Member Reviews

I’m not being dramatic when I say this book was perfect. It really was. Being back in Skyland was a breath of fresh air, the world Kennedy has built here is incredible. Soledad and Judah are both such wonderful and dynamic characters and they deserve every good thing. This book was so much more than a romance between these two, it was also about Soledad learning to love and prioritize herself. I could not put it down once I started. Kennedy has such a gift of creating characters that feel real. I cannot wait for Hendrix’s story!

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A solid follow up to Before I Let Go. I love a good romance, chic lit book but they sometimes feel immature and unrealistic. This book was neither of those things and I found I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I usually pick up a book like this to give my brain a break after reading several historical fiction/thriller/memoir books in a row, but I found this book was more than just a bit of fluff to clear my head.

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Oh my goodness Soledad's story brought me to tears!! Kennedy Ryan has done it once again! This story was so beautiful in so many ways - from Soledad learning to trust herself again to building her own little empire.

"I also need to rebuild me. A me who doesn't need a man, stands on her own, and gets what she needs to survive, even if she has to make it herself."

How do you go about your life when everything you thought you knew and trusted is turned on its side? Soledad had her daughters relying on her to be strong and be their guiding light throughout everything with Edward - and Soledad did not miss a single beat. She capitalized on what she could and what she knew with the help of her friends to build something that was completely her own.

"Motherhood truly is a thankless endeavor sometimes. We sacrifice everything for these people who never really understand what we've done for them."

This. This quote made me cry and go hug my mom. It truly puts parenthood and specifically motherhood in a completely new light that makes you really appreciate everything your parents have done for you.

And, I can't forget about Judah!! This man! He was so patient with Soledad and was everything she needed when she needed it. I love that he waited until she was ready and never pushed anything! We all need a Judah!! And the tension and the scenes between them oh my god!!

Above the quality amazing romance and spice in this book - this was truly Soledad's story. A story about the strength and power that we all hold inside ourselves. That no matter what breaks or hurts us - with time, help , and love - we all possess the power to come out on the other side. Cannot wait to have this book physically in my hand!

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Kennedy Ryan continues again and again why she is one of my favourite authors. Like the other books I read by her this one was phenomenal and captivating. From the first page to the end of this story I was completely drawn into the story and the characters. It was hard to stop reading.

The way that Kennedy Ryan creates her characters they feel so real and human. You feel absolutely connected to each one of them as the navigate through the beauty and hardships in their life.

I loved Judah so much and the relationship he had with his sons. It was truly beautiful and an incredible representation of a parent with children with autism and the challenges it comes from it.

Soledad is a new favourite FMC of mine. I loved her journey of finding self-love and establishing herself. She deserves so much, she is such an incredible mother and friend to her loved ones.

Her female friendships is something and anyone would want especially going through pain and challenges in one’s life.

I also loved how realistic Soledad and Judah’s relationship was. They had so much respect for each other as well as valued each others self- worth and boundaries

This book was overall perfection. It was more than just a romance story it was a story of finding yourself again, developing self-love, finding independence, and the beauty within yourself

I can’t wait for the next book in the series

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This is probably the best romance book I have read in a long time. The characters were very relatable and the story keeps you insterested up until the very end.

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Oh, Kennedy Ryan. You’ve got yourself another banger. A lot of people are saying that this is her best book so far. Now, I haven’t read all of her books yet but I agree. God. What’s not to love about this book? All I can think of is that it needs another epilogue. This book is literally all about love. Loving yourself, your friends, family, your partner, even life itself. And I can also tell that this book was also written with love, care, and great sensitivity. Soledad got her heart broken a million times by the man who was supposed to be her great love and partner. But it didn’t break her. She’s such a strong woman and her character development was amazing. Jonah was just… amazing too. He was there for her whenever and however she needed him to be. This book tells a great story about loving yourself and choosing to love again. I can’t wait for Hendrix’ book.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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I can't thank NetGalley + Forever enough for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. And I can easily say, without a doubt, that this will be one of my favorite books I read this year.

If you thought Before I Let Go was good, This Could Be Us will blow you away. Kennedy's storytelling is a work of art, emotion threaded through every line, forcing you to feel the ups and downs with the characters in a way that makes them feel REAL. I swear, this is Kennedy's best written book yet.

Not only that, but she had me gasping at twists and turns ALL book long. She brought the heat, the passion, the love, the humor, AND the shock factor when writing this book and I ate it up.

I saw so much of myself in Soledad, despite not being a mother. I've been the woman who gave more to a man than he deserved, more than he ever gave to me. I've taken the break from dating and learned how to be alone without feeling lonely. Hell, I moved across the country and lived alone for the first time. It's a beautiful thing, learning to rely on yourself and loving yourself. And just like Soledad, I found my person while I was on that journey. And, again, like Soledad, I realized I could love myself and be happy with myself, but also love someone and be happy with someone, too. Not instead of, just in addition to. And I think that distinction is one that Kennedy truly drives home as the book draws to a close.

