Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the ALC.

Loki was a fun and entertaining adaption of the comics. The narrator really bought the story to life and the plot was easy to follow. I would have prefered a bit more character development, but overall it was a good book.

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The narrator Elliot Fitzpatrick was absolutely perfect for this one. He portrayed Loki so well, and it made the listen all that more fun.
The book was fast paced, witty and you could feel everything Loki felt.
For all Marvel fans out there I strongly recommend listening to this book.

A big thanks to DreamScape for giving me the opportunity to listen to this book.

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As a lifelong comics fan, I jumped at the chance to listen to this book. I read the original comic arc that this is based on years ago and remembered enjoying it.
Unfortunately, I can’t say that about this novelization.
The story was all there. The same characters were there. That just didn’t seem to be any life to the story. Whether that was the fault of the prose itself or the audiobook narrator, I can’t really say.
He had a good voice. Good rhythm and cadence, but the words all seemed flat to me.
Descriptions of characters and places were few and far between. Without some description to the characters, they are just names on a page (or names in your ear, for the audio.)
While I am not sorry I listened to this, I am somewhat disappointed. I was hoping for more after listening to other comic novelizations.

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This is without a doubt the best audio book I've listened to all year! The narrator portrayed Loki's energy absolutely perfectly and the story telling was incredible. So fast paced and fun. Definitely a must read/listen for any Loki fans!

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I love Loki stories, and this one did not disappoint.
It is full of action and great character developments, and a brand new (at least for me) view on Loki.
The plot was interesting, easy to follow and in general a fun read. I listened to the audiobook, and the narrator did a great job.

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When Earth is plagued by an epidemic of fear, ancient prophecy says only Thor can stop the monstrous threat of the Serpent, but without help from Loki, Thor is certain to fail.
I love Loki in every one of their guises (both Norse and comic). The epic Journey Into Mystery comic run, spanning 2011-2013 and written by the talented Kieron Gillon, remains one of my favourite iterations, which meant this had huge boots to fill. And fill them it did. Mostly.
Loki has been reborn as a child and must overcome everyone's (less than positive) perception of him. After all, his predecessor caused Ragnarok (in this version Asgard crash-landed in Broxton, Oklahoma). But, while this young Loki is different from the one most will know, he still possesses the trademark Loki wit, cunning, and mischief that we have grown to love. In that regard, I think Locke was able to faithfully translate the dialogue and overall story arc. The audiobook only adds to the humour, with a stellar performance by Elliot Fitzpatrick as Loki (Loki and his opinions on social media made me cackle), but he also infused Loki's story with pathos and poignancy. It was also a wonderful idea for the narrator to play the Teller, and those parts worked extremely well. Where it worked less well for me was in the action sequences. There's something about the artwork in graphic novels that adds a visceral edge that felt lacking at times here. That said, I was able to easily follow the storyline and enjoyed this adaptation.
I am pleased to say both the novel and audiobook were a lot of fun, and I hope they encourage anyone who reads this story to seek out more of Loki's stories in other formats.

Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

*Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to leave an honest review. Loki: Journey into Mystery is published on 19th December in the UK*

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Loki has to be the best anti-hero in popular culture. Everyone loves the god of lies and mischief, regardless of what form he takes. In 2011, Kieron Gillen and Marvel Comics gave us the first comic in what would become the massive Loki: Journey Into Mystery collection. This young version of Loki, godling of lies, became wildly popular. His determination to do good, save Asgard, and make friends is refreshing and fun. Now, Titan Books and Katherine Locke have made this beloved story even more accessible by adapting Kieron Gillen’s comic series into a prose novel. If you’re a fan of Loki, Marvel, or even just Norse mythology, you don’t want to miss this masterpiece of a book.

This book is a journey and one you will want to experience first-hand. Everything we love about Norse mythology and Azgard is here - the World Tree, the Serpent, Thor, Odin, and Hel. There are also a lot of new fun elements, including a young Loki who regrets and wants people to like him and wants to save his world. There are magpies, a past Loki, and the most adorable demon puppy named Thori. This book has everything you could want in a Loki story and more.

This book is a Marvel comics novel, but you don't necessarily have to be a Marvel comics reader to enjoy it. Because Loki: Journey Into Mystery is heavy on Norse mythology, adventures, and friendships, I think you should give this book a chance if you enjoy any of the following:

-Loki show on Disney+
-Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology
-God of War (2018)/ God of War: Ragnarök
-Thor: Ragnarök
-The humor, friends, and timey wimey travels of the 11th and 13th Doctors in Doctor Who

This is an excellent entry point into Marvel and the Asgardian world. I loved this story, especially Locke's detailed and descriptive writing. I also had a chance to review the audiobook, which I highly recommend if you prefer or enjoy audio format. The audiobook is wonderfully narrated by Elliot Fitzpatrick and the audio production is top-notch. Regardless of which format you choose, this is a book you need to try.

Rating: 5/5 stars.

Review will be posted on Back Shelf Books on December 8, 2023 at the following link:

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Thanks NetFalley for priving ARC version of this book!

If "Loki" sesasons finale broke your heart this book... is a perfect cure!
Loki was reborn. The trickster got a second chance and it looks like this time he is destined to become the savior of the world! The perfect balance between the image of Loki in comics and his essence in Scandinavian mythology has turned this story into a masterpiece! You will have time to feel the whole range of emotions for Loki, who has found his true self

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Good not great.
T the point and humorous but without much character development.
Had a hard time staying interested in it but I think my kids would enjoy it.

