Member Reviews

This was a heartbreaking read about a woman with a degenerative disorder who fears she's also losing her mind. It was relatable and creepy in turns. Hard to read at times because I really felt for the MC but that's the hallmark of a good book, IMO

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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I searched this book up on #netgalley after seeing a review by another book friend and I really enjoyed this read. There are several elements that pulled me into this story - the character, the relationships, the mystery.

It’s a story about the horrors of a degenerative disease wrapped in a ghost story, throw in a twist of love story and a dash of thriller. How scary is a disease that cripples your body? How often do we doubt what we see? How do we know what happens after? Sleep Paralysis - come on - terrifying. I think this is more than a typical horror story and I’d recommend it. A read that I think will stick with me.

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I love this haunted house story. Until I start questioning if I’m going crazy or if the woman in the story is going crazy. I also loved how I ended up really hating some characters and wanted to chop their heads off.

You think the book is going one way but it takes off another way. I really enjoyed the last part if the book where the whiplash was happening. It was all worth it in the end.

Thank you NetGalley, Whire Petal Press and the author for a copy of this ebook for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for a copy of "The Noise" in exchange for an honest review.

Here's my honest review:

I LOVED this way more than I expected. I spent so much of this book thinking I knew what was going to happen next-- and I was completely wrong. This book ended on a really touching note that left me crying at 3am.

If you like a good ghost story, read this book. If you like a book with a twist, read this book.

A GREAT book to end 2023 on

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This is a love story disguised as a haunted house book but you won't know that's what it is until the end. And I absolutely loved that.

Our protagonist, Angela, has a rare bone disease that leaves her in terrible pain and she's forced to walk with a cane. Her and her husband, Jack, have bought a home and it's a real fixer upper but it was cheap.

But Angela is seeing things, ghastly apparitions of dead people. She's hearing the sounds of heavy boots walking around the upper floor even though the stairs are rotted and nobody can go up there. She's also seeing and talking to her deceased father.

Jack doesn't see or hear any of this and she's worried that she might be losing her mind or that her medication is causing vivid hallucinations. But Jack seems to really love and support her and it's apparent that he's concerned.

Until Angela starts finding some things. It appears that Jack might be over drugging her, hiding things from her, and not going to work when he should be. But is that real or part of her "delusions"?

While that is the main question we'll be asking ourselves while reading, the truth is something you won't see coming. And this author has done a fantastic job at keeping those secrets until the end. After you finish, you'll realize that she has left literary breadcrumbs throughout the novel, little clues that are easily dismissed as just part of the narrative but in reality, gives us information to put together.

I truly loved that about this book. The supernatural elements are chilling and scary. The tension and sense of dread build up and doesn't slow down. And then, that ending that is bittersweet, beautiful, and heartfelt.

This is a great haunted house book with feeling and I highly recommend it.

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I don't even know where to begin with the review. The book took me a while to read but once I was at the ending, it was amazing. It definitely made me think about death, soul mates, and leaving this world differently. I didn't even think she was dead more so until the end of the book. I thought maybe she just saw spirits and didn't even realize it. It was a good book. The ending left me wanting more.

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This book not only reads like a fever dream but also makes the reader feel as though they are experiencing the same crazy stuff the protagonist experiences. While I was reading this book, I felt the need to look around the room. I read the book during the night, such a bad idea, and could have sworn I saw an image or two from the corner of my eye.. this book was definitely up there on the spooky, creepy factor!

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There’s a lot to love about Allison A’s debut novel The Noise. Eerie, engaging, and often rather gory, it’s a nifty little horror that grips you from the get-go. Paying homage in part to The Yellow Wallpaper, it’s a wonderfully twisty tale about the things that haunt us - and what haunts them.

There’s more than a whiff of the Gothic about The Noise, with Angela and Jack’s new digs filling in for the traditional crumbling manor house, and our isolated heroine struggling to balance the emotional and the supernatural with the rather more rational. After all, she has been through a lot - maybe it really is just all in her head.

With a compelling lead character, an array of frightening apparitions, and a twist you might see coming (not that that’s a bad thing), The Noise is a really solid read. Throwing a few emotional punches along the way, it’ll scratch the itch of anyone who likes their horror with a bit of heart.

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This is a love story disguised as a haunted house book but you won't know that's what it is until the end. And I absolutely loved that.

Our protagonist, Angela, has a rare bone disease that leaves her in terrible pain and she's forced to walk with a cane. Her and her husband, Jack, have bought a home and it's a real fixer upper but it was cheap.

But Angela is seeing things, ghastly apparitions of dead people. She's hearing the sounds of heavy boots walking around the upper floor even though the stairs are rotted and nobody can go up there. She's also seeing and talking to her deceased father.

Jack doesn't see or hear any of this and she's worried that she might be losing her mind or that her medication is causing vivid hallucinations. But Jack seems to really love and support her and it's apparent that he's concerned.

