Member Reviews

I am a huge Kennedy Ryan fan and while it’s not my favorite of hers I still enjoyed it and am glad I read it! I loved the self love and how Soledad took charge of her own life and figured out a way to keep her and her girls lives going after her husband showed his true colors and became her ex husband. I loved learning more about autism through Judahs twins. You get such a sense of family being in Soledads world with the support of her sisters, daughters, and friends she’s able to find herself.
Thank you for the ARC netgalley!

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I loved every single second of this book! Kennedy Ryan has such a stunning style of writing. I can't wait to buy a copy of this when it comes out.

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I didn’t think I would love a book more than Before I Let Go but This Could Be Us Might have done it! Honestly, I laughed, I cried and in the end, this book feels like a hug. Soledad is such an incredibly strong main character. She goes above and beyond for everyone in her life. Seeing the love, respect, and honesty in all of Soledad’s interactions with her daughters after everything that happened blew me away. Seeing Sol go from being a stay at home mom and the expectations that were placed on her by others through her journey of self discovery was incredibly powerful knowing that many women experience similar things. Knowing this, seeing Jonah come in and encourage this and support her doing so was just so beautiful to see. Soledad is finding herself again and figuring out the next steps for her and her daughters and I felt like Jonah never tried to overstep but to be there if needed. I loved seeing Jonah’s relationship with his sons. I thought the Autism rep was very well handled starting from the authors note before the book starts. His healthy co-parenting?! absolutely love.

I’m so grateful I’ve read this book and here’s hoping we’ll get to read Hendrix’s book next!

Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this. I related to so much being Puerto Rican myself. I loved all the references with the food and the sister's closeness and Soledad as a character. The strength and grace she carried. And Judah Cross. I loved his character and the autism representation. Overall, it was fun and thoughtful!

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I received a advanced copy from Netgalley for this lovely book. I am a huge fan of Kennedy Ryan, and had to get my hands on this book.
I loved the background information to inform those readers more on autism and the complexities and chapters of every individual with autism, as well as touching on the family component and parent role in all of it.

I loved that this story was beyond 2 families and their roles as parents but as they evolve as parents and individuals on their own journey and how they connect to support each other.
I would recommend this book to lovers of a deep book, Kennedy Ryan loves to hit you in the feelers as well as share strong female characters in her stories.

4.5 stars

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WOW this book was absolute PERFECTION!!!

I thought BEFORE I LET GO was amazing, but this one just blew it out of the water. I absolutely love these characters and this series and will now be counting the days until we get Hendrix's book.

My favorite part about this book? That it felt like SOLEDAD'S journey. It was about her and her journey of self-partnering and self-discovery. I found her arc so inspiring throughout the book - I rarely read romances that are so focused on the self rather than the romantic relationship, and it was a breath of fresh air.

But the romance? Let's talk about Mr. JUDAH CROSS aka the DREAM MAN. I am obsessed with Judah, obsessed with the chemistry between him and Sol, and majorly obsessed with the way he is able to be such an amazing partner, coparent, and dad. The autism representation in this story was EVERYTHING, and Judah's relentless commitment to his sons was so sexy.

Kennedy Ryan for president!!!!!

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This is my first Kennedy Ryan book. I loved the depth of these characters, their journey and their story. The slow burn was a little too slow for me but I would definitely read another book of hers. This book was well-written and enjoyable. Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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After reading and loving the first book in this series (Before I Let Go), I was so excited to read This Could Be Us. Happily, I loved this book just as much, if not more than I expected to. The characters are so fully fleshed out. I feel like any one of them must be roaming around in the real world somewhere, and if they walked into the room, I'd be excited to see them! The set-up of this book is compelling. I went in totally blind, based solely on the strength of the previous book. But if you read the premise, I guarantee you will want to see what happens!

I love how Kennedy Ryan gives her characters so much grace, space, and humanity. I loved watching them navigate the pitfalls and tenders spots of complicated adult relationships, finding their own rhythm and staying true to their individual needs and values, while making room for passion and connection.

This book has something for everyone - jaw-dropping scandalous moments, deep female friendships, sweet family bonds, characters you truly believe in and root for, and lots of steam.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the complimentary eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Kennedy is an auto-buy author for me. Her books are always incredible and This Could Be Us is no exception. No one writes angst like Kennedy and her character building is second to none.

I devoured this book and then was immediately sad that it was over. I cannot wait to see what comes next in Skyland!

