Member Reviews

This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan is Soledad's story of reinvention and learning to love and trust again after a deep betrayal. While this is marketed as a romance, the emphasis of the story was really on Soledad's journey and the community of women that she built around herself. It's a love story about friendship.

Meanwhile, the story is told in dual POV, so we also have the story of Judah and how he is navigating being the father of two autistic sons while finding love again, or maybe for the first time, with Soledad.

I'm mixed in my feelings for This Could Be Us. I liked Soledad's strength and her sense of justice. She is a badass. I do think that the pace of the story was a little off for me. The first half of the book flew by but the second half felt a bit redundant and was very slow to build the relationship between Soledad and Judah. There was a lot of internal struggle but we see very little of the relationship grown, in comparison to the how much we see of Sol's relationships with her friends, her sisters, and even her ex-husband. What we do see of Sol and Judah is pretty steamy and very sweet. Judah definitely a sweet talker which is swoony.

Overall, I liked it and I would recommend it. Thank you to Forever Pub and Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Kennedy Ryan and the publisher for this free advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review. Honestly, these books just aren’t my cup of tea, and that’s okay! I wasn’t a huge fan of the first one and this one was much the same for me. It was a beautiful story, and I think I have learned I don’t gravitate towards the emotional, character driven romance books.

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I am highlighting so many things in this book! Kennedy Ryan is queen!!

This book was so great! There were so many things I really enjoyed about this book. I loved the autism rep, I loved how both main characters are amazing parents, I love that Soledad finds meaning and fullness in herself alone, I love the female friendships, I love the sisterhood. Kennedy Ryan knows how to write a good book!!!

Can't wait for Hendrix's story!

Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this eBook!

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TCBU was a very good book. Kennedy Ryan’s “This Could Be Us” focuses on Soledad’s life, unraveling when her husband Edward faces embezzlement charges. During the chaos, Soledad embarks on a self-discovery journey, redefining her roles as a mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Along the way, she encounters Josiah Cross, a single father to two autistic teenage twins and the person who exposed her husband’s wrongdoing. Their chemistry felt more refined and developed in this book, emphasizing Soledad’s self-discovery rather than being overly sexual, which I found refreshing. However, I do feel like it took Sol too long to ‘find self.’

How they vast majority feel about Josiah is how I feel about Judah! JUDAH! Judah! JUDAAAHHH!!!!!

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I’m so proud of Soledad. I love that we got to see in depth the dynamics of her family and Judah’s family before they became a blended family. I do love that we got to see Soledad’s come up from a housewife to an influencer. She was already doing all the things, so it was great to see her use that as an asset and literally make something of nothing.

There are so many little gems throughout her story that can be applied to any woman’s real life. She was betrayed by the man she trusted most, and overcame for herself and her children. With the support of other women. So many of us can relate. It is always women who help put us back together. Our friends, our moms, our sisters.

The only con to this book is that I feel it could’ve have been shorter. Their love story didn’t really blossom until the end so it felt as though some of the information in the beginning could’ve been cut short. I wanted to see more of their love once they decided they were going to pursue love.

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Kennedy Ryan NEVER misses! 👏🏽 This is the third book I’ve read by her and ALL have been 5 STARS ⭐️. Her writing flows beautifully and is so relatable and entertaining. There’s SO MUCH I loved about this story!

Soledad has it all…the husband, the beautiful kids, designer wardrobe, the home in an affluent suburb of Atlanta. But one night, she practically loses it all when the man who was supposed to be her forever betrays her and destroys everything they’ve built.

Firstly, the banter between Soledad’s best friends and her relationship with her sisters - PRICELESS. I live for those bonds in a story. The ease with which these characters managed blended families and healthy relationships is so commendable (even if a little unrealistic in these times) and is a great example of how we SHOULD behave. Its rich in Puerto Rican and African American cultures and made me
HUNGRY for all the food they were cooking up. The Autism representation is raw and genuine and it added to the admiration I felt for the characters.

I was also enamored by Sol’s devotion to self-growth and rediscovery while working through her trauma and heartbreak. She commits to self-partnership and loving herself first and foremost; it was eye opening and admirable to witness. They took their relationship slow, getting to know each other as friends first. Normally, I’m not a fan of a slow-burn but I really respect the way it was portrayed for them. There is NO miscommunication between them - PRAISE. BE. 🙏🏽

The spice is minimal but also gave me “a Whitney Houston sweat” (a classic quote by Sol 🤣) reading their spicy scenes…whew chile. 🥵

THIS COULD BE US is book 2 in the Skyland series and while it can be read as a standalone, I HIGHLY recommend the first - BEFORE I LET GO.

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Thank you Netgallery for this ARC in exchange of an honest review.

