Member Reviews

LFLiatHP is the cozy, spooky, paranormal romance that trad pub has been missing!!! It had just the right amount of ESP, haunted house, and paranormal shenanigans, especially if you're a fraid-y cat like me. It was super intriguing from the start.

Lucky is Black, ace, bi, and a little bit supernatural (ESP as she calls it). She's risking everything by taking the job as Hennessee House caretaker/investigator. She's a super interesting main character because she's seemingly all on her own and always ready to get into a bit of trouble. Honestly, I don't think any other character would have suited the story as well as she did.

Her romance with Maverick is so completely heartwarming and charming. He is always there with a listening ear and a willingness to learn that quite literally any other love interest could never live up to. They suit each other so well and everyone around them knows that.

There's so much more I could say about this one, but I'm going to end it here. Pick this up if you're looking for a cozy, spooky, single-dad, LGBTQ+ read.

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I really liked the haunted house plot here but felt the romance distracted from it rather than adding to it. A good ghost story but not a great romance.

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In the book Looking For Love In All The Haunted Places by Claire Can we meet lucky heart a woman who is smart intelligent and a certified loner. When she goes to her interview to be the caretaker for the new show Hennessy House after the first three caretakers basically left the home screaming. It seems the house is haunted and just like the house lucky doesn’t seem to have the ability to find those who want to stick around either but then again she has never met single dad gorgeous superstar maverick Phillips and when she does not even Hennessey house can keep them apart. It seems the house wants something and unlike its first three guest lucky who isn’t scared of anything is determined to find out what, but at what cost? I loved lucky I loved Mavericks daughter rebel and Maverick I had first didn’t like Georgie but soon come to love her it seems almost every character in this book is lovable likable in someone to root four by the time the book was over I even felt bad for the house. Not to mention there’s even a cute little homeless cat in the book. I didn’t know what to expect with such a unique original haunted house in book summary but I have to be honest and say I love that I love the lucky although her name is unfortunate I even started to love her quirkiness there is so much in this book that kept me reading especially just wanting to know what the house wanted the whole story is great I don’t know what else to say I want to say something to make you want to read this book but just know it is an awesome book if you like books with haunted houses books about chosen families and dreams finally coming true not to mention an awesome romance then you definitely enjoyed this book I certainly did I also want to say I love the fact that in the book they had multi cultures represented in the characters in yet instead of being bog down and social issues although they did touch on some but mostly just told the story and I thought that was awesome because if anyone wants to read a book about social issues there’s plenty out there now to say that wasn’t represented because it was but not to the point it overwhelmed the narrative this is an awesome book and one I truly enjoyed I want to thank Berkeley publishing for my free ARC copy via NetGalley please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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"Love brings down the haunted house in this captivating romance from the acclaimed author of The Romantic Agenda.

Lucky Hart has a special affinity for the supernatural but almost no one takes parapsychology seriously. She's estranged from her family, lost her friends, and has been rejected from graduate school. Twice. But her big break finally arrives when she gets insider info about a troubled production company. Every actor on their new show mysteriously quits after spending three nights inside Hennessee House, an old Victorian with a notorious reputation.

After scheming her way onto the show to investigate, Lucky meets Maverick Phillips and chemistry instantly crackles between them. He tempts her in ways no one ever has, challenging and supporting her, and making her finally feel seen. Their connection is so palpable everyone notices it - including Hennesee House.

Now Lucky and Maverick's relationship has a challenger: the lonely, sentient house desperate for her undivided attention. As love begins to clash with career, Lucky refuses to choose one over the other because everyone deserves a happily ever after, even houses with haunted hearts. But when all her plans begin backfiring one-by-one, she realizes that if she wants to have it all? She'll have to risk everything."

Aw, even the haunted house deserves a happy ending. Aw.

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Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places is a romance and paranormal story about Lucky Hart, an aspiring researcher with ESP, who signs on as a caretaker for the haunted Hennessee House. While dealing with the spooky shenanigans of the house, she falls in love with Maverick Phillips.
I loved this book. It was a perfect combination of the paranormal and romance genres. The story arcs for each genre were separate, but also managed to intertwine in a balanced way. The haunted house aspect was intriguing and not super creepy. The romance had so much chemistry and I was rooting for Lucky and Maverick through the whole book.
Claire Kann writes the best child characters. Rebel is sassy and mischievous and I could’ve used way more of her in the story. The entire cast is diverse: Black characters, a queer and asexual main character (and queer side characters), and plenty of mental health representation.
The one issue I had with the book was that some of the conversations got very confusing. There were times where the characters talked in circles until I lost track of what they were even talking about. I could tell that Kann knew what was happening, but it didn’t translate to the page.
If you don’t like horror, Love in All the Haunted Places is a great book with a haunted house that isn’t scary. It focuses mainly on the emotions of the characters, and fear is a minimal part of that.

