Member Reviews

I had heard so much about this author and about this book that I was excited to pick it up. However, this was not a good fit for me. I found the characters one dimensional and the dialogue very forced. There was no chemistry among the characters. This was not a book that I was drawn to, I had to make myself read it and even then found myself rushing through in order to just be finished. Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy to review.

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I laughed, I cringed, I hooted with Soledad and her squad. I screeched when she reached for the machete— WHAT a scene (sorry, Larry Bird). This book gave me chills over what one woman can overcome and how she can remake herself at 40.

When Soledad enters the room, everything stops. Some people come into their own at 40, and that’s what I’m here for. The mountains she has climbed, the kindness she exudes regardless of what she’s been dealt— her unending patience and devotion to her girls.

Kennedy Ryan crafts a world in Skyland where we immediately assume a spot: the highs, the lows, the squad— and the BURN. The burn is slow, and Judah Cross is in his own zone. I’ve never read a man like Judah before, with his steady parenting of his autistic twin sons and his co-parenting relationship with Tremaine (that we all can take a lesson from).

Read it— it’s a whirlwind. Aside from the ride, Soledad and her unflappable grace genuinely shines. It’s something.

Thank you to Forever for an e-arc to review.

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I absolutely devoured this book! I couldn't put it down and loved every minute of it, even when it made me cry in public.
I adored Yasmin's story and was so excited to find out we were getting Soledad's story and I loved it even more!
Judah - that man - I dont even have words. We should all have a man like that in our lives!
I adored the family aspect in this story- both Soledad's girls and Judah's boys. I teach students with special needs and loved seeing people like my students represented and in such a great way!
This book was amazing and I cannot wait for Hendrix's story next! Not only will we finally see her fall, but we will get to visit Soledad & Judah and Yasmin & Josiah.

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As usual, Kennedy Ryan crafted a wonderful book with characters you would love to be your best friends. The hero had an unusual story that made him endearing as well as incredibly sexy. Don't miss this one when it releases in March!

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Soledad works hard to give her family everything they want and need. When her world crumbles because of her husband, she is left to pick up the pieces. Soledad is on a journey of finding a new identity as she tries to find ways to provide for her three daughters. When she least expects it, Judah Cross, the man her husband calls the enemy, enters the picture and she can't help but want him.

I AM OBSESSED. SO OBSESSED. From page one, I was captivated. Kennedy Ryan has outdone herself and I am somehow left feeling like I am the luckiest person to have the privilege of reading this book.

Soledad was a warrior and force to be reckoned with. She handled her situation with grace, but I also liked that she let herself have those moments where she let her emotions take over. Those scenes were some of my favorites, where I was pumping my fist in the air and saying "YEAH!". Judah is exactly what she needed in this time in her life. Sure, she had to go on a journey of redefining herself, but who says we can't have a partner to help us through that journey? I loved that Judah didn't play games with Soledad - he was up front with how he felt and didn't feel shame in his obsession with her. He worshipped her and let her know how amazing she was. On top of all of that, he was the world's greatest dad and coparent.

Soledad's situation was COMPLEX to say the least. Kennedy Ryan has an uncanny ability of writing these complex stories with layers and nuance that make me think and analyze and rethink. Above all, she reminds us that we are all human, with human flaws, emotions, needs and wants. How do we reconcile them all when your world is falling apart?

The standout theme in this book is parental sacrifice. There were so many layers to what Soledad needed to consider in every step she took and she always made choices that had her daughters at the center. Judah had layers to his family situation as well. In the end, Soledad and Judah recognized that one of the best things that they could do for their children was to choose their own happiness. That was a beautiful thing.

This book is going on my all-time favorites list. You're going to want to pick this one up and make sure you have tissues ready!

Steam level: 🔥🔥🔥
⚠️: infidelity (not between the main characters), divorce, cancer, seizures

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This Could Be Us
(Skyland, #2)
Kennedy Ryan

Kennedy Ryan can literally do no wrong. I wasn’t sure anything could come even close to rivaling my love for Before I Let Go, and Kennedy was like challenge accepted! She is a master of her craft and that craft is making you feel ALL the feels. I will happily read anything she writes.

I couldn’t wait for Sol’s story and Ryan absolutely delivered. This Could Be Us absolutely blew me away on so many levels. It was a stunning story of loss, forgiveness, second chances, and love. SO much love in all forms is packed into this story.

Soledad was fierce, resilient, and so inspiring. Her journey to self-discovery was one of my favorite parts. Jonah. Oh sweet Jonah. I couldn’t have loved him any more if I tried. His relationship with his sons, and his ex were amazing and he literally had me swooning over groceries. And together… omg these two were pure perfection.

What I loved;
🩷 Self Discovery/Self Love
🩷 Autism Rep
🩷 The Friendships
🩷 The Empowerment
🩷 The Spice

💯 would recommend. It was an absolute page turner from beginning to end and I already cannot wait for Hendrix’s story.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Forever for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Amazing! First, I am a huge KR fan and absolutely love her writing; this book did not disappoint. Soledad and Judah are wonderful together. I loved Soledad's journey of self-discovery and, to me, learning to love herself. Some of the themes in the story are hard (distant and untrustworthy spouse, autistic twins, being hurt, starting over), so emotions run high. KR writes with an unparalleled sensitivity that not only captures your heart, but makes you dig deep and take a long, serious look at your own unacknowledged fallibles and shortcomings.

