Member Reviews

PENNY DRAWS A CLASS TRIP by Sara Shepard picks up as Penny is about to start a new adventure—an overnight class trip to New York City! Her anxiety kicks in even before the class departs. So many things could go wrong in the bustling, big city—and then her teacher announces they’ll be using the buddy system on the trip and pairs Penny with her former best friend Violet. When they arrive in the city to meet up with the famous author sponsoring the trip, Penny does her best to manage her worries while experiencing the excitement of the trip and her relationships with her classmates.

In the fourth installment of the series, readers get to see how Penny has grown and is better able to manage her worries and even able to help others manage theirs. For readers who experience anxieties like Penny, this will be reassuring and affirming. The New York City setting provides a fun and vibrant background for Penny and her friends as they face new challenges together. Though this is part of a series, the book can be read as a stand-alone story. The story’s journal style and plentiful doodle-style illustrations keep the action moving and make for a fun read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sharing an eARC of the book.

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