Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced audio copy of this book.

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I didn't love the narrator and I found the story to be a bit confusing. I ended up DNFing. The journey into mystery storyline is just not for me.

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was SO BORED. Loki is such a dynamic character, especially when played by Tom Hiddleston. But this book had none of that spunk or intricacy to him, or any of these characters.

If you want to see where I discuss this in length along with two other books about Loki, you can check out my video here!

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Such a fun audiobook! The narrator did an excellent job and made the story fun to listen to. The story was also very interesting so it was easy to follow along and it made me want even more Loki stories.

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Loki retains his endearing ability to be the anti-hero who is greatly loved by his brother in this Marvel-ized version of the world of Norse mythology. It felt more like a Marvel plot with the characters being assigned mythological names than something out of mythology.

Great audio narration!

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A sometimes confusing take on Norse mythology-part of the Marvel universe but seems to be stuck in myths.

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I wanna argue Loki is the best of the Marvel non-heroes. Sometimes villain, sometimes anti-hero, always a trickster. Continuously burdened with the golden-haired brother Thor, and with both their reputation preceding them.
In this novelization of a comic series, Loki is a 13 year old reborn version of himself, and still all of the above.
The story is intriguing, consisting of three strands of plot eventually being tied together. And it hits everything you wish Marvel to be.
I'm surely be checking out the comic series it's based on, as it's by one of my favorite comic authors.

The audiobook production is great, and the narrator transports perfect Loki vibes.

4/5 stars

Thank you @netgalley and @dreamscape_media for the ALC!

#Loki #Marvel #netgalley #bookstagram

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This was very much like a comic book or graphic novel in book format. Loki is one of my favorite characters and I enjoyed the story.

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A disappointing read. The story didn't flow very well, I felt thrown into the story without much build up to what was going on. Characters are added to the story without much description to them, which I think has a lot to do with this book being based on the comics. I enjoy Marvel entertainment but still felt lost while reading this book.

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The Asgard world and its characters will always be one of my favorites. This was an interesting adaptation of the ordinal story of the same name. Loki is always finding a way to get into mischief, even when he’s trying to do something good. It was very hard to follow along with the narration and i found myself confused a lot of the time and having to go back. Overall I enjoyed it.

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I'll be honest. I didn't finish this book. I started reading it -- and I was actually really into it -- and then I got the flu and couldn't finish it. By the time I was able to function again, I went back to my Netgalley app, and it had already been removed/archived. I was super disappointed.

However, I really liked what I read of the book so far, and I plan to finish it as soon as it becomes available in my library's Libby app. So, since it was at least a 4-star book at the point I was at, that's how I'm going to rate it here.

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I found this one interesting and the writing style was easy to vibe with. It didn't pull me out of the story at anytime and I enjoyed the characters.

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What happens when Loki is reborn but everyone thinks he is the same as he has always been?

Well he tries to save Asgard of course.

This was a fun quick read for fans of Loki. I was unaware when I started that it was novelization of a comic book so there was a bit of disconnect when I first started. However when the story picked up I was just along for the ride. The Audiobook was well done and I enjoyed the narrators take on his cadence and smooth talking ways.

I rated three stars for my own personal reasons. I like middle grade and YA books but I found this one to be less engaging then I would have liked. Reading middle grade as an adult is always a risk because the book was not written for you. I think it is pitched appropriately but I am not sure it spans a wide range of audiences. This is of course no fault of the author and entirely mine as the reader.

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"Loki" by Katherine Locke is a breath of fresh air for the character. I loved the heavier mythological story compared to what the MCU has to offer. The character development and Loki's struggles are refreshing and offer a new perspective. Locke does a great job of exploring Ragnarok and the consequences of Loki's actions. If you are looking for a great story with familiar yet different characters, this is the one. The structure of the story is also interesting, told through different conflicts and from the perspective of a 13-year-old.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, Marvel, Titan Books, Katherine Locke, and Elliot Fitzpatrick (audio narrator) for the opportunity to read and listen to the audiobook of Loki: Journey Into Mystery in exchange for an honest review.

Loki: Journey Into Mystery is the novelized adaptation of the comic book series of the same name written by Kieron Gillen.

The story features a young Loki, reborn after  being the God of Mischief, now to find a new story to weave himself. In his quest to help save Earth with his brother, Thor, Loki finds the aid of a handmaid and servant to Hela, Leah, and a demon puppy of which he names after his brother, Thori. Seeking redemption for his past life and wanting to carve a good path for his new one, Loki  aims to save not only Earth, but Asgard as well, as a prophecy predicts the worlds to fall into Surtur's flames. 

Powering across various story arcs to make one fulfilling journey, Locke does an excellent job of encompassing Loki's story into eloquent prose. For the audiobook, Fitzpatrick does an excellent job of voicing Loki, making it feel like a nice mix of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the traditional Norse god. There's a nice blend of friendship and almost-romance that give the novel a fulfilling feel.

A great read or listen for any Loki fan, though MCU fans might have to risk a hit-or-miss.

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This is a true Loki story. The narrator reminds me very much of Tom Huddleston, which is great to continue Loki’ story. The story itself is very Loki-isk with all the mischievousness he always has. I found myself picturing the timeline somewhere around Thor 2, though it’s not always clear.

My main issue with this graphic novel turned audiobook, is the timeline is not the easiest or greatest to understand. I also found the first half of the novel to be very repetitive.

Special thanks to NetGalley and DreamScape media for providing me with an advanced listeners copy.

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As someone who has struggled to get into comics, this adaptation was really great. I think Katherine Locke has managed to caputre the soul of the comics, and repacked it into a format that is more available for certain readers.

The story itself is fun, and it had good pacing that works very well. Because this is a comic book adaptation I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to MCU fans as the characters are quite different, but it could be a great gateway into the comic side of Marvel.

Audiobook: the narration holds a good pace, is clear when he speaks, and does great at separating the different characters and moods.

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This was a very different spin on Norse mythology. I can tell someone did their research. Unfortunately this one didn't hold my attention very well but I'm giving it 3 stars for the creative writing.

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<b><I>Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review! </b></I>

I absolutely loved this! The story was great, the audiobook was so well done, the voice actors was perfect for the role.

I did know I needed a story of young Loki until I had it, and yeah, he was everything I would have imagined and more. It was witty and chaotic, exactly what you would expect from Loki.

There seemed to be three seperate stories at first that then all lined back together in the end for a well rounded off finish.

5/5 easy stars, and an audiobook I would highly reccomend!

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Thank you to Netgalley Dreamscape Media, Marvel for allowing me access to Loki by Katherine Locke; Marvel. Loki is one of my favorite characters and I must say this book did not disappoint.

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