Member Reviews

Wow I love this books series!!
The Soul Thief picks up after The Assassin Thief and we dive right back into the story.

"You make me feel not so alone in a world that only loves sunshine, though they ask for shadows to solve their problems."

Telium, reeling from the loss of the King of Thresiel, is thrust into a perilous mission to stop a resurging rebellion. Bound by a soul-tethered bond and forced to confront a vengeful queen, she must navigate a world of corruption, fickle gods, and dark secrets. With a new and menacing threat on the rise, Telium faces impossible choices to protect her people, no matter the cost.

“Sometimes, surviving something that was meant to kill you is more traumatising than death itself.”

I devoured this in one sitting! I am so so so excited for the The Queen Thief after that cliffhanger!

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When I started listening to the audiobook I found myself thrown into so much action that I got confused with who is who in the story. So I went back and listened to the beginning of the story and then continued with book two.

The story changes andmore of the political and 'worldwide' implications of what Tellie and her ragtag team of friends/allies are up against comes into view. There is a race against time as we travel through new landscaped in order to find answers.

Loved this second instalment as much as the first and again found the narration excellently done. The narrator for this series is very well chosen.

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This is the sequel to The Assassin Thief that was Madelines’s debut fantasy last year, this is a wonderful sequel that shows the growth in her writing.
I devoured this and cannot wait for the final book in this series.

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I enjoyed this better then the first book in the series.
Unfortunately it does end on a cliffhanger.
For me the chemistry with Pax isn't there, hopefully this will come in the next book.
The world is still interesting, although and learning more about Teliums background too.
But I still don't find it convincing that she is the most feared assassin in all Alkoria.

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A brilliant second instalment to the fae world! I was apprehensive about this book and book 1 didn’t deliver what I was expecting however I am so glad it picked up we’re book 1 finished!! You most definitely need to read this book as it really filled a gap that was missing in book 1! I can’t wait for the final book!

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The audiobook was just as good as the book!
Tanya does an excelt job at narrating, and I work with a lot of narrators!

The only reason I dropped a star rating is because I would have loved to have this series as a duet rather than one narrator.

Otherwise the story is great and I do enjoy this series.
I would gladly listen to this again.
I recommend the audiobook for anyone who is ok with a single narrator.

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Telium has been played by Malix and killed the Fae king of Thresiel, who would have united the Alkorian and Fae kingdoms. Malix wanted the power for himself. Now in this second book, Teli has to face the new king’s widow, who sentences her to death. She has a suspended sentence providing she brings the rebel fae Hermitch back alive to Meannthe.
Fast paced as she returns to her win people to seek support with her endeavours. Some surprising twists and turns affect Teli as she goes about seeking her revenge.
Sometimes a second in a trilogy disappoints, this certainly didn’t.
The story ends on a cliffhanger….. Excited for book 3.
Well read, engaging to the end.

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I love this narrator and her accent, I could listen to her all day! I really thought this was a good sequel and enjoyed where the storyline went! I love that Telium has found people who care and are basically her new found family. Pax is the best, I love their chemistry. I can’t wait to see what happens in the final book of the Trilogy!

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Thank you to The author and NetGalley for the audio arc for an honest review.
Rating: 3.7 ⭐️

Ok so the the plot is great and has significantly improved from the 1st book the author has definitely grown along with the characters in this book. Which is great!!!
I mean common how many books can you say the 2nd instalment is better (it’s rare).

I felt there was something missing in the first book but I feel the 2nd instalment really managed to patch that loss in well.
Not convinced on the love interest. But I will definitely be waiting for the 3rd book.

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So so good. I enjoyed the first book but the second is in another world. Seeing Madeline's writing improve and enjoy that in her stories is incredible.

I loved the character, the plot and wanted to dive straight into the book. Can't wait for the final one in the trilogy.

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The Soul Thief es la segunda entrega de la trilogía que comenzó titubeante con The Assassin Thief pero que va mejorando paulatinamente.

El libro comienza justo donde quedó la historia en el anterior, con Telium culpable de un acto que puede romper la frágil paz entre reinos y prisionera de los elfos. Pero, en vez de condenarla por sus actos, la reina decida aprovechar sus habilidades mágicas para detener la rebelión.

Madeline Te Whiu equilibra en esta ocasión bastante mejor el peso del romance y de las intrigas en la historia, ya que aunque todos sabemos cómo acabará la relación de la protagonista con Paxium, deja que los avances se vayan cociendo a fuego lento. Además, nos muestra un lado más humano que curiosamente se ve favorecido por la existencia de Paxium. El hecho de que haya de volver a sus orígenes para solicitar ayuda y enfrentarse a los demonios de su pasado le añade más contexto al mundo en general y a su historia personal en particular.

El ritmo puede hacerse pesado en ocasiones porque como digo, la autora no acelera en ningún momento, todo se narra de forma pausada, quizá incluso parsimoniosa.