BRIEF SYNOPSIS: This Could Be Us is book two of the Skyland series, and it follows Soledad, who we met in Before I let Go. After her good for nothing husband destroys her and their 3 daughters world, she finds herself trying to survive financially, taking care of her daughters needs alone while dealing with the aftermath of a broken heart. Our hero, Judah Cross, is living life for his two boys. Given how difficult it can be to raise two boys in that are in the autistic spectrum, he has been putting aside his happiness for a long time, and working tirelessly to be the best father he could be. When both of their paths cross, the attraction is instant, the tension is palpable, but different circumstances make this pairing something somewhat forbidden.


I'll start by saying that wow, Kennedy Ryan once again has written a beautiful story, full of depth, attention to detail and upmost respect to different cultures and communities. The talent she possesses in her writing its truly magical. I adored seeing bits in pieces of my culture in the story. The mention of things like El Grito de Lares, el machete, pasteles and coquito, made my little puertorican heart so so happy. I adored how the autism representation was done, not shying away of the realities and difficulties, yet it had an air of hope and resilience that can tug on your heartstrings.

Soledad's story is one of resilience, of strength. She took a horrible situation and made the best of it for her and her daughters. She was an excellent example of strength and courage. Her development through the story was beautiful. Judah is an excellent mmc. He is also so strong, so resilient, such an amazing father and partner to his ex wife (who I adored).

Their relationship was beautiful, and the tension between them was VERY strong. The chemistry was there from the start and it was something that made it such a great slow burn. I love the respect they had for each other and how the honesty and boundaries were something that were never questioned.

However, I wish I could've seen more of them together and getting to know each other. The reason I didn't rate this one higher, is because while I still believe the story was beautiful and powerful, I don't think this is a "romance book". For me it reads more as women's fiction. Theres nothing wrong with that, it's still a great read and a wonderful addition to the series, but people shouldn't go into it thinking it will have a romance heavy plot. Another reason I didn't rate this book higher, is that I really didn't like how the whole thing with Edward was handled. It felt rushed. He sucks, and he deserves nothing but the worse, sooooooo I don't know I didn't love his ending.

All and all, a beautiful story of self love and growth. Can't wait to see Hendrix's story next!!

Thanks again Netgallery for the ARC.

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Kennedy Ryan's "Before I Let Go" was recommended over and over again to me in 2023. I'm so excited that I was granted the ARC for This Could Be Us so I can be the one recommending a book over and over again in 2024. I think that this book is actually better than the first. I enjoyed the plot better and felt like there was more chemistry between the characters. I also love when a book gives me so many quotes to look back on. Perfection again, Kennedy Ryan, perfection again!

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a hot accountant main character? Sign me UP

I enjoyed this a lot more than book 1 in the series.

Thanks netgalley!

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I thoroughly enjoyed Soledad’s journey. After reading Before I Let Go I anticipated learning more about this character. Kennedy did a great job with fully developing the key characters and painting a picture of who they are for the readers. I would have a loved an additional chapter or two with Soledad and Judah relationship dynamics post making it official. In the end, I’m glad Soledad found herself again.

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I loved loved loved going back into the world of Skyland! My jaw literally dropped at how horrible Edward was. Ms Ryan did an incredible job writing such an unlikeable (and sadly, believable) antagonist. Judah and Tremaine are absolute goals when it comes to divorcing and coparenting with maturity. I love how serious Judah was about his unabashed dedication to pursuing Sol. I know it’s an arc but there were a couple minor details that confused me a bit:
1) it’s repeated a few times that Lupe had Edwards red hair, but at least once he is described as having dark blond hair
2) a large component of Soledads identity is her love and skill with cooking, but there’s a line about her consistently failing to make good risotto
3) I’m still not sure if Gerald really was Ambers cousin or if she was just covering up. If it was her cousin - I thought confirmation she was hooking up with her blood relative would be more than just a passing comment

Overall a fantastic book. Nobody writes black love like Kennedy Ryan!

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I liked this one even more than Before I Let Go! The plot gets incredibly tense right away, with high stakes and an interesting set up with the enemy-like relationship of the main characters. I could barely put it down with all the plot and romantic tension!

I also appreciated the autism rep with Judah's sons, and Soledad's realistic relationship growth with her daughters through tough times. I can always count on Kennedy Ryan to explore tough subjects within realistic families and circumstances. And there's always an undercurrent of hope and trust and growing through hard times.

My only critique for this book is I got impatient with Soledad's growth. I appreciated her journey of self love in the beginning, but I felt like it carried on for a bit too long. This is just my opinion though!