CW: emotional abuse (trauma), aphobia, mental illness, isolation, sexual flirting (nothing sexual happens on or off page), mentions of death (ghosts of dead relatives appear)

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ARC review: Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places by Claire Kann
Pub Date: May 21
Thank you to Berkley Romance for the early copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I really loved Maverick and Lucky together - I particularly loved their honest with each other and the difficult conversations they were able to have once they trusted each other. The conversations surrounding Lucky's asexuality were wonderful and complex and I LOVED how Maverick did his own research once he realized he didn't really have the background knowledge. We love a man who does his own research! Asexuality is a spectrum so I also appreciated how he still went back to Lucky after his research with specific questions and wanting to know more about how she experiences it.

The house is really it's own character, which is super fun and unique!

I went back and forth on if the romance and the haunted house plot were balanced well - I ultimately do think it was balanced okay though I would have loved more of the romance, but that's certainly a personal preference. And while I do think the Ace rep here is done well, I do think some of the conversations around it were a bit wordy and beating around the bush a little? I think someone who doesn't know at least a little bit about asexuality may have been a little bit lost. I also personally just had a bit of a hard time following the lore of the house and how Lucky solved the haunting.

Read this for:
- A sentient house
- Found family
- Asexual rep
- Slowburn Romance
- Single Dad
- A really cute and not annoying kid
- Cranky cat!

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A delightful paranormal romantic comedy with ghosts, asexual representation, and a cozy setting. Perfect for a comfort read.

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Title: Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places
Author: Claire Kann
Publisher: Berkley
Genres: Romance, Paranormal
Format: paperback
I was given the e-book for a fair review
Will Be Published: May 21, 2024

Lucky Hart, a woman in need of a job and a place to live, seizes an opportunity when she discovers that “No Qualms Productions” is seeking a caretaker for a haunted web series. Armed with her unique ability to read people, she crafts a compelling audition tape and impresses the interviewers. What they don’t know is that Lucky's resilience and courage are her greatest assets, even in the face of potential terror in the beautiful home.

Under the cloak of an NDA, Lucky is briefed about the daily interviews and the daytime filming. The Victorian house, a character in its own right, has seen three previous caretakers flee in fear after a few nights. When Lucky musters the courage to inquire about the house's haunting, she's handed five rules to abide by. Her curiosity, a trait that endears her to readers, only makes these rules more difficult to follow.
Upon entering, Lucky introduces herself to the house and senses its natural elements. No sooner does she comfortably settle in the bathtub than she notices the bedroom door slowly open wider. The house has also given her a purple flower in a mason jar. Lucky speaks to Maverick, who is part of the show crew, and she senses that he cares about her being safe. His daughter, Rebel, also has an interest in the paranormal. Because of this, they become closer.

When "The Caretaker's" crew begins shooting, Lucky realizes that the show will be her official debut into the field of the supernatural. Lucky has researched the paranormal and backed away from friends to devote her life to her career. She intuitively follows where the house leads and speaks to ghost-like images of people as a way of communicating with the house and learning what it's really after. She also participates in the filming of Rebel's show.

LOOKING FOR LOVE IN ALL THE HAUNTED PLACES delivers "a creepy vibe" that stays until the end of the book. It's difficult to explain what the house wants from the occupants without spoiling the end for you. I’ll say this, it enjoys socializing because it’s lonely. The problem is it doesn’t have any emotions. Lucky’s goal was to earn the house’s trust. I admire her courage and strength. I would think twice about reading this book at night.

Five out of five houses that would never sell
Denise Fleischer
April 20, 2024

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Let’s just start with the fact that the main character’s name is Lucky Hart. She’s trying to get a job as a caretaker for the famous Hennesse House which doesn’t like visitors. Most of the time, it ends up scaring people away but after a few days, it’s clear Lucky has a connection to the house.

This might be due to the fact that Lucky has ESP or the fact that she’s quickly dealing with a growing crush on Maverick. Even so, the book doesn’t solely focus on the budding relationship between Maverick and Lucky.

Instead, Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places focuses on Lucky learning to accept her gifts and unravel the mystery of Hennesse House. While we get answers in the end, this book truly feels like a slow burn as we’re following Lucky and Maverick dancing around each other which makes for such torture.

Even so, Claire Kann manages to give us a compelling tale about how the house works, Lucky’s abilities, and her romance with Maverick. Of course, I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention the slew of memorable side characters like Rebel who is Maverick’s daughter, and Georgia who works on the show and eventually becomes friends with Lucky.

All in all, this book wears many hats but in the best way. You get that little dash of magic and spookiness while also getting a romance. It’s honestly such a great one to pick up during the spring season but I can see this book being picked up a lot during the fall/Halloween season.

Either way, I thought it was so fun and I’m excited to read more from Claire Kann. I feel like we rarely see romances with ace characters and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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Claire Kann, write more cozy paranormal romances because this was absolutely delightful. I think so many people will enjoy this as a fall and eerie season read, and will appreciate the care that went into the asexual representation.

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I'd like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for a chance at reading this book early.

As an asexual person, I am always looking for books with an ace leading lady (or male). So finding this, I assumed it would be a book for me.

Unfortunately, I had to DNF it at 25%.

