Member Reviews

This was such a fun read! The first line of the book sets the scene for the rest of the book:

“They conquered my city, but not me.”

Ilya’s city is conquered by the enemy. Emperor Ryszard is trying to conquer the entire land and, along with Ilya, has his army take key hostages from each city-state to keep them in line. The stakes are high as Ilya is stuck with the other hostages to try and figure out how to help their people and the rebels to overthrow the Emperor without getting caught.

Ilya’s scheming, political strategy, and her attempts to seduce her enemy were both funny and ridiculous at times and it was all, overall, enjoyable to read. The book was engaging with the constant push and pull of Ilya’s struggle with her growing emotions towards her enemy balanced with her need to protect her people and overthrow the Emperor.

I would definitely recommend this as a read to all my fellow Romatasy readers out there. You will not be disappointed!

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I've found that for Megan Van Dyke books, I either love them or they are just ok. Unfortunately this one was just ok for me.

I love the concept I just didn't find the execution to be as well done as some of my favorite books of hers. I think this is partly because I felt like despite the two main characters being in their late 20s this read, to me, as more New Adult than General Fiction (which is fine, just not a personal favorite genre). I saw most of the twists coming, and despite liking the general outline of the two MMCs, I had a hard time really connecting with the characters and rooting for them to get together, but the world building was fascinating and I see so much potential in future stories in this world.

So while not getting added to an all-time favorite list, this is still a solid book that I think will appeal to a lot of people, And I will still be ready to continue reading any others from this series (I could see at least two different couples that were being set up and there is no dearth of side characters that I could see as Main characters).

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*3.5 stars*

Favorite Quote: “You’re comfortable showing your face but still not the rest of you?” His lips quirked up in one corner. “Would you like to see the rest of me?”

The Deets:
I really enjoyed this standalone! Ilya was a strong willed leader and Lucian, a broody shadowy Captain of her enemy’s forces. The forbidden love trope is always a good one and the position of these two did that trope justice. The tension built at a good pace and was wonderfully delicious! Watching Lucian open up slowly was … eek! Amazing. There was so much that happened in this book, I was surprised that it was a stand alone. I could have kept reading more and a part of me wanted some things drawn out so that I could. I think it was a great read and had me both smiling and swooning!

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I went into reading this book without any expectations, and it turned out to be the best path! I truly enjoyed Captive of the Stolen Empire. It has everything - enemies to lovers, betrayal, political intrigues, heartbreaking stories, excellent twists.

I loved Lucien, the MMC. I loved his arc, how his character developed, it was so great to experience it all.

The book doesn't end on a cliffhanger, but the story is far from over and I cannot wait for the next installment!

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I’m very thankful for the opportunity to have read the ARC from City Owl Press via Netgalley.

I enjoyed Captive of the Stolen Empire which was full of enemies to lovers, magic filled, with rebels and war. For me personally, the pacing for the story could have been faster in some parts and slower in others, however, I was able to anticipate the approximate next event that would happen in each chapter. This books was a good pallet cleanser for me to get back into fantasy stories. I recommend this book to those looking for a non-complex YA fantasy world with love, war, and kingdoms.

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This enemies to lovers NA Fantasy Romance had me entertained. It was a page turner, stayed up til 2am to finish. Can't believe this is the first I've heard of Megan Van Dyke but I'm on my way to rectify that with her other titles. This story had a great plot, good worldbuilding, relatable characters, and an easy writing style. There are some things I do wish had been different but it didn't change my overall view of the story. I hope there will be a sequel and we can see the end of the emperor, maybe get to know more about the magic elements (like how they are chosen) and other relationships progress.

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When Ilya’s city-state is taken over by the Empire her plans to take over her mother’s heir. As the oldest princess she is taken as a “guest” (hostage) to live in the Empire, but she will not do it quietly. She and the other hostages need to find a way to escape and return to their homes. Lucien, the emperor’s first captain, is drawn to Ilya, knowing she is in trouble but can’t seem to separate himself from her. Lucien just wants the dream of peace he has been promised since he was saved by the emperor as a child, but can all the war actually lead to peace? When they start to acknowledge their feelings for each other and uncover what is actually happening, will they be able to survive?

“Captive of the Stolen Empire” by Megan Van Dyke is absolutely amazing. I loved the characters so much. I adored Ilya and Lucien’s relationship dynamics. My favorite part was the imagery of the guards being head to toe in armor all the time and not being seen by others and how the masks were of animals. I need to read more of Megan Van Dyke’s book because this book was so good. 5 out of 5 stars.

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I received this book as an E-ARC in return for an honest review. This story grabbed you from the first page. This was an enemies to lovers tale that was easy to pick up and finish in one day.
Ilya is a strong willed and passionate girl that has been raised and pigeonholed to be the ruler of Sorrena. Lucien is the misguided commander that has been groomed to only obey and serve his emperor. As Ilya and Lucien start to orbit around each other, Ilya discovers that Lucien may have a deep and dark origin story, this line of thought has Lucien questioning the new holes in his childhood memories. With the empire on the edge of rebellion, Ilya and Lucien must work together to save their people and their future.

I really liked the plot of this story, it was a good mix of both main characters points of view. There is a touch of everything that you could want in a fantasy based novel, there is great world building, cool magic system, political intrigue, found family, and romance. I genuinely enjoyed this story, I really look for ward to see what she does with these characters next!

