Member Reviews

This is definitely gonna be in top 5 reads this year! Since reading Yasmen's story on Before I Let Go, I find myself being drawn to Soledad's character. I've been anticipating her book ever since and let me tell you - THIS DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!

If you've read the first book, we all have been rooting for Sol to finally know her worth and leave her good for nothing husband. She finally did it on this book but this isn't even where her story is focused on. This Could Be Us is written as a reminder to look for love within yourself and not anywhere/anyone else. This book put me through all types of emotions, from the rage towards Edward and all the shit he did and put Sol and their daughter too, to ALL THE SWOON from Sol and Judah's interaction. and yes, JUDAH OH MY GOODNESS. The perfect man from Sol and a man that I wish to exist IRL let's be honest. The understanding and the patience this guy has is through the roof. We also see Yas and Hen back and seeing their friendship get stronger is refreshing.

I can talk about this book ALL DAY or all year honestly. This simply spoke to me in more ways than I thought it could and I'm SOOOO grateful I read this when I did. it was just PERFECT.

Thank you soooo much NetGalley and Kennedy Ryan for eARC copy.

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First off I love Kennedy Ryan and her writing style. While intwining you with a characters story she is always including an important and relatable message in the story. A true storyteller. This Could Be Us was another great story with a deeper message. Soledad was faces with a scandal that tears the very walls down of her life and her children’s lives. Having to jump into action and change the narrative of her life after her and he husband divorce. Let’s just say Ms. Ryan made me feel all the emotions Soledad was going through and feel for her girls. Her words provoked, rage, pain, sorrow, empathy, indifference, my protective instincts all while rooting her and her girls to rise above the adversity. Through the book you follow Sol as she find herself again after being in a passionless marriage, with a man whom did not see her value not only as a mother but as a life partner. The book brushes on important subjects matters such as; trauma, manipulation, healing, self partnering, family dynamics, and the added representation of characters whom have diagnosed autism. Walking through the daily challenges and success parents have when raising children with Neurological developmental disabilities. It’s was an opening and very much appreciate intersectional message. I enjoyed This Could Be Us for many reasons, the message about love and finding yourself and trusting in yourself and your judgement, and healing yourself before beginning a relationship with another person. The complex family dynamics and the ultimate found family trope that I will forever be obsessed with. I loved this book and will continue to recommend this series!

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I was looking forward to reading Soledad's story after Before I Fall, and Kennedy Ryan did not disappoint! The romance between Soledad and Judah was patient and still electrifying. I loved reading their storyline. Even more, I loved Soledad's conviction to take care of herself and her children,

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I am a Kennedy Ryan fan girl. She always does a wonderful job of developing her characters throughout the book while also giving us a romance to root for. I really loved watching Soledad grow into her own throughout the book - and I loved that Judah respected what she needed before they got into a relationship. This is a SLOW BURN, so be warned! Also - give me all of the friendship scenes with Soledad, Hendrix and Yasmen. I can't wait for Hendrix's book so we can get more of that trio!

** I received an e-ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Kennedy Ryan hit it out of the park with this contemporary romance. She has a way with her words that makes you really feel the emotions of the characters. Judah makes my heart sing with his patience to wait for Soledad to be ready for a relationship. I love a good angsty, slow burn & dial POV book!

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I really loved Before I Let Go, so I was very excited when I found out this book was coming out!

Unfortunately, I didn't end up loving this book as much as Before I Let Go. I felt like we barely got to feel and grow with Sol and Josiah's relationship. We didn't even get to see them date! We skipped through a lot of months where we were supposed to imagine them dating and growing their relationship. I wanted to see it all play out in real time though! Another big issue I had was the dialogue, it was very cringey at times how bad it was. I wanted the characters to speak for themselves instead of being guided step by step on what was going on.

I did love that Sol was Puerto Rican and Afro-Latina, and I could tell Kennedy Ryan did her research. I loved that Josiah had 2 kids with Autism (love to see the rep) and that he was a great father that happily co-parented. We rarely get to see amazing Black fathers in books and movies!

Overall, this was more of a 3.5/5 star read for me, which still means I did like it. I think even though I didn't love it, a lot of readers will love this book. While this book was not my favorite, I'm still a big fan of Kennedy Ryan! I'm definitely looking forward to reading her next book, Hendrix's POV in 2025.

