Member Reviews

I was so excited to receive this arc, as Before I Let Go was a top favorite of mine in 2022.
This one started out sooooo strong. I couldn’t put it down. But then at around 30/40% it just fell flat. It wasn’t bad, just boring and repetitive. The spicy scenes kept me going and
the ending saved it for me. It wrapped up nicely.

Thank you Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the early read for an honest review

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Kennedy Ryan does it again: another beautiful, soul-touching, heart-wrenching story about the power of female friendship, a woman learning to be on her own and love herself as she is. I cried, I hurt, I healed and I feel stronger than I was on page one and for that, I love this story. The emotions are so well done: you live it, feel it, breathe it with the characters. I just purchased <I>all about love</I> to read soon, too.

My only criticism was the trial, sentencing and divorce seemed accelerated; I doubt it could all happen that fast in real life? But I am no expert. Also, I recognize that the timeline of it all was not critical to the plot as it was only the catalyst to the main healing of the story, so I won’t hold it against the book in any way.

Thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for the ARC and the opportunity to read and review this title.

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I wasn't sure I'd feel a connection to Soledad. In the book "Before I Let Go," her life seemed the opposite of mine. However I love reading about the friendship between Yasmen, Hendrix and Soledad.

As I read, I loved her. I become her cheerleader.

Kennedy Ryan's writing felt like I was watching this all happen in live action. I could read all the stories about these ladies and their lives.

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Kennedy Ryan did it again. This book is amazing. Soledad and Jonah’s lives are wonderful to read about. Seeing the journey and the growth that they both experience both together and in their personal lives is a gift. I enjoyed each moment reading this book.

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Publish Date: March 5, 2024
Pages: 416
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Romance

Synopsis: Soledad Barnes has her life upended when her husband drops a series of surprises on her. She has to pick up the pieces and take care of their children; while finding herself. The last person she should be interested in keeps showing up for her and gives her comfort in the greatest times of need.

My Thoughts: I absolutely love this series and personally I think this book was even better than the last! 🤯 I love an honest and complicated relationship, with a strong female powerhouse (who happens to be a SAH mom too), and enjoyed the autism representation. When a book drops a bomb within the first 50-100 pages, I will forever be hooked!

Thank you #netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest reiew.

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I thought this was a well thought out book, and it was up lifting. I love the nod to Bell Hook’s All about Love. I did feel like the book was really slow and it took me quite a while to get through. This was not my favorite Kennedy Ryan book, but because I am so familiar with her work I didn’t give up on reading it and it was worth it. With Kennedy Ryan you know that you will reach a happy ending even though the characters and you are times go through so much to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can say I am excited for book 3 in this series. If Kennedy Ryan does nothing else she will show you a woman’s worth and I can never thank her enough for that.

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This book is the second installment in the " Skyland" series and the focus is on Soledad.

IMO the focus in this book is redemption, strength and love. Ms. Ryan did not miss with this one. I was very happy that Soledad was able to get her redemption in this book because in book 1 her husband mistreated her and I didn't like that.

Her eyes were finally opened to what was happening in front of her and she found love.

5/5 would recommend

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This was my first book by this author and unfortunately I was not as impressed as I thought I will be. The first 30% of the book was great. I liked the unique plot, there was always something going on. I admire the author who must have read a lot about the subject matter. The autism rep was done so well. But then the book started to drag and it took me a few weeks to finish it.

It's important to note that the book is not just a romance. Rather, it is women's fiction. The author focuses quite a bit on the FMC finding herself after divorce and self love. Which, by the way, was an aspect I enjoyed extremely much. I didn't like the role social media played in the book, though. Is Soledad, as a mother and a grown woman, really relying on one of her posts to go viral and make money for her family?

I didn't really enjoy the romance aspect, and I wouldn't have minded if the author had decided to leave it out altogether. Judah and Soledad's relationship was a strange one for me. I've always thought there's nothing less attractive than a woman begging for love. I hadn't met Judah, though. Those conversations with Soledad were awkward. Not to mention he becomes obsessed with her the second he meets her.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Kennedy Ryan's "This Could Be Us" unfolds as a poignant and empowering journey of Soledad Barnes, a woman who rebuilds her life after a devastating betrayal. The narrative delves into Soledad's resilience as she navigates the challenges of single motherhood and self-discovery following the collapse of her marriage. The author intricately weaves a story that is heart-wrenching yet life-affirming, capturing the essence of rebuilding after loss.

