Member Reviews

I had someone recently tell me they want to read real stories about Black romance and Black characters. From recent reads, the first book that came to mind was This Could Be Us. Kennedy does such a good job at writing diverse yet layered and engaging romances.

From self discovery to the layers of unlearning old relationships habits, in this story you see Soledad grow. I enjoyed watching her journey and seeing her explore every title from wife, mother, sister, friend, daughter, entrepreneur and so on.

I love that every book Kennedy Ryan writes you can see the research she has done on the topic. I throughly enjoyed how she showed Judah’s commitment to his twin boys and their needs. She does an excellent job of describing some experiences of kids on the spectrum (some of which I was aware of and others I was not).

I won’t provide a synopsis but read the description for an idea of what you’re in for. If you like slow burn, instant chemistry, female friendships, self-love and triumph; you will enjoy this book!

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Early last year I read and loved Before I Let Go and I was so excited to read Soledad’s story.

In typical Kennedy Ryan fashion, the characters in this story have so much depth and soul to them. Soledad is finding her own footing after her picture perfect life was turned upside down by her ex. Her journey towards healing and rediscovery was really inspiring. I love that she found solace in an unlikely place with Judah. He allowed her the space and grace to heal and work on herself. This was a superbly executed slow-burn!

What I really love about this story was Judah and his two boys who are Autistic. Kennedy did such an incredible job showing the nuances of Autism and was able to show the readers what a broad and beautiful spectrum Autism truly is. The Author’s Note really spoke to me as a fellow mom of an Autistic son with high support needs and it made me love Kennedy even more than I did before.

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This is the second book in the Skyland series. I loved Before I Let Go and this book lived up to my high expectations following book one. This book follow Soledad after her world falls apart. This book made me feel some type of way. I related to this character in ways I did not expect and it really made me deal with some emotions. I was a single mom for a long time after my emotionally abusive spouse cheated resulting in divorce and I wish I had handled all of it half as well as this character does. Kennedy Ryan is a master at her craft and this book is the perfect mix of friends, family, the strength of women, and spice. Judah is the type of man that can restore your faith in men after someone as awful as Edward. Judah and Soledad are both amazing parents. Judah’s relationship and patience with his sons is the way I wish I could be. I love all of the characters and I’m always happy to check in with Yasmin and Josiah. I can’t wait for the next book.

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Rating: 4.25 stars

Soledad Barnes is a planner and a fixer. She’s a stay-at-home mom, and she can lead or host any party. However, the one thing she cannot fix or come up with a plan to resolve is her marriage. As talented as she is, she cannot deal when her life crumbles around her. Soledad has no choice because she has her daughters to take care of. The biggest curveball is when a new man enters the picture. She shouldn’t want him, but she does. Only she doesn’t know who to trust and if she’s brave enough to let herself love again.

After reading Before I Let Go, I was ecstatic to hear Soledad was getting her own story! Kennedy Ryan writes sensitive topics with such grace and care. I loved the autism representation in this story. As well as the strength of Soledad and the representation of her heritage. She is strong as hell, and I’m glad she got a second chance at love. I’m not typically a fan of the single dad trope, but it worked in this book for me! Judah was everything! He showed up for Soledad, was incredibly considerate, and always came through to help the people he loved. While Before I Let Go was a heart-wrenching story, I ended up loving this book more.

Thank you to Net Galley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the ARC!

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Such a beautiful story of rebuilding and learning how to love yourself. I was hooked for the beginning and I really enjoyed seeing Soledad’s journey through her divorce and her self-partnering.

I would have liked a bit more romance, but I understand that the story was mostly one of resilience and self worth. To me, it read more as a Women’s fiction than a typical romance novel, but I loved every moments between Soledad and Judah.

I highly recommend it if you’re looking for an emotional story with strong female characters and amazing friendships.

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An9ther Homerun for Kennedy...I meani dont even know how to describe the way she easily captures and holds readers with words that turn into images. Her story lines and characters are intricate, delicate,and I can tell that she takes her time with them. Highly recommend

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I have no words - this was everything I could want in a content romance ♥️

Do you ever read a book and feel like it was written just for you? From the parenting struggles, to finding yourself in the throes of motherhood and finding your friends who become your family - this was an absolutely beautiful emotional roller coaster! It shredded my heart and stitched it back together in a way only Kennedy Ryan can do!

Ps - Edward…it’s on sight! 🥊

Thank you so much Forever Publishing for the advanced copy!

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When the ARC for This Could Be Us landed on my kindle I literally had to force myself not to read it right away because I had so many others I had to read. Apparently I can be forceful with myself when needed.

I was so elated and filled with happiness and joy when I read this book. While Soledad had a lot thrown at her she was a steadfast warrior who instead of giving up she buckled down and gave it her all. She gave her all to her girls but she also did with herself. She took everything that had exploded in her life and used it to grow, to learn and to see that she could stand on her own two feet and love herself while picking up the pieces.

