Member Reviews

This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan is about a strong female character, Soledad.

Sol's life is turned upside down one day and she must figure out how to recover and be resilient.

I loved how Kennedy Ryan portrays female characters. Her writing is descriptive, emotional, and has well developed characters that the readers wants to know more about. I also enjoyed that the author incorporated Autism Spectrum Disorder into the story and appreciated the author's note about her own experiences with this in her personal life.

I adored the first Skyland book and am so glad I had the opportunity to read the second one! Than you to Forever Books for the opportunty to read this story before its release!

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Soledad Barnes is a planner. She runs her household and gets her three girls where they need to be while still keeping the house clean and getting food on the table. None of her planning matters, though, when disaster strikes and the relationship with the man she built a life with implodes. But there's no time to pout, sulk or grieve the life she lost; she still has a family to run. In the process of saving them, Soledad rediscovers herself and finds a new career along the way. Things get further complicated when an attraction between her and the man who put her husband behind bars blooms. Who can Soledad really trust? Is she ready to put herself out there again?

I LOVED everything about this book! Kennedy Ryan sucked me in from before the very first page of the story. I enjoyed hearing about Kennedy's personal connection to the autism representation weaved throughout the book. I appreciated the various levels of autism portrayed and how the delicacies surrounding discussing autism were addressed up front in the novel.

All of the minor characters had their own roles and personalities, adding to the overall storyline and making me even more excited for Kennedy to continue the series. Judah is the book-boyfriend of DREAMS. Incredible dad, incredible man, all around 10/10. Any time that Soledad did something silly and irrational, they then addressed that it was irrational, which I appreciated. It made Soledad feel very real to me.

I even liked the epilogue, and I tend to be an epilogue hater!

Definitely recommend picking this one up. Kennedy Ryan has quickly become an auto-buy author for me!

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ARC review- thank you Forever and NetGalley for an ecopy to read and review!

Soledad's story is one of self love, acceptance and finding a partner that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Soledad is a mom and her role has been raising her children and when her life is turned upside down the life she had worked hard to create was at risk of being torn down. But Soledad dug deep and she found a way to do what she has always done- provide and care for her family.

The only difference is now she is also caring for her personal needs. Finding herself and healing. Soledad is Puerto Rican and her culture and family connections came through so beautifully.

In addition to being about self love there is also a romance here. With someone completely unexpected but he has such a kind soul as well and it comes through with how he interacts with his own children. His children have autism and seeing that representation of a parent to a child with autism was handled with so much care and love.

Like with all of Kennedy's books it is so clear to me that she writes with so much intention, care and love. Each book is a love letter to the people and communities she represents. Even ones outside of her own lived experiences and seeing that everytime just makes me awestruck and appreciative of her craft.

Also... Kennedy can write a villain character like no other. 😂 She will have me ready to go swinging for her characters and that speaks volumes to the way she makes you connect with the characters.

So if is it not obvious... I loved the book and I highly recommend it.

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Well this book broke me and then put me back together.

I don't know how Ryan does it but she is able to use the absolute worst things that can happen to a person and somehow make them hopeful. As someone going through a divorce because the person was not who I thought they were, this story hit really close to home. It felt like therapy but in a book. Now I just need my handcrafted hero to *ahem* be there for me.

I have liked Sol since the last book and I was excited to see what here story had in store for me. It did not disappoint. I really hope Hen's story is as fun as she is though. I think the series as a whole could benefit from a little levity.

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Just finished reading it and loved it. Had to highlight so many quotes that touched me „I can never take responsibility for someone else’s bad character“ „i was so afraid of losing a life that wasn’t serving me well just because I wasn’t sure what else there was“. Truly enjoyed the deep, detailed and multifaceted storyline/ plot and how it felt like it was taken from real life. Super realistic and the characters as always authentic and easy to live vicariously through. Was (positively) surprised that no romance really happened until 57% or so and then it gets spicy and romantic. Looking forward to read her next book from the Skyland universe.

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“All loves aren’t created equal. Some spring from the earth and wrap around and twine through our souls like vines. Some are plants that start with tiny seeds in your heart and blossom over time, nurtured by years and commitment.”

Kennedy Ryan is an absolute force. She writes in a way that makes you feel so deeply for Soledad and her situation. As a reader, you’re so emotionally connected to the story. Everything is so rooted in reality that as the events unfold you can't help forming an attachment to the characters.

What I loved so much about this book was how resilient Soledad is. When everything happens with her husband, she turns her homemaking skills into a job as an influencer. She immediately finds ways to make money to take care of her girls. Her journey of self-love and self-partnering before dating someone else is so inspiring. She becomes such a great role model for her daughters, showing them that she is able to provide for her family.

