbreak, disappointment, worries and joy, Ryan tells a tender and hopeful story about two individuals dealing with difficult situations with grace and humility. Neither of their circumstances is easy. There’s also no doubt the tricky situation between Sol and Judah but wow do they sizzle! It’s slightly slow burn as Sol refuses to rush into things, instead taking time to focus on herself. ‘Self-partnering’ as she calls it.

I was so moved reading this and I admire Ryan for sharing a deeply personal experience.

Read this for:
* Personal empowerment
* Family
* Friendships
* Amazing chemistry/🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
* Autism rep
* Biracial/multi-racial rep

Be aware of: infidelity, loss of a parent due to cancer

Thanks to @netgalley & @readforeverpub for my ARC.

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THIS COULD BE US is the second book in the Skyland series following Soledad's journey after discovering her husband's betrayal. With no time to grieve the life she lost, Soledad is determined to find ways to keep the roof over her daughters' heads and food on the table. And in the process, she finds herself again.

After devouring BEFORE I LET GO at the end of 2023, THIS COULD BE US easily became one of my most anticipated reads of 2024. I loved Soledad's character and already thought she deserved so much better in the first book so I was excited we were getting her story next!

Kennedy Ryan is amazing at writing heartwrenching, raw and relatable stories. We saw that in BEFORE I LET GO and this was no exception. Soledad is easily one of the bravest and strongest women I've read in books. The amount of toxicity she dealt with is enough for someone to crumble (and rightly so) but, Soledad turns her years of hurt and pain into triumphs and accomplishments. I felt the emotions Soledad felt as if they were my own. But her self-love journey and learning to be in a relationship with herself is so awe-inspiring and I'm sure, relatable to many.

Not only Soledad, but all the characters had their own trials and tribulations to overcome and it is so inspiring to have them support, love and uplift one another the way they do. The female friendship between Sol, Hen and Yas has always been my favourite and has me wanting my own group of female warriors. The healthy co-parenting was amazing to have in the book! I love that it was included to show that it exists and is possible. Mothers, fathers, and single parents don't get enough credit for all the time, effort and love they put into raising their children.

Ryan's message to her readers in this book is so important and powerful. I love that through Soledad's story, she shows us that it's okay to be alone, to be in a relationship with yourself, to never settle for less and that having a partner does not make you whole. I think more books need to have these positive affirmations, especially with the next generation of readers.

The only reason this book isn't a full 5 stars for me is because of the actual romance. It was hard to believe the instant attraction and love Soledad and Judah had. I didn't feel their chemistry and wish it was developed more. I'm also not a huge fan of instalove stories so perhaps, that played a part. But, I did love Judah Cross and think he's the greenest flag to exist.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for making the eARC available for us all to read!

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Kennedy Ryan’s been on my radar for awhile but, like many authors, it’s taken some time to finally read her books. So many books, so little time, am I right? When Before I Let Go, the first in Ryan’s Skyland series, came out in 2022, I told myself I’d read it. Fast forward to the month before This Could Be Us is released and I finally got around to diving into Yasmen’s story. I loved it. I immediately picked up Soledad’s book - and I loved it too.

Here’s the book’s description:
Soledad Barnes has her life all planned out. Because, of course, she does. She plans everything. She designs everything. She fixes everything. She’s a domestic goddess who's never met a party she couldn't host or a charge she couldn't lead. The one with all the answers and the perfect vinaigrette for that summer salad. But none of her varied talents can save her when catastrophe strikes, and the life she built with the man who was supposed to be her forever, goes poof in a cloud of betrayal and disillusion.
But there is no time to pout or sulk, or even grieve the life she lost. She's too busy keeping a roof over her daughters' heads and food on the table. And in the process of saving them all, Soledad rediscovers herself. From the ashes of a life burned to the ground, something bold and new can rise.
But then an unlikely man enters the picture—the forbidden one, the one she shouldn't want but can't seem to resist. She's lost it all before and refuses to repeat her mistakes. Can she trust him? Can she trust herself?
After all she's lost . . .and found . . .can she be brave enough to make room for what could be?
I’m running a romance book club at the library I work at right now so I’m finding myself thinking about romances, why we love them, and what makes them romances vs any other kind of story, a whole lot more than I have before. After reading the first two Skyland books, I wondered, are these romance novels? There’s a Happily Ever After/For Now, absolutely, but that HEA doesn’t seem to be the main purpose of the story. Unless you’re thinking about the HEA the main characters have with themselves. I love the love stories in these books, but I was really there for the women and their process of learning to love themselves more than I was for them loving the men in their lives. Does it matter if I think it’s a romance or not? No. But we all know marketing matters and I’m always curious about how books are marketed.

