Member Reviews

I really enjoyed Skyland #2! This book focuses on Soledad's story. Although it's technically part of a series, it can be read as a stand-alone. Soledad is left reeling after some serious betrayal by her husband. She'd left picking up the pieces while trying to take care of her daughters. And there's romance, obv. But I don't want to spoil anything so I will leave it at that! Kennedy Ryan takes her romance novels and adds a heaping dose of realness that I love! I liked this book just as much as Before I Let Go!

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This was my most anticipated read of the year and it definitely didn’t disappoint I absolutely loved this book! Soledad & Judah are everything and I can’t wait to continue to read all of Kennedy Ryan’s work

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Just when you think you've got life figured out, something happens that tilts your world on its axis.

That is exactly what happened to Soledad Barnes when the FBI knocked on her door announcing the arrest of her husband of 20 years, Edward, for embezzlement. With the wind knocked out of her sails, it is up to Soledad to find a way to keep her family fed, clothed and housed, when they always relied on her husband for income.

Soledad is the epidemy of domestic goals--she can cook, clean, host a party or anything else she puts her mind to. Using these skills, she steps into the limelight and shares her domestic prowess as a social media influencer, making ends meat for her three daughters, while her now ex-husband spends time in prison. On a a journey to learn to love herself before she can commit to loving someone else, Soledad fights with her feelings for someone she should not be interested in.

<i> This Could Be Us </i> is the second book in the Skyland Series from Kennedy Ryan. While you could likely read this without reading <i> Before I Let Go <i/>, I recommend starting with book one so you have an appreciation for all of the characters.

5 out of 5 stars. What are you waiting for?! Read this book!

I received a free ARC from Forever and NetGalley; and I am voluntarily leaving an unbiased review.

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Mark my words, this will be the best romance released in 2024—which shouldn't be a surprise, because Kennedy Ryan is truly operating in a different league of romance writing. The question, at this point, is whether she can top herself. I didn't think it was possible to write a better romance novel than 2022's Before I Let Go, but This Could Be Us is somehow even richer, deeper, and hotter.

The romance between Soledad and Judah is so beautiful, with these two adults navigating some tricky waters on the way to a relationship that feels hard-won and very special. I love the way that Kennedy Ryan takes the time to build out these characters and their individual arcs, from Soledad's reclamation of her life on her terms, to Judah's care for two teenage sons with autism. These are full-fledged grown-ups, which doesn't stop them from making mistakes, but only makes these books feel even more special for readers.

I always appreciate the way that Kennedy Ryan takes care to deeply research characters with backgrounds or experiences beyond her own, and This Could Be Us really shows that commitment. As a Latina reader, Soledad's Latinidad always rang true and full, and her note at the novel's opening shows just how much care and research went into researching autism for this book as well.

I will never stop singing Kennedy Ryan's praises, and so I hope that readers will embrace This Could Be Us the moment the book is released. It's truly a marvel of a novel.

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“She loves an undeserving man. It’s a sorrow that most women experience at some point in their lives, whether it’s a father who neglects or a son who forgets or a husband who betrays. These men let us down and we pull ourselves back up, hopefully with the help of other women who love us in ways that heal.”

This book y’all 😭 Soledad’s life implodes when her husband is found out be in an embezzlement scheme. She must figure out how to raise her children and keep them all afloat with his help. She also must learn to trust herself again, to put herself first, and decide what she wants more than anything else.

Soledad’s journey is difficult but beautiful. We see her break, and then we see her knot herself back together one thread at a time. I was so proud of her as a mother, as a friend, as a woman recognizing her needs and desires. She is a sight to behold as she drags herself up and onward.

Also, the love we see between Soledad and Judah is careful and kind, but also completely passionate and full of fire. What a gorgeous example of two people who want to be healthy and whole for themselves and then to be those things WITH each other.

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Once again, Ryan pulls at all the heartstrings by delivering a heartfelt beautiful story of a woman finding herself after being in an unfulfilling marriage and how she got back on her feet as a single mother and also finding love in the person that she least expected it.

