Member Reviews

A fun read. Story is about the developing relationship between two people, one of which is a super powerful Lady Knight. I really enjoyed the way the relationship built. It was silly in places and exciting in others.
4 stars

This was a cute story. The dynamics are cutesy and fun. There is a lot of fan service. If you are looking for a cute knight that has never been treated like a girl and a guy who has a crush on said knight then this is for you.

I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE I LOVED IT. I don’t think I can say it enough how much I enjoy it! Can’t wait to see where it goes

How to Treat a Lady Knight Right empieza con el personaje masculino, un mago, declarándose a la protagonista, una guerrera, que aparece en la portada de este primer tomo.
El ambiente de este manga es de fantasía, ella es una guerrera con armadura, el chico es un mago que puede sanar heridas; hay monstruos; la arquitectura de las ciudades y los bosques nos sumergen en ese mundo.
Leo Cornelia, la protagonista, no cree que pueda haber alguien que la quiera ya que su cuerpo está tonificado con abdominales, lleno de heridas y cicatrices. Por esta razón, cuando el chico le confesa su amor, ella lo rechaza sin pensar. No está acostumbrada a estos tipos de situaciones.
Durante el manga, el personaje masculino hace todo lo posible para hacerle ver que él la quiere tal como es, con cicatrices y todo. En este primer tomo no vemos mucho progreso en la relación pero ella, poco a poco, se va dando cuenta que tal vez es verdad que él la quiere tal como es.
No es una historia que vaya a continuar leyendo pero no está mal para leer cuando uno no sabe qué hacer con el tiempo libro o qué leer a continuación.

This was an enjoyable manga about a strong Knight called Lady Leo and the man who falls for her. There are a series of short scenes going through their clear like for one another, their self-consciousness hilariously getting in the way and them being oblivious to each other at times. There was a LOT of blushing and I must say though the skits were fresh each time, I don't know if I could see the direction of travel with this one. There really wasn't a storyline, just a very well written character dynamic between our two main characters. Super strong girl & weak but supportive man is a great combo, so though I liked it because of that, I can't give it more than 3 stars.
<i>I was provided with a complementary copy of this manga from Kodansha comics via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, which I leave voluntarily</i>.

This was a fun story. Lady Leo is the best knight in the country, strictly trained since childhood. She’s too busy for friends and she definitely doesn’t need romance. So she doesn’t take it well when the mage Foolie declares his love for her. She can’t understand what he sees in her when she’s scarred and not at all feminine. But she’s exactly the kind of woman Foolie wants, if only he could make her see it.

Sir Leo Cornelia, known as The Holy Blade, is a monster hunter extraordinaire. But when Foolie starts following her around, bringing flowers, and wanting to join in on her monster quests, she does not know how to react since this was the first time she had anyone interested in her. But as Foolie insists on sticking around, she grows to like the attention. But will their time together be short or long? Remember, Leo is a monster hunter and sometimes the monsters decide to hunt the hunter! Eagerly awaiting the next volume to see who the cliffhanger ends!
Thanks Netgalley and Kodansha for the chance to read this title!

Kai and Ren have been good friends ever since they got assigned to the same homeroom in middle school. They spent years sharing classes and enjoying their time together. Yet it isn't until they're separated that they realize something else may be going on.
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. It can also make you realize your true feelings. Neither Kai nor Ren was prepared for this realization – or the implications. Worse, they won't know if it's mutual until one of them is brave enough to broach the subject.
Another endearing and slow-burn romance! My Ultramarine Sky is very genuine and sweet, as two teenagers realize their friendship is actually something more. You love to see it happen (especially when it goes well).
There's a lot to appreciate in this one. Mainly, I adored the characters. Kai and Ren are a lot of fun, as are their friends. We're talking about a great support system – one that admittedly also has a good sense of humor.
I love that My Ultramarine Sky basically shows both perspectives of the story. I feel like that was essential, especially given how otherwise short this story was (will there be more? I have no idea).
Romance – Yaoi
LGBT – M/M Romance
Thanks to Kodansha Comics and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Now, with a title like this: "How to Treat a Lady Knight Right", you kind of suspect what you are getting into: lots of silly situations that give way to teenage/juvenile level of fan service humor. Now, sadly for us, Matsumoto just ticks the box and goes for it: almost all the chapters are an excuse for some actually quite chaste, not really progressive, kind of repetitive, situations where our main character ends up blushing, losing pieces of clothing, getting drunk... It is charming enough and both the main characters are good enough that its downsides can be kind of forgiven, but its a pity that Matsumoto doesn't go for full humor (or at least more short stories like the one about the Lady Knight eating sweets for the first time) and goes more for the, as said before, juvenile/fan service level of humor.
The art is nice, but repetitive and, yes, centers too much on the female bodies (both main female characters). It is also kind of messy, as there are too many big drawings of the female lady knight without any background that make the reading and the structure of the pages uneven and faltering.
Now, if you like this type of manga (comic) this might be for you. But, well, yes, fan service...

