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Pray for Her (Detective Eve Bennet Book 3) by Holly S. Roberts
Publisher: Bookouture
Genre: General Fiction (Adult), Mystery & Thrillers
Published: December 12, 2023

Pray for Her is the third book in the Detective Eve Bennet series by Holly S. Roberts. This book can be enjoyed as a standalone mystery or as part of the series. I absolutely loved this book!

Detective Eve Bennet has such interesting life experiences that makes her uniquely qualified to investigate crime that occurs in a small town in Utah, that is home to a polygamous sect and lots of secrets.

This book hit me in such an emotional way. I have become so invested with these characters that I could not look away from the pages.

There was so much going on with this book and I was utterly afraid for Eve and her team. The story was incredible and watching the mystery unfold was WOW!

This is a must read book for 2023! I am absolutely hooked on this series! I can’t wait for the next book to be release (please be soon)!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I have to say that this story grabbed me from the first page and I didn’t, couldn’t really, stop reading until the final page. The mystery, suspense and danger were palpable as Detective Sergeant Eve Bennet and her team investigate a dead body in a car trunk. The car was being driven by two women from the secretive local community with a young girl, Beth, in the back seat. The women refuse to talk, but maybe she has a chance with Beth. Eve was once a member of the community until her mother rescued her before she could be given in marriage. She and her team now have legal jurisdiction over all other law enforcement in the area and she will not rest until she finds out who killed the man and why. She will go over or through the local sheriff, the county attorney and her former step-brother in order to solve the murder. Not even being shot at or threatened will deter her, but when one of her own is badly injured her desire for justice reaches a new level. An outstanding police procedural! I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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WoW............Pray for Her by Holly S. Roberts is the third book in the brilliant Detective Eve Bennet series and what an excellent series this has been. From the very first book called Only Girl Alive I have been hooked and looked forward till the next book to come out which was Lost Little Angels. So when Holly's latest book came out I had to find some time for me and open my kindle and start to read Pray for her, WoW this book was excellent and I was gripped just like the other two books. It was another outstanding thriller and I loved all the characters especially Detective Eve Bennet she is a very strong character and I just adore her.

I can't recommend these books enough they have been a excellent read and great for your holidays or time for yourself.

5 star book.

Big thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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Detective Eve Bennet once again finds herself facing issues of her past while she works on her newest case. Eve is once again investigating a crime that is tied to a fundamentalist community, a community she knows all too well. The women that are part of that community have no voice, and with the situation being as it is, Eve must get someone to talk.

Eve’s case involves that of trying to determine the identity of a dead man and how the body is connected to the fundamentalist community. At first, she faces two women and a young girl. However, due to the way their lives exist in the community they are from, they refuse to answer any questions.

Eve beyond shocked when she is forced to face a man from her past. However, calm and collected, Eve digs deep for the answers that are needed. However, the closer she
gets to the truth, the more danger she is faced with, even to the point where her life could be at risk.

Pray for Her is a powerful read, and hits the ground running from the very start. Eve is a wonderful detective, and her connection to her team while constantly being reminded of her unsettling past made this story one that was utterly impossible to put down.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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Content Warnings:
- Gun Violence
- Mentions of abuse and rape
- Suicide
- Language (1 f word)

This is my first experience with this author, and I was very impressed. I didn't realize this was the 3rd book in a series when I picked it up. Although it can be read as a stand-alone alone, it would be best if previous books were read beforehand for the context of previous crimes and characters. I definitely want to go back and read the previous books in this series as I really enjoyed Eve's character and want to better understand her and her teams experiences in Hilldale.
I really liked the short chapters, which made it a quick read as well as the writing style. I was sucked in from the beginning and have a newfound interest in the FLDS religion. Makes me want to binge watch the Netflix series, Keep Sweet. Overall, this was a captivating thriller that will leave you wanting more.
Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture, for the opportunity to read and review this advanced copy.

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Pray For Her😮

Pray for Her is the third book in the Detective Eve Bennet series and is by far THE BEST story in this series❣️I do also want to say that the stories in this series are also unique and definitely not something I would’ve normally found myself reading but the author is one I really enjoy, so gave it a whirl, and I’m happy I did.

Eve is the lead detective of an oversight team that investigates cases within a polygamous community and where corruption is rampant. When a dead body is discovered in the trunk of a car with two women and a young girl, Eve is called in to investigate. The investigation takes them on a journey I definitely didn’t expect but also an ending that chilled me to my bones😳

A fantastic, emotionally charged story with wonderful characters and I’m holding thumbs for more stories about Eve and her team😍 I received an advanced copy via Netgalley and thank the publisher and author for the opportunity to review. This review is my own and voluntarily given.

