Member Reviews

This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan was unputdownable. I read it in one sitting. It's that good. Ms. Kennedy Ryan can write just about anything and I will inhale it. This book was emotional, thoughtful and SO good. The characters are flushed out, the storyline develops nicely and overall, it kept me entertained. This book is a perfect recommendation for anyone who enjoys a well written romance and I will be recommending to everybody.

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This book is a masterpiece! Sol’s story is so relatable! The HEALTHY friend circle, the life shift, the beautiful co-parenting, the autism rep, the resilience all depicted in this one book is captivating. The spice, the connection, the love interest?!? Kennedy Gosh Darn Ryan is the GOAT!

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"This Could Be Us" by Kennedy Ryan presents a powerful and poignant tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the possibility of love after loss. The synopsis introduces Soledad Barnes, a woman whose carefully planned life unravels in the face of betrayal and disillusionment. The narrative promises a journey of rebuilding, both in terms of personal identity and the prospect of new love.

Soledad's character is portrayed as a domestic goddess and a master planner, emphasizing her ability to control and design her life. However, when faced with a life-altering crisis, she is forced to confront the unpredictable and uncontrollable aspects of life. The mention of her determination to keep a roof over her daughters' heads adds a layer of maternal strength and responsibility to her character.

The theme of rebuilding and rediscovery emerges as a central focus of the story. Soledad's journey of self-discovery, rising from the ashes of a burned life, suggests a narrative that delves into personal growth and the strength found in the midst of adversity. The character's refusal to repeat past mistakes hints at a strong-willed and resilient protagonist.

The introduction of an unlikely man, the forbidden one, adds an element of tension and complexity to the plot. The internal conflict Soledad faces—between what she shouldn't want and what she can't resist—foreshadows potential emotional turmoil and challenges. This forbidden connection becomes a source of intrigue, raising questions about trust and the capacity for love after heartbreak.

The narrative's exploration of loss, resilience, and the possibility of a new beginning positions it as a compelling read for those who appreciate stories of overcoming adversity and finding love in unexpected places. The emotional depth suggested by the themes of rebuilding and rediscovery, combined with the forbidden allure of a new romance, creates a promising backdrop for a contemporary novel that explores the complexities of life, love, and personal transformation.

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This Could Be Us

Soledad is a wife, mom, friend, and domestic goddess living the perfect life. Judah is a divorcee and the perfect father co-parenting twins on the spectrum. One night at a party, their eyes lock across the room, and sparks fly. That night begins a year-long journey leading to healing and self-discovery that transforms their lives forever.

Once again, Kennedy Ryan delivers a compelling read that immerses you in her characters’ lives. “This Could Be Us” is a contemporary romance and a good read.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This was a great read. I loved Soledad’s story and the chemistry between her and Judah. I love how Soledad was able to connect with Judah’s kids. It was great to see Soledad overcome everything she went through in her marriage. The close relationships Soledad has with her sisters and friends was beautiful to see. Overall, I loved the book and I’m looking forward to reading Hendrix’s story next.

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This Could Be Us was in a word (or four) amazing, incredible, and beautifully layered. I absolutely adored it from beginning to end. One of the things I appreciated the most was the author focusing on Soledad first loving herself before looking for a romantic partner to fill a void.

Soledad and Judah together were like fireworks on the 4th of July and candy hearts on Valentine’s Day. They complimented each other so well. I was happy that despite all of the things they went through and had going on in their lives (and it was a lot!) they were able to find time for themselves and each other.

Be forewarned this story is a slow burn with regards to Soledad and Judah becoming a couple. I had to pack my patience with this one! 😫 But it was sooo worth it! I can’t wait to get a physical copy when it’s released on March 5, 2024!

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again! I read Before I Let Go last year and it was easily one of my favorite books of the year! This follow up, This Could Be Us, was even better! Soledad’s story of redeeming self-love can be empowering to any woman. The relationships with her daughters, sisters, and friends are also inspiring. The way that autism was represented in this book was very well done. Healthy co-parenting was a refreshing touch to the book as well! My main takeaway was that in order to love others we have to love ourselves first! This story was also proof that love comes in the most unexpected ways! I loved to see the reference to bell hooks’ All About Love because I am currently reading that as well!

Thank you NetGalley and Kennedy Ryan for the digital ARC! I am definitely also buying the hard copy when it’s available! I can’t wait for Hendrix’s story!

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Kennedy Ryan has done it again, folks!!!!

This was like a Lifetime movie but made more real. The characters were human versus being caricatures or stereotypes.

While I did love Judah and Soledad's love story, the true love story for me was that of sisterhood and mother/daughter relationships. Watching Sol pick her life up with the support of the women around her was exactly the story we need. The way female friendships were so honored and highlighted in this book made me feel seen and loved. Those are the types of friends and sisters we need in our lives.

It was a beautifully written book. It was a make-me-cry-while-reading-in-public book. It was everything I wanted from the follow up to Before I Let Go.

Thank you to Forever Publishing and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed falling in love with Soledad and her girls. Her resilience and self-love journey was inspiring. I love that the book really centers on Soledad's individual journey and how she welcomes a new love on her own terms. I can't wait for book 3!

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I absolutely loved this book! To me, this book was better than BILG, the first book in this series! I enjoyed reading about Soledad and Judah! It was enlightening to learn about autism, and the effect it has on the family as a whole. Great read! So glad I was able to read it before it came out!

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I am so happy I got access to this ARC through NetGalley.