Judah is also such an incredible character, and seeing his relationship with his twin boys that are in the autism spectrum is so uncredited. He understands their circumstances and doesn’t push them. I also liked his healthy relationship with his ex, Tremaine, and how they handle everything that pertains to their kids. He and Soledad have such instant chemistry from the moment they meet. Even though Judah wants a relationship with Soledad, he respects her boundaries and that she needs to find herself again following her divorce. It's clear that they bond over how much the care for their children, and the way their relationship develops feels so natural,

This series has been phenomenal so far and I can't wait to get Hendrix's story in the near future. This book touches on so many relatable themes and feelings, and I can't recommend it enough.

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I absolutely loved this. Such great writing - the character development was amazing. I loved that at no point did the conflict feel stupid or contrived.. Loved that it was dual POV and loved the autism rep.

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It actually PAINS me that I didn’t love this one….Before I Let Go is one of my favorite books EVER so I went into this one with extremely high expectations.

I highly considered DNFing this one around the 30% mark…the storyline was so boring to me and I had a hard time finding the will to push through.

I did only because I wanted to see Soledad’s story until the end and I absolutely ADORE the friendship aspect in this series.

The friendship between the trio is phenomenal - they are the epitome of GOALS and being there for one another through any storm.

I did appreciate how Soledad turned lemons into lemonade. She certainly took the bull by the horns and turned her life around to better her family. She is TRULY the definition of independent!

But - i just felt very indifferent about the relationship. What we did learn about Judah was oh soooo repetitive. and I just FEEL all the feels.

This felt more like a women’s fiction novel than a contemporary romance. It severely lacked on the raw and emotional side.

I will read book three because these friendships are incredible - i just needed MORE of an emotional investment in this one.

thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGallery and Kennedy for the arc. When I first read Before I Let Go (Book 1 of the series) I knew I fell for Kennedy's writing. While I haven't read Kennedy's other books, I feel a sense of myself in her books. She writes to empower women who have gone through so much, she writes about how beautiful friendships are and how much they are needed in times of need, she also writes about how putting oneself first does not need to be considered selfish, as to love others you need to take care of yourself. Soledad's story is incredibly beautiful. She's been betrayed after putting everyone's needs over herself forever, she's married with 3 beautiful girls and after being betrayed by someone she had an inkling about but ignored, she vows to not ignore her gut again. Judah is everything I want from a man. He is patient, he is loving, he is attentive, he is caring, he is above and beyond with how he loves Soledad, and she deserves that so much, how he yearns for her. This was truly phenomenally written; it was magical, and I absolutely cannot wait to read more of Kennedy's work this year. Thank you again NetGallery and Kennedy for putting this book as Read Now a few months ago and allowing me to read this art.

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Kennedy Ryan is the GOAT of writing sexy, emotional romances and I won't take any criticism on that.

Soledad's story was heartbreaking, the emotional gaslighting she had to deal with before being able to rediscover her life and purpose had me ready to fight for her. I loved how hard she worked to provide for her family and how she was able to create a stable life for her kids after the fall out from her husbands deceit.

As usual, the romance was steamy and sensual and the connection between the two characters was SO DANG GOOD.

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again! I absolutely loved Soledad and Judah’s relationship and how we got to see it slowly grow over the course of the story. Soledad went through so much with her ex-husband Edward and it was nice to see her come into her own and learn how to provide for herself and daughters without depending on Edward. I loved that Judah was an excellent father to his twin boys who are autistic and the great co-parenting relationship he has with his ex-wife. I loved that he was patient with Soledad and allowed her to fix herself before jumping into a relationship with her. The side characters were great and brought some humor to a story that at times just felt sad. I can’t wait to see what the next installment of this series will bring!

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Rating: 4.5 ⭐
Steam: 2.5/5 🌶️

💋 Single Dad
💋 Afro Latina heroine
💋 Autism rep
💋 Heroine's journey of self growth
💋 Life of an IG influencer

So much LOVE for this book and all the respect for this heroine! Soledad prioritizes learning to love herself and support her daughters before getting romantically involved with the hero after a nasty divorce. She's a stay at home mother who was betrayed by her husband. Despite her emotional trauma she manages to make a career out of nothing and found the strength to support her family. KR is a master at creating these strong heroines and this is one of her best.

I know it's only January but Judah has already made my top book boyfriends list of the year. He's a single dad with SO much love for his autistic twin sons. A patient dad is the NEW SEXY and I was here for it. Not to mention how understanding he was about Soledad needing to be "in a relationship with herself" before jumping into a new one. He wanted so much more but he gave her space and waited for her to be ready.

The chemistry was off the charts! Their relationship is slightly forbidden and that made the sexual tension even better.

