Member Reviews

I am not sure what else I can say that has yet to be said about this book. I genuinely loved everything about it and Judah Cross is now my new book husband.

Soledad's journey was amazing to see and I loved that the main love interest was there to support her through it all.

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Kennedy Ryan, is an author I adore and will read anything she writes. She is an absolutely amazing writer. In This Could Be Us, she gives us the second book in her Skyland series and I am all here for it. At the heart of it, this is Soledad’s story and even so, Judah was amazing and stole my heart. Soledad’s world is rocked by her husband’s action and now she is building her own future with her daughters. I loved how determined and strong she was. Judah was perfection. I loved how good a father he was, how patient and caring he was with Soledad. I loved reading the journey Soledad took so much and the characters from the various families, friend and romance. I devoured this from start to finish.

Happy reading!

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This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan is a romance with so much humanity. I love the way this author writes--she goes so beyond the surface level stuff. When Soledad's husband turns out to be terrible, she does everything she can to keep her family safe and secure in their own home. And she works on herself and her own self-confidence too. But Judah is someone that she can't stay away from, and he cares deeply for her and his own sons. I highly recommend this book. This is mental health representation and autistic representation written in such a thoughtful, humanizing way. Thanks to NetGalley for the free digital review copy. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

Once again Kennedy Ryan never fails to amaze me with how much she puts into writing her stories. I love how she research and do interviews in order to write her stories. In my eyes this is not a romance, but this is a book about overcoming a horrible situation and putting yourself first. Soledad’s journey was not easy. She went from having a bad husband, to being on her own with her three kids to loving herself and knowing her worth (loved this for her).

A few things I loved about the book was Soledad and Judah kids, Hendrix( waiting for her book) and Judah’s ex-wife Tremaine. I do wish this book had more romance in it but in my personal opinion this book was really about falling back in love with yourself and then loving someone else

PS: I am not even a hugger but Kennedy, Ryan definitely gives good hugs. 🤭

PS again: Has anyone tired or plan on trying the recipes in the book let me know.

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I think I was only 25% of the way through and I already knew it was going to be 5 ⭐️s. The writing, the journey, the FMC- it’s everything together that makes this book so soooo good. It’s a slow burn romance about a divorcee who falls for the man that helps to put her then-husband in jail. There are so many real aspects of this book that made me feel the beauty and rawness of real life- the autism representation, the journey of self-love, the determination of parents to do their best for their children. The romance was great (Judah is swoony), but Soledad as a character is a FORCE. Please read this and fall in love.

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💖 Single mom
💖 Single dad
💖 Autism rep
💖 Self exploration
💖 Emotional
💖 Dual pov

Soledad + Judah

I've been constantly thinking if this is a 5 star or a FIVE star. Which makes me think FIVE is the answer. Before I Let Go had me in tears multiple times so I expected that with this one. While it was absolutely beautiful I didn't get to tears in this one. Kennedy's writing is done in such a beautiful way that you are right there on that journey with her characters.
Soledad finding herself on her self love journey was beautiful and man did I need to hear some of those things. Jonah & Soledad learning how to accept love from others was a masterpiece.
Kennedy is one of my favorite authors and I don't see that ever changing. She just continues to blow me away.

Thank you Kennedy Ryan and Netgalley for this arc.

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This book single handily cured my book slump!
I loved the very accurate autism representation.
I came for the romance and did not disappoint (that slowwwwww burn almost killed me) BUT stayed for the friendship. The platonic love and female friendships in this book is beautiful and inspirational. After reading this book, I wanted to be a better friend and mother.
Can’t say enough how much I love this book.

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I received this ebook from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

I have to say, I liked this one much more than the first book in the series. I felt like I was able to connect to Soledad and Judah on a deeper level than Josiah and Yasmen. I wasn’t a huge fan of the influencer angle, it makes Soledad not seem as genuine to me. Overall I thought it was a cute love story.

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Y'all the way I have been holding this book review in my brain for a moment when I had time to GUSH about this beauty!!

Kennedy Ryan has done it again. You absolutely HAVE to get your hands on This Could Be Us.

I have absolutely no notes. So here's what I loved:

❤️ I love how unexpected and fun this premise was for this series! A woman and the tech analyst nerd hottie that put her no good husband in prison. Sign me up immediately. With Kennedy I should have known both how hot and how healing this wild card of a plot would be.
❤️ It was so refreshing to read about a healthy and amicable divorced couple in Judah and his ex wife. They are strong co-parents, genuine friends without it feeling weird, and truly want the best for one another.
❤️ For Kennedy, she has made it very clear how important the autism rep in this book was for her and her family, and we are ever grateful for it. Judah and his boys are excellent examples of some of the breadth of what an autism diagnosis can look like. She shows what it's like for them to move through the world, both the struggles and the joys. She also acknowledged that autism is not a monolith and that her depictions are just some of the ways autism might be represented, but that these representations may not ring true for everyone.
❤️ Soledad is not letting anyone slow her down, certainly not some trash goblin of an ex that doesn't deserve to get within 10 feet of her or her daughters. The way this woman provides for her daughters, carries herself with dignity, and finally learns to accept the love and help she deserves warmed my heart. She is such a vibrant character. Every room she enters, you can feel the others gravitate towards her. She is such a light and I loved watching her shine.
❤️ The ROMANCE of it all is swoonworthy from start to finish. I was hooked from Judah's first grocery delivery, and remained kicking my feet squealing with every stolen glance, every steamy visit to the shed, and every sweet meeting between Soledad and the boys. Judah is seriously the ultimate book boyfriend and their chemistry pulses through these pages.