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I was a little hesitant as I didn’t love the first book in this series. Happy to say that I loved the message of this book. I was addicted to it. I didn’t want to stop reading. What a story. There was so much in this book.

Thanks to Netgalley, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever for my advanced e copy in exchange for my honest review.

Publish date: March 5, 2024

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Thank you to NetGalley, author Kennedy Ryan, and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for providing me with a free ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

I loveeee the Skyland series, and I absolutely need to check out Ryan's other works because DANG can she write!! I devoured Before I Let Go and couldn't wait for Soledad's installment. Needless to say, I flew through this read and loved it just as much. This was one of the sexiest romances I have read, and I wish every man was like Judah. Seeing Soledad grow so much as an individual was a lovely part of the book, and I loved getting to see Yasmin and Hendrix again. The way Ryan writes romance, female friendship, motherhood, self-love, really anything is so beautiful, raw, and candid. There were moments that made me giggle, moments that made me swoon, moments that made me outraged, and many more feelings. I do think that Edward's portrayal was a bit over the top, but she definitely succeeded in making him such a villain!! I also really enjoyed the representation of autism that Ryan included, and her author's note in the beginning was a great addition. I'm already so excited for Hendrix's installment and to return to Skyland!!

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Kennedy Ryan can do no wrong! Before I Let Go was one of my favorite reads last year, so I was thrilled when I got the opportunity to read This Could Be Us. We meet Soledad in the first book, and already know that her husband is...well, trash. Naturally, I was already hoping that she would find someone new. Enter Judah Cross, everyone's dream dad. Not only is he super hot, but he is also the epitome of a special needs parent. I really appreciated Ryan's true-to-life descriptions of Autism and what it is like for parents of children on the spectrum. This was easily one of my favorite aspects of the book and made me love Judah even more. Judah would be the perfect partner for Soledad - if only he wasn't the one to send her husband to prison.

I loved the complexity of the story and how this could easily happen outside of the realm of fiction. I did not love This Could Be Us as much as I loved Before I Let Go, but y'all, this series is SO good. I cannot wait for Hendrix's story to come out next year. This trio of strong ladies reminds me of The Brown Sisters (all by Talia Hibbert) and Astrid Parker's girl gang (all by Ashley Herring Blake). If you love romance that will capture you from the prologue, look no further!

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Leave it to Kennedy Ryan to help me get out of a major book slump with this masterpiece!

From the beginning of this book, I was hooked. As a reader, you are brought on the journey with Soledad as her life starts to crumble. I don't want to take away from the experience of going into this book knowing, so I will say the issues surrounding the divorce of Soledad from her husband are really juicy and will keep you turning the page as fast as possible.

Read this for:
- Single Dad
- Single Mom
- Forbidden love
- Forced proximity
- Neurodivergent rep

Soledad Barnes finds herself single, alone, with no career and responsible for supporting her three daughters. Instead of crumbling, she finds the strength and with the support of her friends she is able to start piecing together jobs around the thing she loves the most, being a mom and homemaker.

The one person she should not have feelings for is Judah Cross. The problem is there is a pull between the two of them that cannot be denied. While this book is one about the love relationship between Soledad and Judah, it also focuses on the love relationship one should have with oneself. Soledad manages to rebuild her life and in the process rebuild a relationship loving herself and finding her way back to her true self.

The autism rep in this book is phenomenal. You get perspectives in this book from the parents POV with two teenage boys who have autism. It was extremely transparent and felt vulnerable, but so loving reading about Adam and Aaron.

I really loved seeing Hendrix and Yasmen again in this book. The supportive friend group the three women have is so wonderful.

Judah was the perfect brooding hero who of course lights up when he sees Soledad. I LOVED how patient with Soledad he was. He gave her the space she needed to really recover from everything she had been through and thrive. These two had a slow burn but once they were together the sparks flew. It was burning up the pages!

This book is as stunning on the inside as it is on the outside with its gorgeous cover. Once again Kennedy swept me away to a world of emotion, love, vulnerability, raw feelings, and chemistry. I highly recommend reading this series. I can't wait for Hendrix's book!

Thank you to Read Forever pub for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was soo excited to get my very first ARC from Netgalley!