1/2⭐ off because I was waiting for a final scene where Soledad shoved her success and her new man in her ex husband's face. That never came because KR is a classy lady but that would have been nice. Lol

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*thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for a copy of this eARC in exchange for my review*

It’s difficult to put into words the way I loved this book. Kennedy Ryan fashioned a story so real and so raw that it echoes down to my core. I’ve never seen a writer handle the human experience quite like this, and I feel like reading this book was a gift.

Soledad is a beautiful protagonist. She represents women (specifically women of color) in a way that is deeply honest and vulnerable, but without sacrificing an ounce of strength. Her journey is a grueling path to uncover her identity that ultimately leads her into a battle over how she sees and defines herself. This is a path that many of us take—fighting off the tendency to let other people shape us into something that fits into their lives. And I am just stunned by how Ryan wove this powerful experience into a narrative that feels so real.

Soledad and Judah are the dreamiest couple. Not only do they have all the sparks, they also have this steady energy that allows them to be the best parents they can be in situations that diverge from the “ideal.” On that note, the autism representation in this book is so thoughtful and loving. I really appreciated the way Ryan put her heart into that particular part of the story.

Now for the girl tribes. What Soledad has with her friends, her sisters, and even her daughters is the stuff that dreams are made of. This kind of support, unconditional love, and speaking truth is what I always wish for myself and my loved ones. I just want to step into this world to have a piece of it!

Overall, this book is a masterpiece of difficult choices and emotions. It’s touching without becoming too heavy. It’s honest without giving you whiplash. It’s raw. But it has a happy ending that is full of so much hope. Only heart eyes for this one.

- forbidden love
- beautifully diverse representation
- healthy divorce vs unhealthy marriage
- secret relationships
- solid parent-child connections
- The Boricua High Council
- beauty after brokenness
- #IsThisAKissingBook: open door

(Insta post on release day)

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The plot revolves around the families of Soledad and Judah. Sole is married and has three daughters but her marriage begins to crack when her husband isn’t the loving and caring person who he used to be. Judah works for the same company as Sole’s husband and one day uncovers the treacherous conducts of Sole’s husband which completely destroys Sole’s family. Judah is also divorced and is the father to two autistic sons and the story revolves around how Sole and Judah navigates their lives when they both begin to slowly find solace in each other.

It’s my first time reading a story around autistic kids and this book portrays the struggles both the kids and parents go through which is heartbreaking. The kindness and patience Judah extends to his kids is so heartwarming. He’s definitely an amazing parent. Soledad is a beacon of hope to her daughters while she tries to navigate financial difficulties after they were left with no support. I really enjoyed the family dynamics, the mixed identities, the supportive side characters as well as how Sole becomes a wonderful example of a strong independent woman for her daughters. I also loved how both Judah and Sole were so understanding in each other and navigates a relationship that is not really easy.

I did feel that some parts dragged and I didn’t quite feel the heart beating moments and romance I expected. But overall, I enjoyed this book.

Thank you Forever Pub for my e-arc.

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this book was amazing. It was so raw and real, I absolutely loved Sol’s journey to finding and loving her true self. The characters in this world are so complex and flawed, both of which make them even more perfect. I loved Judah’s patience with his sons and how that bled into his patience with Soledad. The autism rep was amazing, and Judah and Tremaine’s coparenting was nice to see.
Judah has a filthy mouth and I love him for Soledad

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Another amazing book by Kennedy Ryan! This book was similar but also so different from the first book in this series, and it was so good, I had such a hard time putting it down!

This book was such a beautiful love story, not just between Soledad and Judah, but also for Soledad finding love with herself! I absolutely loved both journeys that she went through and they were both beautiful and powerful in their own ways! This book is full of emotions, but also has a great story and characters that has you hooked from start to finish!

First of all, Judah Cross is AMAZING! 🥰 He’s such a great MMC and he can do no wrong to me! I love everything he did for Soledad and I love how he fell fast and hard for her. I also loved how much this man was involved and adored his family. His family was a highlight of the book to me and I loved seeing their interactions. I also loved how this book was a SLOW BURN! It was the slowest of the burns, but it was so well done and fit the book perfectly! Soledad and Judah are soulmates and I loved them so much together, and I feel like they brought out the best of each other!

I was so glad to read Soledad’s story and it did not disappoint! I love the journey she went through and how she grew and learned to love herself throughout the book. Her journey was beautiful and I love how strong of a FMC she is, even if she didn’t feel like it sometimes. I also love her relationship with her girls and her friends.

Overall, another amazing book in this series! I would recommend reading Before I Let Go first to get a bit of context on the community and characters, but this could also be read as a standalone! If you’re looking for a slow burn romance with lots of self love and learning how to start new, this book is definitely for you!


