Member Reviews

Thank you Forever for my copy! All thoughts are my own.

Kennedy Ryan is a masterful writer of drama and happily ever afters. I loved Before I Let Go last year, I still think of it to this day, so I could not wait for the next book in the Skyland series. This book is complex, intense, joyful, and action filed. I think it would be such a great movie!


“Soledad Barnes has her life all planned out. Because, of course, she does. She plans everything. She designs everything. She fixes everything. She’s a domestic goddess who's never met a party she couldn't host or a charge she couldn't lead. The one with all the answers and the perfect vinaigrette for that summer salad. But none of her varied talents can save her when catastrophe strikes, and the life she built with the man who was supposed to be her forever, goes poof in a cloud of betrayal and disillusion. But there is no time to pout or sulk, or even grieve the life she lost. She's too busy keeping a roof over her daughters' heads and food on the table. And in the process of saving them all, Soledad rediscovers herself. From the ashes of a life burned to the ground, something bold and new can rise. But then an unlikely man enters the picture—the forbidden one, the one she shouldn't want but can't seem to resist. She's lost it all before and refuses to repeat her mistakes. Can she trust him? Can she trust herself? After all she's lost . . .and found . . .can she be brave enough to make room for what could be?” —NetGalley

What I Liked:

The Complexity—It’s no surprise this book tackles complex issues in relationships and in the characters’ lives; Kennedy Ryan does this best. I loved that this was a love story with an HEA but it also took us through divorce, co-parenting, infidelity, new careers, forgiveness, and new love. The story is vast and quaint.

The Setting—I loved being back in Skyland!

What Didn’t Work For Me:

Second Half Pacing—Judah got a little intense for me and I was wondering if there was going to be an issue with him pressuring Soledad too far. There was also just SO much in this book, I wasn’t sure where my attention and focus should be.

Character Authenticity: 4/5 Spice Rating: 3.5/5 Overall Rating: 4/5

Content Warnings:

infidelity, seizures, embezzlement, racism

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Kennedy Ryan's writing is outstanding in This Could Be Us.

She fearlessly tackles complex themes, from social justice to matters of the heart, adding depth and authenticity to her narratives.
Kennedy Ryan showcases remarkable versatility in her storytelling. Her characters are vivid and thought-provoking, drawing readers in with their depth and resilience from beginning to end.

In Soledad's story you fall apart and are better than when you started. This is a must read

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I adore Kennedy Ryan, always. The romance is beautiful and the sensual scenes are on point, but something I love about her characters is that they feel mature. They feel grounded, having lived enough that a fresh start feels earned. It feels personal, making for an intimate reading experience.

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4 stars

This is a well-written romance with diverse characters and a compelling storyline. I liked the fact that the leads are mature, in their forties, dealing with real-life situations - children with autism, rebuilding a fractured life, co-parenting in the 21st century. However, the spicy scenes were a bit too explicit for *my personal taste*. That's a me problem, not an author problem, or a writing problem. Also, some of the New Age, #datingmyself content tended to make my eyes roll. I appreciate the concept, but it seemed a bit repetitive. Again, that's a me problem. Would I read another Kennedy Ryan book? Probably not. Would I recommend one to a friend who I thought would appreciate it? Absolutely. That seems like a paradox, but it makes sense to me. Just because I didn't love the book with my whole heart doesn't make it a bad book.

I appreciate the opportunity to have read this digital ARC in return for an honest review. Thank you Forever/Grand Central Publishing and NetGalley.

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𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐: 5⭐️
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: Contemporary romance 📚

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜:
And I thought I couldn’t love a book as much as I love Before I Let Go! If you’re looking for a book that will leave you will all the feels, this one’s for you!

𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎:
Soledad’ story
Slow burn romance
All the drama
Themes of self love and growth
Beautiful and heartbreaking romances
Great characters
Found family
Dual POV
Community and small businesses
Empowering reads

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍:
Not only the autism rep but I loved how Kennedy displayed how differently autism looks for each person
Judah was just *chefs kiss*

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛:
Edward- we hate him

𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜:
★ "It's not an endgame." I push away from the wall and step close, carefully lift the curls around her hairline away from her face. "It's a begin game."
★ "Like always, just the touch of our hands sends a thrill through me, as if our hearts meet and beat between our palms."
★ "But there's nothing for him to save me from, because I've saved myself.”

