Member Reviews

I rated this 3 star when I read it but didnt make a review at that time. now that I'm catching up on my review, i honestly can't remember anything about the story.

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I read this short story/novella on a Valentine’s Day evening and kept myself asking questions about love, relationships, life, professional goals, mental illness, and a lot more.

Is it worth our time to invest in someone even though we know it will be a losing cause? Is there anything in this world called “unconditional love”? Are humans the most selfish animals surviving in this world?

This is a story about Gina and Sean – a complex one, indeed, with emotions messing up the minds and leading to practical difficulties in dealing with people with deep trauma.

Gina and Sean have a no-strings-attached kind of relationship (they think so!) for six months before Sean leaves for America to pursue his career. However, during these months, they become intimate and promise to keep in touch with each other (it doesn’t happen!).

Then everything goes spiralling downwards for Sean in business in America, and he returns back to his home in the UK.

The author does not explain what went wrong in the US, except that the business did not prosper as per Sean’s expectations.

After his return, Sean is hospitalised for depression, and once he even attempts to commit suicide by jumping from a building.

Gina, all through these two years, when Sean is in town, does not know about Sean and his whereabouts and wellbeing until she meets Sean’s sister, Sarah, and knows the entire situation and Sean’s current state of mind.

Having fallen in love with Sean during the initial days of their meeting, Gina wants to take care of him in these challenging times to prove her worth.

Did Gina and Sean’s love win? Did Sean recover from his depressed state with the help of Gina’s care and love?

Do read this short story that is worth your time (according to me) only if you are ready to get depressed and know the reality of life. Sign up for this read only if you are in for a bitter ending.

The author narrates the story from the point of view of Gina and shuttles back and forth over a time period of three years, describing the mood of both the lead characters (now and then) with his simple, nuanced writing.

It left me numb and sad, in a good way, that I had read a good (true) modern short story that is complex and messed up, to say the least.

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A gripping exploration of complex relationships and personal transformation. The story follows Gina and Sean, whose initial encounter leaves questions unanswered. As they cross paths again years later, the author skillfully unravels the layers of their connection, delving into the depths of human emotions and the enigmatic changes in Sean. The author’s writing is both evocative and thought-provoking, drawing readers into the characters' journey of self-discovery and the complexities of their evolving relationship. The narrative's exploration of love, change, and the resilience of the human spirit is both engaging and emotionally resonant.

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From the moment I started reading, I was hooked. The story of Gina and Sean is like nothing I've ever read before. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, and I couldn't put it down until the very end. The characters are so relatable, and you can't help but root for them as they navigate the complexities of their relationship. And Sean's mysterious changes? You'll be dying to find out what's going on. Trust me, this book is a page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat, and you won't be able to stop thinking about it long after you've finished.

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A nice short story that is very quick to read. I wish it brought out more emotions from me. Short stories are not really my thing. I prefer to get to know the characters in depth. But good nonetheless.

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A short story about a woman who encounters a former boyfriend, only to see that he has become very mentally ill. His personality has completely changed, and a horrifying experience he had after they had broken up adds to the possible reasons for his sudden illness.

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