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INCREDIBLE. So Before I Let Go turned my world upside down and some of the hints to this book had me in anxious anticipation for Soledad’s story. Not to be dramatic but I needed it more than any 2024 release. To be clear This Could Be Us is definitely a standalone, actually in some ways more of a standalone than Before I Let Go was. Both are absolutely worth reading and are independent plots and characterizations.

The way Soledad as a rock solid mom was written is so unrepresented in media. She never wavers for and to her children. Yes, she has weaknesses and also more intensely in this book she is made weak by forces out of her control. But she always comes back and her moments of triumph had me in tears several times. I was always rooting for her and just fyi it never got *too* dark in that it was hard to read, it was in a hopeful and inspiring way. This is absolutely a love letter to stay at home moms and I loved her comebacks for the times her ex tried to belittle her.

Okay, our MMC. I loved the little sprinkle of grumpy/sunshine in this. He’s standoffish but Soledad gets to see the sweetest sides to him. I just loved his relationship with his ex-wife and I liked that this book had more than just Soledad’s example for exes. Judah is an amazing dad and the single dad angle really worked for this book. I’m not usually a fan of kids in romances (never affects my ratings it’s just one of those things for me) but even though this book is full of kids between the two of them Soledad’s journey and their romance is the central plot. Judah’s kids are really awesome too.

The autism rep in this is personal to the author and I can just share that it is so varied and nuanced and wonderful. I loved have dual POV to see life through Judah and the times he related to his twin sons. It made my heart so happy. Aaron and Adam are their own people and do not exist solely to show that other characters are capable of empathy- my biggest pet peeve that disabled particularly children characters get used for, that does NOT happen in this. Their characterization is full and beautiful.

Thank you so much to Forever for the galley, this was amazing.

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Kennedy Ryan has my heart! After reading Before I Let Go last year, I knew I needed to read more Kennedy Ryan. Now having read an advanced reader copy of This Could Be Us, I need to read everything this woman has ever written.

This Could Be Us is a story about love in many different forms than just romantic: platonic, self-love, and sisterhood. Reader’s beware that this story is so much more than a romance story between Soledad and this mystery man. It’s a story about Soledad, a woman who has dedicated so much of her life to putting other people before herself, rediscovering what she loves. It’s the story of a woman persevering and her resilience, and those that love her supporting her along the way.

The friendship and sisterhood in this novel is such an integral part of Soledad’s story that I loved. Yes the sisterhood between Soledad’s literal sisters Nayeli and Lola, but also the sisterhood between her and Yasmen and Hendrix. If there’s one thing I love is the love and strength in sisterhood and female friendships—it make me so soft to think about.

Now, let’s get to the romance and the man of the hour, the man of the century, my new love: Judah Cross. Kennedy Ryan, I love you for creating this man. Not only is he emotionally mature, but he is quite literally in the healthiest co-parenting relationship with his ex-wife that I’ve ever seen, and witnessing this man be an incredible father to his sons is such a powerful thing to read. Judah Cross, for as long as I live, you will always be famous. Let me include a quote of his thoughts about Soledad: “This yearning. This burning hunger. This all-consuming feeling that you could eat every bit of someone and never be satisfied. That you would lick their crumbs. That’s how I feel around Soledad, and it is out of control. I hate being out of control, and I keep finding ways to be around her so I can feel this way.”

I don’t know what I could say that could encompass how much I loved this book and these characters. I’ll end this review with another of my favorite quotes from this book:
“But there’s nothing for him to save me from, because I’ve saved myself. I’m wide awake, reborn, rebirth red through my own fire and pain and work and wisdom.”
So true Soledad, you really did that.

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Ryan is an excellent storyteller and nails emotional highs and lows. Both Soledad and Judah were characters I enjoyed getting to know by themselves, together, and with their families. I especially appreciated the interactions with their children.

Soledad's journey of finding herself and a way to financially support her family was moving and powerful. There were times I thought the storyline with Soledad's husband was a bit over-the-top, but it still worked.

I liked this book even more than Before I Let Go, so I'm excited to read Hendrix's story next year.

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A truly, truly beautiful read by Kennedy Ryan. Her writing is absolutely thought-provoking and engaging. I love her strong women characters, the way she portrays them, the challenges they endure and how they resolve them.

Soledad was a force to be reckoned with. She went through a very difficult time in her life, and the way she came out on the other end was amazing. Kennedy Ryan has a way of portraying her characters in such an honest, real way, you feel like you know them personally. There is no fluff or unnecessary drama. An honest portrayal of heartbreak, perseverance, and love.

Judah could have been a mythical character, he was such a wonderful man. The way Soledad and Judah came together and connected was pure bliss. I would not have been disappointed with seeing them together more, but this was focused on Soledad finding her strength and voice. I am very excited for the next book in this series!

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