Member Reviews

2.75/5 stars

Thank you so much for the ARC!!! <3

(I always do long reviews for ARCs, so here we go :))

Aww man i really wanted to like this 😭. So far most of the Kennedy Ryan books I have read I have loved, so I was really shocked when i got to the end of this and kinda sat there like :/. The beginning started off so strong too, and I was really looking forward to reading about an older couple (also the plot twist with Edward had my mouth dropping open because it was so left field and I was EATING it upppp) I also really liked Before I let go, so the hopes with this one were HIGH.

I also lovedddd the autism representation, as that is super rare in books and I feel like Kennedy really showcased how to do research on something and showcased it well in her book!


For me, Soledad and Judah had zero chemistry. Like completely nonexistent. I'm not sure if its because Soledad was pushing this whole self love journey so hard, (which is perfectly fine, but the romance plot line to me felt secondary and came up short) or there was just too much about her being an influencer and other random plot points, but I just could not dive into the romance like at all. I also really disliked Soledad (I'm sorry 😭 ) but to me her 'self love' was quickly turning selfish– and the way she almost just like...played in Judahs face??? Hello?? Why would you lead him on if you wanna dive into your 'self love' journey only to turn around and be like "You don't want me no more??" THE ICKKKKKKK IMMEDIATELY. The spice also made me cringe im not going to lie.

Like this book very much read like this:
1. We learn who Soledad is and about her marriage
2. We learn what happens with her and her ex-husband + how it affects her daughters
2.5. Random plot points about her mom + Bell Hooks that leads no where
3. Her influencer career for random spurts and how she wants to focus on herself
4. Oh yeah and Judah exists 😭

Like I really tried yall, because in a way i understood where she was coming from, and that they are a bit in the older range (40s) so they don't really have time to be take 3 years on a self love journey. Self love isn't always the basic self care things we think it is, and it looks different as more things enter your life like kids, marriages, friendships, etc.– So i can understand and I get that Soledad was really trying to stay a float and find herself, but to me thats not an excuse to play in others feelings 😭 . Tbh it gave very much fake influencer energy, where they preach that they are doing this that and the third (#datingmyself in this book) ...only to be basically lying LMAOOOO (aka shes in Judahs face??). I gotta keep it a stack– I reallllllly disliked the influencer plot line, it just all seemed very random and coincidental. She was a good cook??? But an influencer??? Got 2 million followers? But also liked cleaning??? But also hosted events??? It was all just a jumbled random mess to me.

All in all, I really liked the representation, the plot twist in the beginning, and I LOVE how Kennedy Ryan writes, but this just wasn't the story for me </3, but I'd still recommend giving it a try because its Kennedy Ryan LOL!

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This book is absolutely perfect in every way.

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Kennedy Ryan is an absolute force. No one writes emotional, tender, heart wrenching love like Kennedy.

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Kennedy Ryan has delivered another masterpiece.

Soledad is a dedicated wife and mother whose life explodes in the most unexpected way. From the ashes, she discovers the strength to create something beautiful. Soledad’s journey of healing will inspire readers, and the love story will make them swoon.

Mr. Judah Cross will become your new book boyfriend.

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Words cannot describe how much this book meant to me. I may not be a 40-year-old newly-divorced single mom to three girls, but I related to Soledad SO much. This is definitely more of a "love story" than a "romance," but I didn't even mind, because it was so powerful, emotional, and beautiful (which we've all come to expect from a Kennedy Ryan novel). For about half the book, Soledad is solely on a self-love and self-partnering journey, partly thanks to bell hooks (we LOVE her). I didn't even find myself skimming these parts, because I was as much invested in Soledad and Judah as individuals as I was in Soledad AND Judah as partners. Which, by the way, Judah's story was equally beautiful. The way that man was a father above all else? Ugh, I'd marry him yesterday.

