Member Reviews

A look at a marriage that is on the rocks. Dustin and Tegan are in crisis, but is their love sufficient? Very well written and thought provoking.
Many thanks to the author and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Slow moving and character driven, this book is heartfelt and emotional. The story of a couple that has lost their way in their marriage and is in danger of losing it all, it is one that grabs the reader and doesn't let go. Don't expect any huge drama or major action, but it's not needed. This is a slow moving but powerful story about what happens when two people let their insecurities get the best of them and sometimes when they forget where their priorities lie.

Teagan and Dustin have been in love since high school but recently things have gone off the rails and they can't seem to align their goals enough to pull it back together. Unsure of whether or not their plans for the future still align or not, they start down a path to see if what they have is salvageable or if it's time to close the door on what they thought would be their "happily ever after."

Thank you o NetGalley for this ARC. I chose to read and review and the opinions contained within are my own.

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While I enjoyed the story, it just lagged for me. I'm not sure if it's a me thing but I found myself bored and hoping that we would get to the point at some point.

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This book is a rollercoaster ride of emotions so have a box of tissue close by. It's a beautifully written story that holds your attention from the first page until the last. Dustin and Tegan's story will pull at your heartstrings and keep you turning the pages to see what happens next.
I received a complimentary copy from Christy Hayes via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thanks @netgalley and @christyhayesauthor for the eARC in exchange for an honest review

This is the story of Dustin and Tegan: two people who have literally grown up together, know each other like the back of their hands, the very definition of childhood sweethearts. But now, six long years into their marriage, as they step in to their 30s; a million fights and a failed marriage counseling later, they are standing on the precipice of divorce.
Tegan, who comes from a close-knit, loving family has been the academically gifted middle-child, shouldering responsibilities and expectations from all and sundry. The tag of "failure" is her nemesis and she's spells workaholic.
Dustin, coming from a broken home, is all about having a happy family.
They do love and desire each other. But is love ever enough? Can it ever bridge the oceans of misunderstanding and hurt that stands between Dustin and his beloved T?

Frankly, I loved Christy Hayes' penmanship. It flowed like smooth wine and I finished it in a couple of seatings. It's more character driven than plot driven and I absolutely loved the way the unpacking of the 2 main characters. Also, I loved the family dynamics and that even the side characters were fleshed out and pretty memorable.

What I didn't enjoy was that the woman protagonist was constantly being penalised and made to feel guilty for being married to her work. Though Dustin apparently seems like a model husband, there were many red flags that icked me out about him. I was not very happy about the ending, and while life doesn't always serve us women lemonade, can't a girl hope for a Margarita, at least in the make-belief world?

Now you might ask given these red flags, which hit me quite hard, why a 4 star review? Well opinions may vary but only a strong piece of work can evoke such strong reactions.
Despite, what I felt with this one, with the turn of every page I wanted to know what's in store for Dusty & T. And I would eagerly look forward to Hayes's next one.

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When All is Said and Done
by Christy Hayes
When all was said and done, I was exhausted by the many details.I was just not one I really ever could relate to anyone.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "When All is Said and Done" and all opinions expressed are my own. I was glad to finish this book. It was so slow moving. It does give you an important message but really dragged for me. Overall not a book I enjoyed reading. It took so long to finish.

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It's been awhile since I'd read something non-fantasy so it was a refreshing change. Christy Hayes did an amazing job making a couples marriage come to life and I needed to know what was going to happen. This very easily could have been a boring read but Christy's story telling kept it interesting and alive.

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