Member Reviews

Read this book at a time that I really needed it. A dramatic divorce and a wonderful second chance at finding love..

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I needed to take a minute after finishing This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan! What a compelling story wrapped up in a warm love story for the ages. Soledad and Judah are a masterclass in instant chemistry. I don’t think a hero has ever given me instant goosebumps when introduced, but boy, did Judah deliver the intensity, smolder, and vulnerability every romance lover craves. Their love story isn’t a straight line but packs a punch at every turn. And their family dynamics are written with the authenticity and sensitivity you'd expect from a RITA award-winning author. Expertly crafted, sensual, and heartquakingly romantic, This Could Be Us hits all the buttons for an epic romance sure to stand the test of time.

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Kennedy Ryan is an auto-buy author for me so when I saw that her next book, This Could Be Us, was available on Netgalley I jumped at the chance for the ARC. This Is Could Be Us is the follow up to Before I Let Go and is the story of Soledad and her coming into her own and finding love. I saw a lot of myself in Soledad and found this story so healing. Kennedy Ryan's writing is so beautiful and I never want her books to end. She is my most recommended author and I love when someone new discovers her work. Looking forward to the next book in this series.

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Kennedy Ryan can do no wrong. Every single book she writes I will EAT UP and she delivered with this one. The friendships. The relationship between Judah and sons was the cutest thing ever. Soledad's journey to healing and finding herself was everything.

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I read this book in one sitting! Kennedy Ryan for me is an auto buy author. I have not read a single book or story she's written that I don't fall in love with. The way that Kennedy writes is out of this world. She is a wordsmith. Her writing gets so, so many emotions out of me.

If you've read any of Kennedy Ryan's books before then you know exactly what I mean when I say she puts you through the wringer with every story. That is what Kennedy does. She takes you on a journey alongside her characters. She makes you feel like you're right there with these characters she creates. The way that Kennedy and her writing get you to sympathize and feel every single emotion on page blows my mind every single time!

This book is so precious and so beautifully written. You can see the love and care Kennedy took to create this beautiful story. I knew from reading her Author's Note that I would feel every single emotion while reading this book.

Ms. Kennedy Ryan, I love you so tremendously. Thank you. Thank you everything. Thank you for your writing and all the love and care you show and bleeds through all the ages in your books. You are phenomenal and I love and appreciate you so, so much. 🩷

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Kennedy Ryan is a breathtaking author. Her words are magic, love and healing. She has the ability to turn the romance genre to a therapeutic introspective experience. She can do NO wrong in my eyes, so keep all criticism of Ms. Ryan to yourself!

Quick Summary:
We met super mom Soledad in the previous book, Before I Let Go, and knew that her husband was a good-for-nothing. Turns out he was a criminal-level good-for-nothing and although she can divorce your cheating, thief or a husband, she still has to support her three girls. Soledad's priority becomes supporting herself and her girls. On her journey to self-partner, she finds that the hardest lesson for her to learn will be trusting herself and her heart again.
Not to worry, Judah Cross, is there for her every step of the way.

It's hard for me to find any fault to this book so...I wont!

Thank you #NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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What a ride.

I wish it were longer. I wish there weren't so many ups and downs. I just want more. I kept looking at the % left in the book and thinking "oh no, I need more".

Judah is Ah-Mazing!!! Like seriously. I know my Mr. is amazing and well Judah puts him to SHAME! Also Soledad is Mom goals.

So amazing seeing everyone back. But knowing there will be MORE!

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again! She has beautifully written another touching story of love and finding yourself.

I jumped at the chance when I saw this was available to read on NetGalley and I’m so glad I did.

The author manages to accomplish both incredible character development and an amazing romance story. She also manages to write about sensitive topics with grace and a level of understanding.

This author’s books are exactly what I want to read more of. There is good representation and perspective at the center of her books that I think should be more prevalent in traditional publishing.

Drop everything to get this book when it comes out. I’ll probably make another post when it’s released/when I get a physical copy!

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There are some books out there… as soon as you start reading them, you realise it’s going to be 5 star because it has strong start and have you hooked from the first page itself. This book was it for me. Easiest five stars read for me.

The thing I love about Kennedy Ryan’s book is that there’s this emotional maturity in the relationship between the characters and also the strong character growth. We can see in this book how Soledad learned to stand on her own feet after all the struggles. She sacrificed a lot for her children and it was so beautifully written. She was strong, bold, beautiful, so very intelligent, humble and she was just all around amazing.