For as much as this felt like Soledad's story, the book opens with Judah and his then-wife, Tremaine, mediating the end of their marriage. It was refreshing to read about an actually amicable, mutual divorce, where we could see how much Judah and Tremaine loved each other, but were no longer in love with each other. Judah is father to twin boys, Adam and Aaron, at different points on the autism spectrum (and might be autistic himself, though he has never been formally diagnosed). At the time of the divorce, they are twelve. I loved the tender loving care with which Kennedy represented their autism. I know she is a mother to an autistic son, but even so, you can tell she did her research on how autism shows up differently in different people (and you can tell how much she loved and cared about these two/three autistic characters).

Three years later, Soledad is getting ready for her husband's company Christmas party. From the very beginning, we are privy to the ways in which her husband, Edward, neglects, undervalues, and diminishes her. He makes her feel unwanted ("You have pushed out three kids. Things get loose down there" should NEVER be words that come out of ANYONE'S mouth) and like she's nothing without him (when really, he is nothing without her... major projection). Together, they have three girls, Lupe (15/16), Inez (maybe 13?) (who worships the ground Edward walks on), and Lottie (11). At the Christmas party, Soledad and Judah meet for the first time. Edward despises Judah (but that hatred likely stems from fear... of being caught in his web of schemes and lies), and because he's jealous that Soledad and Judah had an instant connection, he has angry sex with Soledad that night. The next morning, cops show up and arrest Edward (and that's as much as I will say without spoiling anything).

I want to touch on why this book meant so much to me. After her split with Edward, Soledad needs to learn that she is whole on her own. She's not half of anything. We hear those phrases all the time - my other half, my better half - that when you're single, you start to question your completeness. Soledad starts dating herself, and she brings the world along with her (oh yeah, she becomes a major influencer... if only it were that easy!). She learns that she is not by herself; she is with herself, and that is so powerful and badass. (And Judah is SO respectful of her boundaries and her decision not to date, even though he likes her. Another reason to like him!)

I could have easily ingested this book in a day or two, but I took my time with it. I'm feeling empty without it, but it's inspired me to 1) read bell hooks' All about Love, and 2) date myself.

I cannot recommend this book enough. It is life-changing (I don't normally think of fiction in those terms, but seriously. It will change your life).

And lastly, screw you, Edward. I hope you rot in hell.

I'm beyond grateful to have received an e-ARC of this book, and I'm providing a voluntary, honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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Another ∞ ⭐️ from Kennedy Ryan & another favorite of the year already!

It’s been such a long time since I’ve read a book that’s been so *complete* in the sense that it made me laugh out loud at times, cry at other times, and still manage to make me sweat from how hot the spice is (and tension obvi). I really went through the full range of emotions while reading this book. It has the ultimate girl power vibes, especially in the idea of Sol dating herself. It’s a mindset that I really vibe with because I’ve been unknowingly doing it for the last few years. And the way that Judah was low-key stalker-ish but in a good way - he stalked her socials endlessly to truly find her likes, dislikes, and so much more when their situation was keeping them apart. Seeing the growth in all the kids throughout the book was incredible, especially Inez.

It’s so hard to wrap my head around the fact that I have to wait more than a year now to read Hendrix’s book 😭 Her character has been so fun in this series so far and I just know her book is going to be so dang good!

Thank you to Forever Grand Central Publishing, Kennedy Ryan, and NetGalley for sending me an early copy!

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Judah is phenomenal, and Soledad is fierce! Edward is the absolute worst, and it brings me so much joy to think how their relationship ended. I also love that in both this book, and the first, we are able to see couples that co-parent in the absolute best way.

Though Judah and Soledad's relationship is slow to build, I am so glad that they took the time they needed to create the relationship that they need.

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Really enjoyed this one! I couldn’t stop reading it.

While it was about the romance / slow burn, I felt it was more focused on self worth and representation. I loved it. Just like I loved the first in this series. Soledad became so fierce and I loved reading about her overcoming everything she was going through. Judah was A+. Talk about a top notch guy. I wish there had been a little more resolution when it came to Soledad and her daughters, but all in all, this is a great read.