Judah, for me, is a true swoon-worthy hero of a man. The romance between him and Soledad is overwhelmingly beautiful and I loved watching them slowly fall in love. The story is believable and the pacing is perfect for the resolution.

Although I received an ARC from NetGalley, I am still purchasing the hardcover to go with my hardcover edition of Before I Let Go!

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This book captivated me at first. A woman betrayed by the man she loves, but also a man who treats his wife like dirt. I could not stand Soledad's husband so I wasn’t upset that he didn’t play a bigger part. I enjoyed following along on one woman's journey to date herself. With strong friendships and stronger sister relationships Sol had the support everyone craves when facing an altering crisis.
I liked the alternating chapters between Judah and Sol. It’s always fun to read what the male character is thinking. Overall this is a good story, but I felt it could have been shortened.

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Tender and gorgeous and powerful, I am simply awestruck by Kennedy Ryan’s writing prowess. This book is something else entirely. Soledad and Jonah have this electric connection that simmers throughout the slow burn arc of the story, through their mild animosity, through tough times, through friendship. It’s gorgeous. And there’s just as much to say about the family and friendships these characters have. There’s community within this story that celebrates every kind of love possible. Impeccable.

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Kennedy Ryan does it again! I wasn’t anything would ever top Before I Let Go but she managed to create another masterpiece that I loved even more,

I felt so seen while reading this book. As a stay at home mom of 3 with 2 of my children being autistic, this story spoke to me in ways my soul was craving. The care that was taken when it came to the autistic representation was amazing. You can tell how much effort was put into representing those with autism across the spectrum. She not only showed how a diagnosis affected the individual but those around them as well. I loved it!

I love the relationship between Judah and his ex wife Tremaine. They were a loving blended family who prioritized their love for their kids and stayed best friends.

Soledad was such a strong mom. She didn’t let the things that were falling apart keep her down for long. I loved seeing the dynamic with her sisters as well as her friend group. Their support and how they showed up for her was amazing.

If you can’t tell I just loved everything about this book.

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Kennedy Ryan can do no wrong!! This is the fifth book I’ve read by her and it didn’t disappoint!!! LOVE! She writes strong female characters, diversity, and REAL life problems and real life love and I am HERE for it! I loved this book! I loved Sol’s story and I loveeeee Judah!

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Kennedy Ryan just wows me with every book. The writing is heartfelt. The characters are perfection and the stories are so wonderfully drawn. This series is a favorite of mine but I always feel that way about a new book from her. Emotional, educational and ends too do they all.

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I think this book will end up on my favorites of the year. Kennedy Ryam managed to create such a vivid, emotional and romantic story. You can't help but fall for this romance and these characters.

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Soledad’s story is a beautiful journey of rebuilding and restoring. When we were introduced to Soledad in Before I Let Go we knew something was not right in her marriage, but we didn’t know everything.

This book is an exploration of what happens when an amazing mother has her back against the wall and she decides it won’t be her, and it won’t be her kids either.

I love the self worth and love journey. I loved seeing Soledad’s growth and watching her rebuild a better life. I ADORED Judah. He was soooo passionate, straightforward, honest and kind. A perfect match for our girl Sol.

I loved how he loved on his boys and his ex wife so I knew he would pour into Sol, and DID he. Their chemistry was palpable and undeniable from their interaction. Ugh, I loved them soo much.

And one aspect I adored was the autism representation. I loved Adam and Aaron. Loved to see Tremaine and Judah coparent and advocate for their boys.

Once again another amazing heartfelt, touching and beautiful story from Kennedy Ryan.

There was one scene in particular that brought me to tears. Truly an excellent read.

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Soledad Barnes is a domestic goddess and mother of three daughters. She always has the best recipes and cleaning methods. After years of being a stay-at-home mom, she becomes the breadwinner to ensure she and her girls keep a roof over their heads.
She meets a new man who should be off-limits, given his relationship with her family, but the chemistry between them is beyond electric. More than anything, Soledad wants to know if she can trust herself again and makes that her primary focus. The romance was hot, but Soledad's discovery of who she is and what she is capable of makes This Could Be Us a real winner.

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I liked the premise of the book and it started out really well, but towards the middle I got kind of bored. I also didn't feel a connection between Soledad and Judah at all. They never really dated or got to know each other, they just all the sudden say 'I love you'.

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Love love kennedy ryan! Her wit and humour are awesome! If you love authors such as abby jimenez definitely get this!

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This Could Be Us captivated me from the very beginning. Kennedy Ryan consistently does such a good job adding additional depth and complexity to her romance novels. For this story, in addition to a beautiful love story, the author layers on challenges and joys of motherhood, parenting special needs children, close friendships and sibling relationships. I also love how the main characters grow and learn to appreciate and advocate for themselves. Highly recommend!

Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ability to read an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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thank you to netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever for allowing me to read this book. Once again Ryan has delivered a great book that will be the talk of the town.

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I absolutely loved this story ! Judah and Soledad’s journey was so refreshing. Kennedy Ryan continues to deliver great writing and lovable characters. 5/5 stars !

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