Member Reviews

This book did not disappoint! Thank you net galley for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.
***It took a while to read because I did not know there was a first book in the series. I read the first book prior to reading this story. Though it is the second book, it is not necessary to read the first book, however lots of insight into soledad’s story is mentioned in the prequel story.***

Soledad Barnes is a character that I liked from Before l Let Go, however the deep sense of respect that I gained for her from this book made her one of my favorite characters. Family focused, driven and devoted, Sol’s life is upended suddenly. The way Ryan Kennedy develops her characters allows you to see parts of yourself in the stories she tells. The journey that Soledad goes on, had plenty of self reflection moments and lots of self discovery. Do yourself a favor and read this gem of a story.

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This Could Be Us is the second book in Kennedy Ryan's "Skyland" series centered around friends and families in a rich, walkable neighborhood in Atlanta with all the trappings of an actual community that most of us in non-walkable neighborhoods of various average incomes only dream of. This is Soledad's story and from the get it's a wild ride of betrayal and learning to love yourself when your (ex) husband straight up sucks AND learning yourself on your own as an Individual while still very much falling for someone else.

Kennedy Ryan just has this way of making the female body BEAUTIFUL (I mean, it is, but like, especially so??) and not just through the eyes of her male POV chapters but women loving themselves and how they look-- "flaws" (aka what others would consider flaws like stretch marks etc) and all. But also, Judah just being SO INTO Soledad in his POV chapters was very good also, I do love when a love interest just wants to eat up their person of choice (sometimes quite literally). This Could Be Us is open door romance with the door blown WIDE open but at the same time being really careful with neurodiversity (autism in this case specifically, both in the 'my sons are diagnosed and managed' and 'I have things in common with them so maybe me too but here's how I had to get along in life when we didn't have the same resources in my youth.

There's a lot of this book about Being An Influencer, so if you're someone who doesn't like social media and current "trends" in your books this may not be for you but it was done really well in a normalization manner and an honest part of some peoples' lives! AND it even applies to parts of the story (aka Judah being sort of a 'stalker' but mostly it's on-brand hyperfixation and if Soledad doesn't mind we as the readers are not supposed to either).

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the eARC in exchange for review! Looking forward to Book 3!

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This was well written, While the beginning felt slow, some of the development was necessary. I love how their love story unfolded and seemed genuine, authentic, and somewhat relatable. While it felt like Soledad had a lot on her plate, her balance of family and love was commendable. Their passion for one another was delivered well. Can’t wait for Hendrix’s story!

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Everything about this is perfection. Literally. Everything. In Kennedy Ryan we trust 🫶🏻

Soledad’s self love journey was phenomenal and I’m so proud of her and all she’s accomplished. Yes this dealt with heavier topics, but it was also a breath of fresh air to read about loving and putting yourself first instead of focusing on a romantic relationship. Plus the friendship trio was perfect as always and it reminded me so much of me and my two best friends.

Judah is the perfect man and treated Soledad so well that I’m here sitting on the couch alone asking myself “when will it be my turn??”
I’ve been on my own ‘dating myself’ journey for a little over a year now and I love going out to dinner or coffee by myself, it’s like a reward.

I feel like I say this in every Kennedy Ryan review, but her love stories are so raw and beautiful. I loved how it was described that there’s no missing part of us that needs to be filled, but an ache that needs to be tended with love and care by another person. Kennedy just gets it and whatever she writes, I will read without hesitation.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever Publishing for an arc for my honest review!!

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As always, Kennedy Ryan did not disappoint! I really enjoyed the emotional rollercoaster ride this was!

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Kennedy Ryan does it again! This emotional beautul story was a 5/5 star read for me. I loved getting to see the characters from book 1 again while watching Soledad and Judah's story bloom in the wake of their life and drama. The representation of autism was done so well and the maturity of all relationships was such a pleasure to read.

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again with this heart felt book that is a decadent treat. Her books are powerful and always leave me ready for her next one.

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Thank you to Forever for the advanced reader copy. These opinions are my own.

I absolutely adore everything Kennedy Ryan writes. Her writing moves me in a way that goes beyond words and certainly beyond my ability to capture in a review. So I suggested this should be on everyone's pre-order lists and now that it's out, it's a must read.