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This Could Be Us, the second book in Kennedy Ryan’s Skyland series, follows Soledad Barnes. Soledad is the queen of domestic homemaking and she has life PLANNED OUT. That is, until she finds out everything she thinks she knows about her perfect husband is a lie.

What follows is the most beautiful story of a single mom, figuring out life on HER TERMS. We also follow single dad, Judah Cross, who is raising twins on the spectrum. The story with Judah and his boys is a wonderful portrayal of inclusion and representation.

The BIG thing I love about both of the books in this series by Kennedy Ryan is the stories of people in MID LIFE, with families, following not only their romantic relationships, but also their friendships and their parenting experiences. Ms. Ryan covers it all and she does it beautifully.

Can’t recommend this book enough!

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5 stars!
Kennedy Ryan can do no wrong in my eyes. This story was beautifully written. I couldn't get enough of it.

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Thank you Forever Publishing for the gifted copy!
Read if you like: starting over, romance after divorce
This book was full of drama and I kinda felt like I was watching reality TV in a good way. I was fully engaged in this story and really enjoyed it. Sol must pivot from being a stay at home mom to full time provider when her life and marriage fall apart. I appreciated the hard work Sol put into taking care of her daughters. The romance was fun and spicy but took a backseat to the rest of the plot. I also liked Judah and how kind and caring he was! I definitely recommend this one!

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If Kennedy writes it, I'm absolutely going to read it. I loved, loved, LOVED this book. The way Kennedy humanizes characters and makes them feel like someone you know should be taught in college. I truly don't know how she manages to make every single character feel like someone you actually know but my God does she do it well. This book made me laugh, cry, and everything in between. Kennedy, thank you for writing the stories that you do. Just thank you.

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I read this in one sitting. It was that good and, dare I say, better than the first installment of the Skyland series. I felt so connected to Soledad, her journey, her triumph, and her glorious second act. The ending felt a tiny bit extra for me and how the resolution was done just didn't work for me. But, that very minor issue aside, I absolutely loved Sol and Judah's story! (Also, BRING ON HENDRIX'S BOOK!!!) #ThisCouldBeUs Rating: 😍 / loved it

This book was scheduled for publication on March 5, 2024. Thank you @readforever for providing me this digital ARC via @NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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No story is more satisfying than that of self-love and women lifting other women.

Before I Let Go was my Best Book of 2022 so it’s no surprise that my fingers didn’t tap the Read Now button fast enough when it became available on NetGalley. While the first book was heavier, this was just as impactful. For the record, this did not disappoint and Kennedy Ryan is truly a masterclass in nuanced romances.

While this features a romance between Soledad and Judah, two single parents brought together by what is seemingly an ill-fated incident, we get that and so much more.

We get to see Soledad rise up from betrayal after her life of ease crumples down. What I loved even more is that being a stay-at-home mother is depicted as a strength in this book and not something to be looked down upon. She was able to provide for her daughters by embracing her abilities honed by years of domesticity.

Secondly, I loved the autism representation in this book. I never knew how much the parents are going through though I do have an idea. One particular scene brought me to tears and I will definitely remember to be empathetic if I encounter such in real life. It doesn’t hurt to offer kindness especially to those who clearly need it.

Lastly and definitely not the least, I think the real crux of this book is in its women as depicted by the sisterhood (both by blood and by choice) and the mother-daughter dynamics. Also, the co-parenting aspect where the ex-wife was not shown as a villain is so refreshing to read.

Let’s not forget about Judah. We all want a man who can stand on the sidelines and let his woman grow and be herself, not to mention a devoted father to his autistic sons.

It took me forever to write this review and I still don’t think I’m giving it any justice. Simply pick this one up and see for yourself.

Thank you so much to Forever and Kennedy Ryan for my copy. All opinions are honest and my own.

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Kennedy Ryan is a queen. A master of her craft. Top tier writer--like not just of the romance genre, but all. While yes she gives us an incredible romance every time her nuance, layers, wit, and charm are bar none to anyone else in the business.

