Member Reviews

What can I say, I’m not surprised, always a great time with Ms. Ryan!!!! I’m so glad I picked this as my first read of the year. Thanks to Ms. Ryan and NetGalley for this DRC! Pretty exciting as this my first advanced readers copy 🥳

There’s just something so special about Kennedy Ryan’s books they just suck you in the emotions you feel, how relatable the characters are, the portrayal of friendships, passions, love and this book is no exception.

I knew I was eager to dive into Soledad’s story after getting a glimpse of her personality and dedication to her family and friends in Before I Let Go. I read this in one day and I want more of the story!!!! Can’t we get an extended epilogue 🤭?!?

Now on to the story, the feeling of betrayal especially by someone you love and trust is deeply heartbreaking. I felt pained for Soledad but also very inspired by her strength, passion, determination to rebuild her life; while she went on a journey of healing and rediscovery.

And the man, the man, the man, Judah… I can’t say what I need to without giving spoilers but he’s the epitome of perfection.

After reading the author’s note, I knew how much diligence went into portraying autism.
I learnt so much about the intricacies of the spectrum, and I love to see diverse perspectives and representation in stories.
I especially loved the cultural emphasis that was prevalent in the characters’ lives, as a huge chunk of who we are, what we stand for and believe in come from our culture. It’s such a privilege to learn and appreciate new cultures and traditions. There’s so much to takeaway from this thrilling read, from quotes to life lessons, a re-read is definitely imminent.

Also, can’t wait for Hendrix’s story, I just know it will be a wild ride!

p.s. I just know I’m going to love the cover as well!!!!!

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DNF at 35%

35% in and the main characters have had almost no interaction with each other. Lots of positive female friendships, but zero romance.

This book might be too slow for my taste.

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This was my first Kennedy Ryan book, but certainly not my last! This was a spicy, slow burn romance that gave you all the warm fuzzies a romance should. But it also had a lot of powerful messages about women and relationships. It's the second in a series, but I haven't read the first. I don't usually do that, but it didn't feel confusing or lacking in any way. Five stars, would recommend.

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Unfortunately couldn't get into this one. Will need to retry at a time when I can focus and give it my full attention, as Ryan's prior book was so beautiful and a great story.

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This book was truly healing. Kennedy Ryan took on you a journey of healing, self love, finding your footing and a love you thought you would never have.
I can’t wait till the next book in this series.

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I actually enjoyed this story more than book 1. You've got the single mom trope, and reinventing herself in a sense with a slower burn love story. Really enjoyed this one. Can't wait for book 3!

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🌸I read BEFORE I LET GO earlier this year and really enjoyed it so I knew I wanted to read book 2 in the series! I was so excited to read Soledad’s story and it didn’t disappoint!

🌸Here’s a summary of the plot:👇
Soledad is a stay-at-home-mom for her three daughters and she likes to have everything under control. But when her husband is arrested for embezzlement, her world turns upside down. She doesn’t know who she married or how to suddenly provide for her three girls. She’s determined to uncover the best version of herself and move forward with her life. But what happens when the man who seems to be the cause of her life unraveling is the very one she can’t stay away from?

🌸This is my second Kennedy Ryan book but it won’t be my last! I love how “real” all of her stories are. They’re still swoony, but they show the more raw, real parts of a relationship than a typical romance book imo. I loved the autism rep, self-love storyline, and the amazing co-parenting relationship. There was one detail about the ending I didn’t love but I’ll keep that to myself (no spoilers here🤐). I can’t wait for book 3 next spring and I’d definitely recommend both this book, and BEFORE I LET GO.

🌸Thanks @readforeverpub for my digital copy!

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dnf @ 55%

This is probably really surprising for most. I don't think I saw a single review by one of my mutuals that was less than 4 stars. But, that's reading books for you. Sometimes what works for one, doesn't for another. And this book didn't work for me.

I started off really enjoying this book. The representation and the storyline were amazing. But as the book moved on, I felt myself getting bored with the plot. I love that Soledad wanted to work on herself, but I think it could have been more with Judah and not really in spite of him. More than anything, I think I expected more of a romance book than this book was giving. That's not the books fault, but I chose not to finish it.

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Seriously one of the BEST books I’ve read this year. Kennedy Ryan just knows how to do it right!
Sol is also my freaking hero, I loved this strong FMC so much. And the autism rep in the MMC storyline was SO well done. Superb.
Let me warn you now, when Sol is visiting her ex husband, grabs his face and whispers in his ear…what she said had my jaw on the floor and the loudest cackle flying from my mouth.
You have to pack this book in your vacay bag.

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"This woman is an electric storm. But I have no caution and I don’t want shelter"

I've said it once, I'll say it til I'm blue in the face: Kennedy Ryan really has the most stunning prose. Granted, I was a little worried since I seriously didn't like Josiah at all in Skyland #1 (I loathe him tbh) but Judah is AMAZING. This book was messy and reading the plot unfold was like watching a train wreck in slow motion - in the best way possible. The amount of times I wanted to THROW HANDS!

I loved the story (literal jaw on the floor), I loved Soledad's growth as an individual. Her healing and learning to love herself and the spice was spicing! Josiah was perfection from the first page. I do wish there was a little more growth of them *together* as a couple rather than shared history and chemistry. Nonetheless, what a fun read! I can't wait for the next Skyland book.

(+) bisexual and sapphic secondary characters, demisexual coded MMC (confirmed as unintentional coding by author), single parent, autistic rep

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Thank you to NG and Forever for a free review copy. All opinions are my own.

