Member Reviews

This audiobook blew me away first and foremost. The attention to detail. The background SOUNDS! It made me feel like I was in that jungle in the ruins with Ada and Miry.
Highly recommend the audiobook.
So the story..
This is a book about adventure, being mixed race and finding yourself in your culture. It is so easy to get lost and it's also so easy to blame yourself. Ada is finding her culture again in Mexico City and the wonderous world of Teotihuacán. And she's not only finding herself but also her family.
This book is so family oriented, I felt apart of her cousins. The teasing and how family always stick together even when you don't like eavh other.

It's only 4 starts because in the beginning it felt like a lot info dump and I struggled to get into the book. But I stuck through and it was worth it.

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I just finished this book, and I cannot recommend it enough. I’m pretty sure it’s a middle reader, so a little young dialogue wise for an adult lady, but I’d say it equal or slightly above early Harry Potter book’s vocabulary. Such a good story with great characters. I loved it!

It a story about embracing who you are, where you come from, and family. Also learning to just be you. It’s kinda sad, but optimistically so. We follow two 15 yo girls and their college age cousin as the three deal with a wild adventure and some twist and turns along the way.

It deals with survivors guilt, family tragedy, and issues of safety for young girls. All of these are done with amazing insight and discretion, letting a kid connect with them but not over explaining if it is something they have not experienced. The emotion of the situations are conveyed so beautifully.

Great book, can’t wait for the next one!

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