Member Reviews

Have you ever read a book so beautifully written that the words lift off the page and play out as a movie right before your eyes. A writing style so smooth that it can be devoured in just a few reading sessions? That was This Could Be Us. Each one of Ryan’s characters are so intricately described that you begin to anticipate characters responses before they make them!

This book made it so easy to believe in love and the beauty of intentional relationships and beauty for ashes! Aside from the expected romantic components (and boy are they there!) This book also highlights the absolute beauty of “sista girl” relationships. Soledad, Hendrix, and Yasmen are the epitome of ‘sister friends’ and Soledad with her sisters Lola and Nayeli have such a wonderful relationship.

Each chapter would end with me on the edge of my seat waiting for what came next. And by the end, I was blown away.

Oh and Judah Cross 🥵 How can I forget him?? Just…no notes…chefs kiss…truly the epitome of what every person deserves in their partner!

Kennedy Ryan did it again. At this point, I’d like to move to Skyland myself just to spend more time with these characters. Each one is so full of dimension and personality it feels like I’ve known them for years!

This is the perfect read if you loved Before I Let Go and love a good “Stella got her groove back” moment mixed with a little “Waiting to Exhale”. 5⭐️ read!!

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Wow!! What a stunning beauty! Kennedy has said on her IG lives that she writes more women's fiction with romance and I think that's a great example of what this book is. If you're wanting a love story of passion and romance.. you're gunna get that because boy does she deliver on the romance, but this also is very much a story of a woman coming into herself.

Soledad is a stay-at-home mother of 3 who very much lives for her family. When an unexpected knock at the door interrupts an uncomfortable family meal, her household is turned upside down and her husband's bad choices and lack of care upturn their lives!

Soledad's story is so beautiful and also incredibly relatable. At 40, she's devoted her life to her family and receives no appreciation or understanding of her time and energy spent. Suddenly having to manage teenage distress and financial responsibilities, Soledad is on a journey for self-love and discovery as she works to grow her appreciation for herself and navigate a growing attraction to the man her children blame for the downfall of her household and her husband's crimes.

This book features 3(ish) people with autism and what a lovely example of living with people you have to dedicate your life to, in a realistic way that isn't judgmental or cruel. Autism tends to be a subject people stay away from and have a deep lack of understanding for. There's typically a lack of knowledge of what it looks like and what kind of care people with different levels require. It makes my heart so happy to have so much in-depth explaining (in the context of the story) of how Judah cares for his children and his expectations of what his life looks like as the parent of two autistic teens, while also not holding any resentment of anger and self-righteousness. Kennedy has shared her son has autism and knowing that the autism rep in this book becomes so powerful and something so beautiful. The twins are so endearing and Judah is such a caring, dedicated parent, you can't help but fall for him too!

Kennedy so clearly puts so much love and care into her books, and it's something so special I think you can really feel it. Part of why I have loved all the books from her that I've read is this special something, which I believe to be care. Sensitivity. Love. There is so much feeling and love in this book, I think anyone, whether or not you relate to the specific experiences in this story, will love it!

I would call this women's fiction and drama with so much focus on Soledad's family and her own growth and self-love. But don't worry, the romance and spice lurk just around the corner. This was a really powerful story and I read it in less than 48 hours, highly recommend!!

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This was much more than a romance. I enjoyed the development between characters and on their own, showing growth and choosing happiness. Kennedy Ryan writes such admirable and resilient characters. I thought the author did a fantastic job, respectfully and truthfully representing people with disabilities. I was hooked from the beginning, and I finished the book so fast. I highly recommended!

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Kennedy Ryan does it again! I loved book one and had no idea if she would be able to top it but it was silly of me to doubt her to begin with. Soledad and Judah’s story is everything. Kennedy writes some of the best female characters who are strong and resilient. Soledad is such a great mom but also incredibly hardworking on top of that. Judah was the perfect partner for Soledad.

I loved how this book wasn’t riddled with cliches and how the author didn’t make it a mission to make Judahs ex the villain in the story. The supporting cast is also great and we see familiar faces from book one. The female friendships in this book are amazing. I’m so excited for the next book.

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I will admit it has been a while since I have written a review, but after reading Before I Let Go, I jumped at the chance to read this second in the series and Kennedy Ryan did not disappoint. This book is a phenomenal journey of adjustment and self-discovery, so masterfully written that I was riveted from the first pages. Ryan is a wordsmith that is a master of her craft, and I loved every second. A few of the subject matters were new to me, but they were introduced in a way that gave enough information for understanding without feeling inundated with too much information. The friendships were enviable, the struggles with parenting were relatable, and relationships were presented in a way that had me rooting for Soledad and her quest to find happiness. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to the next in the series.