I found the character interesting but the plot sadly wasn't interesting enough - it moved at such a slow, leisurely pace. I started wondering if there was anything really, truly haunted about it? The romance also wasn't really developing or making me feel there was any sort of 'asexual' vibes (this could be how my asexuality is on the spectrum since everyone's experience is not the same).

I do have other books written by the author with asexual main characters, and I am willing to try those out before thinking this one was a proper judge on the author (when there aren't that many asexual / ace writers).

So, I hope other readers enjoy it - for me, I just felt it wasn't what I was looking for.

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I was first drawn to this book because of the line in the synopsis about the house with the haunted heart! I had to find out what that meant and how to played into the romance! I’m so glad I requested this book! Who knew you could fall in love with a mystical grumpy, old house! This book is not your typical romance. There is a lot going on. The romance between Maverick and Lucky almost takes a backseat to the Hennessee House and all of the side characters. I didn’t mind it though. I loved all the paranormal vibes with the house.

Overall, a fun paranormal romance perfect for spooky season or anytime you need your paranormal fix!

Read for the:
✨ Haunted House
✨ Asexual Rep
✨ Found Family

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Enjoyed this one though at times it felt like to different books mashed together. Definitely a fan of the ace heroine though that storyline didn’t mesh with the entirety house one quite as smoothly as I would have liked. Still found it an enjoyable read and will be recommending as a fun summer read.

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Thank you NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC! Lucky Hart's life has been in a bit of a slump. Estranged from her family, unemployed, and dealing with a condition that can make meeting people difficult, Lucky is desparate for her big break. When a job opens up seeking a caretaker/personality for a new show investigating the haunted Hennessee House, Lucky believes this is just right for her and her particular skill set. She is thrilled to get the job and the opportunity to meet and work with Maverick Phillips. Though a fan of Maverick's previous work, neither can deny the instant attraction upon their meeting. With paranormal happenings and extrasensory abilities, Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places is a romance perfect for those looking for more than the typical love story.

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The unique premise, the diverse and inclusive cast of characters, and the cozy yet spooky atmosphere of this book gave it such great potential. Unfortunately, the FMC got in her own way, often being too wordy and, at times, with an almost whiny energy. With all that being said, it was still an enjoyable and fun read!

“Memory palace” count = 9

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3.5 ⭐️

I was intrigued by the concept of this book and was quickly hooked on the mystery of Hennessee House.

What kept it from being a 4 or 5 star read for me was that the book was doing so much that I felt it could have been a bit longer to flesh out the backstories of all three main characters (Lucky, Maverick, and, yes, House). I had several questions that I felt were unanswered. That said, Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places was fast-paced and clearly full of compassion and care for said characters and their struggles.

Recommended to:
- fans of The Haunting of Hill House, Monster House, and HGTV viewers
- people who scream "no" when someone goes in the basement in a horror movie
- folks seeking thoughtful asexuality representation in a romance novel

This book will be a great spooky season RomCom for anyone who can wait that long. Perhaps don't read this in the dark by yourself... Or do. 👻

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkeley for the eARC!

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This is a delightful read!
A lot of whimsy and fluffy goodness.
The atmosphere here was so fun. I liked the haunted house and spooky amusement park. It’s spooky without being scary. Sort of like a horror movie made for kids like Haunted Mansion. It’s something different from the norm in romcom books which kept me interested.
I liked the Ace representation. I thought it was well written.
The romance was cute.
Would recommend!

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Absolutely loved this! From the ESP to the asexual representation, this was just so fun start to finish. The characters were fun, and I really felt a connection to them. Also, I would love a Rebel in my life!! Highly recommended!!

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This book is a 4/5 stars for me. I love any type of haunted house book, that’s my favorite trope, and it was fascinating figuring out what kind of haunted. The author did an amazing job with Lucky and Maverick and Georgia and Rebel, I was emotionally connected to them and wanted to know they were okay as much as I wanted to know what was going on in Hennessee House.

Two of my best friends also read the book, they also got approved on NetGalley, so it’s an excellent book club pick, and one nailed the description for this book perfectly— tension. It’s got the horror structure but nothing scary happens so the tension builds the whole time and you’re waiting for the hammer to drop. And when you find out the house’s motive, it’s pure magic. Highly recommend for everyone, fans of spooky and non spooky.

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Thank you @netgalley and @berkleypub for the eARC of Looking for Love in All The Haunted Places in exchange for an honest review!

📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 Lucky Hart has not been so lucky lately but she is a go-getter who wants to use her paranormal prowess to represent the black community in the spiritual spotlight. Production filing at the haunted Victorian Hennessee House For The Caretaker has also not been lucky so the pressure for Lucky to be successful filming a ghost show is high! Right away she meets Maverick, whose career as a host she has been following for years and the connection they have as a team is amazing from the start! This was my first read with asexuality and I was grateful for the voice given. However, favorite character might be the house, and yes the house is absolutely written into the plot as a third main character in Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places! Absolutely loved this read!!!!

Review is posted on Goodreads and will be on Instagram in April!

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