Judah Cross is the definition of men written by women and a partner every woman dream of. The was he took care of autistic kids was incredible. I also loved the representation of autistic spectrum, it was very well done.

Overall it was spectacular read for me. The romance, THE PLOT, the SLOW BURN. ❤️

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the eARC 🤍

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This book is everything I was hoping for and more. Soledad is the definition of a strong FMC who knows what she wants and takes it. This book is a re-read status, and I am still thinking about this book.

Soledad is a homemaker and caregiver to her children. Information on her husband's betrayal derails her and her children's lives. She has to take things into her own hands and figure out how to care for her family and heal herself. While learning to rebuild her relationship with her kids, grow her business, and find herself, she notices that she begins to feel for a man she shouldn't.

I liked the different cultural representations and the autism representation in this. Judah is amazing, caring, and thoughtful. He respects Soledad's decision not to date and supports her even if he doesn't think she will know about it. Soledad does a fantastic job taking her life back and growing from the ground up. She is determined to use this as a second chance to live the life she deserves

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3 ⭐️. This is my first book by this author and unfortunately it didn’t hit home with me. I applaud the message of finding yourself after heartbreak and life changes but the love story wasn’t believable to me. It was a struggle to get through, having taken me several weeks to pick it up and forced myself to finish. I did not read the first book in this series and after reading this one, I don’t think I will be adding to my backlog. I know this will hit home for many readers and I will be in the minority with this review. I am very excited for the book and author to find the right audience.

* Puerto Rican/bipoc representation, excellent.
* Neurodiversity representation, very well written, in my experience and opinion.
* The first 30% was great, had no idea that story was in this book, since it wasn’t in the GR blurb.
* Second chance at love/self love is always a beautiful journey.

* Mmc falls for fmc while married, then seems obsessive for the first 50%. Hero complex? Always rushing to help her. It was weird. They barely knew each other.
* Did not love the influencer parts, I’m a mom, if I required money to keep my kids fed and roof over our heads, I’d be at a 9 to 5 in a heartbeat… not relying on going viral to make my next paycheck, seems super unrealistic.

Thank you to NetGalley, Forever Publishing, and Kennedy Ryan for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

Look out for book release on March 5, 2024.

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I read my first Kennedy Ryan book earlier this year and was so excited for This Could Be Us! Before I Let Go was such a tear jerker so I expected nothing less for this book. This Could Be Us is a heartbreaking yet beautiful and joyful story of finding yourself amidst turmoil.

In this book, we follow Soledad's journey off self-discovery after learning some awful truths about her husband. She is lied to and betrayed by him and has to pull things together on her own for her 3 daughters.

For me, the best part of the story was Soledad's transformation from just a housewife to a strong, independent woman who takes charge of her life. It was very inspiring to watch her grow in confidence with the help and encouragement of her best friends Yasmen & Hendrix and her sisters Lola & Nayeli.

On the other hand, the romance aspect wasn't doing it for me. I was not a fan of Judah as a love interest for a couple of reasons. For one, he was a little awkward at times and some of the things he said made me cringe. Second, he was giving off stalker vibes and whenever it's brought up it's just laughed off. And on top off all of that, the whole situation was extremely messy (and not in a good way lol).

But overall, I enjoyed this book. It really shows the resilience and strength of women in the face of adversity. The main thing I took away from this story is it is never too late to go on a self-love journey and learn our path in life.

4 out of 4 stars!

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Kennedy Ryan can do no wrong , in my book. I've always adored her writing, but with this series, she totally hit it out of the ballpark. From absolutely stunning covers to the complicated lives of these friends. I can't wait for the next installment! Highly recommend!!!

Many thanks to Net Galley for an ARC of this book for an honest review.

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jfc, Judah?? That man is perfection.

Kennedy Ryan is an incredibly talented author. She writes beautifully and makes the reader feel the character's emotions so deeply.

The autism representation? Perfection.
Combining multiple cultural representations? Chef's kiss.
But the most emotional part for me, personally? The friend's mom with cancer. Whew. When I tell you I BAWLED at those scenes. Ryan did an excellent job of showing the reality of living with cancer (keep in mind it's a side character, so not terribly in depth) while using that storyline to highlight Soledad's unending compassion.