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Kennedy Ryan stuns again in the follow up to before I let go. I had been anticipating Soledads story so much since I had read before I let go and I was not left disappointed. I cried laughed and ached like always with Kennedys writing.

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I’m blown away by how much I enjoyed this book. Soledad’s journey to self love was beautifully crafted. Judah was so patient and loving with not only his sons, but his ex wife as well as Soledad. He was just amazing. I can’t see what KR has coming up next. Five out of five stars.

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4.5 stars

In Kennedy Ryan's latest THIS COULD BE US, we move to Soledad in Yasmen's friend group. Puerto Rican Soledad has been married to Edward (white) for over 20 years, and they have three teens/tween girls together, one of which who is almost as light-skinned as Edward. I did appreciate that dynamic being added, as some colorism was shown by Soledad's mother-in-law.

Shortly into the book the FBI comes to haul Edward to prison, and homemaker Soledad is thrust into supporting her family. With the help of her friends Yasmen (from BEFORE I LET GO) and Hendrix (likely the protagonist in the next Kennedy Ryan) and her sisters, Soledad summons the inner strength to be the bread winner and entrepreneur for her family. Along the way, she builds an attraction with Judah, the man who found out about Edward's embezzlement. Judah is amicably divorced from Tremaine, and he has two autistic sons. His sons present their autism in different ways, which I found educational.

I really liked the supportive female group that Soledad had. I wish I had all those tight friends that lifted each other up without drama! I like how the main character focused on herself and recovering from Edward before entering into a relationship with Judah. And Judah seemed like a real catch! Because Judah was upfront that he would wait for Soledad, there was a little less tension than there tends to be in other romances. Also, I wished Adam and Aaron had been on the page more. I kept mixing them up because I didn't get to see their personalities on the page (unlike Soledad's girls), and I would have liked to see that more.

Overall, this second in the series has a different plot than the first one. I really, really enjoyed both and for slightly different reasons. Pick this one up, definitely if you enjoyed the first!

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THIS! This is how as a 30 something year old woman I want to read my romance books. Empowering, complicated, transparent, and hot. I love the Skyland series that Kennedy Ryan has created and the relatable characters she is weaving.
This Could Be Us offers us multiple complex issues in a respectful, raw, and riveting perspective. I felt angry, I felt hot, I felt sad, and I felt fun. It was all the things I love about a book in a very sophisticated manner.
It is a definite slow burn but worthy of the wait.
I definitely recommend reading this!

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Before I Let Go was one my favorite read of 2022 and honestly one of my favorite books. When I saw that Soledad was getting her own book I could not wait to read it and this book did not disappoint! I felt a range of emotions while reading This Could Be Us. Soledad’s story is heartbreaking, yet inspiring. I have so much appreciation for the dedication Kennedy Ryan writes about complex topics. It’s truly what makes her one of my favorite authors. You need to add This Could Be Us on your must read list!

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AHHHH KENNEDY RYAN! There are so many wonderful elements to this story. This is as much about falling in love with yourself as it is about two characters falling in love. In fact, Soledad spends much more time learning about self-love and resilience than she does thinking about handsome Judah - and she thinks about Judah a lot (who could blame her?!). At its core, this is a story about coming back from the worst of betrayals, the love of friends and family, and learning to trust both yourself and another again. It's written beautifully, sensitively, and realistically. Every page shines with authenticity and meaning. I can't wait for everyone to get their hands on this in March. If you loved "Before I Let Go", or any of Kennedy Ryan's other work, you're in for a real treat.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Can’t believe Kennedy Ryan did it AGAIN. After Before I Let Go I seriously thought it couldn’t get any better, I was wrong. This series is phenomenal

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This Could Be Us is the second book in the Skyland series by Kennedy Ryan. I really enjoyed the first book so I was excited to get an advanced copy of the next in the series and I was not disappointed.

This book tells the story of Soledad, a stay at home mother, who is betrayed by her husband who ends up in prison. She feels an intense and immediate connection to Judah, the man who discovered her husband’s crimes. Soledad navigates being a single mom and sole provider for her children while deciding if she is ready for a new relationship. We also see Judah parenting his two autistic sons.

The story is engaging and well written and I could not put it down. I’m looking forward to the final book in the series.

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This has Puerto Rico representation which I loved but it was hard to connect with the story when you're cringing the entire time 🫠 I felt like I was reading a dark romance and that was completely different from the vibes that I get from the first book

However, the premise of the book is good. Is about finding yourself again, that spark that you lost in a relationship/marriage when that person didn't value you. It's about moving on and being the best version of yourself and I am glad Soledad finds that part of herself again.

