Member Reviews

Startling family secrets... wow! This was such a great book! Claire is coping with the death of her mother when a stranger shows up and turns her life upside down.
I couldn't put this down once I started! I was hooked by the end of chapter one. Fast paced, lots of family drama, sadness, love, all the emotions.
I'm still processing it all.

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Claire has just lost her mother to cancer and taken grievance leave from her much loved job. Claire's husband, Greg, remains amicable and caring but has left Claire and set up his own home. Their daughter Lilah (a shorter version of Delilah) is 12 and at a stage of trying to gain some independence whilst being reined in by her over-protective mother.
Life as they know it has been upturned and is about to get spun a whole lot more when a stranger knocks on their door.

The story doesn't flow well in some parts. I think the circumstances of some characters and how they're relatable could have been better to avoid reader's from eye-rolling.

The authors intent was to explore female relationships and the dynamic between mother and daughter was great. It would have been great to read a more in-depth exploration of Fatima and what it was like for her being connected to Claire and Lilah in the absence of her best friend. It wouldn't seem so much that she was just chucked in to be the bearer of some news. Maybe there's a sequel idea?

This was a quick and enjoyable read because I'm a curious cat and this book has you guessing where the characters lives are headed.

The story could have gone a bit deeper in regards to how and why they got here in their present circumstances.

This is Heather Dixon's second novel and I will be putting her first on by tbr now.

Thankyou to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. #TheSummervilleSisters #NetGalley

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This was such a gripping story. My heart went out to Claire as her carefully constructed life imploded with a series of revelations. Her need for control meant she wasn’t always easy to like, but she was definitely relatable and in fact having just finished the book I still haven’t shaken off the anxiety I felt from empathising with her so deeply all the way through. I kept dreading even more going wrong, especially as there were some really tense moments.
For me this is a 4.5 star read - my only criticism is that I found the resolution at the end of the book came about a little too quickly, before I was emotionally prepared to let go of my own concern for Claire. For me, the reconciliation with her ex-husband felt slightly implausible after three years - I’d probably have preferred the outcome if they’d remained as good friends and Claire had got herself a really good therapist. Maybe I’m weird!
Thank you to the author for tying me up in emotional knots for several hours with this one. It might take me a while to recover…

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This is such a enjoyable read I read it cover to cover . Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the opportunity. The characters are richly drawn , the setting atmospheric and enjoyable. This is a family drama with a captivating background story and wonderful outcome. A very enjoyable read I highly recommend.

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Claire is separated, raising a teenage daughter that seems to be drifting away from her and her mother has recently died. Claire’s very existence is fragile, so when a woman comes to her door claiming to be her sister that was supposedly killed in an accident as a child, Claire is shocked and skeptical.
Author, Helen Dixon has written a twisted, heartbreaking story of a woman, who for the secrets and betrayal of others, puts her life into a downward spiral and questions who she is. Family, drama and relationships weave together to make this a very satisfying read. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy from Netgalley and Storm Publishing. These comments and review are my honest opinion.

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Oh my goodness what a beautiful story. I loved this one straight away and couldn't put it down. Such a sad story too. Highly recommend this one. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Claire has spent her whole life in Soummerville. She lives with
her twelve year old daughter Lilah, following the breakup of her marriage to Greg.
One day a woman called Audrey shows up on her doorstep and changes the direction of all their life's.
This is a book about loss, learning and acceptance. Despite the subject matter is was a very easy memorable read. Loved it.

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The Summerville Sisters by Heather Dixon tell the story of two woman who discover they have lived lives full of secrets, and follows their journey following this revelation.

First off I have to say thank you to NetGalley, Heather Dixon, and Storm Publishing for allowing me to read a free e-arc of the Summerville Sisters in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this story and the emotional ride the author took me on. This book really made you feel for all of the characters and want resolution for them. I would certainly love a followup novella detailing what happens next. While there was nothing earth shattering about this story, I thought it was a nice story and well written. This one is a solid 4 stars for me.

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I found The Summerville Sisters to be just ok. I didn't dislike it, but I felt like it didn't really know what it wanted to be--a family drama? a mystery? It was trying to be multiple things and ended up just being not that exciting. I did finish it, but I didn't find the characters to be that interesting or relatable, or the story to be very realistic.

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Claire is mourning the loss of her mother when someone shows up claiming to be her long-lost sister. This is the second book in the series but can be read as a standalone.

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The title of the book may suggest just another beach side story without much depth. In this case the title is deceiving. There is much more to the story.

