Member Reviews

3.5 Rounded up

Embracing Strength and Resilience in Kennedy Ryan's "This Could Be Us" - A Skyland Series Masterpiece

Reflecting on my experience with "This Could Be Us" by Kennedy Ryan, a month post-read, the words to encapsulate the profound impact of this novel remain elusive. The second installment in the Skyland series, designed as interconnected standalones, brings us Soledad's story – a tale of betrayal, resilience, and self-discovery.

Soledad, the CEO of her home, mirrors the strength of countless women, and her journey becomes a relatable reflection of empowerment. Enter Judah, a man of actions, whose caring demeanor and straightforward approach stand in stark contrast to the chaos surrounding him. Kennedy Ryan's meticulous words and storytelling is evident, enriching the narrative with insights into diverse themes, from autism to interracial marriages.

Ryan's storytelling prowess doesn't merely promise a love story but rather a journey of empowerment, self-discovery, and the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood. "This Could Be Us" is a masterfully woven tale of strength, resilience, and self-discovery, leaving me eagerly anticipating the audiobook release and already contemplating a future reread. If you're seeking a narrative that goes beyond romance, offering a profound exploration of life's complexities, "This Could Be Us" is a must-add to your TBR!

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This book was written angsty and well and I knew Kennedy Ryan would deliver on an emotional time. By the first chapter of this book, I was fully invested in the story, and it started off chaotic which I loved. I really liked how the romance wasn’t the focus and it was more about the fmc discovering herself. Soledad was a great fmc and I loved seeing her journey and character development. The romance and chemistry between the couple were great which had me smiling the whole time.
Overall, a good book that I highly enjoyed and would recommend.

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4.5⭐️ rounded up!!

Anyone who knows me knows that Before I Let Go is one of my favorite romances of all time, so I was VERY anxiously awaiting this book. And it did NOT disappoint!!

I knew going into this there would be some messy drama and it was served hot 🔥 the beginning of the book sucked me in right away! I absolutely loved Soledad’s story. This felt as much a self-love journey as it did a romance. The focus on healing from past trauma and grief, embracing life after a devastating change, and learning to love yourself wholly and above all was so beautiful. The girl groups were everything — from the 3 daughters to the sisters to the BFFs.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — if Kennedy writes it, I will be reading it!!

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Before I Let Go was my favorite read of 2022 so I had really high expectations for this book and it did not disappoint! I loved the emphasis on self love and personal growth. Soledad’s journey throughout the book was really inspiring and I appreciated the way she handle all the different emotions of her daughters. Judah is a sweetheart and I liked that he wasn’t pushy and making Soledad move faster than she was comfortable, but he also wasn’t a doormat that he let her walk all over. I love this series so much and I can’t wait for the next one!

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4 Stars ⭐️

love how freakin strong her women are. Soledad strength and how she was learning how to love and put herself first was so inspiring. Judah was just as sweet and caring as all of Kennedy's heroes. I loved seeing him with Soledad and how he'd always put her priorities first. I loved seeing him with his kids and how he was such an amazing caring father. The book was just so beautiful.

Huge Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing this copy.

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Much like Before I Let Go—the first book in this series—This Could Be Us reads like women’s fiction, but even more so. I personally really enjoyed getting to know Soledad, and cheered her on throughout the book. Judah is such a great book boyfriend. Like, whew, I was highlighting his lines through the store. He’s a real treat. What a man. I think that if you’re expecting a true blue romance, then you’ll be a little disappointed but if you’re wanting a story where a woman scorned manages to piece together a life that she never thought possible and get some orgasms and a healthy relationship out of it, then you’re right on the money. You’ll be very satisfied. I can’t wait to read Hendrix’s story too!

Thank you, NetGalley and Forever, for this eARC!

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This was an amazing follow up for the Skyland series! I loved the representation that was showcased for the ASD community. I know it will make parents with children with Autism feel seen. Soledad is an amazing women! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and Kennedy Ryan's writing!

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This is book 2 in the Skyland series and after reading Before I Let Go I knew I would absolutely be continuing with these stories. Kennedy Ryan’s way of crafting heartbreakingly beautiful stories truly manifests in this series. Relatable characters and raw experiences

I was impressed with how genuinely Ryan was able to capture the distress of seeing your child struggle. Both from Soledad and Judah’s perspective I found the depiction incredibly real and relatable.