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4.75! The second book in the Skyland series! I was so incredibly excited about this title because I was a huge fan of Before I Let Go. Soledad Charles is a mother of three who must now deal with the aftermath of her husband’s actions. One of the many things that Kennedy Ryan does amazingly is write a powerful leading woman. Soledad is an inspiration not only to her friends and daughter but to us the readers as well. When faced with adversity she did not hesitate to take the wheel and do what was best for her family while also searching for self-love. Seeing her journey from beginning to end was beautiful.

Judah Cross is the mmc and he is such a well-written character like Soledad. He is a single dad to twin boys and one of the first things we get to know about him is how patient and loving he is. Both of his sons are on the spectrum and after dealing with a friendly divorce, he and his ex-wife navigate splitting their life for their kids. It was amazing to see how caring he is with his kid because it truly translated to his relationship with Sol. He was head over heels in love with her y'all! I don’t want to spoil or speak much on the plot because I think if you go into the book without knowing anything it will be even more enjoyable!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Kennedy Ryan makes me feel so many things. Whole reading this I felt anger, disbelief, hope, love and so many other things. Mostly, I felt protective of Soledad because of what she was going through and seeing how big of her she had and how she never stopped being there for people even when things were hard for her. I adored this book. I’ve been interested in Soledad’s story since reading Before I Let Go and this lived up to my expectations. I loved the way Soledad’s world was fleshed out. I loved Sol’s relationships with her daughters, best friends(squealed with joy when Yas and Hen came back), and her sisters. To me those were the main relationships in this story and the relationships that Sol needed to help her get back on her feet. I loved reading the ups and downs on the life she was trying to put back together and how real that journey felt. The romance was great too. Judah was a great love interest for Sol and even his own story with his blended family was enjoyable. Overall this is a wonderful book about a woman reclaiming her powering and knowing her worth. The writing was great even though sometimes it did feel a little cringey but never a bad cringey. I will ready anything Kennedy Ryan puts out and this is a 4.5. Thanks NetGalley for an ARC which is something I never thought I’d type.

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ARC ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley

loved this so much (yes even more than before i let go) my biggest problem with before i let go was how alone yasmen was it felt like everyone was against her (excluding her friends ofc.) and it felt like that till the end.

but anyway in this could be us the relationships were just written so much better like with sole’s kids i loved their scenes they were heartwarming. soledad i just wanted to give her the biggest hug i was glad that she got supportive friends and family (unlike you know who from bilg) and judah…literally a cinnamon roll with a dirty mouth i loved how kind supportive and understanding he was literally the best and sweetest man thats written by kr.

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I got scared when I realized where this book was going to go. 'How will Kennedy Ryan write herself out of this conflict since it has to be believable?!'
Boy, was I naive. Had no faith in Queen Ryan.

The way every character is approached with so much love and care, compassion and heart - no one else can write characters like that. I fell in love with every single one of them (well, except Edward, and he will be catching these hands if he ever decides to jump off this book's pages.)

No one writes women like Kennedy Ryan: powerful, fearless, and true to themselves.

Someone needs to lead a college course on Ryan's female main characters. I volunteer as a tribute.

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I know that when I read Kennedy Ryan the road to happily-ever-after will be an emotional, hard fought journey. THIS COULD BE US is no different. (PUB 03.05)

This is a raw, honest and hopeful story about Soledad's journey to self-love and awareness as both a woman and a mom after she was betrayed by her husband. Judah is a father to twin autistic boys and perhaps the most thoughtful, patient man ever. I appreciate how Kennedy Ryan leaned into her personal experience while tackling a broad topic such as autism. It was treated with a tender hand.

At its core this is a love story about self-discovery , second chances and intimacy while trying to rebuild a life turned upside down. The writing was fabulous and it had me emotionally invested from page one. I experienced a wide range of emotions as I read but never felt manipulated. I found my eyes brimming with tears more than once.

This is the second in the Skyland "series" and I enjoyed seeing characters return. You don't have to read Before I Let You Go, but I loved that book as well.

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Kennedy Ryan is a gift to romance!! Soledad and Judah’s story was one with challenges and patience but it was so beautiful!

This book was so enjoyable, it had it all; the drama, the romance, and the characters were so amazing. As always, Ryan wrote such an emotional and deep story full of real life relationship struggles in such a beautiful way. The journey that Sol goes through discovering herself after her life is shaken up, is one that i’m sure many women can relate to. The trust she needed to build in herself and the strength was inspiring and I LOVED reading about it.

The patience Judah had is shown in his actions as a father and co-parent and shows such a healthy relationship. I adored their growth together, and the building of a beautiful blended family!

Another amazing part of this book, and the series as a whole is the found family these women have, I can’t wait to read the next book in this series, and read more about the friendships they have and how they navigate their lives together.

Thank you Forever and Netgalley for the arc.

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