Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley for access to the advance listening copy of this book.

I am a big fan of the Mayo Clinic series on health. For many years, I have dipped into the Mayo Clinic Family Health book, which is a huge book, whenever I need more clarification on a medical topic. I find these volumes much more helpful than doing a general search on the internet.

I was inspired to listen to this audiobook by conversations I have recently had with a friend who was
diagnosed with a tumor. She is responding well to therapy, and I wondered what the best path is to take after that treatment. My most significant experience with breast cancer was my aunt who died in 1997 after battling Stage 4 breast cancer for 10 years. I recall people in her support group mentioning various lifestyle options, but at the time, it seemed inconsequential as my aunt was very thin, a non-smoker, and did not drink. This issue of how to care for myself after a cancer diagnosis has always stayed with me. Fortunately, breast cancer is often not the death sentence it was years ago, but vigilance is needed.

This short book is quite readable, and easily understandable, as the Mayo Clinic books tend to be. I
will not summarize the medical guidance as I am not a medical professional, but I do find it helpful to have a source like this for guidance. While many may prefer to look through a printed copy of the
book, those, like myself, who are visually impaired, are always grateful for audio versions.

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Thank you to NetGalley for a digital ARC of this audiobook.

This is a must listen for any breast cancer survivor, but also a great recommendation for anyone in a caregiver role. The information is straightforward without being clinical and provides information that normalizes the challenges cancer survivors and caregivers face through and beyond treatment.

Areas of use include integrated therapies, sexual health post treatment and financial issues during and after treatment.

The narrator gave a great read, keeping the tone informative without being monotonous . The only odd part is that there are patient testimonials that are sort of awkward to read at the end of the more informative content - these may read better on a page than in audio.

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This book is everything it needs to be. You can tell by reading it that the authors have been careful to make it approachable, they also displayed a lot of tact when adressing some of the most sensitive subjects.
The book is primarily destined to brest cancer survivors (women and men) who are reaching the end of their treatment, but can really be useful and provide clarity to people at any stage. From physical and mental health tips to a broad description of various procedures, this book provides clarity and much needed guidance in what is often an overwhelming journey for the patients and their families.

🎧 Audiobook narration : 5/5 the audiobook format is an interesting option for this kind of book. The narrator's tone was factual but kind of soothing.

Thank you NetGalley and DreamScape for giving me access to this audiobook for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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An informative book. I think best for a recent diagnosis or someone nearing the end of treatment. It’s nice to see a book that deals with the time after treatment as it’s not really talked about. As a 3 year survivor, I appreciate the challenges of survivorship being addressed. I admittedly skipped over some chapters due to topic that would cause me anxiety, but listened to the ones I could. Great book. Thanks.

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