This Could Be Us is the second in the Skyland series. It features Soledad and starts just as her life is falling apart. I could give dozens of reasons to read this from the strong woman to the amazing man, single parents, nuanced children, love that overcomes obstacles, a woman's journey, faith and identity, authenticity and representation, and so much more. And I have seen reviews that highlight every one of these aspects.

So while trying to keep this a reasonable length, I want to focus on the part that made me cry the most: the absolutely amazing female friendships. I always love seeing books where women support each other and lift each other up, especially in the hardest of times. This one made me sob. I read this quote to my family, as I cried:

"There are not enough sonnets for friendship. Not enough songs for the kind of love not born of blood or body but of time and care. They are the ones we choose to laugh and cry and live with. When lovers come and go, they are the ones who remain. We are each other's constants."

All the stars in the world and anticipation for the next book about these amazing women!

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This book has truly touched my heart in ways I never expected. From the prologue, I found myself completely immersed in Soledad's journey, feeling every emotion as if they were my own. The characters are so beautifully written, each with their own struggles and triumphs, that I couldn't help but fall in love with them instantly. Soledad's resilience and determination to rebuild her life despite the odds are both inspiring and heart-wrenching, and I found myself rooting for her every step of the way.

Kennedy Ryan masterfully weaves together themes of love, loss, and redemption, keeping me hanging on every moment until the very end. And just when I thought I couldn't be any more invested, a forbidden love interest is introduced, by way of Judah, adding an extra layer of depth to an already compelling narrative. I am absolutely in love with this series and eagerly await the next book. Kennedy Ryan has created a world that I never want to leave, filled with characters who will stay with me long after the final page.

Voluntarily reviewed after receiving a free copy courtesy of NetGalley, the Publisher, and the author, Kennedy Ryan.

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This book, oh my goodness, it was EVERYTHING! Seriously, I'm not sure I can even properly rate it because it resonated with me on so many levels. But let me tell you, I LOVED it, like LOVED IT!!!

Let's talk about Judah first—wow, just WOW! Kennedy Ryan has this magic touch when it comes to writing grown men, and Judah is the epitome of that. The way he looked after Soledad, being patient and understanding when she needed it most, it's just unmatched. I mean, can we all have a Judah in our lives, please? And Soledad's journey of self-discovery hit me hard—I felt like I was right there with her on my own #datingmyself journey. Her realization that loving yourself is the key to giving and receiving love? That hit me right in the feels. Kennedy always leaves me with a life lesson, and I'm here for it! This book is definitely a top read of the year for me, hands down. The growth Soledad goes through, finding love and rediscovering herself after a disastrous marriage, it's inspiring. And Judah and Soledad together? Pure magic. Their love felt like passion and home all wrapped up into one beautiful package. Kennedy Ryan delivers yet again, and I couldn't be happier about it!

Thank you NetGalley and Forever publishing for this ARC!

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Kennedy Ryan is an auto buy/read author for me. I liked the romance in this but I loved the female friendships more. Thank you for making me feel my feelings over and over again.

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Soledad and Judah's story flowed so beautifully. Judah is definitely a new book boyfriend, even with his stalker vibes. Sol's self-love journey lasted a little too long for me...girl, we get it, now go get the man!
Sisterhood and friendship shone through, and the power of a mother's determination was the star.

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A beautiful book of a woman who was wronged and finds her true self. Who puts herself first and her girls first. She’s got an amazing support system. Soledad is fabulous. Loved watching her empower herself. And Judah… just an incredible man….
Kennedy Ryan is a beautiful writer and this is a beautiful book!

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THIS BOOK WAS EVERYTHING!! i don’t even know if i can properly rate it because it spoke to me in so many different ways 😭 but i loved it. I LOVED IT!!!

First of all Judah is … he is everything. Kennedy has this way of writing GROWN men. Men who can handle their business and handle these gorgeous women that Kennedy writes. The way Judah took care of Soledad and was patient with her when he knew she needed it the most is sincerely unmatched. I wish a Judah for everyone.