Ok. So first of all this book has won my top spot of my best read book this year. This book was soooo good!! I NEVER reread books, but I'm already planning on listening once I get my preorded copy.

Mrs. Ryan did an AMAZING job writing this book. From the character build up, to the humor, to emotional feels, the excellent display of black love, healthy love, healthy parenting, healthy friendships, respectful teenagers, positive and unashamed therapy, and the beautiful way that she wrote about Autism. I love how although one of the characters was a horrible excuse for a man, she didnt incorporate the typical "man bashing" women, but kept their ideas mature and positive about their future. Just a beautiful beautiful book.

Also, I love how the teenagers get put in their place lol. I despise the books where the teens are rude and disrespectful to their parents throughout a book and the parents just blame it all on them. Being teens lol. I will quickly dnf a book over it.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a bit of slow burn which I don’t always enjoy but the writing was beautiful. I look forward to reading more from Kennedy Ryan.

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I absolutely loved this incredibly beautiful story. Ryan has a way of writing that just grabs you and never lets you go. Her characters just came alive for me, with the emotion and vulnerability leaping right off the pages. It had me completely riveted and I didn’t want to put it down. Soledad and Judah's story was messy, and complicated, but sweet and passionate too. I loved how family and friends meant everything to them, supporting them, and giving them strength and courage. Soledad had her whole life planned out, and she loved being a stay at home mom, taking care of her family. Soledad and Judah met at a company party and had an instant connection, but Soledad was married so they tried to ignore it. When a betrayal turned her life upside down, Soledad had to find a way to take care of her three girls and not lose everything. Judah sees how Soledad and her girls were casualties of her husbands treachery, and he tries to help them, but knows he needs to keep his distance as they work things out for themselves. Soledad is working hard to become more confident, and with the help of her family and friends, finds her footing, and success doing what she loves. She's also learning to trust herself, and not lose herself in a man, no matter how strongly she is drawn to the one man she shouldn't want. But can she also take what makes her happy, without losing all she has worked so hard for?
Soledad and Judah were everything and more. Their connection, maturity, chemistry, honesty, was refreshing and made this story feel extremely special. I loved the progression of Soledad and Judah's relationship. They took it slow, since it wasn't just the two of them, having to factor in the well being of their kids as well, making their relationship and the family they are building even better together. I loved how strong, determined, resilient, and funny Soledad was. Sweet, geeky, Judah was such a great dad, friend and lover! He made my heart skip a beat with his patience, protectiveness, and loving kindness. *sigh* I also loved seeing Yasmen and Hendrix again, their friendship is fun and beautiful, and I want to be in their group!
This is an exquisitely written love story with deep heartfelt emotion, honest characters, and hot, sizzling love scenes. I absolutely loved every moment and wanted to read it all over again immediately!

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I don't know how Kennedy keeps writing bangers after banger but I don't want her to stop! The way that she can write words that can bring you such immense emotions is hard to come by but she manages it with every single book she writes.

She writes such strong women And Soledad is no exception. The strength this woman had was inspiring. Her determination to prove her worth to her family and that she could provide for them on her own was so beautiful! She became such a force to be reckoned with.

Judah had to have been one of the best men I've read. His patience and love for his boys and Soledad was heartwarming and refreshing. I loved what mattered most to Soledad, Judah wanted for her. He was such an honest man with her and always told her what he was feeling and what he wanted.

The sisterhood in this series is so outstandingly beautiful! The support and love the girls have for each other is so evident, not only for each other but for their community. The way they look out for each other and the people around them sometimes feels like the real love story.

I am so honored to get to read Kennedy's books a d I hope she never stops writing. She has a gift and I hope we never stop getting to witness that gift!

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Thank you NetGalley and Forever publishing for an ARC! I liked Soledad and Judah’s story a lot! It was amazing to see Afro Puerto Rican representation in this novel, Sol’s love for food and content creation was infectious, and Judah’s gentleness was so heartwarming. Overall I didn’t love this as much as the first in the Skyland series due to the slow pace at the beginning and repetitive plot but I did love to see their journeys and their love grow over time.

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. Kennedy Ryan weaves an amazing story about family, self discovery and love. The characters were well developed and the story was relatable.