Soledad is always striving for perfection. Being the perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect everything. When her world crumbles down by the betrayal of her husband Edward she had had enough of him and his controlling abusive ways. Divorce is the only way out. With her 3 girls Soledad embarks in a journey of healing, allowing herself to feel and express all the rage and resentment she has been holding back for a good portion of her life. In comes Judah, the forensic accountant that contributed to Soledad’s situation (in a way, read to find out how) and how he steps in to support her in every way he possibly can. It’s the little things, watching her videos online, leaving groceries at her doorstep, and just showing up for her. Will they make it work? How does Judah fit into Soledad’s journey? Can she find herself and let him in?

Compared to the previous book, this one felt so much deeper. To me this book had romance, but it wasn’t about the romance between Judah and Soledad that really felt deep (even though it was) it was Soledad’s romance with herself. When I tell you that nothing brings me more joy than watching a woman grow into a confident self-sufficient person. In that regard this book brings it all, at least to me. Then there is the autism rep, Judah has two teenage boys that have autism, both in different places on the spectrum and how Judah and his ex-wife were co-parenting and prioritizing the kids stability and providing them a safe environment. One of the most memorable scenes to me was when Judah had to handle a situation with one of the boys in public. The way he worked to de-escalate, absolutely incredible. It was an emotional moment that just landed, my compassion for Judah increased tenfold.

From all of Kennedy Ryan books, this is my favorite to date.

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Thank you Kennedy Ryan and Forever for an ARC of this book via NetGalley!

Soledad, without a doubt, was the star of this story. This is an ode to the ones who forgot who they were but are ready to reclaim their identity. Bc Soledad was dealt the shittiest hand but she took none of it lying down. Edward, kindly take your trashy ass to the curb. 😒 And I am simply in awe of Soledad for hustling as hard as she did to fight for the life she built for her daughters. And in her journey of self-discovery, I loved that she self-partnered and chose herself. The exploration of what that looked like was so nuanced and left me feeling so inspired! Not to mention, the community she built encouraging others to do the same? HELL YEAH! Bc in loving herself, she had that much more to share and help others with. ❤

Judah. THIS. MAN. A loving parent who was amicably co-raising his sons with an ex he genuinely got along with. Could he be any less problematic? No, bc forget a green flag, this man was a green freaking forest. The compassion and care he had for his kids? Yes, it should be a given but it didn't take away from the fact that he did *everything* with them in mind. And a lot like Soledad, Judah was used to putting himself last so I loved seeing him chase after her bc *he* wanted to. And when she told him she was self-partnering, the man had the patience of a saint and I had no doubt he would wait for her for forever if that was what she needed. And his constant support of her endeavors was honestly so cute, especially when he was "caught in the act." 🤭

CN: open-door romance, crime resulting in incarceration, infidelity, caring for autistic children, mention of parental death, cancer (minor character)

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Kennedy Ryan is forever one of my favorite authors. While I loved the first book more, I still absolutely adored this. Her books are guaranteed to make me feel things every darn time.

The author writes such relatable characters who feel like home. Sol finding herself and learning to love who she is was a beautiful thing. I feel privileged to experience it as a reader.

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I may love this even more than Before I Let Go, which is saying a lot because Ioved that book.

I was a bit sceptical at first based on how this novel starts from Judah's point of view but this novel is a masterpiece. Soledad is an exceptional woman who is so determined to provide the best for her family while Judah is a king who is so gentle, kind, and perfect. I loved this from start to the finish I never wanted to happen. While this is a romance, there is so much power in this story, especially as Soledad is determined to date herself before anyone else, I found that this is more a story of discovering oneself first, with a solid romantic relationship second.

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Kennedy Ryan does it again! No notes!!