Once again I find myself equally loving the romantic storyline and the female empowerment, self-love, girl gang storyline. Hendrix, Yasmen, and Soledad have a friendship I admire. The way they show up for each other is so beautiful, so special, another important kind of love. And Judah...Judah Cross is the newest addition to the book boyfriend roster. A man written by a woman is great, but a man written by Kennedy Ryan is OTHER WORLDLY.

Also, as someone who has worked with kids who have autism, I loved the care Kennedy took with crafting Aaron and Adam and infusing their story so beautifully into the rest of the book. It's obvious this is something she is familiar with, but I love that she also sought out other people to help her fill in missing pieces and make sure the characters were authentic. I've seen authors cut corners when it comes to things like this — but not Kennedy, NEVER Kennedy.

What else is there to say expect I loved this book? So much loss and love intertwined to create a story that pulls at your heartstrings while warming your chest. If you haven't ordered your copy yet, DO IT. You won't want to miss this March 5 release!

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This Could Be Us was such a good read. Soledad Charles was married to Edward, who was having an affair and did everything he could to oppress Soledad. He embezzled money from his company. He got busted and went to prison.

Soledad had three daughters, Lupe, Lottie and Inez. Soledad was a mixture of African American and Puerto Rican. Edward was white.

Jonah Cross, African American, was the accountant who busted Edward. Soledad met Jonah at the office Christmas party and there was a spark between them. Jonah was divorced and had twin artistic sons, Adam and Aaron. He and his ex-wife, Tremaine, were like best friends and they had a very amicable co-parenting thing going on.

After Edward went to prison, Jonah did what he could to help Soledad and her daughters. Jonah and Soledad ended up in a relationship. But before they could move forward, Soledad was determined to learn to love herself.

So this was the story of a strong woman who rose from nothing to supporting her daughters in a pretty dynamic way. She was an excellent cook and had a huge following on social media. This is how she made her money. It was also a beautiful love story between two people who had failed marriages but we're able to forge a relationship of deep love and mutual respect.

This author did I find job with character development and created a story that kept me coming back from more. I was very well pleased with this book and gave it five stars.

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*Stronggg 4 stars*
Wow! Kennedy Ryan knows how to write an emotional and deeply layered romance book. I did not expect what happened in the beginning, to happen, but it made the story all the more interesting and the romance all the more impactful in the end. Judah and Soledad have been through so much in their lives and I genuinely think they are perfect for each other! I was so invested in their story and fully rooting for them. I loved reading about two characters finding a love with one another in their 40s- which proves you can find the love of your life at any point in time. The romance developed in such a realistic way and the pacing was absolutely perfect! It made me believe that these characters were meant for each other, and allowed me to enjoy the build up and the payoff a lot more. I don’t even feel like I read a story, I feel like I witnessed a real love story come about, and that’s how you know the book is amazing and that Kennedy Ryan knows what she’s doing!
You guys have got to pick this book up when it comes out, especially if you loved the first in this series!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 (Romance)
Release Date: March 5, 2024

Synopsis: Soledad Barnes has been married to her husband Edward for nearly twenty years and has three daughters with him. When he blows up their life, Soledad doesn’t have time to be sad, she has to pick herself and their three daughters up to survive. She not only survives, but thrives. However, will the man who helped blow up her life be someone she can see a future with?

My Thoughts: This is the second book in the Skylab’s series, about three best friends. And I LOVE them. I loved Yasmen’s story when I read it last year, and I love Soledad’s story. Soledad’s character arc was so amazing and real in this book. I found her feelings about relationships completely valid. She didn’t know if she could trust someone again, but she found an amazing man to trust. Plus they had some pretty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ scenes. Overall, I think this book is absolutely fantastic and you should all read it!

Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for letting me read an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

If you loved Before I Let Go, you’ll love this.

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This follow up to BILG was absolutely beautiful. If you enjoyed the first, you will enjoy following along with the lives and love in this novel as well. Cannot wait for more from Kennedy Ryan. Definitely an author’s books I will always read and suggest to others!🖤

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I have not read anything by this author before, but I will definitely be looking out for their work in the future. I loved seeing the story unfold and seeing the characters grow.

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This was my first time reading a Kennedy Ryan book. It definitely lived up to the hype. For the most part, this book read more women's fiction than romance, which I enjoyed. It had much more depth than your typical romance novel. The main characters were in their 40s and dealing with real world problems, which is definitely atypical for a romance novel. Soledad becomes a single mother at age 40 and has to deal with caring for three young children while providing for her family. Jonah is a single father co-raising two young autistic boys with his ex-wife. They are instantly attracted to one another, but circumstances are such that they cannot be together. The author did an amazing job of developing the characters and their storylines throughout the book. While it had your typical happy ending, I enjoyed reading the story as it developed. Thank you to Kennedy Ryan, NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for sharing an advanced copy of this book!

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I REALLY enjoyed this read - I somehow missed that it was the second in the series, so I'll be going back to read the first book very soon!

Pros - JUDAH. omg. An emotionally mature supportive man who's obsessed with you? Yes.
I loved that the stakes in this story felt real - both Judah and Soledad had things going on in their lives that could have reasonably kept them apart, and seeing them work together to build their life was heartwarming.
We all need friends like Yasmen and Hendrix.
The spice was spicing once it came along.