I was nervous for a Soledad-centered book, because the little bit that we saw of Edward in Before I Let Go was awful. I mean, what a terrible excuse for a husband. I was pleased with the direction in which Ryan took the storyline. I also appreciated how she laid out the beginning drama, and then skipped ahead 9 months for part 2. I think that was an excellent stylistic choice and really helped keep the story moving.

I have very little qualms with this book. My, very small, complaint is that Edward should have gotten what was coming to him a little more. I understand that he is a white guy and it was a "white collar crime" and that Ryan was likely trying to represent the injustices in that, but I hated that man so much I want him to rot.

I devoured this book and will absolutely be reading anything Kennedy Ryan writes. She could write a grocery list that would probably make me cry TBH.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved Before I Let Go so was so excited to read Soledad's story. First of all the cover is absolutely stunning. I loved Judah and his family dynamics. The way he treated his ex, his kids, and Soledad was wonderful. I loved the autism rep depicted in the story as well. That being said Judah is what made this story for me. I found myself enjoying his storyline so much more than Soledad's. I was wanting more romance from this and it felt more general fiction. We don't even get any real romance development until 70% of the story. While I love the message of rediscovering yourself and learning to love yourself before loving others, that's not what I wanted to read. I'm not a fan of celebrity/influencer jobs in stories so I found that aspect boring. I felt like she spent too much time talking with friends and family about boring everyday life stuff that didn't interest me. Because Judah and Soledad aren't even interacting very much for the first 70% I didn't feel any romantic tension or evolvment in their relationship. It took me well over 2 weeks to reach the 70% point but then I read the last 30% in a matter of an hour. Sadly this wasn't a hit for me because it was more gen fic than romance. Hoping the next book is better.

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I love Kennedy Ryan, all of her books are amazing and well written and this is no different. Soledad is just amazing, I loved her since Before I Let Go. She is one of the best FMC I've read in so long. Judah is just EVERYTHING. I love the autism rep, sometimes they are not written well but this one absolutely did.

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This book, from beginning to end, was pure perfection. From Judah (bae), his ex and kids, to Soledad, Edward, and their kids. I loved how we get a picture from two different sides. 1)Seeing how a divorced family can have a healthy relationship with parents co-parenting civilly and respectfully. Keeping the best interest of the kids at the forefront. 2) On the flip side how a family can have some drama, betrayal, and unhealthy separation.

I love how the book has many elements of what we (no matter the pronoun) can experience from a break up and finding ourselves again as individuals. Sometimes there can be continued questioning after being hurt so deeply, it’s rough! You can question trusting yourself. Full transparency. This story hit personally for me. Not to go into detail, but I’ve been there. I felt that hurt. Felt that betrayal. Felt the self questioning. The why me? The what did I do wrong? The am I the broken one? But… I too have been on the rebuilding side. The finding ME again! The strong parent side. And, there is a light at the end of the tunnel where we can find ourselves after your entire life has been wrapped up in someone else.

I love that we get closure with everyone, including the side characters. Hendrix, such a great friend and I loved her. I can’t wait for her book. Something else I took away from this book is that I need to read a Bell Hooks book. She references her often in the book.

@kennedyryan1 🙌🏽
As always her books have many, MANY layers, but they are expertly placed and executed!

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again! Her writing has a way to fully encapsulate you as a reader. This was an anticipated read for me after the gem Before I Let Go was!! This is a story about self discovery, self love, finding and being loved in the midst of that! This book was so beautifully written from the self discovery that happened with Soledad’s journey and I just loved the work she did on herself while still being the best mom to her daughters. I really loved the relationship she had with them both collectively and individually. Of course the friendship between her, Yasmen and Hendrix was so fun per usual! I adored Judah! He was very attentive, caring, and so loving. I also loved his relationship with his sons! Them together just worked and they made each other better and they got the happy ending they deserved!🩷

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I’m very much convinced that Kennedy Ryan can do no wrong. This book is once again a masterpiece. Before I Let Go, the first book in this series is one of the most beautiful, emotional romances I’ve ever read but here comes Ms. Ryan with This Could Be Us. This Could Be Us follows Soledad and Judah and their romance after both of their divorces. This book is hearty and dives into self love and what life looks like after an abusive marriage. Kennedy Ryan is one of the best romance authors of our time and I think everyone needs to read the Skyland books immediately.

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I really enjoyed this. It is impossible for kennedy ryan to write a bad book. However, i just found the influencer part a bit corny but that’s just personal preference

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