Member Reviews

Oh my ! I skipped most of the book as it was so unbelievable. A kidnapping occurs and is not thoroughly investigated or the people of interests apparently are not questioned . The appearance of Audrey , Fatima ‘s letter , Claire ‘s bizarre relationship with her husband Greg and daughter Lilah are just some of the unbelievable events as well as the irrelevant details made this book a cumbersome read. The title also does not reflect the book at all just adds to th confusion of this book.

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Thank you for allowing me to review this book. I must say that I very much enjoyed it. I felt very disturbed by the secrets uncovered after the death of Veronica. Poor Clsire had a lot to come to terms with as her whole self belief was in doubt. Audrey, whilst appearing lovely was also quite pushy. Again the location was delightful beside the lake. I had already enjoyed the first book in the series, but it was not important to have read that one before this one. They each stand alone. I look forward to reading more by Heather Dixon.

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This second book in the Summerville series reads as a standalone, as I did not read the first book. Claire is grieving for her mother; their relationship was close, and coming to terms with her loss is hard. Claire's daughter Lilah is finding her independence, and Claire finds it difficult to let her go. When a strange woman claiming a familial relationship turns up at her house, Claire's controlled world implodes, and she finds herself on a precipice and has to decide whether to move forward or stay in the past. It is an emotional family drama with relatable characters who immerse you in their lives. The gentle pacing keeps you turning the pages. I like the characterisation, the life-changing events and the relationship dynamics.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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A moving domestic drama/women's fiction story about two women who help one another unravel long-buried family secrets. With a focus on female friendship, found family, grief and moving on after loss this story made for an entertaining beach read type of book that was set in a small lakeside community town.

Dealing with the loss of her mother, midwife Claire is shocked when a stranger claiming to be the sister she thought died in a car crash comes knocking on her door. Together the two women slowly bond as they try to figure out what their parents had been lying to them about.

Good on audio with some fun references to Canadian cities and towns, this was another enjoyable read from a new go-to author. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review. Recommended for fans of authors like Sarah Morgan.

CW: alcoholism, Alzheimer's

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Imagine living an awesome life, with an awesome mom, and an awesome daughter. With one answer of a doorbell, all that has changed. Claire loved her life in Summerville. She felt safe there, had a great job as a midwife that she loved, and a supportive ex in which she got along. When Audrey showed up stating that she thought she was her sister, Claire's life turned upside down. The girls did a DNA test, and searched for answers. Veronica, Claire's mom, had just died and this added further stress. What the girls find out is shocking to say the least, and it rocks Claire's safe world. Thank you for Ms. Dixon, and NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review this book. All opinions are my own. An excellent read about family, those not family, leaning on others, and just getting by. Family does not have to be blood, it is who we bring into our circle.

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I found this book more emotional than I expected and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The topic was fairly heavy with a long lost sister turning up but the author dealt with it well and it never became maudlin. I would definitely recommend this as an excellent weekend read, enjoy!

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A wonderful heartwarming read with lovely characters in the book. A very well written story. My first book by this author and I will be looking more books by her.

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I devoured this book in one day. It hit that sweet spot: although it did deal with some serious topics, it had the "feel" of a light read. It was about a woman who finds out that her past is not really what she thought and it made her ask the question of what is family. The characters were compelling. Essentially, this was classic women's fiction, which is exactly what I needed after the last few serious books I read.
The reason that I could not quite give this five stars is that there while the ending was somewhat dramatic, it was not quite explained in terms of the characters. In other words, things were not quite believable. Perhaps a flashback or two might have added some more reason for the book to have been resolved the way it was. That said, it was a good read and I would enjoy seeing what else this author has to say.

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Families are complicated. Claire has longed for a sister her whole life, but when a stranger shows up at her door claiming to be her long-lost sister, everything she believes about her past is turned upside down. As Claire and Audrey unearth secrets from the past, they try and make their newfound relationship work for both of them.

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This is a heartbreaking, emotional tale between two sisters that talk about trust and betrayal.

Claire is dealing with her mother's death and while she was cleaning up her mother's house, a woman by the name Audrey comes and tells Claire that she was her mother's daughter. Claire believed that her younger sister died in a car accident along with their father. So it was a huge surprise that after all these years, both her father and Audrey are very much alive. They decided to do DNA testing and when the results come in, things began to change.

This was a very intense and powerful story. I do like the bond that is formed between Audrey and Claire as both accept each other as siblings. I also like Lilah, Claire's daughter's relationship with Audrey. There were some parts where it gets emotional and I just like the style of author's writing in this new novel. This book will give you an emotional rollercoaster ride as well. Overall, this is a tear-jerking heartbreaking story that is worth five stars!

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC. The review is based on my honest opinion only.

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This was a good story with some sad parts and others very positive. The characters were good and the story ran very smoothly. Lovely conclusion.

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Slow moving in the beginning but picks up as the relationships grow. This book explores grief and loss as well as the power and strength to continue through it to build relationships.

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Claire is still getting over the loss of her Mom. Then one day she opens the door to someone who says she’s her sister. Claire and Audrey have lots of questions and start looking for answers together.
I thought it was a good story. Family can always make things hard. Lots of surprises within this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book I have read by this author, and it won;t be the last. Such a beautifully written book which puts you right in the heart of the family and the related conflicts. Recommended.