Negatives - Soledad being so blindsided by her trash-heap of an ex at the beginning seemed unrealistic. That could just be a me thing and I did love seeing her growth from someone who let her husband walk all over her to becoming a woman who can stand on her own.
It did seem like it was walking the line between romance and women's lit - not necessarily a real negative, but I came into this one expecting a pure romance.

Overall, I had a great time reading and can't wait to dig into more of the Kennedy Ryan books on my TBR, and I'm really due for a reread of all about love!

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Wow wow wow, this book was amazing! Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for the ARC.

Where do I even start. It is a story of self-love and finding your inner strength as much as it is a romance. This book really exemplifies the African proverb, “It takes a villiage to raise a child.” As Soledad and her family goes through a challenging transition, her friends support them and help Soledad come into her own.

Now on to Judah 🤤. First off he is a phenomenal dad to his autistic sons. The autism representation was so thoughtful and showed varying levels of support needs. I love that he is so honest with Soledad about how he cares for her but is also respectful of her self-partnering journey. Absolutely no miscommunication here!!

Okay last few things, the spicy scenes were divine and I’m running to the store to grab a copy of All About Love by bell hooks. This book was 6 stars. I HIGHLY recommended you check it out!

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Such a quick and easy ready! I literally finished in a day. Ryan writes so eloquently that it is a pleasure to see the story unfold. I absolutely loved Soledad’s journey and how the main message was loving yourself first as a woman before you anything and anyone else in your life. I am a firm believer in this and follower of this philosophy and I loved to see it in a novel I know so many women will read! I can not wait for Hendrix’s story!

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In This Could Be Us, Kennedy Ryan brings us back to Skyland for Soledad’s story and boy, did this girl go through it!

When her life is transformed in the blink of an eye, Soledad has to pick up the pieces of the life that her no-good husband left behind. She does so with grace, a fiery determination and her incredible friends and family. Not sure I ever rooted for a main character more than I did this woman!

While this is a slow-burn romance, I was more invested in Soledad’s journey of loving herself. How she rose from the ashes and built her career and following, while wrestling with the tension of her feelings for Judah really captivated me. And that is no knock on Judah, he is partner GOLD, but there was something special about this storyline and it was Soledad hermosa.

I genuinely appreciated how author Kennedy Ryan approached something so personal to her as she does with Judah and his sons, Adam and Aaron, who are autistic. From the author’s note at the beginning of the story, the reader can feel just how much care and thought went into how these characters are portrayed. I thank the author for her vulnerability and the visibility she brings to these pages.

While this is the second in a (really great) series, this book can absolutely be enjoyed as a standalone. I have thoroughly enjoyed both books and cannot wait for Hendrick’s story!

Thank you to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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this paragraph accurately reflects how this thought has consumed every parcelle of my brain from the very moment I finished this poignant chef-d'oeuvre. I pondered whether this would adequately describe the book in a review. yes, it does.

”the sense that after being on your own—sometimes lonely and sometimes contentedly alone—you look down to find a dangling thread in your hands. one end of infinity, and across years and circumstances, he stands there holding the other. the ends of forever reunited and tied together.”

many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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When you’re picking up a Kennedy Ryan book, you just know that you’re going to get your heart crushed. In This Could Be Us, that’s especially true for Soledad. Soledad is essentially a super-mom who takes cares of her husband and kids which is already a thankless job.

While she’s told to keep away from her husband’s “enemy” Judah Cross at the company Christmas party, their paths end up crossing. From there a chain of events for Soledad including her husband being arrested for embezzlement and her essentially having to start completely over due to her husband’s dirty deals which weren’t all business related.

Even though the romance is a big part of the story, this is mostly Soledad’s story as she’s going from being a stay-at-home mom to the full-time provider for her three girls. It isn’t easy for her yet she makes it work. Watching her struggle and eventually, start to find her footing is truly incredible and makes the book all the more impactful.

In addition, we’re also watching as Soledad is falling for Judah. While it wouldn’t seem like it’s forbidden, Soledad’s ex is hellbent on making sure everyone knows that Judah “ruined” his life including their daughters. Essentially, it almost becomes impossible for Soledad to be with him and it’s truly hard to read as you’re rooting for them even knowing things look bleak.

Soledad is dealing with a lot but so is Judah as he’s divorced and co-parents with his ex-wife and her new husband. His two boys are both on the autism spectrum at complete levels and one does have seizures which is talked about on-page. Frankly, these two are dealing with a lot but in true Kennedy Ryan fashion, she proves that love overcomes all.

While this book didn’t feel like as big of an emotional punch as Before I Let Go, This Could Be Us absolutely drew me in and wouldn’t let go. There was so much happening with both Soledad and Judah so their romance felt impossible. Regardless, Kennedy Ryan pulled it off and made me fall in love with this story and these characters.

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Thank you Net Galley for this ARC!

I loved this story so much. Soledad's story was a gut wrenching one and I absolutely loved every bit of one. I was rooting for her the entire time. I felt like she was one of my close friends because I felt so many emotions for her. I was angry, sad, and happy all at once. She inspired me as a mother and most of all as a woman that wants to do it all.

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