I can’t wait to see what is waiting for us in Hendrix’s story!

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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ARC Review: This Could Be Us
Releases on March 5, 2024 - available to preorder

My sweet sweet Sol! I knew her story was going to be a good one just from the vibes I got from Before I Let Go and Kennedy Ryan didn’t disappoint. It captured so many different kinds of love so well - between parent and child, romantic relationships, and love between friends, it was pouring through the pages and it was incredible! The community that was felt in the book was beautiful! I was truly inspired by Soledad’s strength and how she was learning how to love herself and put herself first! I loved Judah so so much! He’s smart, kind, romantic, compassionate and very patient with his boys and Soledad. He was perfection. Aside from Soledad’s journey I really enjoyed her friendships with Hendrix and Yasmen! They are her ride or dies and they show exactly what unconditional love is all about!

Thank you to NetGalley, Kennedy Ryan and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review. #NetGalley #ThisCouldBeUs

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I just found myself a new favourite romance and auto-buy author! This is the second book I’ve read by Kennedy Ryan and they were both amazing!

Soledad has been betrayed by her scumbag of a husband in the worst possible way and it upends life as she knows it for herself and her daughters. She must take matters into her own hands to secure their future. This Could Be Us is Soledad’s journey of her rising from the ashes and finding the love that she deserves. If you’re a foodie you will love this book. If you enjoy a badass strong female protagonist, you’ll love this book. Lastly, if you crave a love story that feels so real, you’ll love this book. 🩷 I highly recommend reading book #1 Before I Let Go followed by this one. I cannot wait for Hendrix’s upcoming story in Skyland #3 as she is my most favourite character. 🥰

The disability representation in this book was a most pleasant surprise. You will meet two of the most loveable boys with varying degrees of autism. Kennedy Ryan really did a great job of explaining all the ins and outs of autism and how it plays into family dynamics.

You’ve done it again Kennedy Ryan! 👏🏻
Thank you to @readforeverpub and @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review. 🙏🏻🥰

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This book was stunningly beautiful. It tugged at every heartstring I possess.

Soledad’s life as she knows it has fallen apart when her husband’s criminal activity and infidelity is revealed. It falls to her to keep life moving forward for herself and her three daughters. While learning what she’s capable of and how to trust herself again, she finds a potential chance at something new with the most unexpected man.

At its core, this book is story of so much more than romantic love. It is about the love between parents and their children. It is about the love between friends and family. It is about loving yourself. Soledad has to go on an intense personal journey. She has kept the home running and her family’s life in order while her husband provided the income, and now she has to find a way to monetize her skillset. She is an amazing woman, and there is so much to admire about her tenacity, determination, and adaptability to make the best life she can for herself and her girls. She embodies the best of what a mother should be. The friendship between Soledad, Yasmen, and Hendrix shines so bright in this book. I was moved by their love for each other more than once. Her relationship with her sisters is much the same. The most impactful journey for me was Soledad’s quest for self-love. There were so many touching realizations and moments of acceptance and healing that were inspiring. One moment that really stood out was a point when she was able to connect with her late mother through her journal. It was beautiful.

Now, with all the portrayals of love mentioned above, that is not to say the romantic love in this book is lacking. Judah Cross is a prince among men. The coparenting family dynamic he and his ex-wife, Tremaine, have created for their twin boys is beyond admirable and impressive. The dedication they both show to caring for their boys and their differing needs is another example of the deep love between parent and child. The way Judah really sees Soledad, pays attention, listens, cares about her interests, and lays it all out on the table in his words and actions is gold standard. He respects Soledad’s need to reassure herself that she is capable of standing on her own before allowing someone else into her life. He knows what he wants and he’s content to wait for it…and the man *delivers* when the time comes, in both physical and emotional satisfaction.