Soledad was an incredible woman and I loved following her journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Judah? Lord. A man this patient, kind, and responsible? 🔥🔥🔥

Another thing I really loved about Judah was how he made so many connections between himself and his sons. As a neurodivergent parent, I found myself identifying with this a lot.

Rating: 4.5/5

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I knew this book would be EVERYTHING and more. Before I let go was my fave from this author and I just had this feeling when it came to this book. Soledad is amazing, I’m not saying it because she’s an Afro Latina like me, but WOW what a woman. She is straight forward, has great comeback and you can’t mess with her. What she goes through shows resilience, and strength in a way I have never read in a book before, this felt so relatable, but not in a sad way but in an empowering way. She is in her #datingmyself journey, loving and finding herself wholeheartedly.

And I mean we can’t leave JUDAH behind!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 he’s just utter perfection!

This book gives us autism representation, life after divorce for kids, and racism/colorism in families.

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I knew I would love this book because Kennedy Ryan can do no wrong. I love the emotion, passion and purpose all of her books have and This Could Be Us was no exception.

This spinoff of Before I Let Go did the impossible - it was even better than the original!

Soledad is an amazing woman, mother and friend she deserved this wonderful love story like only Kennedy Ryan could give her.

This book may make you cry, swoon, laugh and shout but it will most definitely make you feel deep to your soul.

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Soledad Barnes: the ultimate planner, designer, and fixer. But when her perfect life shatters, she rebuilds from the ground up, rediscovering her strength. Can she trust an unlikely love interest?
😮‍💨 Judah Cross

Ryan took me on a whirlwind of twists and turns! While it could have easily veered into cheesy territory (ahem, "Purple Rain"), it surprised me with its maturity. This was a love story for grown-ups, with genuine struggles and mistakes that felt like real life. I was hooked from start to finish.

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this eARC!

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Kennedy Ryan's "This Could Be Us" is a powerful and emotionally charged journey that resonates long after you turn the last page. Ryan has a unique ability to blend romance with thought-provoking themes, and this book is no exception. The characters are beautifully crafted, each with their own complexities, and the chemistry between them is palpable.

Ryan's prose is both poetic and gripping, weaving a story that captures the heart and mind simultaneously. As I navigated the twists and turns of the plot, I found myself deeply immersed in the characters' struggles and triumphs.

What sets "This Could Be Us" apart is its ability to evoke a spectrum of emotions. From moments of intense passion to self growth, the story unfolds with a raw authenticity that lingers. Ryan doesn't shy away from addressing difficult topics, and the result is a novel that feels not only entertaining but also profoundly impactful.

In essence, "This Could Be Us" is more than a romance novel; it's a poignant exploration of the human experience and self discovery. Ryan's storytelling prowess and her ability to infuse depth into her characters make this book a captivating and unforgettable read. If you're seeking a story that goes beyond the surface, filled with both passion and purpose, "This Could Be Us" is a compelling choice.

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Kennedy Ryan never misses and this book was no exception. I love this series so much for the way it tackles grown-up love stories. This book in particular tackles how brilliant women get tangled in relationships where they aren't appreciated. Soledad is such a force and even in the first book where she was a side character I wanted to root for her. I loved how she buckled down when things went wrong. I know this is a romance, but i almost felt like the primary love story was Soledad learning to take care of herself and I just loved every moment of it. There's some really amazing representation in this story of what it means to be a caretaker and what it looks like to also have to remember to take care of yourself when you're defined by how you care for other people. I just loved it so much and Kennedy will remain and auto-buy author for me. Thank you to netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC

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“I guess I wanted to let you know that when you are ready to spend time with someone else, I'd like to be that someone."

“You are very much already someone, Judah."

The second book in the Skyland series is just as amazing as the first, and maybe even more! The story follows Yasmen’s friend, Soledad. Like you read about in Before I Let Go, Soledad's marriage is in trouble. Her husband is an awful person and you see just now much he fucking sucks in This Could Be Us. I thought this story was much more dramatic than the first, and that is something I love in Kennedy Ryan’s other novels. I absolutely loved the dramatics in this one, as well.

This novel focuses on Soledad’s self-healing journey and includes a heavy emphasis on social media influencing. Soledad also has to deal with supporting herself and her three daughters and possibly falling in love…? Enter Judah. Judah. Fucking. Cross. No one is perfect, but he might be, because not only did he take the time to figure out how Soledad gives love, he also discovered how she receives love, too. Judah continues to show up for Soledad while also facing his own challenges. He is the perfect book boyfriend and I wish he was real!