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This ARC was my introduction to Kennedy Ryan and hi, hello, consider me OBSESSED. While Before I Let Go is on my TBR, I didn’t read it before this, and I found that This Could Be Us is great as a standalone. This book genuinely has it all - tension (not just romantic but plot tension in the best way), slow burn romance, he falls first and so much more. I LOVED the character development of Soledad and was genuinely rooting for her throughout the entire book. While in some ways her story is a classic story of the pain of womanhood, the way she not only survives and finds her voice but advocates for herself is beautiful and moving. I also greatly appreciated the representation of the autism spectrum and the beautiful relationship between Judah and his children, along with the representation of coparenting within a blended family. The only reason this isn’t a full 5 stars for me is I found myself frustrated with Judah at times in the last 25% of the book - it felt that he was acting at times in ways that felt very contrary to how he was throughout the majority of the book. Overall, I consider this a must read, and will absolutely be diving into more books from Kennedy Ryan immediately.

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This was my second book that I read from Kennedy Ryan. My first book was Before I Let Go. I really enjoyed reading This Could Be Us because it was heartwarming and touching. I was very interested in the main character's journey through self-discovery, heartbreak, and new beginnings. I have recognized that Ryan definitely provides the slow burn to some of her books. I love to savor every moment of my reading. Although, I love fast-pace stories and plots, I can appreciate to slow down and really connect with the main characters. It makes me feel like I am inside the story and right by their side. I recommend This Could Be Us for anyone that finds themselves being deceived by the one they love and having to start over. It will make you feel that you are stronger than you think and that everything is possible.

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Thank you so much, Kennedy Ryan, Netgalley, and Forever Publishing for the e-arc. I am leaving this review voluntarily, and all opinions are my own.

Anything Ryan writes, I will read. I absolutely loved this novel about building yourself after loss. Sol is such a powerhouse and strong woman, to be able to face what she did and continue making a name for herself to support her family.

Judah is such a patient man, and I loved how much he respects Soledad and what she needed to do for herself.

The only reason why this isn't a 5, is because I wish they had more time together in the book 🥹

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After reading Before I Let Go, and loving it, I was so excited to read This Could be Us. It did not disappoint! I love the friendships in these books.I can’t wait for Hendrix’s story.

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Kennedy Ryan is where it’s at y’all !

First off, let me get my feelings on the romance out of the way, since this is likely the reason readers picked this book up.

Sol and Judah were both PHENOMENAL characters. They had so many layers to them and displayed a lot of growth throughout the book. HOWEVER, their chemistry was kinda lost on me. There were a few time jumps sprinkled in throughout the book after they connected (nothing significant, but the usual “the last two weeks we have done this” type of stuff), so by the time we got to the big feelings, I was kinda like…. Huh ? When did that happen lol. All in all, it was still great to be a part of their story and I loved how they handled the challenges that came their way.

SOLEDAD IS THE SHINING STAR OF THIS BOOK. Everyone should read this book, even if they’re not a romance fan. I am so proud of our girl. She rose to any and all challenges like it was her goddamn job (which it literally was at times), and gave the term girl power a whole new meaning. This book is the embodiment of how women just figure shit out, strong female friendships and the future is female. I LOVED IT SO MUCH

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KENNEDY RYAN I 👏LOVE 👏YOU 👏- do you hear me?!?! 🎤🎙️📢

3 of my favorite romances of 2023 were by KR herself and I’m here to tell you she’s got a yearly favorite in 2024 as well💞🥹🫶

The slow burn, the CHEMISTRY❤️‍🔥, the new top tier boyfriend?! 😮‍💨 were all 10/10 BUT!! It wasn’t even the best part!!

The self love journey Soledad went on, the gold star co-parenting example, the autism representation (like Kennedy’s own son!), the RESPECT, the PATIENCE, the FRIENDSHIPS!! 😩❤️‍🩹 so so good, y’all!!!

Preorder your copies now!!!!

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Wheeewwwww. Okay so the ride this book took me on in every way! Good and bad. Over book rating 3.5 stars.

Soledad is a beautiful characters and I wanted her to get everything should could have dreamed of. I love how her love shined through the pages and how cute she got when she felt shy. Adorable characters are my fav. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to that. Even the love interest Judah, who I will not say much on. So adorable and a gentleman.

So why give this book 3.5 stars, honestly it was the depiction of the love story. I feel like after a while it felt more lustful than anything. Which was the let down for me. BUT as a writer and book editor I feel like this story is going to be immensely loved by readers. And everyone has their own idea of love so I can understand why it when downhill for my taste. Nonetheless, it was a good story, I just would've liked to see the love story be played out in a different way.

