Member Reviews

Thank you very much Penguin for rereleasing this book onto NetGalley, it never gets old, and was a great opportunity to reread before getting into the newest installment!

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This is a wonderful fantasy, full of magic in a way I've not seen it presented before. The story is told from three points of view, which combine in the end into a wonderful whole.

Koffi is an indentured servant in the Night Zoo, in the city of Lkossa - indentured by, and with, her parents, to pay off her family's debts. Magic is outlawed in Lkossa, so Koffi's mother never really tells her about her magic, much less train her in how to do anything but suppress her gift, until the night everything goes wrong, and Koffi's magic breaks free, destroying much of the Zoo and giving Koffi and her mother the chance to escape.

At the same time, Ekon is approaching the end of his training to become one of the Sons of the Six, a security force based in the temples of the six gods of Lkossa. Like Koffi, Ekon has magic, a magic he knows nothing about, and not even his older brother, already a member of the Sons, can help him with it. In the midst of his trial to become a full Son, the Shetani - a monster that has plagued the area around the city - attacks, and Ekon leaves on a quest to subdue it.

Koffi and Ekon meet in the forest, and an uneasy alliance is formed between them. They need to maintain it long enough to subdue the Shetani, and return to their own lives, but their own pasts and prejudices may prevent it. I can only hope that the sequel - and there had better *be* a sequel - will be a good.

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Beasts of Pray has been on my TBR for a while now, so I’m glad I finally picked it up.

I really liked all the African myths and folklore aspects of it and the way it incorporates magic elements. Also has a good balance between action and romance, combined with teenage emotions and reactions. But great vivid imagery. They're trek through the jungle and coming to face with difference creatures was fun.

It took me a bit to get into the pov’s narrative that were in different timelines, that’s the only thing I didn’t enjoy as much. I was more into Ekon and Koffi’s story than Adiah’s. It was also a bit predictable at times. Otherwise I enjoyed the story and I will continue the series.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Thank you for the digital copy!

This is an incredibly engaging fantasy with plenty of unique twists on familiar tropes. I read it in just three sittings, which is rare for me with fantasy. I really appreciated the representation too.

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I really thoroughly enjoyed this book. I read it a long time ago and I have since gone on to read the second which was just as good. Looking forward to the 3rd now!

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Koffi and her mother are indentured servants of the Night Zoo where they must care for and handle its unusual and dangerous creatures. They long to pay off their debt and be free from the cruel owners grip.

Ekon is a warrior in training. He wants to fulfill the family legacy and become a member of the Son of Six like his father and brother. The Son of Six are a highly skilled group of warriors.

Koffi and Ekon's path become entwined when Ekon allows Koffi to escape the Night Zoo after she had saved his life.
The escape brings shame upon Ekon and he is banned from joining the Son of Six. To prove himself worthy he must enter the Great Jungle and kill the Shetani, a dangerous creature that has plagued his city. He forms an unlikely alliance with Koffi who has her own agenda. She wants to capture the Shetani and use the creature to pay off her debt at the Night Zoo to free her mom.

This was a good story that I enjoyed reading.

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Definitely a lot more interesting once they get to the jungle, but it takes a bit more than 200 pages to get there. I didn't really feel their relationship build up, so it was a bit jarring to have them so attached to each other.

I'm interested to learn more about: the magic, daraja, and the beasts in this world.

Overall it was a solid series start, but not groundbreaking or particularly riveting in any way.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

I can’t wait to continue this series. This is a fresh new take on the YA fantasy genre and scratches that itch for adventure and high stakes alongside magic. Super cool world.

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