I, like seemingly everyone in Soledad’s life, did not like her husband. But even I wouldn’t have guessed what went down. It was WILD and I could have felt like I was watching a movie (complete with a giant bowl of popcorn as I watched the chaos) but for the fact that I cared about Soledad and her girls so damn much. I hated what was happening to them which is partly due to the characters Ryan created and how she wrote them. (And partly because I'm not a monster and only monsters wouldn't feel moved by the situation they're in.)

I do, however, have some questions about some of Soledad’s choices but given I’m 1. Not a mother and 2. Haven’t been in her situation, I’m not here to judge. But I’m bringing it up because these thoughts pulled me out of the story Ryan created when I shouldn’t have been. I’ll continue being vague about what actually happened, but you can know that Soledad is left without (much) money so she has to try to land on her feet during a shitstorm while also earning money to look after her three daughters. While I can understand that she wanted to keep their lives as consistent as possible, I couldn’t understand why that meant she had to continue living in the same, giant, expensive house or pay for expensive gymnastic lessons and so on. Sorry, kids, sometimes life sucks and you don’t get to do all the things you used to. I just kept thinking that it would have been so much more financially responsible to sell the house instead of spending a ton of money on it when she was in such a precarious position.

I love the feeling of community I got with the first two Skyland books. I loved being a part of that group of friends and family. I enjoyed spending time with them and wanted only the best for every single person I met while reading (apart from Soledad’s no-good husband and his racist mother). That love I have makes it even harder that now I have to wait for Hendrix’s book after bingeing the first two!

This Could Be Us was a fantastic read and I loved being part of the world Kennedy Ryan has created with her Skyland series. You’ll have all the feelings while reading this one so keep the wine, and maybe the box of tissues, at hand while you read. I think you’re going to love it too!

*An egalley of this novel was provided by the Canadian distributor, HBG Canada, via NetGalley in exchange for review consideration. All opinions are honest and my own.*

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I liked this sequel to Let It Go, but I wasn’t as connected to the characters this go around. I really appreciated the representation of autism and blending families. Soledad deserves the world and I liked seeing her get the relationship she didn’t have the first time around. Thank you Forever for the ARC!

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I’d like to thank Forever for making an eARC of This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan available on NetGalley!

Y’all, all hail Queen Kennedy, no one makes people feel feelings the way she does! All of her books tear my heart out on the way to a very earned HEA for her heroines and the men who deserve them, and This Could Be Us is no different. After reading Before I Let Go, I couldn’t wait for Soledad to ditch her husband Edward for being so clearly The Worst, but then he topped himself hardcore in this book. No spoilers, but it’s shocking and emotionally brutal to see.

What makes this book one of the best romances I’ll read this year (calling it now!) is not just the love story that blooms between Soledad and Judah. It’s also the self-love journey that Soledad takes and the empowerment she takes ownership of. That said, I can’t forget to talk up Judah, who not only is described as an Idris Elba lookalike but is also a caring father to two sons who n the autism spectrum. As the sibling of an autistic person with high support needs, I appreciate the care Kennedy showed in writing Judah’s sons with sensitivity.

I could go on forever, but I’ll make myself stop. Easiest five stars I’ve given to a book in a while 💕


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