Until Angela starts finding some things. It appears that Jack might be over drugging her, hiding things from her, and not going to work when he should be. But is that real or part of her "delusions"?

While that is the main question we'll be asking ourselves while reading, the truth is something you won't see coming. And this author has done a fantastic job at keeping those secrets until the end. After you finish, you'll realize that she has left literary breadcrumbs throughout the novel, little clues that are easily dismissed as just part of the narrative but in reality, gives us information to put together.

I truly loved that about this book. The supernatural elements are chilling and scary. The tension and sense of dread build up and doesn't slow down. And then, that ending that is bittersweet, beautiful, and heartfelt.

This is a great haunted house book with feeling and I highly recommend it.

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Thank you to Allison A and NetGalley for the ARC of The Noise.

I loved reading this book and it grabbed me from the beginning to the end. Being a slow burner. The atmosphere and the creepiness of the house that Angela and Jack has just purchased is great. As the narrative spins out, Angela start’s experiencing haunting or are they visions of other people.. Angela starts doubting her own sanity which adds more to the whole creepiness of the house!

I felt that Jack and Angela, who were the main characters were well fleshed out. I bonded with Angela, almost straight away.

The story has some nice little twisty turns, I’d picked up on some great foreshadowing, then doubted myself but was right in the end. This is what I love about the narrative itself, is the foreshadowing. It’s very subtle and clever. I feel because of that, the ending did invoke a few emotions !
“ This isn’t goodbye, It’s see you later “
Definitely a great little read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💫 4.5

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Please do me a favor and go out and get this book- through the library, Amazon (out now), or anywhere necessary. You might not sleep at night, mostly due to being afraid or not being able to put the book down- But you will thank me for it.

Synopsis: Angela has a degenerative bone disease called AS. Even though the disease isn’t suppose to fog her brain, she has been seeing things that aren’t there. Or are they? Her husband has been helping her get around the house and making sure she takes her medicine like the good spouse he is- or is he? Meanwhile, Angela’s mother calls and calls and won’t leave them alone, and a lonely old neighbor named Arlo comes knocking at the door of their house at odd hours of the day and night.

What is real and what isn’t? It sure was fun to figure out!!! This is book with an unreliable narrator, and who doesn’t love a good suspense with an unreliable narrator??? I know I for one, love them!

Thanks to NetGalley for sending me this eread for an honest review. I will definitely be looking out for more of this author’s books!

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I'm not sure how to rate this. I was hooked from the start. This is a creepy, atmospheric book about a woman suffering from a debilitating chronic illness. She's functionally housebound in the fixer-upper her and her husband bought before her illness progressed. The house is unfinished and dry rot in the stairs makes it unsafe for anyone to go to the upper floors. So why does she hear what sounds like footsteps overhead? And why does her husband insist he hears nothing when she catches him glancing at the ceiling every time the noises start?

While this is well-written and compelling, the underlying message is so depressing, I ended up really disliking the story. How do you rate a book that had you turning pages at the speed of light but left you feeling gross and dissatisfied?

I received this book for free from netgalley in exchange for a review.

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One of my favorite stories of all time is the Yellow Wallpaper. This is similar, but a lot scarier. Our gal is suffering, isolated, and stuck at home. She isn't able to do the things she wants to do and she is in pain.
She starts hearing sounds in the house. They are so real! Her husband tries to be supportive but he can't fix this.

This was really good!

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Release November 2.

I am so glad I chose to read this novel! Thanks to NetGalley, White Petal Press, and author Allison A. I'm equally glad I read in sunny daytime, not in Autumn's early dark--this novel is seriously scary! [If you love THE SEPTEMBER HOUSE, you'll love THE NOISE too!]

Not only do we get an in-depth rendering of a chronic health condition, debilitating and extremely pain-ridden; but, as in REBECCA, or THE YELLOW WALLPAPER, we witness the travails of a female Protagonist battling to know: are these experiences symptoms of mental debility? Or are these apparitions REAL?

Without spoilering, I want to say that I am glad I read this novel--very glad. I shan't soon forget.

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This book was a wild ride!

I could tell early on that there were some things going on that were DEEP under the surface, but I could NOT put this book down. I needed to know.

Angela suffers from some serious medical complications that leave her in constant pain, unable to perform many every day tasks she used to be able to do. Now, she basically sits in the home she shares with her husband, spending the days listening to the strange noises coming from the upper floor. While her husband doesn't hear what she can hear, he really tries to be there for her.

As the days go by, Angela starts not only hearing more and more, but seeing some truly terrifying things in her neighborhood. There are ghosts haunting her almost all the time and it is driving her to madness. She longs to get to the bottom of it all, but she doesn't know if she can trust her own mind anymore.

The way this was written was really unique and fun! You never REALLY know what is going on. Like I said, I had my hunches, and even I was a little off in them. The visual horror in this book was so well done. The things lurking in the shadows, the fear of knowing something is standing right behind you, or hovering over you was palpable.

This was just a really interesting reading experience!

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