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Another beautifully written story penned by my girl Kennedy Ryan. She never disappoints at writing the kind of stories that make you feel. This Could Be Us wasn’t any different, there was romance between Judah and Soledad and an incredible journey of self rediscovery with Sol.

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This was such a beautifully written romance novel that explores themes of self-love, acceptance, grief, finding love again and so much more. I love how well-rounded all the characters were, including the side-characters. We learn about their backstory, their motivations, and can see how they grow and develop throughout the story.

I love how the author potrayed co-parenting, and also could see firsthand the thought and care she put into the autistic representation in this book. Although this is a romance novel, it did feel more like the romance was a sub-plot, which I actually preferred! I loved seeing Soledad grow and navigate life on her own terms and build a life for her and her daughters.

Would highly recommend this!

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this could be us >>>>

This was such a well written book, the emotional depth of the characters and kennedy’s ability to write them in a way that you instantly connect with them is amazing. Kennedy just never does me wrong!

Soledad is literally pulling herself out of hell, she’s putting the pieces of her life and heart back together after her ex husband shredded them. Then she meets judah a single dad who seems to be so much more different than the men she is used too. I loved judah because he was everything you could want in a man and he was just what soledad needed in her life someone who was loving, caring, emotionally available, and not afraid to express his love for her. The romance with judah was definitely secondary but i’m glad it was because this was one of those stories where the journey to healing needed to be at the forefront. The relationship and connection between soledad and judah was amazing but needed to be second to the relationship soledad had with herself, she needed to heal from her past and move on in order to be fully emotionally available for judah and he was so patient and supportive in her journey.

This story was just beautiful, i love that soledad was able to find herself and get her happy ending. After being pulled down for so long she was finally able to find a way to stay afloate.

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Ahh! This book was addictive!! So so good! I loved the Autism representation in this book. I work with children with Autism and the representation was extremely realistic. This book had the perfect amount of story line and steam! Highly recommend to anyone seeking a steamy romance

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It's an interesting story. Because at the same time that I was all for Soledad's journey after everything happened for her to build herself and her self confidence, I could not stand how she kept getting in her own way when it came to her happiness. I did like that everyone around her tried to make her see how she deserved her happiness but no one ever pushed her on anything. They saw that she needed to go through her journey but they helped her see things when she was stuck. I liked the communication displayed by everyone; there was no miscommunication, which was really refreshing.

I liked how the author didn't focus on the person that hurt her. Even though he was a part of what triggered her, he was was treated as a footnote on her story. I liked the main love interest and his relationship with her and with his sons. But even with his PoVs, I never felt that I got to know him; he wasn't nearly as well developed nor as well shown as Soledad. I understand it was her story but I wanted more about him, more about his personality.

Overall, I liked it, didn't love it.

Thank you Netgalley, author, and publisher for the ARC.

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A beautifully written book with a strong FMC, Soledad had an incredible journey to become the best version of herself for her girls.

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I got this book as a NetGalley Read Now eARC back in November. It is just so good. I loved Soledad’s resilience and the representation throughout the book. She goes through so much and still has to soldier on. My favorite part of this book hands down was how strong she was and how she was able to put the pieces of her life back together. Another brilliant book from Kennedy Ryan.

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This Could Be Us brought me right back to my favorite trio of friends, Yasmen, Hendrix, and Soledad. Just like in Before I Let Go, these friends are there when one of their own needs them.
Soledad has had everything planned out, except when she finds out her husband has been lying and betraying her. That is something she didn’t plan. Now she must rebuild her life from the ground up, in order to take care of her family.
Judah Cross is a single dad and forensic accountant, who finds Soledad irresistible. Soledad decides while she is rebuilding her life after her divorce, that she is going to “date herself” to make sure she is focused on her own happiness. Judah is more than happy to wait for her and give her any time that she needs.
This Could Be Us was the perfect story about loving yourself and being brave enough to take a risk at loving someone else after a betrayal. I loved the journey that you get to see Soledad take and all things Judah(the ultimate cinnamon roll). I’d like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for my honest review. I’d also like to thank Kennedy Ryan for another amazing read!
4.5/5 ⭐️

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