I just love the journey of finding oneself that Soledad went on. I feel like i saw so much of my own #datingmyself journey. I connected with her discovery that in order to give and receive love you have to love yourself. that’s first and foremost.

Kennedy always leaves me with a life lesson!! i love her

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Kennedy Ryan does such a wonderful job of writing heart wrenching stories with complex characters, great representation, and amazing friendships. This Could Be Us is Soledad’s journey of self love and rediscovering herself after her world comes crashing down unexpectedly. It explores difficult situations she faces both as a woman and mother. How she picks up the pieces of her life after such a shocking betrayal from her husband. In the middle of this is also Judah Cross, a man who should be forbidden but one she can’t seem to stay away from. He’s kind, patient, and has such an amazing relationship with his autistic twin boys. This story was empowering, emotional, and swoon worthy. I would definitely recommend checking out this series.

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I absolutely loved this book - I was one of the few who wasn't quite as blown away by Before I Let Go, but I knew I still wanted to continue with this series and I am glad I did. Soledad's story was amazing and Judah was a hero you couldn't help but wish was real. I enjoyed this couple was closer in age to myself than most romances I've read lately and both brought their own struggles to the relationship in a way that complemented each other and loved each other because of their differences, not in spite of them. I am very much looking forward to Hendrix's story next.

Thank you to Forever for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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4.25 stars. While I didn't enjoy this follow up as much as Before I Let Go, I still really enjoyed This Could Be US. This book certainly felt more dramatic than I was anticipating and had my jaw drop on a few occasions - definitely an entertaining read. I really enjoyed watching Soledad's journey of re-discovering herself and her needs. She had great chemistry with Judah, and I also appreciated his own storyline with his two sons. Also great to see such a happy and healthy blended family on page! I would definitely recommend this one.

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Thank you so much to Forever Pub for this ARC. It was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and I'm so grateful.

Overall, I gave this book a 3.5 Stars. I struggled with this one, which breaks my heart. Before I Let Go was one of my favorite books in 2023 and I was SO looking forward to Soledad's story. For me, This Could Be Us was good, not great.

I really loved part 1. I was hooked and angry and ready to meet her husband in an alley. But part 2 lost me. There was so much happening, it felt chaotic. I also felt that the romance took a back seat to everything else, which was a bummer. This really felt more like a personal growth journey book than a romance.

Don't get me wrong, this book was filled with things to like and a majority of people are going to love it. It just wasn't what I expected and I was never that excited to press play. Le sigh. That said, I'll still recommend this. It was a good book and I still consider Kennedy Ryan one of my favorite authors!

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Kennedy Ryan is fast becoming a great romance writer. You will fall in love with this book and the characters. The book will keep you guessing about what is going to happen next. I really enjoy all of her books and her style of writing. A must read for 2024.

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I thoroughly enjoyed “Before I Let Go” by Kennedy Ryan, and I have been anxiously waiting for “This Could Be Us.” When I saw Kennedy Ryan’s TikTok about the book being “read now” on NetGalley, I ran so fast to request it! Now I am sitting here waiting for another year to get Hendrix’s story… My hope is that once it is completed, SOMEONE will make special editions for the collection!!!
I cannot explain to anyone in words how much I LOVED this book. I will recommend it, the others in the series, and Kennedy Ryan to everyone I can talk to about books.
I knew I was going to love this book when I read the author’s note. Kennedy Ryan puts so much care and love into writing her characters and their experiences. She takes time to think about the lived experiences of the people who can directly relate to these characters, and it is quite lovely.

What I loved:
-The basics of the story is one a lot of people can relate to or have heard of before. But the details within are unique and well thought out.
-The timeline of the story moves at a steady pace throughout. I will say it can probably be deemed a “slow-burn” on the romance side. But I believe this is a more contemporary story focused on Soledad’s story with an addition of romance.
-The children in the story have their own story; they are not just characters to move the main character's story through the book.
-This contemporary story fits into the timeline of the real world and is very relatable. While not being too “pop-culture-referency,” which can be a little much.
-The friendships/relationships between all of the characters.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves contemporary stories. Especially with a focus on personal growth, friendship, family and a little bit of romance.
This book does have a few explicit scenes, please be aware! As always, check trigger warnings as necessary.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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