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Thank you to Netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

I unfortunately did not connect to the characters or the story. While I enjoyed the 1st third of this book, it lost me towards the middle. I greatly appreciated the different representations this book displayed, but the romance just didn’t do it for me.

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Soledad is living the perfect life with her 3 beautiful daughters and her husband. She lives a domestic lifestyle and loves being part of her family's every day lives. She literally takes care of everything.

Her husband, Edward, is working hard at work and there are plenty of late nights or sudden fires that need to be put out. Soledad supports her husband and lets him focus on work. She does her best to impress his colleagues and attends his company's events.

At the Christmas party, Soledad meets a man named Judas, who Edward cannot stand. Edward warns Soledad that Judas is out to get him and he is not to be trusted, but there is no denying the chemistry between Soledad and Judas.

One day, Edward is taken away due to stealing millions of dollars from the company. This is why Judas is out to get him. All of Edward and Soledad's accounts have been frozen and she is now unable to even get groceries to feed her daughters.

How will Soledad survive with the lack of money, no corporate work experience, and navigating life without Edward?

I really enjoyed reading this book and fell in love with Kennedy Ryan's Skyland #1 book, Before I Let Go. I loved how deep both books are, but I read Before I Let Go right before this one and it was the same format. I think it was just a lot of the same, but not the same, at once and I probably would have enjoyed it more if I read a book inbetween.

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There was a book discourse in twitter a few days ago where the original poster asked if a book could be well written and also be considered bad. I didn't comment because the question really made me pause and think and I wasn't sure if a well-written book could be considered bad. First of all, what does bad mean? Readers would define it differently based on personal taste. However, this book really made me think of that whole conversation.

First of all, it's obviously a well written book, it's a Kennedy Ryan book and I don't think she's capable of producing a badly written book. However, I can't quite make myself believe that this is really a romance. Does it have romantic elements within the story? Sure! Do (at least) two people fall in love with each other? Yes. Is there a HEA or at the very least, a HFN with the promise of a HEA? Yep. So what's the problem, you may ask?

In order to fully explain why I don't think this is a full on romance, let's start with the back matter of the book which doesn't even include the hero's name. It's as if he's an afterthought, a secondary character and I fully think that for it to be a romance, all the main characters in the romantic relationship should be featured, at least in the description.

It's best to tackle this review by breaking this book up into thirds.

In the first third of the book, Soledad, our protagonist, is stuck in a problematic marriage that she knows isn't working but can't quite bring herself to rock the boat because her life is cushy and comfortable and sure her husband treats her like she's expendable and disrespects her and their sex life is nonexistent but she's a SAHM with her dream home and all too willing to ignore all the red flags in her marriage. So, for the first third of the book, she's married, albeit unhappily, to another man.

In the second third of the book, Soledad's life has basically imploded, her marriage is over, and she has found herself in the position of being her family's sole provider. This part of the story is more about her journey of healing, self-love, self-acceptance, and self-partnership - the book calls it as Soledad dating herself. She becomes an influencer, commodifying the way she lives her life, her cooking and cleaning and organizing skills to support her three daughters.

The actual romantic plot doesn't really even pick up until the final third of the book. While Judah, who has his own things to deal with, appears in all 3 parts of the book, and makes his attraction to Soledad clear by the 2nd part of the book, the book is best categorized as women's fiction, where Soledad is the star of the book, trying to rewrite her own story, find her own footing, even as she attempts to hold on to what little normalcy she has left while suddenly single-parenting her 3 daughters.

I can fully admit the book is well written - it's compulsively readable and I couldn't put it down. BUT, still maintain it is very much NOT a romance and calling it that will not meet readers' expectations. It is soapy and dramatic and full of edge of your seat twists but it's also basically about Soledad's journey and while she does fall in love with Judah and he with her, the real love story in the book is the one where Soledad falls in love with herself. That's the true love story in this book and the relationship she embarks on with Judah just feels like a side-story more than anything.

Content Notes: toxic marriage, infidelity, embezzlement, diagnosis of STI, prison, autism rep

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Wow. Kennedy Ryan has done it again. This Could Be Us is a heart wrenching story of self love, redemption, friendship and happiness. The writing captured me from the beginning and kept me engaged throughout. Sensitive topics like the loss of a parent, navigating parenthood with children with autism and the betrayal of a spouse were all handled in relatable ways and with care for the audience while accurately portraying those plots.

I loved this book. This was an easy 5 stars for me.

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