I cannot say enough good things about this book. It’s only January but I already know it will be in my top reads roundup at the end of the year. Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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honestly, I don’t think 5 stars is enough!
I absolutely ate this up. I didn’t want it to end, and now that it’s over i wish i could read it again for the first time.

This story is absolutely heartbreaking, empowering, loving, and inspiring. It hits every single place you want and is done flawlessly.

The representation was done tastefully and very well. I was so happy to see such strong co parents, and just strong WOMEN throughout this entire book.

Soledad is absolutely amazing. Her friendships, her sisters, her girls, the journey she took throughout this entire book was EVERYTHING. Sol went through more than anyone should and she bounced back like a BOSS. i absolutely adored her as a character.

Judah is the ultimate book boyfriend in my opinion. The way he worshiped the ground she walked on and was so respectful of what she wanted. top tier.

There’s so much to absolutely adore about this story and its characters.

I haven’t found a book i didn’t absolutely adore by Kennedy Ryan, but this is without a doubt my new favorite! AMAZING.

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This book… oh man. This was my first time reading a Kennedy Ryan novel and I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED! Will be picking up her other work because the feelings I felt while reading this was unmatched. I really saw myself in Soledad which made the reading experience much more interactive for me. Love love LOVED IT

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This book was absolutely incredible! Kennedy Ryan never fails to deliver, and this story about Soledad's journey of healing and moving on from a painful betrayal was truly amazing. Soledad's husband is truly despicable, and every time he appeared in the story, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger. Edward is just terrible. But let's focus on the positive aspects. The portrayal of sisterhood, self-love, self-care, individualism, motherhood, representation, and culture was absolutely outstanding. It completely blew me away. I loved how Soledad's friends supported and loved her unconditionally, even when she didn't ask for it. They knew she needed it, and their presence was so heartwarming. I also enjoyed the glimpses we got of Yasmen and Josiah, and it was great to see that they were doing well. Now, let me talk about my favorite book boyfriend, Judah. He was incredibly sweet and caring towards Soledad, and he was always honest about his feelings and intentions. Judah and his ex-wife Tremaine had a remarkable co-parenting relationship, and they were such a supportive team for their boys. Learning about Judah's twin boys, Adam and Aaron, and their journey on the autism spectrum was truly eye-opening. Kennedy Ryan did an exceptional job in portraying this aspect. The chemistry and connection between Judah and Soledad were absolutely electric! It was satisfying to see Soledad overcome her past hurts and learn to trust Judah. Overall, this story was simply beautiful. I can't wait for the official release so that I can discuss every part of it in my in-depth review. Thank you, Kennedy Ryan, for your incredible work! If I could, I would give this book 100 stars!

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I cannot believe I've waited this long to read a Kennedy Ryan book!

So excited to binge the rest of her backlist :) This Could Be Us had me tearing up in the prologue and the emotional roller coaster did not stop there. This book was so heartfelt but also full of so many plot twists. Ryan knows how to write a fantastic, sexy, swoon-worthy love story that readers will fall in love with on page 1. I can't wait to read the first book in this series and for the next one to come out in Spring 2025. Don't sleep on this one!!

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Kennedy Ryan has DONE IT AGAIN! I’m forever impressed by her talented writing. Finished this yesterday night and read it in one sitting. I am obsessed and captivated by Kennedy Ryan’s talent to keep writing better and better romances full of incredible characters and dreamy love stories. My love for Kennedy’s work just keeps growing with every book.

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There is something so special about a Kennedy Ryan book. Any time I pick one up, I know I'm going to be taken on an emotional journey like none other. Her poetic prose and written craft are incredibly unique and I love how she pulls out emotion, steam, and character growth through her words. Ryan makes so many interesting choices to help tell the story. There were twists I didn't see coming and I enjoyed that the timeline was long (over a year goes by throughout the book), allowing for character growth.

