Member Reviews

So captivating! Great book, I felt like I was in the book in the trauma rooms of each patient and on the front lines!
There’s funny times. Hard times. Danger. Mistakes and more!
This book is definitely a must read and you don’t have to have any medical terminology knowledge to follow this book
I have a new appreciation for medical staff and surgeons for sure!!!!
Thank you NetGalley!!!

You don’t need to have a medical background to understand but having heard the terminology helps. The author shared simply enough for me to understand.
You get what’s important to him & even after all of the horrors he’s still got a sense of humor. You hear about his military career, colleagues he’s admired, funny stories & sad situations, a huge variety of successes/losses over decades of being a trauma surgeon & patient.
It’s a bit shocking what he’s experienced & at times it’s funny and sometimes heart breaking. Having seen the results, he’s got a definite opinion on gun violence, etc. & he’s not afraid to tell you how he feels.
Thank you #NetGalley & #Dreamscape Media! Another fascinating book!!

Definitely more science, history, statistics and explanation of surgical techniques than stories (which I would have liked more of). The narrator wasn’t my favorite, but that did not hinder the listening process. I’d recommend to someone interested in a life of a surgeon, statistical information of injuries/deaths.

This book was fascinating!
I was born with a sever cardiac condition so I like to say I grew up in the hospital and maybe its because of that I find medicine to be amazing. I love medical mysteries and the heart the most but trauma surgery is amazing and so under appreciated by both people and doctors. They know and do so much and this book definitely demonstrates that.
The stories in this book are quick and easy for everyone to understand and they are really cool to hear about. This book talks about rare and crazy stories but also the types of surgeries these doctors deal with on a daily basis.
This book also takes the time to point out the problems in the medical industry but its very real about in. Dr. Cohn takes the time to point out the issues but he doesn't turn things into these big deals that could maybe scare patients away.
If you are thing medicine is cool like I do or if you just wanna hear some cool medical stories definitely check this out!

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this audio ARC. I want to lead with that I am a pharmacist, so I have medical knowledge going in to this. I'm not sure how easily one could follow along without this background.
I loved this book and really appreciated the honest account of this doctor. The view on gun violence was especially impactful. I wish all individuals that are pro-gun could read this.
A must read for medical folks!