Seriously though, I didn’t think she could top Before I Let Go, but she did. I devoured Soledad’s story. What I love about Kennedy’s writing and the trend I’m seeing in Romance right now is being able to make the story so relatable and real because it goes beyond just the romance. Being able to talk about grief after a big life change, family dynamics (especially those tense mother/daughter moments), dating after betrayal, raising an autistic child, and so much more adds such depth to the story. As a romance it already brings in such a human emotional dynamic of dealing with love, but then to bring breadth and depth to the characters and story by bringing in all the other complicated elements of just being alive…it’s a chef’s kiss! Kennedy has definitely become an autobuy author for me and I think everyone should read her books in general and this series specifically.

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Finished this one in a day; there is something to Kennedy Ryan’s writing that makes it easy to devour her books. As the second book set in Skyland, it was nice to see familiar characters. I love the friendship and support between the FMC from each book.
Soledad dealt with her situation with such growth and grace as she learned to make it without a partner. The way Judah creates means for their paths to cross was so sweet.
This book has great neurodivergent representation, a bit of good spice, and strong family values.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I enjoyed Soledad in Before I Let Go, and I am glad that she got her moment in This Could Be Us. You get a feel for her life and relationship with her husband in the first book, and are thrown in head first to what their relationship is really like in This Could Be Us. I don't know how Kennedy Ryan does it, but she lays out so much raw emotion, relational conflicts, personal growth, and real-life struggles into all of these books. The journey that all of these characters go through is rocky but smooths out in the end. It's beautiful. Soledad goes through the ringer this book and has to dig deep into her survival instincts to keep her family afloat. The way she sacrifices as a mother and puts her children first always is admirable, and how she sees her worth within her sacrifices was really enjoyable to read. Soledad's journey starts off in the trenches and ends at the top of the mountain. And that is mostly to thank herself, because she is focusing on herself; but also to Judah. Judah is the man that we don't realize actually exist out in this world! He also puts his children, two sons who are autistic, before himself. Along with his now ex-wife, and having a healthy co-parenting relationship and friendship with her. This book was so fun because we got to see Soledad and Judah trying to be selfish for themselves for once so they could have each other. Their love is strong and fierce, but also comforting and full of joy. Other than the romance, I love our girl gang. Yas, Soledad, & Hendrix. They are a force to be reckon with, and i am obsessed with their support system for each other. When i was having to take a break from reading this book, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Thank you again Kennedy Ryan for sharing Soledad & Judah's story with us and reminding us that we can be there for others but we also need to have the strength to be there for ourselves.

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I absolutely adored this book and Soledad! I loved the focus on women power and self love in hardships. I definitely recommend this book.

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I've been eagerly awaiting This Could Be Us since the day I finished reading Before I Let You Go! This Could Be Us DID NOT disappoint, I couldn't put it down! We met Soledad and her crew in BILYG, and I was so happy to get to read her story. She was an inspiration in how she dealt with huge life changes and traumatic events, and how she put her daughters first. I also loved Judah, who really set a new standard for book boyfriends and men everywhere!
A big portion of this book talks about autism, and as a school psychologist who works and loves kids with autism, I was very impressed with Kennedy Ryan's telling of their experiences and personalities. I am now (not so) patiently waiting for Hendrix's story next year!

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This Could Be Us is a beautifully written book about self love, self acceptance, and community.

I have mixed feelings about this book. I loved the writing, and most of the characters, but the actual romance fell a little flat for me. This is much more a book about learning to love yourself than it is a book about loving someone else, and because of that there were aspects of the romance that didn’t work for me personally.

Judah felt almost too perfect, with his only flaw in the book being that he puts the people he loves before himself, and while in a perfect world he would be the ideal man, he felt fictional to me. I also felt that the instant connection between Soledad and Judah was a bit insta-love feeling, and I prefer for relationships to develop through the characters getting to know each other on the page.

It’s not a book for everyone, but I think that for the right person it will hit hard and be a soul book.

Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for the eARC and the opportunity to leave an honest, voluntary review.