This beautiful novel has good-hearted people that continuously show up for each other, lots of pure family love, a semi-slow, but burning hot romance, Autism rep, and a happy ending! This Could Be Us releases March 5th and I can’t wait for you to fall in love with Soledad and Judah as much as I did!

Kennedy Ryan was very nervous to include Autism in her novel even though it is her own lived experience. I have taught various students who are Autistic and it is truly a spectrum, and Kennedy Ryan expresses that very well in This Could Be Us.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and Kennedy Ryan for providing this arc!

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Format: Kindle ARC
🌶️ Rating: 4

“This Could be Us” is Kennedy Ryan’s 2nd book in the Skyland Series but this book could be read as a standalone. However, I recommend this 1st book (Before I Let Go) as it is equally as good.

Ryan’s storytelling is so unique and compelling for me. The characters have a lot of depth, and it’s not just surface level. This book in particular follows Soledad’s (an Afro-latina) journey who is in a difficult marriage. Even though her marriage might look picture-perfect on the outside, it is not. She is a mother of three girls, living a “teenage life” when things start falling apart. Her husband not only commits a felony at his job, but he is also cheating on her.

Judah is the CPA at her husband’s job who uncovers her husband's crime.

Judah is a divorced father of two twin boys with autism. Ryan does a magnificent job at giving us a glimpse of what that is like for parents. Even thought it’s challenging Judah manages to perfectly describe how things can be day to day and what it takes to make sure he does everything in his power to be the best dad to his kids.

As Soledad deals with keeping her life together and not falling apart, Judah steps in and this slow burn romantic story starts to unfold. These books are a lot more than just romance and that is why I adore them so much.

Thank you Forever Publishing and Netgalley for allowing me to read this ARC.

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Before I let go is one of my favorite books. I had such high expectations going into this and every single one was exceeded. Soledads self love journey was absolutely everything to me. Her story with Judah (as incredible as he is on his own) was just a bonus. Every part of this story was beautifully and carefully written.

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Everything Kennedy does, is just breathtaking. This story I loved more than the first…is that possible?! We love an underdog story but Soledad was never truly an underdog, she had so much untapped potential that it took some traumatic to wake her up and harness her power. And Judah?!! The patience of this man is something unmatched and his character the way he protected her and showered her with what she deserved is so inspirational. I loved this book and honestly was on my favorites this year. Thank you ReadForever for this ARC!!

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Kennedy Ryan did her thing with this book. Soledad is such a fierce protector of her girls and seeing her growth in 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘉𝘦 𝘜𝘴 was truly inspiring. Her journey of self-discovery and finding her worth is one I know many will resonate with, especially after going through something traumatic as Soledad did.

Judah Cross is such a patient man and the way he cares for Soledad and his children is out of this world. He is the best dad and co-parents so well with his ex-wife. Their relationship was done with such care and its very obvious how much they respect each other despite going their separate ways. I really enjoyed seeing these moments, it's very mature, but also filled with so much love.

Thank you ForeverPub for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Another hit from Kennedy Ryan, no one is surprised. I loved reading about Soledad's journey to become the best version of herself. She wanted to learn how to love herself and know that she is enough and she doesn't need a man. Judah comes along and is the sweetest person ever. He knows that she has sworn off men for now but all he wants is a chance, when she is ready. He is the best father to his kids and I just love him. My only problem is that I feel like they didn't spend enough time together outside of sex. I know it was there but I wanted to see more of the emotional bonding.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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4.5 Another stunning Black romance from Kennedy Ryan with a saga of self-discovery and growth for the woman main character built in.

Soledad's life is left spinning after the FBI arrests her husband for financial crimes right as she discovers her husband's infidelity. She is left raising their 3 daughters in a very expensive neighborhood in Atlanta with no job and frozen bank accounts. Soon she is developing her career as an influencer, leveraging her lifelong talents of building community, making people feel heard, and kitchen and household hacks. She is dating herself.

...And also avoiding a strong pull to Judah, the forensic accountant at her ex's workplace who discovered his financial crimes.

Read if you love:
- women rising from the ashes of a toxic relationship and getting a second chance at true love
- Black romance w/Afro Puerto Rican rep
- relationships where both have kids from previous relationships
- a glance at healthy coparenting (Judah and his ex)
- Autism rep of multiple types
- A bad ass female friend group that cheers Sol on

I can't wait to see what Ms. Kennedy has in store for Hendrix next!

Thanks to Read Forever and Netgalley for the e-ARC. All thoughts my own.

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