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This is the first book I’ve read by Heather Dixon. Overall it was an enjoyable story. It took a bit to get into, but once I was intrigued I finished it quickly. The Summerville Sisters follows Claire, who recently lost her mother Veronica. Suddenly a stranger appears on her doorstep, who claims to be Veronica’s daughter. Claire must navigate this stranger, Aubrey, while also grieving the loss of her mother and raising her 12 year old daughter, Lilah. Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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Barb Graham's Reviews > The Summerville Sisters
The Summerville Sisters by Heather Dixon
The Summerville Sisters
by Heather Dixon (Goodreads Author)
F 50x66
Barb Graham's reviewDec 30, 2023 · edit
it was amazing

This was a heartfelt story about Claire who was mourning the death of her mother and suddenly learned that the life she thought was hers was not the truth.
Claire grew up with just her mom believing that her sister Audrey had died in an accident when she was very young. She never strayed far from her comfort zone and kept her daughter Lilah close as well.
One day, her doorbell rang and a woman who closely resembled her mother was standing there. She claimed that she was her sister Audrey. More secrets are revealed rocking Claire's world.
This is an amazing story of how family can be more than we think.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and am leaving this honest review.

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Claire is currently taking leave from her job as a midwife, following the death of her mother. Claire grew up as an only child with a single parent. She was very close to her mother and now follows the same close relationship with her twelve year old daughter Lilah. Clare is separated from her husband Greg, although they maintain a good relationship and co-parent Lilah. There still appeared to be a connection between Claire and the reliable Greg, although she seems to be determined to keep him at a distance. Now, with her mother gone, she realises there are responsibilities with regard to settling her estate and clearing out her house. Responsibilities which sit heavy with her amid the pain of loss she feels. A knock on the door brings the arrival of a stranger with news she finds hard to accept. How can this woman who so resembles her mother, be the sister she was told perished in a car accident with their father?
The story follows Claire’s life as she comes to terms with the fact that not only does she have a sister, but her father is still very much alive, although suffering from Alzheimer’s. Growing up with her mother has made her naturally suspicious and very much a loner, wrapping her life around Lilah. Will the arrival of her warmer and more open sister Audrey enable her to reflect on her past and maybe make changes for the future? It’s a wonderful family story with challenges for all of them before they eventually find their way through the twists and turns that Audrey’s arrival has brought.
A wonderful heart-warming and emotional tale. Highly recommended.

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While mourning the loss of her mother, a woman claiming to be Claire's sister turns up at her front door. The story is centred on the discovery of a long-held family secret and the subsequent impact it has on Claire, Audrey and Lilah, and their journey towards healing and understanding.
A really beautiful and engaging story.

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Oh my, where do I begin to express the power this story had over my heart! I really enjoyed The Summerville Sisters that kept me intrigued every step of the way and wondering how this family mystery was going to end. Author Heather Dixon laid a strong foundation in the bones of her story and then built on that layer by layer a great plot with lots of solid ingredients of truth and creativity. Plus, there’s a wonderful cast of believable characters I quickly connected with as their dramas drew out complex emotions in me. I was kept guessing throughout the story’s development, too, and often sat on the edge of my seat with anticipation!

I have to say my heart sympathised with Claire, Audrey and Lilah as they all try to make sense of what Veronica has done that caused so much havoc in their lives. Greg was a wonderful support character and you get the sense that he is a steadying force in Claire’s life.

There were so many emotions I could relate to and understand as a mother and sibling. The revelations Claire and Audrey receive are pretty jarring and it made me think how I would feel in their situation. Claire’s seemingly overprotective behaviour with her daughter is understandable as the more she learns about her own origins, the more fearful she becomes of her own child’s safety. That feeling of separation and not able to find your child, is something many of us can relate to. My own daughter was a curious child and one evening she gave us an awful fright when she wandered off down a beach when we turned our backs for a few minutes. It took a search party to find her and fifteen minutes of frantic fear. Oh, how quickly they can disappear! I am glad to report she was found. And Heather really captured those kind of moments and how desperate a parent can feel.

Besides the anxiety and fear--this novel also explores the shock, loneliness, anger and frustration that Claire feels when she is given pieces of information about her past. Then the letter she receives helps her see she desires the same thing as Audrey-- to be part of a family.

Once I started reading from the first page I was hooked and could not put it down until I finished it. There are lots of surprises and heart capturing themes. It is a family story with some curve balls and twists that leave you with a lot of thoughts swirling around in your head. The Summerville Sisters covers some troubling topics like abduction, alcoholism, child abuse, parent child separation—just to name a few. And relationship breakdowns are explored but there are also positive attempts to restore and learn from what went wrong to make things right. Dealing with change is one of Claire’s big lessons and she eventually realises that everyone needs a number of people in their lives who may or may not be blood related. The importance of family and what that word means is at the core of this novel. Claire is awakened to deep unconditional love and how valued and worthy of it she is. A great gift and the best legacy possible. I totally recommend this novel and give it a heartfelt 5 Stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for my review copy.

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Another good read by Heather Dixon. This one is about a woman named Claire who lives in a town called Summerville. Her mom has recently passed away from cancer. A woman named Audrey shows up on her doorstep claiming to be her sister. After doing DNA testing, Claire learns things about her family including the fact that Audrey is not her sister. The rest of the story deals with Claire sorting through all the secrets of her past and how to respond to her current situation. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it. Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book. I give it 3.5 stars

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