Member Reviews

This is a book that you read in one setting. Kennedy, Ryan is unmatched in the modern romance world. My favorite thing she does is write about powerful female friendships and how important they are to all of us. I cannot survive without my friendships and to see how Soledad friends support her and have her back at all times is the core of this book. Judah is a perfect book boyfriend with his own unique perspective that really needs to be seen more of. Again, Kennedy has a beautiful way of writing really hard topics. Kennedy Ryan is one of the most popular authors out there today and she is always at the top of the list of authors I recommend.

Thank you #Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Kennedy Ryan is quickly becoming a fav of mine. I loved her first book in this series and this was a fun continuation of that-even though this can be read as a stand-alone.
Loved these characters! I felt such devastation for Soledad and her kids with everything Edward did. I actually gave me anxiety.
But I loved this romance and could have even used a little more to the story. Can’t wait for Hendrix story!

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This is a must-read for any woman who ever needed to hear, “You are Enough,” and to know that a period of self-partnering may be just what the doctor ordered.

I already fell in love with Soledad after reading Ryan’s 2022 release, Before I Let Go, and could not wait to get her story which is why it landed on my list of most anticipated romance books of 2024 and it did not disappoint.

I love reading Kennedy Ryan’s books because she packs so much into it that it’s really more than just a romance. Don’t get me wrong, I read them for the central love story and happily ever after but I always leave her books feeling as if I’ve either learned something new, had my perspective changed or was just given MORE.

This Could Be Us is a book about rising up from the ashes, reminding yourself that you can stand on your own two feet, and demonstrating that parenting is the greatest act of selfless love and yet a bit of self-centered love is necessary too. It’s a book about sisterhood and family and finding your person. It’s all of this and I loved it.

Soladad is a 41-year-old woman who’s been married to Edward for sixteen years who is a homemaker, or in her case a real domestic goddess, raising their three daughters. Just one scene with Edward and his nasty comment about his wife’s body was enough for me to see that this dude was a bad guy.

Soladad recognized that her marriage was not what it once was but she was completely blindsided when her husband commits the ultimate betrayal in not just one but in multiple ways.

From that moment on we get to see Soladad on a journey of recovery and discovery. Forced to now provide for herself and her three girls, we see her succeed as an influencer. Someone who takes her passions and what she’s good at and makes those talents work for her. She pushes back on those who don’t believe being a homemaker is a “job” or that a “normal job outside the home” is the only way to get it done. Thank you Kennedy for pressing this point. Women who stay at home and raise the children are some of the hardest workers I know as well as those who juggle both home and outside work responsibilities.

I loved watching Soladad’s journey of re-finding the trust she has in herself and recognizing an amazing man when she sees one when he proves over and over that he is and not like her scheming, rotten ex-husband.

Though this was about Soladad’s heartbreak and journey back to love, I fully fell for Judah. He is a man who walks the walk and talks the talk. He is a present father who is there for his two twins who have autism. He is an amazing co-parent with his ex-wife. He is a man who fell first and hard but did not want to get in the way of Soladad’s journey and yet showed her his support is so many small and meaningful ways.
I will say she is quite lucky how quickly Soladad made it as an influencer and able to pay her mortgage, private school tuition and activities fees but we’ll go with it.

I especially love that the sisterhood I first fell in love with in Before I Let Go continued in this book with Hendrix and Yasmen supporting Sol in every way they could. Hendrix was the real focus because Kennedy is setting us up for her book which should be next and I am here for it!
This book has it all – great writing, amazing storytelling, beautiful characters and a depiction of life with all the highs and lows that accompany it. I highly recommend it!

*Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced reader copy. All opinions are my own.

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Talk about triumph after tragedy.

When I read “Before I Let Go,” I knew I wanted Soledad’s story to be next because of the way her interactions with her husband were framed. Well, Ms. Ryan more than delivered, giving us a beautifully crafted tale of growth and resilience. Watching Soledad come out stronger on the other side after everything Edward put her through was so wonderful. We also see her daughters grow from the experience as well. I know Deja was kind of a contentious character in "Before I Let Go," but I really loved the subplot with her and Lupe helping out their friend whose mom had cancer.

As a mother to a child with autism, I absolutely LOVED that part of Judah’s storyline. The fact that he and Tremaine were able to do what was best for their boys was incredible. Parents of children with autism often divorce because of the stress and strain of caring for a child with additional needs, but I appreciated that there was no love lost between them. Tremaine especially handled things very gracefully when the boys chose to stay with Judah over her, and my mama heart hurt for her. I could tell that Ms. Ryan really wanted to get this storyline right based on her own experience with autism. I can't say that I've read a lot of books that represented the parenting side of autism, so I really appreciated that she chose to explore it here.

Similar to “BILG,” “This Could Be Us” is more women’s fiction than romance (which may be confusing for some people), but the romance aspect is done very well. I will say that I think both books really shine with their depiction of the healing power of female friendships. The bond between Sol, Yasmen, and Hendrix is incredible. I know not everyone is going to like the content creator angle, but it is 100% a sign of the times we are currently in. The reference might be dated in 15 or 20 years, but it makes sense for right now.