También la presencia de avatares elevan el contenido mágico de la historia y las explicaciones sobre los poderes de Telium, aunque concisas y que dejan espacio para investigar más, abren nuevas áreas para la especulación.

Quizá lo que menos me ha gustado sea la reiteración de la amenaza del enemigo, pero sin que llegue a hacerse efectiva prácticamente en toda la novela, lo cual deja un poco coja toda la búsqueda de ayuda que llevan a cabo los dos protagonistas.

La narración del audiolibro por Tanya Schneider cumple perfectamente su labor, inculcando emoción en los pasajes que más lo necesitaban y realizando una labor más que correcta a lo largo de las horas de lectura.

El final en cliffhanger que parece casi obligatorio en todos los libros de una serie nos dejará con ganas de saber cómo acaba la historia. No es un libro que vaya a cambiarte la vida, pero sí uno que te dejará buen sabor de boca.

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Fans of the series will find themselves pleasantly surprised by the evolution of Te Whiu's writing style in "The Soul Thief." Telium returns in "The Soul Thief," picking up right where "The Assassin Thief" left off. Faces with repercussions of her past actions and embarks on a journey of redemption and retribution, the sequel not only showcases growth in storytelling but also brings forth a more evolved narrative and character development. Telium's journey to right her wrongs takes center stage, accompanied by a compelling male lead who captures hearts with his goodness. The addition of new characters and the found family trope enriches the storyline, weaving twists and turns that captivate readers until the very end.

Throughout "The Soul Thief," the character growth and development shine, providing a deeper understanding of Telium's complexity and her quest for redemption. The chemistry and tension between Telium and Paxium add depth to the storyline, leaving readers craving more. While the narrative is engaging and well-paced, some readers may find themselves torn by the direction of the main couple's storyline, yearning more for justice against the villainous forces. The audio narration by Tanya Schneider enhances the immersive experience, keeping listeners engaged and enthralled throughout the journey. The delivery and pace of the narration make it hard to resist binge-listening, a testament to the compelling storytelling.

The cliffhanger ending leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment. While the series shows notable improvement, there's still anticipation for the final volume, promising further growth and a thrilling conclusion to Telium's captivating saga.

Special thanks to NetGalley, Bolinda Audio, and the editorial team for giving me the opportunity to review the ARC in audiobook format and to you, my reader, for taking the time to read this honest personal book review.

If you are interested in other of my book reviews, make sure to follow me on GoodReads! #TheSoulThief #NetGalley #LifeLongLearning

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The book picks up right where The Assassin Thief ends, and Telium has to face the consequences of her actions. The Soul Thief follows her journey, both the good and the bad, to find her justice.

I felt pretty meh about The Assassin Thief, and was positively surprised how much Te Whiu has grown as an author between the books. This book fleshes out the characters a bit more, and the pacing and world building is better. I am very excited to read future books.

This is a really great series for people who want to read about fae with a dash of romance where the FMC isn't a teenage girl that gets thrown into an unfamiliar world, and book 2 keeps that theme. The male love interest is definitely better in this book, and the romance is more beliveable.

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✨ OH how I love a good anti-hero/very morally grey main character(s)!!

Book 2 in the series, starts out where we left on in book 1 and THANKGOD! I HAD to know what happened next.

In the book we are following Telium in her determination to right all her wrongs. She made a mess and she is owning to it. We obviously have our male main character there, doing all the right things and being all the right kinds of hot! I will not spoil anything but this one has my heart!

I loved the extra characters that we meet and I love a added found family trope. There were twists and turns and TENEBRIS CURSE ME, I loved it!

My favourite quote from the book:
"... someone that would see my darkness not as a threat but as refuge. Sound of your voice brings my demons to their knees" 🥵


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The second instalment in the Soul Thief trilogy - and guess what? It ends on a cliffhanger too!

In the aftermath of the big secret revealed at the end of book 1, Telium is now facing the dreadful consequences of her blindsided trust. I am totally in with the plot of the book, but for some reason, I am just not rooting for the main couple in here. I just want the villain dead.

Thanks, @netgalley @bolindaaudio @madelinetewhiu and @newdawnpub for the Audiobook ARC.

Genre: #fantasy #fae #magic
Rating: 3.5 ⭐️

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I was so excited to be able to get back into this storyline, especially after the way that book one concluded - I am still not recovered!!

This series has really gripped me - I absolutely love it. This second book is another epic journey for this cast of characters and the development and growth in them is just top notch. I really loved getting to see a different side to Teli from book one, it was so well done.

The pairing with Paxium is an absolute beaut - I love them together - the angst and tension between them throughout the storyline leaves the reader wanting and it’s the perfect amount.

The narration of the audio was great, I was thoroughly engaged a gripped from start to finish. It was easy to listen to and hard to switch off without devouring large portions at a time.

I’m very excited to see where the next book takes us!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of this audio.

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