This Could Be Us is not a typical, formulaic romance. While there is romance (and it's hot), the book focuses heavily on Soledad's healing journey and her fight to stand on her own two feet after her life is upended. Soledad is a strong, independent woman who would do anything for her children. But even though she’s strong, she still has flaws and self-doubt, which was incredibly relatable. She doesn't need saving - she can do that on her own. However, throughout the book, she learns that she can have a true partner beside her to help ease whatever comes.

Who knew an accountant could be so sexy? Judah was such an amazing hero. He's patient, principled, and selfless. I loved seeing how he co-parented with his ex, particularly with his two neurodiverse children. The portrayal of their blended family was heartwarming. His acts of love for Soledad were thoughtful and he backs his words up with his actions. A man that will wait for you to find yourself? Utter perfection.

💬 “It’s not an endgame....It’s a begin game.”
💬 “What does that mean? ‘Begin game’?”
💬 “It’s a long game. I don’t want to interfere with all you’re doing, how you’re working on yourself. I think it’s awesome, but if I can find a way to see you, I will.”

The chemistry in this book was off the charts. Who knew the back of a truck bed could be so hot? This one was a slow burn, but so worth the wait. I loved that we were given an unconventional HEA, where Soledad and Judah found love on their own terms, not by society's standards.

My only complaint was there were small inaccuracies with legal timelines and law enforcement practices, but I can see why those choices were made for story telling purposes. It doesn't distract from the book as a whole and most people won't think twice about them.

This Could Be Us is the second book in the Skyland series, but it can be read as a standalone. It's a steamy forbidden romance where he falls first. It publishes March 5.

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4.5/5 stars

this book was better than the first book in my opinion. first of all the book started off messy as hell which i loved, i had so much fun in the beginning. i just really enjoyed the plot. these books read more like women fiction but once i realized that i was able to really enjoy the book. i also thought the chemistry in this book was a bit better, it was a lot less sexual and more focused on soledad finding herself which i really appreciated.

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I said this before - I said this to KR - “you’re a blessing to us”.

After reading Before I Let Go, the word “pain” stood out to me. Despite how the story began and unraveled in This Could Be Us, “soar” was the word for me.

And Soledad SOARED.

Imagine your life being ripped out from under you, where do you go from there? How do you gain back the hope you lost? How do you build back a life you thought you had but apparently never did? You do it by taking that first step of faith. Nothing is achievable without risk and Soledad took that necessary step and it unfolds beautifully…

One thing I always appreciate about KR’s writing is her ability to connect with her readers with real life experiences - the intentionality with choosing self over all, starting over when we thought we had it all, and the importance of sisterhood/ a loving community. My favorite highlight was the genuine sisterhood represented here. Soledad not only had her actual sisters, but she also had her friends turned sisters. She also had the memory of a mother that not only made sacrifices for her family, but chose herself as well. You really cannot help but admire the beautiful relationships Soledad had around her. It made me appreciate the small, but amazing group of women I have in my corner.

And to quote my review of Before I Let Go,

“A book that aches? A book that loves so hard? A book that cries? A book that grieves loves lost? A book that tries to move on? A book that falls but gets back up? A book that encourages? A book that forgives themselves? A book that heals & seeks healing? A book of hope?”

…. but also “A book that chooses themselves”.

p.s. this is what I mean by normal, beautiful love. just do yourself a favor and be on the lookout for this one…

thank you @netgalley @readforeverpub & @kennedyryan1 for the early ARC release.

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“Before I Let Go” was one of favorite reads of last year so to say that I was excited to read Soledad’s story in “This Could Be Us,” is an understatement. It did not disappoint.

Kennedy Ryan does a beautiful job of showing the progression of Soledad’s development as an individual while also depicting the build-up to her romance with Judah. I would say that there’s a slow-build up to Soledad and Judah’s romance. Nevertheless, through Soledad, Ryan shows the importance of sisterhood and self-love — which were ever-present themes throughout the book. I think that this is an important aspect of what makes the book so good - the relationships that Soledad and Judah have with their friends, families and themselves makes their build-up together all the more so special.

I’m so excited to read Hendrix’s story next!

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