Member Reviews

A rollercoaster of life that startet awfully and is a row of difficulties and disappointments. All denominations get their critique while we also get an overview about life in the USA.

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Wow this book was a page turner. My heart was so broken reading through this book but it was clear the threads of love and forgiveness throughout the story. Definitely would recommend this book!

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I picked this book on a whim, because the cover looked good and the title sounded interesting with the cover, now everyone has heard the cliche ‘never judge a book by its cover’, and there’s ample proof of why it’s a bad idea to do so but fortunately this isn’t one of those times, this book is deep and it brought up issues and situations I genuinely didn’t expect it would touch upon.. I’ve been trying to find the words that best describe what the book is about and I cannot seem to string anything coherent together that encapsulates the book.
So with that said I do recommend reading the book, just don’t spoil it for yourself by looking into it before you do.

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Graham book is a master class on how a riveting ,descriptive novel should be written . Simply put, it was beautifully told, well thought out, character driven, and cinematic. Yes , I found myself emersed in the story, could vividly experience the settings, smell the different aromas of the cities.

Graham also makes you feel these huge emotional experiences that Daniel is going through. I connected with the story on so many levels. His pain, the inability to move on after trauma, and trust again.
I laughed and cried and was angry as I followed his journey to find love and acceptance despite his flaws and mistakes.

I loved this story, this journey of hope and discovery, and the people I met along the way. I would highly recommend it to everyone who needs a little hope in their lives.

I had the pleasure of reading an advanced copy of John Graham's book.
Thank you to him, and and my own opinions. Netgally. My review is voluntary

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It's been more than 20 years since I've read a novel; I typically stick to non-fiction. But this is the best book I have read in a very long time.

The characters are relatable. The settings are inviting. You just get wrapped up into this story, and you can't help but be invested. I could feel myself slamming my steering wheel, just the way Daniel does. To be honest, I would love to see this novel adapted into a movie. It would hit a huge audience.

I was a little surprised to see this in the Christian section on NetGalley. It's...not your typical Christian book. It doesn't really make much of a point about God, so far as I gathered, and never really settles on matters of the faith, though they run as a constant thread through it. So it's a thinking book, and I really like that.

A note, though, for Christian readers - it's pretty gratuitous with the profanity. Some readers may find that offensive, and if they did, they'd miss out on a very good book. But it's important to note anyway, just to be honest with folks. I am a Christian, but I grew up in the world, not the church, so I have a bit of a thicker skin for these things sometimes.

I will be highly recommending this book to everyone.

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Running As Fast As I Can
An Unforgettable American Drama of Surviving Abuse and the Journey to Find Redemption, Forgiveness, and Love
by John David Graham

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for giving me a free eARC of this book to read in exchange for my review! This book is beyond perfect. It is sad, very sad in parts. You proved you can feel everything. I want to share this with all I know.

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This wasn't a book; this was an experience. At times early in the book it was reminiscent of Tara Westover's memoir "Educated," a book that I likewise devoured.
As Daniel's story progressed, I connected with him in a number of ways--his losses, his inability to move on from abuse, his hopes that build up only to be dashed again by the unfairness of life, his doubts and struggles with God...
I found myself getting angry with Daniel again and again, wondering why he couldn't seem to get himself together and keep himself together, all the while realizing that I struggle with the same thing.
The other characters in his story were as varied as his life experiences, and each and every one added something to the story, whether pastors who were ill representatives of the God they supposedly served, hippies who showed him a new facet of the world, or lost and hurting people who in some way lit his path and eased his pain.
This was not an easy read, but it was rich and satisfying.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for giving me a free eARC of this book to read in exchange for my review!

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