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 4
Character Development: 4
Overall: 4

Thank you, Forever, for the arc!
Releases March 5, 2024

Trigger/Content Warnings: swearing, cheating, cancer, divorce, multiple open door

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This book has consumed me with all the feels! I couldn't put it down. Ryan depicts each character's personality perfectly with her unique writing style. It is such a joy to read with true literary appreciation as Ryan brings these characters to life. In this irresistible multi-point of view novel, this story twists and turns on the coattails of the sensitive emotions behind marital relationships; of love and loss. This story will rest in the back of your mind for a very long time.

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This book was amazing. It was well written and a beautiful love story. It makes you want to find your one true love. The story of finding love again brings hope. Her husband was awful to her and she found someone that makes her feel special and deserving of love.

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Soledad was living a life of comfort until the rug was pulled from beneath her and her children.. It took her a little bit, but she found a way to put herself up. It was a struggle and it wasn’t easy, but she persevered. It was during this time she found herself and learned how to stand on her own feet.

Judah is a strong and honest man. He’s a father of twins who are both autistic. There was a scene in a store that was written so perfectly and felt as though we were the spectators or audience. He worked at the same company as Soledad’s husband(ex) and found some incriminating evidence against her husband.

Their attraction was instant. Although they couldn’t act on it at that time, you felt the chemistry between them. Judah patiently waited, and he was rewarded. Solidad was dealing with some conflicting emotions because she was attracted to the man who helped her husband (ex) go to jail. Some might call their relationship a bit controversial, but they made up in their minds to focus on them and not others. This book was a slow burn and not solely focused on romance.

I really enjoyed this book and their story. I love the way she included characters on the autism spectrum. I love how well Judah co-parent with his ex-wife and got along well with her husband. I love the supportive friends of Soledad. We all need friends like them. They stood by her side during the good and bad. Soledad’s children had to go through some emotional turmoil and one had a hard time accepting the fate of their father. But I am happy that they were able to work through it. I really enjoyed this book,

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you Netgalley.

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"This Could Be Us" by Kennedy Ryan - A Tale of Betrayal, Self-Reflection, and Transformation

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

SISSSSSS! Clutch your pearls, grab your wine and buckle up! I got through this book in 2 days because i could not put it down! (It would‘ve been sooner but momma has 3 toddlers so i did the best I could lol.) I couldn’t wait to finish so I could spill the tea though!

Girl, let me tell you, this book had me hooked from the start. Soledad's story? It's a total rollercoaster ride! At the beginning, my heart was breaking for her. You know how amazing she is as a wife, mom, and friend, right? Well, imagine seeing her life crumbling right before her eyes. It was like watching a soap opera!

But here's the twist – Soledad didn't let it knock her down. Nope, she picked herself up and decided it was time for a major glow-up. I'm talking about reinventing her whole life, finding her inner power, and discovering who she truly is. It was like watching a phoenix rise from the ashes, my friend!

This book is so much more than just a tale of betrayal and transformation. It's a relatable journey of self-reflection and growth that anyone can resonate with. I mean, we've all had moments where we had to find our strength and rediscover ourselves, right?

Kennedy Ryan's writing is seriously on another level. She knows how to hit you right in the feels while keeping you hooked with every page. So, my friend, trust me when I say you need to grab a copy of "This Could Be Us" ASAP. It's a real page-turner that'll have you rooting for Soledad and feeling inspired to conquer whatever life throws your way.

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I absolutely loved this book, will def be picking the hard copy up when it’s out! I love. sol’s story and her character and strength. I would say this is a semi slow burn romance, I loved the autism representation you don’t see that often in romance books and with a blended family aspect. Kennedy Ryan’s writing can do no wrong. The story line and the romance were gripping, I feel like I loved Yasmen and Soledad’a story equally and can’t want for Hendrix’s book!

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A stunning book. Before I Let Go was my top book of 2023, and This Could Be Us will be a strong contender for 2024.

Beautifully written, a love story not only between the male and female main characters, but between the FMC and herself as well.

I loved following the characters along on their journey of healing, self love, caring for their families, and building the lives they want to live. As always, Kennedy Ryan wrote not only a fantastic romance novel, but a story of hope and inspiration.

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There is something about Ryan's writing that makes you feel like you know the characters personally. There is so much emotion in her writing. This book was beautiful. I loved every minute.

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Kennedy Ryan continues to prove she’s one of the best writers of our generation. The way that Kennedy writes love (romantic love, friendship, parental love) is so moving and real. You can tell that this was written with compassion and kindness it was truly special.

Soledad’s story had me laughing, crying, angry but more of all hopeful. It was a great reminder to parents to not forget that we are humans with needs that need to be fulfilled also!

I read this book in less than 24 hours I enjoyed it so much and I can’t wait for Hendrix’s book!!

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