Overall, I absolutely adored "This Could Be Us." I can't wait for Hendrix's story next!

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Kennedy Ryan has quickly become a must read author for me. This book ( the second in the series) was like a visit with old friends , a totally fabulous time while wishing there was more.

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4.5 stars rounded up

Book 2 in the Skyland series, this one follows Soledad, one of Yasmen's besties from Before I Let Go.

Soledad has it all together, the marriage, nice house, and 3 lovely girls. That is, until the life she thought she was building comes crashing down.
She refuses to crumble, and puts all of her focus into providing for herself and her daughters.

Kennedy Ryan is a goddess and you can't tell me otherwise. I've completely fallen in love with her writing, and the complex characters she builds. She does strong female characters, mental health, and supporting characters incredibly well, and I'm so here for it.

Soledad is a damn force. The amount of self-discovery and growth that she goes through is unrelenting and so inspiring.
I also loved the Autistic representation, and that Kennedy shared her personal experience in her authors note.

Thanks to Forever Pub for my gifted advance e-copy; all opinions are my own.

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This Could be Us by
4.5 out of 5 ⭐️ (rounded up to 5 since I can't do half ratings on NetGalley.)
Spice rating: 3 out of 5

Just from the author’s note at the beginning I knew I was going to love this book. You can tell that Kennedy Ryan put a lot of care and thought when writing this book.

I have to admit that it took me getting an ARC for this book to finally read one of her books. Despite seeing a lot of amazing reviews I never picked up any, and I am now kicking myself for that because both Before I Let Go and This Could Be Us were fantastic reads. They were both emotional and heartwarming. I can’t wait for Hendrix’s story.

Things I loved:
💕 The friendship between Soledad, Yasmen, and Hendrix. Their friendship was filled with unconditional love and support.
💕 First I loved that there was an autism rep,I don’t have personal experience but I think it was done well. I loved that Judah and his ex-wife had a healthy co-parenting relationship. I loved that despite loving and caring for each other, they knew that separating was best, and that they were mindful as to how to go about it.
💕 Loved that Soledad was able to come one out stronger than ever, despite being blindsided by her ex (who by the way is the biggest jerk ever).
💕 Loved the chemistry between Soledad and Judah. I loved that Judah respected and encouraged Soledad to continue her journey of independence. You can tell that Judah saw Soledad as his equal.

One little thing that I wish more of was to see more of Judah and Soledad’s relationship. I felt like it went from “we can’t be together” to “I can’t live without you” in a matter of a few pages. I would have loved to see more of the in between. And I know that would have probably made the book longer, since there were so many topics discussed, but that’s just a personal preference.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and would highly recommend picking it up.

Thank you @netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This review was also posted on my Bookstagram @tels.reading.journal.

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THIS BOOOK!!! Soledad ♥️ Judah

Kennedy Ryan is going to be a new favorite author I can feel it. Her writing is stellar! I ate this entire story up, the plot around the romance was so good. I love a good second chance at love romance. Other favorites were: the friendships, the journal reflections from her mami, disability representation and self growth.

I do feel that so much of the book was about self growth and resiliency that there is not a ton of romance development, for a book being marketed as a romance. I’m not sure why this bothered me so much when I can read other books like this & feel ok with it not being overly fleshed out? Maybe just a little too long and repetitive towards the end but really just an amazing book.

“I told her I am the love of my life. I have learned to love myself without judgement or condition.”


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I absolutely love Kennedy Ryan and have been looking forward to this book since I read ‘Before I Let Go’ last year. I’m so happy to say this one did not disappoint! The slow burn, the chemistry, the representation — all of it was so masterfully done! Can’t wait to get my physical copy when it comes out March 5th.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Loved watching Soledad and Judah's relationship unfold while they dealt with life's happenings. Kennedy Ryan has a way of engaging her reader from the very beginning. Her characters are relatable and you feel like you are rooting for your friends. And she never forgets to add the spice.

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I love Kennedy Ryan, I love Sol and Judah, and I love this book. This honestly might be my favorite KR story. This book made me feel things that I didn’t know I needed to feel. I’m consistently in awe of the way that Kennedy writes these beautiful love stories!

This book was like the big hug I didn't know that I needed. Seeing the way that Yas and Hen supported and uplifted Sol through her hard times made me so emotional. I dream of having strong, supportive friendships with black women.

I loved seeing Sol rise to the occasion and support her and her girls. I love the self-love journey that Sol went on. I love the way that Judah wanted Sol in anyway that he could have her. I love the way that spectrum that Autism is, was well represented throughout the story. I could go on and on with all the things that I loved. I know that this book will be sticking with me for a long time.

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A romance with depth (and spice) thanks to Judah. He's the one who blows up Soledad's life. Well, actually her awful husband does when he cheats on her and embezzles millions from his company. Judah is the CPA who uncovered the crime. And he's the one who touches her heart even as she scrambles to keep her house, her daughters fed. and their bills paid. Judah is the father of twin boys with autism and this is woven gracefully into the story. You'll root for him, for them, for the couple. I hate to be the one who quibbles but the company can't make a deal, only the government.. The characters are good, Ryan's captured the neighborhood, and it's engaging (and spicy) enough to keep you turning the pages. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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Kennedy Ryan—you pull at my heart every single time. Thank you for yet another masterpiece. You’re flawless as a writer and when I open your books, I’m pulled out of my world and into yours. True world around me stills and this story is no different.