"How to treat a lady knight right" is a really entertaining manga that I really enjoyed. Leo is a lady knight covered in muscles and scars, and Leo is her mage admirer. Due to Leo's perspective on her appearance, she can't believe the words of mage Fooly who confesses his lover for her. But Leo has the greatest abs Fooly has ever seen, plus shes an amazing hero, and he decides he will work along side Leo while also convincing her of his love.
As much as Leo refuses Fooly, as readers we can see that Foolys compliments and praise get to her. She blushes furiously and gets very flustered at his words. Her insecurities just get too much in the way and she can't accept that his words are true.
In this volume we see Leo and Fooly take on a few monsters, and meet Foolys sister who is a bit of a challenge too. I really enjoyed reading this and I'm looking forward to seeing Leo hopefully learn to accept Foolys love.

Fun story. It does have fan service which doesn't bother me. I do really enjoy the art of this too.
Foolie professes his love to our female knight,Leo; however, she doesn't understand why when she is covered in scars and muscular. We follow them in different situations where he continuously tries to prove it's not a joke and how serious he is about loving her while. We see her battle monsters, encounter a sister who has a brother comex and a little bit more outside of those things.

Very fan servicey. Very "I think I'm a bad ass hero but actually I'm just every annoying trope about women warriors"

How to Treat a Lady Knight Right is an adorable comedy manga. I found myself really enjoying the characterization of Leo our titular lady knight who is both incredibly strong and believes herself unable to be loved until she meets Foolie who immediately confesses his love for her before the two go on fantasy slice of life adventures as Foolie tries to show Leo his love. Overall this was a fun light hearted manga which I would recommend to those wanting something fun and lighthearted in a fantasy setting. Thank you Netgalley and Kondasha for sending me this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

How To Treat A Lady Knight Right was a funny and enjoyable book. The sense of humor applied to each character was both appealing and fascinating. The art work was fantastic. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

This was a really fun and wholesome story to read. I like the various characters that were introduced. I am looking forward to reading more.

I found this to be cute.
I enjoyed seeing the relationship between the characters blossom.
Some moments were also hilarious.

Thank you so much to Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this manga. This is for someone who enjoys a slice of life story but with a fantastical aspect. Truly one for me personally that reminds me of a dynamic I have with someone special, but I think it's going to make some people annoyed because there's no set plot. I also think if you're looking for a tough female knight character this is definitely one, I would recommend because the character is fleshed out. Because of these points, I have to give this a 4-4.5 out of 5 stars.

Foolie was so sweet and adorable, I immediately loved him! If you’re looking for a quirky, light-hearted romance, this is probably the manga for you. There isn’t a lot of depth here, but I don’t really think there’s meant to be. It’s cute and fun, and I enjoyed it for what it is. The hyper-sexualization of Foolie’s little sister did throw me off since I assumed she was a teen, but no one’s ages are stated, so either I’m wrong or it’s just the style for all women in this manga. Didn’t take away from my enjoyment though, just surprised me!

Fairly enjoyable, albeit quite typical and cliché slice of life fantasy manga. There's no real plot, just day to day happenings of a default manga boy main character and a very muscular girl knight that's kind of a tomboy, and therefore finds it really hard and blush-worthy when the main characters treats her as a woman and a love interest. The romance is cute and innocent, but there's also a fair share of fan service bits included (mostly focusing on muscles though). I'd recommend this manga to anyone who particularly enjoys that kind of stuff or to anyone who'd generally like to read some lighthearted manga. I actually am interested in continuing the series because this book was a really fast read, but I do certainly hope that some sort of plot will appear in the continuations.

'I've abandoned my femininity' said the Holy Blade whilst she wore her form fitting and impractical armour-skirt outfit.
I'm sure someone will delight in this Manga, I just don't know who.
Zero stars really.