Now Judah. Oh boy that man is total man goals. Utter perfection and willing to let Sol see where her story would take her and he just hoped it would lead him into a permanent place in her life.

This book definitely needs to be on your tbr list.

**Received ARC through NetGalley. Voluntarily reviewed.**

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Kennedy Ryan is my favorite author. Her ability to get you so deeply invested in her characters so quickly is beyond compare. Her writing is so skilled and deft that every emotion the characters are going through you also experience as the reader.

From the first page to the last, this book had me hooked. I was so compelled to finish it to find out what was happening to Soledad that I never wanted to put it down.

But... I do feel the romance in here is weak when I compare it to past Kennedy books. This feels like women's fiction, and I don't mean that in a negative way, as I do enjoy women's fiction. But I was expecting a romance. Which kind of breaks my heart because no one on the planet, past or present, can write romance like this woman.

This book is overwhelmingly about Soledad's journey, and it is a beautiful and compelling story, no doubt about it. But if you are expecting epic romance, adjust your expectations for this one.

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I read Before I Let Go right before this and LOVED it, and I'm just so sad I have to wait another year for what I know is going to be the marvel that is Hendrix's story!

But now for the task at hand: Soledad and Judah's story! These two were so great together and the chemistry jumped off the page as soon as they met, but this was a rare occasion where I actually loved the slow burn romance because of the story we got of Soledad's reawakening and repossession of her power.
There was so much happening in so many large and small moments from the very beginning, and it's hard to write much without spoiling the story, but this is really a book about a woman who reclaims her voice, her power, and what makes her who she is. And she does it all while being an amazing, strong, flawed, open, connected, real human being.

You get to see a mother navigate an extremely hard situation, a friend learn how to accept help despite her shame/embarrassment at needing it, as well as a woman relearn who she is and what she needs to truly make herself happy without taking anyone else's needs into consideration. That last one being the hardest lesson for her, and for most people, really.

There are also so many great examples of representation in this book. From autistic representation, to different cultures and ethnicities, as well as supremely healthy coparenting relationships, there was so much the reader could take from this book that could stay with them long after it's over.
The romance was part of the storyline, but it wasn't the main storyline, and honestly I can't say I'm surprised. If there's one thing Kennedy Ryan is going to do, it's deliver a story with depth, nuance, heart, pain, growth, and community.
And once in a while we'll get to see how well those men take care of their women, because damn did Judah take care of Sol... 🥵
The fist pump I did when she pulled Edward aside and told him he was the problem in more ways than one, by the way! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Anyways, I absolutely, wholeheartedly recommend this book. It is not going to be a light, fluffy romance, but it is worth the extra emotional work to read it. It could probably be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading Before I Let Go first. That one is a more emotionally heavy book, though, so be aware of the triggers before you read that one.

**Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved these characters. I immediately liked the main love interests, but the cast of personalities were also fleshed out so well. Or maybe it’s just that I cared about the main characters so much that they’re affection for the other players made me want to like them too. Because I really detest Soledad’s husband, Edward (he’s the worst).

The book had the trending romance premise of a dual perspective of the love interests. Which is also a great way to give the reader more information than the characters can ever fully have. The prologue for the story really sets the tone for Judah’s personality and values. I was rooting for him before Soledad even met him. He was great. How he loves his sons, how he interacts with his ex-wife and her husband, it is an understatement to say that he’s perfect.

Soledad, similarly to Judah is a selfless person. Going above and beyond to take care of her daughters and her husband - without them really realizing how she cares for them. I was so proud of her learning to prioritize her own needs. She was still taking care of her children, but standing up for herself more and more as the story went along. I was laughing and clapping at the turn of events. There were definitely a few 👀 when the story took a turn early on, I was locked in!

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KENNEDY RYAN You never disappoint! The way you capture love and all its intricacies continues to blow me away. I’m sure readers will be able to recognize that this book was written with compassion, kindness, sensitivity and a deep understanding. I know this book is going to touch a lot of hearts.

I loved seeing Soledad bloom into the woman of her choosing. Soledad and Judah’s story left a mark on my soul. It was truly beautiful and so real! 💕 Judah’s revelations may have turned Soledad’s life upside down but it was the catalyst for a beautiful journey of self discovery for both characters.

Side note: Edward has a one way ticket to h3ll and all your readers will pitch in to buy it.

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4.5 stars

"I've come to realize that a woman who wants more and realizes she deserves it is a dangerous thing.

Soledad is everything. She's a great mother to her kids, an incredible homemaker, and can do just about anything. But none of that prevents her from the betrayal and lies of her husband, leaving her to pick up the pieces and find ways to single-handedly support her family. Soledad embarks on a journey of self-discovery and self-love, but when the perfect man enters the picture, can she trust herself to fall into another relationship?