The book is skillfully divided into two parts, each offering a distinctive perspective on Soledad's life. The first part explores the drama and heartbreak surrounding Soledad's marriage and the subsequent betrayal, leading to her divorce. The emotional rollercoaster in this section sets the stage for the second part, where readers witness a transformed Soledad, now focused on providing for her three daughters while embarking on a journey of self-love and growth.

A standout element is Soledad's creation of a "Me List," a thoughtful and empowering concept where she prioritizes activities for her own enjoyment and self-care. This serves as a catalyst for her personal development and adds a refreshing layer to the narrative.

The introduction of Judah, a compassionate and understanding character, introduces a mature and respectful dynamic to the story. The depiction of Judah's relationship with his autistic sons is commendable for its representation and nuanced portrayal of the autism spectrum. The mature and respectful nature of Soledad and Judah's relationship stands out, avoiding unnecessary drama and toxic dynamics.

Kennedy Ryan excels in presenting characters who act their age, with Soledad and Judah navigating their forties with maturity and understanding. The absence of typical romantic tropes, miscommunications, or unnecessary drama adds authenticity to their relationship. The acknowledgment of the importance of their children in their lives further enhances the depth of their connection.

In conclusion, "This Could Be Us" is not only a romance but a story of resilience, self-discovery, and rebuilding after loss. Kennedy Ryan's writing captures the complexities of life, love, and personal growth, making this book a compelling and emotionally resonant read.

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I plan to post my review on my bookstagram, and Goodreads but I did want to leave a mini review! Before I Let Go is one of my favorite books so I was so excited to have the opportunity to read the ARC of This Could Be Us! I am still amazed by how perfect This Could Be Us was. Kennedy Ryan truly writes the most incredible characters! Soledad and Judah had me feeling all the feels. This Could Be Us isn’t just my favorite 2023 read, it’s also on the list of my favorite books that I’ve ever read. 💖

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Loved this book!! It's a book of self discovery and learning how to start over after circumstances beyond your control make you have to start all over and fend for yourself. Sol went from being a busy stay at home mom to a strong independent woman who took care of her family. After healing from betrayal and learning to love herself again, she finally found the love that she always deserved and didn't know was out there. It's an easy read and hard to out down! I would definitely recommend it!!!

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Another amazing story from Kennedy Ryan! In this book we follow the journey of Soledad Barnes who we briefly met in Before I Let Go. This book digs deeper into Soledad’s marriage and her life as a mother. But when her husband betrays her in two ways, she is left alone providing for her three daughters while also trying to love and trust herself again. During this process she meets Judah who is compassionate and does not hide his interest in her.

This book was broken into two parts and was kind of a rollercoaster. The first part is where we read all the drama about Soledad and her husband and the betrayal that ends in a divorce. The second part we meet a newer version of Soledad. One that is now financially providing for her family while still giving her daughters the love she has always given them. Soledad goes through this self-care journey of dating herself and making a “Me List,” which is a list f things she is going to complete for herself and only for her enjoyment. Which, if you ask me is a pretty cool idea and I might start doing this myself.

Judah was the best. I love the way he was written and the way he was carried. He was really good a communicating and there was never any confusion or doubt that he was attracted to Soledad. He was also an amazing father that was so nurturing and important in his two sons lives. Speaking of the sons, I appreciated the representation of autism. We have two identical twins that both are autistic but range on the spectrum. One son hardly speaks and is fixated on gaming cubes. The other son, does talk but does not necessarily understand social interactions. I think showing that range of the spectrum between the two sons really provided an understanding of how being on the autism spectrum is different for everyone.

I thought how the relationship formed for Judah and Soledad was mature, meaning they acted their age. Both characters are in their early forties and they communicated and carried themselves in that was. I appreciated that there was no push and pull or miscommunication. They both understood each other and understood what they wanted. I also loved how understanding and respectful Judah was to Soledad about her wanting to take this time after her divorce to date herself and find herself again. He made it very clear that he would wait for her and that he did not want to pressure her into doing anything she did not feel like she was ready to do. Plus with them both having kids, they both understood that esentially their children are goiing to come first. Overall, this relationship was not filled with unncessary drama and it was not toxic and I appreciated that very much.

Based on this, I rated this book five stars.