Thank you to Netgally and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 ⭐️ I really enjoyed this but went into it expecting it to be a little heavier on the romance, or else I would probably rate higher. It was a slow burn which sometimes I do not love, but there was a lot to enjoy in the meantime. Soledad’s journey to love herself and take care of her girls, Judah’s amazing co-parenting & how he cares for his autistic twins, Sol’s friendship with Yasmen & Hen 🫶🏼
I definitely liked book 1 more, but I would recommend picking this one up when it releases in March! Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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This book follows Soledad who is a wife to Edward and mother to three daughters. Her life is very home-centric. Her role is that of wife and mother, primarily, and has been for going on nearly 20 years. When the plot of this book kicks off, it completely upends that forced dependency her bread-winning husband has created for her and in that journey to caring for her daughters and herself she rediscovers the inner strength she didn't realize she had lost. Along the way, there's also a complicated, sort of forbidden romance with Judah, a divorced father of two boys with autism.

Does that sound like a lot? Because, it is. And I think despite there being so much good in this book, there just isn't enough space to explore in depth what Kennedy Ryan tries to, even at over 400 pages!

I felt the characters lacked from the start, and since this is a romance, but also a story of a contemporary woman tackling real issues, it made everything seem a bit surface level and not as hard hitting as the issues discussed in Before I Let Go. We don't really get a complete picture of Soledad (as I described her above) before the inciting incident of the novel. So while we are supposed to be rooting for her, we are still getting to know her. I thought the male main character Judah had more depth early on and expected a bit more of that from Soledad.

Plus, and I want to avoid any spoilers here since the book isn't even out yet, there is very little on page time between Soledad and Judah for a majority of the book. It's more about their separate storylines, with his story turning from that of a father and his sons to a man who thinks about Soledad all the time. And her journey, which includes becoming a viral social media star (over a vinaigrette recipe?!) felt convenient and personally just not that interesting or believable.

This book is very dialogue heavy, too. And unfortunately most of the exposition or character development is done through stilted conversations between the characters where they explain stuff to each other for the reader's edification, which makes the dialogue feel unnatural. I would've much rather the characters speak like normal people, and since the book is written entirely in first person, each character narrating their chapter could have just directly addressed the reader or made comments to themselves about things we needed to find out. Because the dialogue suffered and the book relies so heavily on characters speaking, it definitely brought down my enjoyment of the book.

I am hoping some of these issues are resolved in the final edits before the book is published. I can't quote the book here because I read an early copy, but I really don't remember having these issues with Before I Let Go, which made reading this feel like it was from a completely different author.

I see a lot of really positive early reviews, so again, take my review with some pause and if you are still interested in reading this one, go for it. I think between those more technical issues and my disinterest in what type of romance this turned out to be, I didn't have the best time with it. But I am still willing to pick up the next book in the series when it comes out next year following Hendrix's character, when I'm in the mood for something light and romantic. I think her story could be really fun!

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Kennedy Ryan knocks it out the park again with This Could Be Us. I don't know how she manages to top herself with every new release, but she never misses.

Her books always lean more Women's Fiction with a drizzle of romance within and this book is no exception. However, Soledad's journey reminded me a lot of my mom's own. Watching Soledad learn not only to love and trust herself, but Judah was really beautiful to witness. (Though it took a bit to get there). I admire the relationships she had with her daughters and sisters- how it truly reflected womanhood and how important/special it is to have a solid female presence is ones life. I loved watching Judah and his healthy co-parenting relationship with his ex-wife, her spouse, and their children.

I can't talk about the autism representation, but I did see parts of my nephew in the boys as I read through the book.

This is such a beautifully written masterpiece. I couldn't recommend it more. As always, please check trigger/content warnings before picking up the book.

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Thank you Net galley for allowing me to read this before release date.

This book holds such a special place in my heart. I love everything Kennedy Ryan writes, and she will always be one of my fav authors, but this one just hit me so different. Starting with Soledad's strength as a woman/mom/friend and sister. Wow she is incredible, after everything that she went through, she stayed strong and stood her ground and showed the world what she was capable of. The autism rep with Judah and his twins was what got me. I was able to connect so much with a character the way I have never been able to before when it comes to parenting an autistic child. There are silent battles we face every day and Kennedy did such an amazing job handling/explaining these struggles. EVERYONE READDDDD THISSSS. I do not think any romance will top this book this year for me and I will happily admit that it is a bias reason.

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