This book was amazing! Kennedy Ryan writes such depth in her stories, and this one was a lot more plot-focused than the first Skyland book, which I really, really loved. I loved reading Soledad's journey of finding herself after such catastrophe and watching her support network around her lift her up. Judah is truly the perfect man, and I only wish the romance between Soledad and Judah had been on the page more! It was electric when it was, and I could easily have read a million more chapters of their relationship.

I can't wait to read the third book in the series because I just know it's gonna be fire.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This is a beautiful book. Kennedy Ryan’s prose is gorgeous, painful, emotional, and breathtaking. She is a staple in her genre.

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Loved it! Kennedy Ryan did what she was supposed to! I really enjoyed the story and all of the themes. I only took 1 star off because at some points i felt like it was repetitive, but other than that, really good book!

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this book was phenomenal! i did like her first book more but this one also tugged my heart strings. as someone who’s father also betrayed their family i know how Soledad and her daughters felt because I saw my mom go through that and as a daughter myself I also went through that. Soledad is such a resilient and strong character she reminded me of my mother a lot! Kennedy KNOWS what’s she’s doing and I cannot wait to read more from her. The chemistry these two had? I was kicking and giggling my feet under the covers. It was fast paced, it was entertaining and steamy when it needed to be. I adored this. Any rating is a 4⭐️

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Quick Summary: A celebration of life for a beautiful phoenix

My Review: This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan is book #2 in the Skyland series.

About the Book: A mother of three is hit hard by infidelity. Although her life is rocked and her entire world is impacted, she finds the strength to live beyond the moment of implosion. On the other side of what amounts to be personal and familial destruction, there exists a beautiful genesis.

My Final Say: Kennedy Ryan knows how to craft her stories like a boss. Is there anything else that needs to be said? Seriously! I am all up in my feelings with this one, just as I was with book #1. Bravo!

Other: The Skyland series is 2/2. Readers...just start at book one and keep it moving forward. These novels are the total package.

Book #1: Before I Let Go (Published November 2022) ⭐
Book #2: This Could Be Us (Published March 2024) ⭐
Book #3: ??? (Anticipated Date: 2025)

Rating: 5+/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Re-read: Yes
Keeper: Yes
Favorites Shelf: Yes
Status/Level: 💗
Besties List: Yes

Sincere appreciation is extended to the author, to the publisher (Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever), and to NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to review this outstanding work of fiction. Thank you also for understanding how important it is to show the beauty that can be found in diversity and in special needs. I look forward to reading more books from this talented author.

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I don't think anyone can deny that Kennedy is an exceptional writer and this is another book that perfectly showcases her talent. My favourite parts of this story were Soledad and her friendship group. The way that Soledad is written had me internally fist bumping her because her strength and determination shone through. I liked seeing the way her friends encouraged her to see a way forward not just for her girls but for herself. Judah was just the icing on the cake, watching him with his boys was quite beautiful. For me this was a book where I learned so much and I am thankful for that as it gave me a better understanding of the subject and also a bigger appreciation for what families go through. The one thing I would have liked is more of the romance between Soledad and Judah. I do understand why it had to take somewhat of a back seat in the storyline but it just felt like something was missing for me.

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Kennedy Ryan is one of my favorite contemporary authors because she writes so beautifully and courageously about real life difficulties that her characters face. She has a way of taking the reader on an emotional roller coaster ride before you get your happily ever after.

This Could be Us takes us on a journey of a heroine who faces a shocking betrayal and has to go on her own journey of discovering her strength and resilience to move forward through challenges while raising three daughters. The hero of the book is one of the best heroes I've ever read because he is an exceptional father to twin boys who are on the autism spectrum and is committed to co-parenting well with his ex-wife.

I don't want to spoil the book's surprises in this review, so all I will say is that because of circumstances it's not easy for our heroine and hero to be together. A lot of the book is seeing the way our heroine wades her way through adversity and building a brand and career for herself and all you want to do is root for her the whole way through.

I absolutely loved this book and it's slow burn. Ryan knows how to build the attraction between the two main characters and it's delicious!

I highly recommend this book and it's easily one of the best books I've read this year!

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and ReadForeverPub for this E-ARC Copy!

"A woman who wants more and realizes she deserves it is a dangerous thing." This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan

This book explores the love of self, friendships, family, new beginnings and romantic love.

I hope when you read it you experience Kennedy's powerfully evocative words that captured every character while engaging the senses with a beautiful message of survival, love, friendship, and resilience that was hands down wrapped up in an epic slow burn! The pining was top tier! Chapter after chapter written with such immense care with all the senses turned up to the highest decibel.

Soledad’s path was not easy. She was pressed but not crushed, shamed but never abandoned, staying the course long enough to discover her true self and desires for herself while being vulnerable enough to embrace self love, her children, her friendships and romantic love again!

After all she's lost...and found...can she be brave enough to make room for what could be? (From the synopsis)

You most definitely need to read it for yourself to have your own experience.

- Powerful Afro/Latina Heroine
- Autism rep
- Bell hooks vibes
- Sisterhood
- Pining
- Single dad hero

Happy Reading!

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