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When the local police in Hilldale requested Detective Eve Bennet and her task force attend an incident, she shuddered at returning to the town. She also had no idea what was ahead of her and the team. The long drive culminated in the horror of a dead man in the boot of a car; a man who'd been buried and dug up again to be moved. Eve thought he was familiar but she couldn't put her finger on who it was - although she knew she'd work it out. The two women and a twelve year old child in the vehicle refused to speak, which Eve knew was common for the local polygamy community in Hilldale. Eve had escaped their clutches when she was twelve, rescued by her mother Maggie...

As the task force set out to find the identity of the killer, they also attended to the women, who were sent to a jail, still refusing to speak. The girl, Beth, spoke to Eve when she was separated from the women, but she was terrified. Eve vowed to do all she could to keep her safe. The marriage she was meant to have the following day at least wouldn't happen. When Eve was confronted by a horror figure from her past, she battled her emotions, refusing to let his presence upset her. With the four members of her task force surrounding her, having her back, Eve was furious and determined. But could she find the solutions to all the questions she had? They all knew that danger surrounded them; they were being watched continually. Would they escape with their lives?

Pray for Her is the 3rd in the Detective Eve Bennet series by Holly S. Roberts and is an outstanding crime thriller! It gripped me from the first page to the last! Eve is an intriguing character, full of inner strength and is a formidable opponent. Clyde, Bina, Collin and Ray made up the task force alongside Eve, and are also well-placed in the team. I'm so glad I started this series - each book gets better and I can't wait for #4. Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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Detective Eve Bennett and her team are back in another cracking read. As they are called back to Hilldale and the polygamist community. When a car is pulled over with two women, a child and a dead body in the boot. 

But when Eve, Ray, Clyde, Colin and Bina arrive on the scene. They find three scared females unwilling to talk and a dead body that has clearly just been dug up. And so they need to get the woman somewhere safe to interview them and the body removed and identified. But that means involving the local sheriff and a member of the community. Who is someone who can't be trusted.

And he's soon asking questions he shouldn't and he's not the only one. As Eve comes face to face with a man from her past someone she hoped to never see again and someone whose about to make her job much more complicated.

Especially when the team are dealt a shocking blow. When one of their own is shot and left for dead.

And now all bets are off. 

As the rest of team pull out all the stops to find those responsible. Whilst desperately hoping their friend and colleague survive an almost unsurvivable gunshot wound. 

And with so many twists and turns, great detail, devastating moments, shocks and surprises. This was a brilliant addition to the series, and I would happily recommend it to all.

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I am totally invested in Eve and her team. When they feel pain and fear I’m right beside them.
The team keeps digging into the Hildale’s hell pit and is finally making some headway. A dead body in a trunk is the key to unlocking some of the sordid secrets and the major players in the cult town.
But the team does take some major hits and Eve will come face to face with her worst nightmare.
I continue to find this series fascinating as it unearths more of the sordid and seedy underpinnings of the polygamist mindset and desecration of humanity.
I devoured this in one reading and can’t wait to see the next vermin the team uncovers,

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Another interesting read based in the fundamentalist polygamy faith.
This starts as we left the last instalment Lost Little Angels when the hierarchy of the faith is in flux and all the more threatening for it.
Again an unusual and educational read

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Now THAT Is How You Do A Fucking Prologue! Seriously, I don't normally tweet out or contact the author when I'm reading a book. After *this* prologue, I immediately had to tweet out how awesome it is, particularly given the various discussions in Boolandia regarding how many readers skip prologues or don't enjoy them or whatever. I don't mind books that don't have them, but a well written one can really get a reader curious and/ or excited about the story, and this is one of the best written ones I've ever encountered.

Beyond the prologue, this is a tremendous tale, one that has been set in motion since the very beginning of this series - everything is now coming to a head, and Bennett and her team are about to be challenged like they've never been challenged before... and by the one person who terrifies Bennett more than any other.

Filled with pulse pounding action and intrigue, this is one of those mystery/ police procedural tales that really shows the true power of how great these particular types of stories can be - and yet, still, to get the full impact here, you really do need to begin at Book 1 and read through this point. Trust me, when you do you will absolutely devour this particular tale as well.

Overall a remarkably strong tale that could well serve as a series finale - or, equally, could simply serve as a trilogy conclusion and allow the series to continue on. I for one am very curious to see which direction Roberts (and possibly her publisher) will go there. Very much recommended.

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I’d like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Pray For Her’, the third book in the Detective Eve Bennet series written by Holly S Roberts, in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Detective Eve Bennet and her team are called out when the body of a man is found in the boot of a car that has two women at the front and a twelve-year-old girl sitting behind them. The women are two of the wives of a polygamist husband and won’t speak not even to give their names, and the girl, Beth, is so scared came to be in the car boot. Thus begins Eve’s confrontation with her step-brother Aaron who’s been removed from his position as County Attorney, and her malicious and odious step-father William Owens who ill-treated Eve as a child and doesn’t appear to have changed.