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Thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for the ARC and the opportunity to read and review this title.
This one is for us girls, to celebrate who we are and who we will be. It will help us learn to love ourselves better. It had humor, passion, relatable, empathetic and lovable characters, it also had a slow burn that was worth the wait. Run and read the series: Skyland Series
Layers: self-love, family, single parent, validation, love, friendship, heal broken heart

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Thank you NetGalley & Forever for the advanced copy!

I just read the last word of this book and ran to write this review while I’m still reveling in the brilliance that is Kennedy Ryan. What a blessing it is to live at the same time as her, to be able to read her work.

Kennedy Ryan writes romance unlike anyone else and This Could Be Us as probably become my favorite of her books that I have read. This Could Be Us is a story of finding yourself, choosing yourself, falling in love with yourself. Oftentimes we don’t think of romance as a genre in which the main character is the love interest but that’s exactly what happens here. Soledad is her own love interest and her journey to realizing this was beautiful.

I loved the way Kennedy wrote in friendships and the healing power that comes along with having friends who love you so deeply. Soledad was not on this journey along but had her friends and an online community of women on the journey with her as well.

And then don’t even get me started on Judah Cross. THE ULTIMATE BOOK BOYFRIEND. A true gem. The way he showed up as a father, a co-parent, and a lover??? If Judah Cross has no fans, I’m d*ad.

Lastly, if I ever catch Amber or Edward in these streets… it’s on sight. One thing Kennedy can do? Write a villain.

I am in love with this book and can’t recommend it enough.

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I was excited to read this, but thought going in there was no way it could be better than book 1. Well, I was completely wrong! This was just beautiful, simply beautiful! I can’t wait to get a physical copy to reread and annotate.

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This story was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. I loved the writing and the character development of the female main character. I loved the way the author captivates you right away even from the first page. I loved the two POV’s and being able to see the perspective of both main characters. There was a steady flow and eloquence. I’ll always be a fan of Kennedy Ryan, I love how she interviews people who currently deal with those circumstances she chooses to write about. It makes it all the more real even if it’s fiction.

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I’m so mad I wrote a whole ass review and the app glitches and deleted it so here we go again

I wanna hold this book and ‘before I let go’ close and never let anyone read it they mean so much to me.

I loved the sisterhood between not only her sisters but also her friends. Their unconditional love and support was so cute I loved them so much. That’s what friendships should be and I’m so happy Sol had them for everything she was going through.

I loved Judah and his family. Their bond is amazing. His relationship with his beautiful ex is so admirable now they would do anything for their kids and are so supportive of each other even after divorce. I loved their lil family unity.

I loved Adam and Aaron and wish we saw more of them and more of Judah with Lupe, Inez and Lottie.

I loved Soledad and her journey to loving herself. To give herself the kind of unconditional love she’d give to others. I loved her drive to support her family after her ex fucked it all up.

I LOVE JUDAHHHH this man is so attentive and cute and fine as hell and so considerate he is the best dad and ex husband and lover. Like fuck bro this man had he squealing and blushing he was so damn cute. The little things he did for Sol. He always listened bro. The purple bike. Man I want him to MARRY MEEEEEE.

I loved them together. All of them. I adore everyone on this book and I wish I had more. I want some proper domestic bliss. I’m so happy this book made me so happy. It was so cute 10/10

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Kennedy Ryan rips my heart out and mends it with every book of hers I read.

This Could be Us, is Soledad's story of putting her life back together after having it torn apart by her husband. She finds out how to love herself and finds a man who supports her the way she deserves to be.

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There is so much to love about this book. I love how she talks about autism. I love that we see a healthy divorce. I love the intensity of Judah's attraction and love for Soledad. I love how practical Soledad is and how she parents.
The book is fun, emotional and steamy. I am an all day fool for pining. Love it! And she gives us tons of that.
She didn't drag Edward's downfall out and she didn't have Soledad working to protect her daughters from the truth.
Mostly everyone was reasonable and spoke frankly and I am a fan of that.
My only "eh" was the epilogue. Didn't feel like we needed everything in there.

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I love Kennedy Ryan’s writing, how she makes you feel so deeply with her characters. The first book in this series, Before I Let Go, is an absolute masterpiece. This book didn’t quite reach that level, but still accomplished that feeling of heart break followed by warm hugs. Can’t wait for the next!

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