I will post my review to Instagram and Amazon on publication day

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Ugh, what a beautiful book. I binged it in two sittings because I just couldn't get enough. This Could Be US was emotional, hopeful, and so inspiring. Soledad's world is rocked when her husband gets into some big trouble. Forced to stand on her own two feet, she perseveres to make a beautiful life for her and her children.

I have been eager for Soledad's story ever since she was introduced in Before I Let Go. Ryan's Skyland series is so raw and real with mature relationships and characters you can't help but fall in love with. This was so much more than a typical romances and really focused on love, all forms of it. Soledad's journey of self-love and care, the platonic love between her friends, the familial love for her family, the heartbroken love with her husband, and the budding romance with a new love named Judah. Judah also navigates different forms of love, and I really loved the representation of his autistic child (or child with autism). I can't speak to it from experience, but I have friends with children on the spectrum and felt it was very well-written and she definitely had sensitivity readers. The chemistry between this two was slow burn but sizzling hot and I love how much they respected and cared for each other. I loved the overall message of learning to love yourself before giving it to others. The only thing keeping this from being a five-star read for me was that the middle dragged a bit and felt repetitive at times. But alas, the slow burns do burn slowly. I loved the ending!

Overall, highly recommend to fans of mature slow-burn romances and books about love and its many folds.

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𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨 📚
@kennedyryan1 sis you made my Valentine’s Day. Look people talk about Ciara’s prayer I’m over here praying for a Judah 🙏🏽. I don’t think I’ve read a book where the male lead has been the perfect man until now. Thank you. This storyline resonated with me so much especially the coparenting. I was applauding mentally the whole time for beautiful black blended families. I can’t wait to read Hendrix story. Thank you @netgalley and @hachetteus for the ARC. When I say I devoured this story I turned the last page at 1am. Soledad and Judah come into each others lives not in the usual manner. I mean the man put her scoundrel of a hubby in jail for embezzlement. Her character was almost every mother and woman I know. Her journey of self love and self healing was a great read. Team #selfdating over here. Judah is the man dreams are made of I swear. Sensitive, looks good in a suit &Jordan’s, nerdy, family man, great father, the list could go on. He tugs at your heart just by the love he has for twins that have autism. The storyline was a reminder that happily ever after looks different for many peoples situations. Sol’s family dynamic was great. Loved her sisters and besties. I can’t recommend this one highly enough.
🏷️#kennedyryan #romance #blacklove #selflove #books #read #drbooksreads #read #love #bookstagram #valentine

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Another beautiful story created by a master story teller, This book was stunningly beautiful. I loved this journey to self.

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Kennedy Ryan has a way of writing book that you can’t help but be sucked into and can’t bring yourself to put down. I was so excited when this was put up for ARC requests.

This Could Be Us is the second book in the Skyland series, following Soledad Barnes. Soledad has her life all planned out, or so she thought, but one day her entire world is turned upside down. The life she knew is all of a sudden gone, and she’s left behind in a cloud of distrust and betrayal. She has no time to grieve this life because she is now thrust into the sole breadwinner life and has to work to keep a roof over her and her three daughters’ heads.

This Could Be Us is so much more than a romance. It’s a story of resilience, the power of having strong friendships, finding authenticity and being your most authentic self, and relearning to love yourself.

This book was extremely emotional, and while I loved the romance we watched from between Judah and Soledad, I loved watching Soledad rediscover herself more. Kennedy Ryan’s romances always hit me so hard because she really leans into giving her characters full lives, we learn so much about them and their circles.

Judah was a fantastic dad, his passion, his commitment, his love was shown so beautifully and I want 800 more pages of him. Soledad was truly a girl boss, watching her journey to finding and loving herself again was everything to me and a great reminder that we are so much more than our partner. This is a book I will be screaming about for the rest of my life.

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The covers for this series , exquisite. First book is still my favorite even tho Mr Judah in this book is perfection. I loved the autistic rep from mmc. The author does amazing again cultivating full fledged characters. Also it’s refreshing to read about biopic characters.

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