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Kennedy Ryan is a master of weaving deeply rooted pain into beautiful romance. In This Could Be Us, she wrote an eloquent story full of passion, betrayal, heartbreak, hope, healing and forgiveness. I was completely engrossed by Soledad and Judah's tale of love, sacrifice and courage Another masterpiece that is a must read. Bravo. #ThisCouldBeUs #NetGalley

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Kennedy Ryan writes the best books. Strong female characters, regardless of what they are going through. Always has strong bonds with her friends, who are also strong independent supporters.
This book was no exception. From tragedy of embezzlement to a slow burn romance to a rebranding of Soledad’s self this book delivers. I couldn’t stop reading. I love the men, alpha feminists, who always are there to share the spotlight with these amazing women.
I’m in this series. Can’t wait for more.

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I had high expectations for this book after reading Before I Let Go and was looking forward to reading Soledad’s story. Kennedy Ryan did not disappoint! Loved this story! The character development was done beautifully and I loved the modern day take of the housewife as a content creator. She also brings awareness to Autism. Also, the spice was on point! Highly recommend you give this a read. Looking forward to Hendrix’s story next!

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Pick up any Kennedy Ryan book and the reason is clear — each character and their stories are beautifully and masterfully written with care

This Could Be Us follows Soledad and Judah as Soledad embraces a journey of self discovery in the aftermath of a betrayal that upended her own and her daughter’s lives. Judah is such a respectful king and there were so many things to love about his character — his healthy coparenting relationship with his ex wife, all of his acts of service for Soledad, and all the times he followed her lead while still communicating his needs. The Skyland women are incredibly resilient and powerful and Soledad accomplished great feats not only in rebuilding her life while providing stability for her daughter’s, but also in putting in the emotional work to allow herself happiness and to be adored at all the stages of happiness in her independence.

This Could Be Us is phenomenal in all formats — and the audiobook is a captivating addition to the experience!

You’ll Find —
Single Parents
Self Discovery and Self Love
Starting Over
Autism Rep

Thankful for the opportunity to read early!

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I enjoyed this a lot. It's a romance with heat and depth. You follow Soledad and Judah's story and can't help rooting for them right away. It's a complicated love story, as both characters have a lot on their plates. Sol is dealing with the aftermath of finding out her husband, the father of her three girls, is a felon, and now she is on her own to raise them. Judah is the man who found out about her husband's crimes, and he's a single father to two teen boys with autism. Judah and Sol have the desire, the spark, but is it enough in their complicated lives? Loved the author's note at the beginning of the book. Well done, will be a hit!

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Beautiful story! Well written! Loved the diversity in this book! As a Puerto Rican woman this book displays all of the things representing my culture!!!

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again.

I’ve been waiting for Sol’s story since the moment I finished Yas’ book in October, and it did not disappoint.

This book was joyful, heartwarming, heartbreaking, funny and affirming, all at once. As always, chock full of lessons and love, and I can’t wait to see what I pull from the book the second time I read it.

I saw so much of myself, as well as the women I love in Sol, and her sisters and daughters. I loved how much of the book was focused on Sol's return to herself and how Judah showed up in support of that goal at all times.

I loved Judah's story, how supportive and loving he was towards Adam and Aaron, and his relationship with Tremaine. And it was nice to see good, healthy coparenting representation in the book.

Sol and Judah deserved their happy ending and it was so beautiful to watch them find each other and make their dream life for themselves, on their own terms. I already miss them. But I can’t wait for Hendrix story next year— it’s gonna take a special person to get Miss Thing to settle down but I know Kennedy will craft the perfect partner for her and give us another fictional man to fall in love with.

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This was unlike any other romance I’ve ever read. This book follows Soledad and Judah through many transitional periods of their lives. We open up with Judah’s divorce which shows an incredibly healthy relationship between him and his ex who are splitting amicably after realizing they had become more like roommates than husband and wife. They have twin boys who are both autistic and they both have spent their entire lives doing whatever it takes to do what’s best for them, never prioritizing one parents needs or goals over the others. One of my absolute favorite parts of this story was the Autistic representation- not only for the twins but for Judah as well. I think it’s something that’s so relatable to parents with kids on the spectrum to start seeing the similarities between yourself and your children and to realize that you are also likely on the spectrum but it was never caught because of how high functioning you are. As someone who has lived that experience I felt very seen in a way I never really have. As for Soledad, she is struggling in her marriage and when things take a shocking turn she is forced to reexamine her life and decide what exactly she wants. As a woman whose entire being has been reduced to being a mom for years, she no longer knows who she is. So many women have lived this experience of being married to someone who expects you to do it all and doesn’t consider any of it work. All too often women enter into a relationship only to have their lives put on the back burner because they’re just a woman and their job is to have babies. I loved that this story showcased these different types of relationships to really show the differences of what can be done if you actually care about your partner as their own person and not just for what they can do for you.

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Thank you to the publisher for a Netgalley of this second book in the Skyland series.

I was very interested to read more about Soledad after book 1 in this series. Reading her story was emotional and intriguing. Watching her relationship with her three daughters was enjoyable as I am 1 of 3 girls and know that relationships with our moms can be complicated-- especially when we are young and a daddy's girl! It was a little too cookie cutter at the end, but I still enjoyed it.

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I LOVE the way Kennedy Ryan writes friendships and female relationships.

I will say a couple of the sex scenes were a little cringy for me which kept it from being a 5 star read.

But the female friendship trio is so well done and I LOVED the journey Soledad went on. It was so beautiful and empowering!!

I also loved Adam and Aaron and the autism representation they brought to the story!!

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Hurry up and read this!! It is phenomenal! I recommend this to literally everyone!! The intimacy in this book is incredible.

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