This book was truly life changing. The book was filled with so much love. Soledad is truly an inspiration. The way she was able to thrive after all that she been through. Her best friends, sisters , kids & Judah showed her so much love and support it made my heart warm.

Judah is such a kind and loving man. The way he cared for his two sons & his son’s mom was beautiful. The way he supported & loved Soledad through her trama was beautiful.

Everything about this book was beautiful.

Thank you kennedy for this amazing book.

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This is an amazing book. I love that it features autistic children and gives us a glimpse into life with autism! Follow Soledad as she ventures on a journey of self love and self discovery as a mom and influencer. Who after divorce needs help to discover who she is as a single person and how to love that person! Through this journey Sole is able to raise her three girls with no help and fall in love with herself and possibly someone else. I highly reccomend you read this!! I just reviewed This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan. #ThisCouldBeUs #NetGalley

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ARC Review @netgalley - 'This Could Be Us' - Skyland #2 by Kennedy Ryan (3/5/24)

Read if you like -
+ real life women with real life problems!
+ second chance at love
+ divorced, single mom

Oh. My. God. I dont even know where to start with this book. Kennedy Ryan is so so so good at capturing real life problems and raw emotions and mental health and just everything! Soledad's story is so heartbreaking but also so life-affirming. I felt all the emotions while reading this - horror, outrage, despair, hope, frustration, excitement, love - I was cheering for Soledad throughout her story of navigating divorced single parenthood and her second chance at love. Soledad learns to love herself first and foremost and i think that's such a beautiful reminder for women. I am having a difficult time putting my love for this book into coherent sentences but if you've never read Kennedy Ryan, the Skyland series is a great place to start.

This second installment in the Skyland series releases 3/5/24!

Thank you to @netgalley and the publisher for the e-arc, and to Kennedy Ryan for writing such a beautiful story

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This book was a good read. I liked that we saw character development in real time. The kids the main character has is her primary focus. This book showcases how sometimes we overlook things in a relationship that could be suppressing our growth a bit. This book is a slow burn but when they get together you root for them. You root for the characters to expand. I can't wait until I hear the next spinoff.

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This book was amazing! I loved everything from the multiple storylines that weaved together, to the cultural references and societal influences. It was refreshing to read about how parents handle raising children that are near diverse. I also loved how the Kennedy Ryan used current and relevant examples of how people actually can make it as an influencer. This storyline was important because while Soledad did make money, it wasn't like she was an overnight success making millions, so this was realistic. I adored the love story in this book and I left wanting to read more and more.

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AMAZING!!! This book had he me in a chokehold. Very good storyline and holds the reader's attention by keeping the anticipation there, but not giving too much too soon. It's definitely a must-read! Can't wait for the official release next year.

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WOW! I was so enthralled in this story, I quite literally couldn't put it down!!
I can't get enough of Kennedy Ryan's raw talent, man she can right emotional storylines like no other! This was no different. Soledad and Judah, two very different yet strong individuals. But I'm so impressed with how Ryan is able to write the most impressive and powerful women, even when facing diversity, just amazes me. I was so damn proud of Soledad, for her strength and ambition, for her love and devotion to her family and to the ones she loves. Judah is also very strong man who is devoted to his family above everything else.
Judah and Soledad simmered for quite some time so when they finally came together, it was explosive in the best possible ways! WHEW!!!
I can't wait for the next one in this series!!

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Thank you Net Galley for the advanced copy! I loved Before I Let Go as it wasn’t a traditional romance novel and it featured characters I could see myself in.

I had a different view of Soledad after Before I Let Go and this book totally changed my view of her. While there was a romance here between Soledad and Judah, it was also highlighting the love in friendships that often don’t get enough celebration.

I appreciated the continuation of characters with a balance of them being supporting characters to Soledad this time around.

Looking forward to Hendrix’s story in the next book!

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I was given the opportunity to read this book before it’s publishing date, and I am so appreciative of this.

There are so many facets of what could be construed as everyday life for some people, but for those like me, it provides a glimpse of things that are basically unknown. Autism is a large bit of the subject matter and I loved having things explained clearly, and l enjoyed reading about Judah and Tremaine co-parenting so well to help move their children forward in life.

Soledad’s situation is a bit wild, going from being the perfect housewife with three daughters, to suddenly having her life turned upside down when it is learned that her husband was stealing from his company and cheating on her. But I enjoyed seeing her turn her life right side up again while maintaining her dignity and how she found her own way.

And oof! Judah and Soledad together! I loved their storyline and how they found their love, but I truly appreciated that he let her find herself first.

Wonderful story!

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Kennedy Ryan does it again, taking the reader on a journey that feels like real life echoing the feelings, thoughts, and emotions as a person navigates the desire to feel seen, valued, and whole.

Soledad and Jude's story was a slow-simmer tasting of patience. I loved seeing that despite the deep desire to connect, the main characters remained committed to their truths and their children, yet showed, that it's not impossible to find mutual deep love even through the toughest circumstances.

I felt protective of Soledad as she bore the harshness of her husband/ex-husband and the attacks from the world because of it. I similarly, felt protective of Jude as he patiently waited on love, despite the pain it put him through. But this wasn't just Soledad and Jude's love story. It's a love story of a mother to her children, a love story of chosen friends turned family, a love story of sisterhood, and most importantly, the love found when truly committed to the self.

I truly appreciated the carefulness Kennedy used when approaching the way autism uniquely affects individuals and families. I have read ALL of Kennedy Ryan's books and could feel how she carefully chose each plot point and word to make this book as intentional as possible.

Brava, Kennedy, thank you for showing what love in all its forms can be!

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