This story felt raw and incredibly real. Absolutely recommend!

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This Could Be Us is a true testament to a single mothers' struggle. Never a time to gloat, grieve or harp. She must continue to do what she needs to take care of her family, regardless of what the cards have dealt. Soledad must be the provider, chef and employee, ever since her husband has left her in an unfortunate predicament. She can only do what needs to be done and try to move on. Can she find love after heartbreak, or will her family be her main focus?

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Having been captivated by the first installment of Kennedy Ryan's Skyland romance series, I eagerly delved into "This Could Be Us," a story centered around Soledad's journey of self-discovery and self-love after a tumultuous divorce. While Ryan's storytelling prowess shines through, my overall experience was marred by the unrealistic perfection bestowed upon every character in the book.

Soledad, our main protagonist, emerged from the pages as a paragon of flawlessness. Her seemingly flawless nature extended to every facet of her being, leaving little room for depth or complexity. The absence of imperfections made Sol a one-dimensional character, and her perfection became a source of monotony rather than inspiration. And it was these lack of flaws that detracted from the relatability of her journey, making it challenging to fully invest in her growth and development.

The same unrealistic perfection extended to the characters around Soledad as well, even her scumbag ex-husband, who was perfectly awful in every way. The absence of nuance in character portrayals created a stark contrast with the complexities of real-life relationships, making it difficult to connect with the characters on a deeper level.

Additionally, the excessive focus on elements other than the central romance between the two main characters left me yearning for more emotional depth in their connection. While the story delves into Soledad's journey, the romance felt overshadowed by other plot elements, leaving the central romance of the book somewhat diluted.

Despite these shortcomings, Kennedy Ryan's engaging storytelling is evident throughout the novel. The prose are top notch, and the emotional beats are skillfully crafted, providing moments of genuine connection. With a more balanced portrayal of characters and a renewed focus on the core romance, "This Could Be Us" could have been a more immersive and satisfying experience.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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Kennedy Ryan you have yet to let me down!! I went into this knowing it was Soledad’s story, and that was about it. This had such an interesting plot and had me hooked! I loved Soledad’s journey and growth throughout the story and how she was able to realize starting a new relationship with Judah does not erase that. I loved Judah from the start, he was an incredible father and I loved seeing his relationship with his two sons.

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Absolutely amazing! I loved the first book in the series, but I connected even more to this story! The way that Kennedy Ryan is able to create such vibrant and real characters and make us fall in love with them is just amazing! Absolutely recommending this to all of my friends!

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I applaud Kennedy’s dedication to writing an unconventional love story. I thought it was well researched and the Puerto Rican and autism representation was beautiful. The book started off really strong for me , the marital issues and drama in the first few chapters was gripping. After that however, it just fell flat for me and was a little boring. I know it’s supposed to be a slow burn but the plot of a love story isn’t really address until the last couple of chapters. The majority of this was about Soledad’s self love journal, which is fine but ended up leaving the novel feeling more like a self help book than anything else.

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“All loves aren’t created equal. Some spring from the earth and wrap around and twine through our souls like vines. Some are plants that start with tiny seeds in your heart and blossom over time, nurtured by years and commitment.”

this book was everything. as soon as I started it, I couldn’t put it down.

Soledad is a character I can relate to as a mom myself. This one specific quote really had me.

“Motherhood truly is a thankless endeavor sometimes. We sacrifice everything for these people who never really understand what we’ve done for them.”

I loved seeing her find herself. She literally went through so much but she’s a QUEEN & such a badass mom.

Judah Cross is the man. He’s such a patient father with his twin boys. Seeing those moments he had with them had me in awe.

The chemistry between Soledad & Judah was everything. It was a slow burn but it was worth it.

As soon as March 5th gets here best believe I’ll be buying myself a physical copy.

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What you’ll get:
Single parents
Chef/Influencer x Nerdy/Hot Accountant
Autism Rep
Bisexual Rep
Glorious diversity rep - Puerto Rican, Black, Biracial rep
CW/TW: Cheating, Domestic/Emotional Abuse

Setting: Georgia and South Carolina

Soledad’s husband was acting up in Before I Let Go so I’ve hated him for ages. Turns out he’s terrible and a cheating criminal so I wanted to throw hands almost immediately. He’s a narcissist who likes to make her feel small to the point where she almost believes him. After he’s arrested because of findings from his work arch-nemesis, she’s left alone to fend for herself with no money, no job and a pile of lies.

The thing I love about this series is that these characters are grown. They don’t have time to run around doing stupid things. Her cards are cancelled, she sells her things to feed those kids. She doesn’t have a job, she creates one. Woman is hustling. But the kindest thing in the book is when Judah snags her grocery list and has every single item delivered anonymously because he knows that she won’t accept it. He is so patient and lovely throughout the entire book.

Judah should be everyone’s book husband. Mark my words.

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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