This was fine to me. It was interesting enough to read but otherwise I was bored with it.

I see the appeal, and I know many people love Kennedy Ryan books and I was interested in the autistic rep, and everything but I considered switching formats or just looking for a quick article to tell me exactly what happens because I was just so bored with it.

I probably wouldn't have read it without Forever gifting me an arc.

I think all the talk about children was boring and I disconnected a lot.

Ah, well. Moving on.

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Five stars!!!

I was so excited to receive this as an ARC and it did not disappoint. Even loved it more than the first one.

Soledad is just one of those characters that just stays with you even since book one. I love that she found herself in this book and learned how to lean on herself before anyone else. Finding yourself after divorce and especially the one after her ex husband left her to fend for herself. She truly shows how she can re-ignite herself from the ashes.

Loved Judah and his devotion to not only his family and his boys but to Soledad too. He let her figure out what she wanted while also letting her know that he will still be there when she does. I just felt so connected with both of them. I already can't wait for Hendrix to get her own book!!

Thank you netgalley for the ARC!

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This Could Be Us is another engrossing page turner from this author and it's the 2nd book in the Skyland series. It was raw and real and packed quite an emotional punch, you will not be able to put it down. It's a story of strength, self worth, passion, starting over and learning to stand on your own
Soledad's strength shone through in the story as she made the best of what she had, inspite of her struggles at times and I enjoyed going on this journey of self discovery with her and seeing her find herself.

I loved Judah. He was patient and caring and was such an amazing father and I loved that he was more than willing to wait for her. Soledad and Judah were two fantastic characters who were totally relatable and I was fully invested in them. The romance although beautiful, took a bit of a back seat in this story but I loved the way it was written.

The found family aspect was excellent. These women would do anything for each other and I loved the interactions between them.
This story was a wonderful tale from this author and I would recommend it.

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This was a great follow up to Before I Let Go. I really appreciated how it touched on all kinds of love & relationships while still showing you the most important love is self love and when you have that , beautiful things can happen.

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This book was soooo Bussy. There was so much going onnnnnn. I felt like at a certain point I started feeling like I wasn't left with enough time with these characters that I wanted to like and appreciate.

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Soledad and Judah's relationship is what romance novels are made of. I absolutely love sex scenes in romance novels and to be honest think they should be required in many romances, but I loved that Soledad and Judah's relationship was the center focus. Sure, they have spicy scenes but it's not just pure smut.

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I was really looking forward to reading this book. I had heard such amazing things about it. I was kinda disappointed. I didn't love this book. I found the main character kind of annoying. I just didn't like her. So this book was just an okay read. Nothing spectacular in my opinion.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Grand Central Publishing for the E-ARC.

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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Kennedy Ryan is the master of emotion!!!! This read had me in the feels from the first few chapters all the way to the very end! This Could Be Us featured two grown adults, each with children and a whole of drama to battle!

I connected so deeply to the hero Judah, being a parent of a child on the autism spectrum. I felt as though Kennedy had taken my own personal experiences and written them directly into this story! Her dedication to writing an authentic and realistic portrayal of difficult situations is just one of the many things that makes her an incredible author!

I adored the heroine Soledad and her mounting struggles. She was such a force to be reconned with when she was forced to stand on her own and face the world head on. She took the high road so many times when all I wanted was for her to be petty and ruthless (which she was completely justified in)!

So many extreme twists and turns of the plot kept me on the hook! I gasped so many times! Might have spewed a few choice worlds at the villain of the story too. What an epic HEA for Judah and Soledad!!!

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This story is everything! From the very beginning my heart went out for Sol, Judah and their kids as they navigate new lives after each of their divorces. Everything they went through made their hardships, traumas, grief, fears, and realizations so devastatingly real. Don't get me wrong though - this is also a story of hope, joy, discovery, growth, family and friendship.

What really stood out to me throughout the whole story was how therapy and being there for yourself for all ages was incorporated. Ryan was able to highlight the fears that change brings while showing the compassion and growth that you find when you sit down and finally have infinite patience with yourself.

Oh…and the romance was top notch!

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It’s not just a beautiful, slow burn romance, but also a journey of a woman who goes through a horrible betrayal from her husband and moves on to a better, more fulfilling life. During her journey, she works on herself, and helps other women empower themselves, promoting self-love, independence and self-reliance. The author’s writing was stellar!

Soledad is an extraordinary character. Kind, resilient, intelligent, and talented. She’s ferocious in defending her daughters’ well-being, passionate, and very much attracted to Judah. She’s conflicted because he’s the man who discovered her husband’s theft of millions but gets over it fast because the man is not just gorgeous but honorable.

It takes a village and in this case, Soledad has her two best friends Yasmen and Hendrix, and her sisters Lola and Nayeli. The support of these women and the love of her daughters empower Soledad through her journey. Soledad’s mother is Puertorrican and I loved seeing traditions from my country presented in this story!

Soledad and Judah have a long journey as Soledad navigates single hood again, helps her daughters overcome their distress, builds trust again. Their connection is so strong, Judah is so understanding, their sexy times so steamy, that is was a delight to read. Their bond was strong, even as they navigated her issues and his issues. He has twelve-year-old twins who are autistic and adorable. I loved how the story shows the excellent co-parenting that Judah and his ex-wife carry out in benefit of their boys. And I loved how well Soledad connected with Aaron with Rubik’s cubes!

It’s an uplifting story about re-birth, trust, women helping other women overcome obstacles and achieve their potential, and about love, the real one that fires up your soul and makes you feel you got home.

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