While mourning the loss of her mother, a woman claiming to be Claire's sister shows up at her door. That can't be possible right? Her sister died years ago in a car accident.

Claire's whole life as she knew it is about to change.

I liked the characters. I thought Claire was unnecessarily rude at times, but that is understandable considering the circumstances.

I loved the mother/daughter relationship and even the one between Claire and her ex. If only more people co-parented in this manner.

I liked this one even more than the first in the series. Hoping there will be more to come.

Thanks to netgalley and Storm Publishing for the arc.

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The Summerville Sisters
By: Heather Dixon

5 Stars

I loved the first book in this Summerville series, and book two was even better. When Claire's mother passes, she knows life is going to be hard for her without her mother and Lilah, her daughter, without a grandmother. When an unexpected visitor shows up one day, Claire is shocked, and she and Lilah will never be the same again.

This was an awesome story. I love the characters. Claire and Lilah have such a beautiful bond, both real and heartwarming. Greg and Audrey add some amazing elements to an already dramatic and emotional story, but I really enjoyed the storyline for this one. It was full of drama, mystery, and long summer days. It was very well written and very engaging. I hated to put it down. I have definitely become a fan of this talented author and the small town she created.

*I want to thank Netgalley and the author for this book in return for my honest review*

Stormi Ellis
Boundless Book Reviews

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What do you do when everything you knew about your life was a lie? Claire's mother dies, then all the secrets begin to unravel. Intrigue and discovery ensue to take over Claire's life. The Summerville Sisters by Heather Dixon is a four-star read for me. A copy was provided for my review, but all opinions are my own.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book but found Audrey's character very difficult to empathise with- to the point that I expected her to try to do something nefarious due to her constant and often unwanted presence. The setting however was fantastically well described and the other characters were beautifully written!

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I took a chance on this book and really enjoyed it. There was an interesting story line that kept the book moving. I wasn't sure which characters to like but I found Greg to be stable and loving. At times I was a little tired of Claire but understood that she was going through a lot

Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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I love this author so I knew I would love the book before even reading it, but when I read the summary, I knew I was done for… I would not want to put it down (and I was right).

I read the first book in this series in October and became a new fan of this author. I love her writing and style and was excited to see another book in the series available for me to read so soon! Then when I read the summary, I knew I was done for… I was not going to be able to put this one down (and I was right).

You do not need to read the first book before reading this one. It can be read as a standalone.

I love the theme of family and relationships, and the characters were so easy to get attached to and want to read more about.

I can relate to Claire and her mothering (and entire personality really) styles, especially being maybe a little neurotic and anxious about wanting to keep her daughter close, safe, and protected (though maybe a bit too much). I was that way myself at one time and remember those feelings. I can’t begin to tell you how freeing it was to finally get past that, just like Claire seems to be ready to. She is a great mom who adores her daughter.

Audrey annoyed me most of the time. She was too overbearing, especially in the beginning. I found myself getting more and more annoyed with her whenever she called or showed up, even though Claire was very clear that she needed time and space. When Claire was finally ready to let her in, I grew to like Audrey and loved how close her, Claire, and Lilah became. There is nothing like the love between a niece and “aunt”.

Though there are some really sad and troubling topics, overall it is heartwarming and really pulls at your heartstrings. It is so full of love and many other emotions. A great read!


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Not for me. This book was very slow and the writing was very basic. Every character's actions were over-described in the most banal way. Nothing really happens and the character's reactions to events are underwhelming and not very realistic or believable.

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Wow, this book was so so much more than I expected

Claire has just lost her mom, when a stranger rings her doorbell and tells her she’s a long lost sister

A novel of love, loss, and forgiveness

This is my first book by this author, and it will definitely not be my last

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Soon after Claire’s mother dies, a woman claiming to be her dead sister shows up in town. After a DNA tests many buried secrets come out. It’s a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Heather Dixon knocked it out of the park with this book. It has twists and turns, emotions, and drama.
I enjoyed it so much, I read it in a day. By the cover I was expecting a beach read, but it’s way more than that.

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The Summerville Sisters is definitely a book that will stay in my mind for a long time. Such a unique story, I can honestly say I've never read anything like it. The most enjoyable aspect of the book was the options the writer had to take the book in any direction. Nothing was going to surprise me because I was invested in the characters and their stories.
There were very few characters which I know appeals to a lot of readers, there were a couple of smaller characters like grandmothers friend who I would have liked to have been developed further. The location and the description by the author of the lakeside property was stunning.
Highly recommend

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