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Captive of the Stolen Empire by Megan Van Dyke is my first book by her and I loved it.
A very exciting enemies to lovers romance. With very well-developed and layered characters.
The writing is effortless and draws you in immediately, leaving you fully immersed in a fantastical world.
The descriptions were great and created a dark atmosphere.
The author has a gorgeous way to write her characters and the story, making it a dark and immersive journey.

I would like to thank NetGalley and City Owl Press for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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Captive of the Stolen Empire is a dual pov following Ilya and Lucien. Ilya is a strong willed woman who still fights for her city even though she is being kept as a captive under her new emperor. Lucien is the head caption who has taken it upon himself to keep her in line. Ilya is doubtful that the mysterious guard will pull her attention but when he orders her to be kept in his chambers, is it her fault if she looks?

I loved this book from the start, it held me captured throughout the whole book. The dynamic between Ilya and Lucien was *chef’s kiss.* I loved the little twists and turns of this novel it was overall such a fun read. Lucien can I just say may be up there on the list of book boyfriends. I loved the banter between the two, and the confidence of Lucien while also having the soft side when he’s with Ilya.
I loved the supporting characters, Gabriel and how we find out Lucien’s full story through him.

This review will be posted on Goodreads and Instagram on November 5th.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

⭐ 3

Captive of the Stolen Empire is exactly what you'd expect from a romantasy of this type. The stabby, headstrong FMC and the shadow-powered MMC fall in love and if that's your jam, you'll love this. I got a fair bit of King of Battle and Blood energy from this novel, much more so than Serpent and the Wings of Night.

The prose is easy to follow and I enjoyed the lore and implementation of the godly pantheon of Van Dyke's world but I found myself not caring too deeply for the characters. It is dual POV, an aspect I liked a lot, but too much of the feelings/inner workings of the characters were told to us outright in the text for my taste. There was a lot of "This character reminds me of my little sister, whom I love, therefore I must protect them" and therefore felt like there was not a lot of trust on the part of the reader to make those connections themselves through the context of the book. That being said, the characters never annoyed me or engaged in stupid decisions that had my mind reeling.

I enjoyed the book and if you like the aspects I mentioned before that are common within the genre, I really suggest giving it a try!

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Megan Van Dyke writing style has me in sheer awe. Every time I thought I had something figured out, I was blindsided. The world building was done so well, legit has had me live vicariously through Ilya and Lucien.

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ARC NetCalley review
A fascinating passionate story with Game of Thrones and Princess of souls vibes - Captive of the Stolen Empire by Megan Van Dyke worth of attention!

Ilya Valerious was born to be ruler of the city-state of Sorrena in her mother's footsteps - until the tyrannical emperor conquered her homeland.
She plans a dangerous manoeuvre to free her home by seducing the commander, gathering intelligence for a growing rebellion and destroying them all from within.
She's a dangerous temptation he can ill-afford, especially when she begins to unearth long-hidden secrets that make him question not only his own past and his role in the Empire, but also the emperor to whom he's pledged his life.
With the fate of the Empire on the knife-edge, Ilya and Lucien must decide if their burgeoning love is worth sacrificing everything they've worked for. But that is only if the Emperor doesn't kill them off first.

The interesting plot and easy writing style make this book even more attractive. There is plenty of everything here - temptation and political intrigue and emotional experiences. I couldn't stop comparing them to the Hound and Sansa from Game of Thrones, but with a more developed storyline. The last lines seem to hint that we will see the main characters again and I would love to read the sequel.

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CAPTIVE OF THE STOLEN EMPIRE is an enemies to lovers romance set in an empire that takes heirs of conquered states hostages, without realising that maybe they might bring it down from within.

This book is a nice mix of plot (bring down the empire) and romance (will Lucien and Ilya get together?) There is action and lots of tension that comes from the external plot, as well as magic.

As a reader drawn more to plot and less to romance, I enjoyed the major obstacle to their pair's happiness being external. The empire could easily be the thing that draws them apart - or kills one or both. That was the biggest challenge to them being together, bringing both the romantic and external stakes into one, that helped push the tension and stakes up.

The book is told from both Ilya and Lucien's perspective, her trying to destroy the empire and him starting to wonder if all he's been taught is true.

As I read more romances (of the various sub-genres) I am definitely coming to the opinion that I tend to prefer them when I get both sides. That way you can understand what each person sees in the other, what's drawing them together. Yes, single POV romances can be fun (REPUTATION, A LADY'S GUIDE TO SCANDAL), but there the depth of feeling is very one sided.

This, however, felt very measured. Ilya and Lucien gain from each other. I liked that the lies they were unlearning were very similar - the whole "it's easier to see a blind spot someone else has than spot it in yourself."

It's a well contained standalone, and one where I didn't feel like another book was being set up and just enjoyed it for it as a complete tale. I do really like series, but sometimes you just want something that's one and done, for the happily ever after not to be challenged.

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Wow, I read this book in one sitting. This book had a lot going on and it sucked me in. This book had great world building was entertaining and had an interesting plot that was different from many other books. The slow burn between the characters was perfect, I would have enjoyed more spice. If your looking for a new enemies to lovers story to immerse yourself in, this book is for you.

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