‘Pray For Her’ is an addictive and involving thriller set in Utah where once again Eve relies on her loyal, reliable and hardworking team of Clyde, Bina, Collin and Ray to watch her back and support her when the leaders of Hildale’s fundamentalist sect make it clear she isn’t welcome. As their investigation proceeds Eve’s life is clearly at risk and with the huge helping of drama, suspense and twists and turns, together with a collection of hostile characters, and you’ve got a thriller that keeps you totally involved. This is a well-written and breath-taking thriller that’s had me glued to my Kindle and unable to stop reading, and I have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone who enjoys an action-packed thriller that you won’t want to put down.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this jaw dropping book

when the police pull over a car in hilldale utah they werent expecting a dead body in the trunk of the car and neither passengers were saying a word

eve and her team were called in, they are a specialist unit that have been set up to try and sort out all the issues in hilldale, eve herself is a survivor from this fundamentalist community, a fact after her mother managed to save her

with hostilities at highest in hilldale eve and her team are going to need all their wits as hostilities rack higher and higher in the town and as local police hinder their work its a slog to find out who the killer was and who the dead body is...

its not long before shots are fired at eves team and one of them is hurt badly

wow what a ride this book is.... couldnt put it down at all... looking forward to reading more of this series

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Pray for Her is book 3 in the Detective Eve Bennet series by Holly S. Roberts.
I’ve really enjoyed this fantastic crime thriller series!
Detective Bennet is a favorite favorite female protagonist.
A suspenseful police procedural.
This is wonderfully paced, nail-biting read with plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing until the end. The plot was intriguing, and the writing made it impossible to put down.
It's quite the thrill and thrown together with some twists and turns you are just glued to the pages. The characters, the story, the writing, it's all connected superbly for it to be a great book. A riveting read that takes you on a twisty journey with a satisfying conclusion.

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This was my 1st book I this series and I have to say that even without reading the precious, I absolutely loved it! It wad an original story line that was well written and handled some difficult topics realistically and tactfully. It was very handmaid's tale whilst also reflecting some real world struggles and incidents. The characters were well written and fleshed out. They weren't stereotypical and the same as I've read in a dozen other police procedural. I was hooked from the start and ca nt wait to read the rest of the series

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This is a great crime thriller that centres around a community where men are in control.
Eve is called when a dead man’s body is found in the boot of a car being driven by two women from her old community. There’s also a young girl with them and none of them will speak.
In the community where Eve was born women are second class citizens and with men having many wives, she knows it’s likely that the two women in the car have been told to take the body somewhere.
It takes a while, but Eve manages to gain the young girl’s trust and she explains how she came to be in the car.
With a man from Eve’s past showing up, she is shaken when she comes face to face with him and when attempts are made to kill her, Eve knows she needs to try and end the corruption in the area.
This is a gripping crime thriller.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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A very gripping and thrilling police procedural. The setting of a religious cult had me drawn in immediately and wanting to know what happened. Polygamy and oppression of women is always difficult to read, but I think that the author handled the difficult topics well. I think there would be some benefit to reading the other books in the series, but overall I think that it read well as a standalone.

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Detective Eve Bennett and her team continue to fight corruption. It seems like everyone is corrupt and in the cult in Hildale. Thank goodness Eve has a team she can rely on to have her back no matter what is going on.
Pray for Her is full of twists and turns and then, more twists and turns!
Highly recommend reading all the books in the series. There is so much back story about Eve and her team that is important to know.
Many thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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When Eve and her team encounter a dead body with suspects unwilling to talk, Eve is thrust back into a community she'd left behind that still has enough secrets and power to cause her pain. Will they find the killer or will the killer (s) manage to eliminate them before they find the answers?

This was my first Eve Bennett book and I really liked how independent Eve was and how realistically she was written as dealing with long term trauma. I found some of the background information on how the sect operated interesting as it exposed some customs that were somewhat shocking. I would have liked to learn more about her team members, but they may have been fleshed out more in other books.

I do feel as if I would have benefitted from reading the other books in the series first. There were way too many mentions of the previous cases and people that took you out of the story, and it was somewhat unrealistic to think that if the powers that be really wanted to make things more difficult for her they couldn't.

The ending was somewhat predictable, but overall it was a good introduction to a very different type of crime novel. I would like to read more about Eve and her team.
** I was given an advance copy by NetGalley in return for my unbiased review.

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Detective Eve Bennet has one passion in her job: to find and eliminate the evil present in the polygamous sect she experienced as a child. In this book, she is faced with many of her deepest fears. A routine police stop of a vehicle reveals a dead body in the trunk and females from the religious community in the car who refuse to speak to the officer. Eve and her team are called to the scene when the police officer recognizes the connection to the team's special mission. Among the car's occupants is a young girl about twelve, who ignites Eve's determination to protect her and get to the bottom of the case. With her stepbrother no longer serving as the DA, Eve must deal with her step-father -- the source of much abuse she suffered as a child. It is an intense chase to find a murderer and save women who want out of the cult. I love Detective Eve Bennet and can't wait for her next case.

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