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**I was provided an ALC from the publisher through NetGalley.**

Katherine Locke presents the newest of Marvel's young adult novels, Loki Journey into Mystery. The novel follows Loki as our perspective character and is effectively a novelization of Kieron Gillen's comic ARC of the same name. Loki is reborn as a teen with a unique opportunity to become Asgard's savior rather than its villain. This is a redemption story that features the expected schemes and obstacles to Loki's success.

Loki is, admittedly, one of my favorite characters from Marvel and in Norse mythology, so I tend to have a lot of expectations from any depiction of him. Unfortunately for this novel, Locke was tasked with converting to prose a comic ARC that is heavily action-oriented. There is very little time for character development or nuance which is a majority of what tends to make Loki so compelling. An attempt at this was made via a romantic subplot that seemed utterly unnecessary and impractical given everything else going on combined with Loki's overall characterization. Honestly, the romance could have been skipped entirely and the novel would have been better for it. Given the rapid fire pacing that was utterly plot driven, a reader is left with only a surface level connection to the story and a general feeling of the story being "cool" rather than any long-lasting impact.

Narrator Elliot Fitzpatrick has a very smooth tone that lends itself well for jovialty and the youth of this Loki. Likewise, Fitzpatrick's performance is reminiscent of some of the intonation and cadence of phrasing used by Tom Hiddleston in his portrayal of Loki, making this choice a seamless transition between movies and book. Fitzpatrick did well with what he had been given and provided a pleasant listening experience.

I would say this novel is certainly just fine. I would recommend it to young adult readers looking for more Loki content without hesitation, but would caution readers who have an already established strong attachment to Loki as a character to take this as the fun adventure type book that it is rather than hoping for more.

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This is the novelization of a fairly fantastic comics run. You could feel the comics pacing beats fairly distinctly. The main arcs are chunked up nicely into sections of the novel. It sometimes does feel more like a series of stories with the same characters than a single story, because of the format conversion. That said, the final section, roughly the last 90 minutes of the audiobook, really offer the undercurrent of why these stories fit together to make one unified whole.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Marvel for the audio ARC of Loki by Katherine Locke.

Things Iove:
• Norse Mythology
• Loki, God of Mischief
• Marvel making a comic book character of Loki
• Tom Hiddleston bringing Marvel Loki to life

This book does a superb job of keeping tabs with our favourite villain/hero/anti-hero (however you see Loki), whilst keeping so much of the true characteristics of the Loki you will read about in old norse tales. The myths, the legends.

I really enjoyed this book, and the narrator being the teller was a brilliant creative choice (as tales we tell of the gods are always told by others, story tellers, readers, and keepers of legend). The gods have no business telling their own stories, they have no time for that.

The narrator of the audiobook did a fantastic job of embodying Loki's mischievous tone in dialogue, whilst still remaining the teller throughout.

A wonderful book to read for mythology and Marvel lovers alike.

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I’m not that into comics so I don’t know if this is based on a specific comic or if it’s its own story. Nevertheless, the source material – I enjoyed this story. It was action packed and the action translated very well into text which is sometimes hard to do in my opinion. It was adventurous and funny. Overall, a great book in its genre!

I thought the narrator, Elliot Fitzpatrick, was easy to listen to. Nice, even voice.

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This was a fantastic quick read for a big Loki fan like myself. First and foremost I have to say the narrator was spot on! They were so close to sounding like Tom Hiddelston that it was very easy to immerse myself in the story. The story itself is rich, well paced,full of intrigue and a deeper look into Loki himself. I liked peeling back the curtain and hearing him think critically while still being our beloved mischief maker. I also really enjoyed his dynamic with Thor and the very richly developed side characters as well. I think this book gets it so right with the well developed characters, and how integral their development is to the story’s arc.

This was especially fun to read after finishing the tv series as it felt like a branch of one of his timelines and a very unique one at that! I had worried the story might lack the bread and butter it needed at its length for such a large story and I couldn’t have been more wrong! This was a fully fleshed out super novel that any Loki fan would enjoy, especially with the writing style. It was endearingly witty, thought provoking and all around fun! It will be on my list for gift giving this Christmas for my fellow Marvel lovers for sure!

Thank you Dreamscape Media, Marvel & NetGalley for the audiobook ARC, my thoughts are my own.

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Loki: Journey Into Mystery is an adaptation of the classic comic storyline which sees a reborn Loki attempting to play the role of a hero even as many of those around him look upon him with distrust for his former deeds. Loki has always been a fantastically complex character and I love any chance he gets in a starring role, whether as villain or hero. And kid Loki is an excellent iteration. MCU movie fans may find parts of this a bit odd/confusing (not sure the right word) as the MCU portrayal of some of the characters are quite different than their comics personas, as the comic iterations are generally more complex with so much more backstory, but I still have no doubt that fans of the movies would find this story entertaining, though again there are a fair number of characters they’ll be unfamiliar with. As entertaining as Journey Into Mystery is I did have one minor complaint. You feel rather removed from the action, though that’s somewhat intentional as you are being the story from an outside perspective. And while I understand the reasoning I would have much preferred to have felt like I was in the middle of the action rather than the feeling of say hearing someone tell the story around a campfire. I’d like to thank Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to an advanced copy of the audio version of Loki: Journey Into Mystery.

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I absolutely love Loki so I knew when I saw this I had to request it and was thrilled to receive it! I loved listening to this. It had such an amazing story and instantly had me hooked. I couldn't stop listening!

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What do we know about Loki? That in any single one of his many iterations, Loki has been and will always be the God of mischief. Loki is going to Loki.

This is an intricately woven journey of kid Loki. Prior iterations were unlikely and while kod Loki is brand new, they're all going to fault him for being Loki. All he wants to do is help save Asgard and Thor. But he's the God of mischief so while his heart is in the right place, he's never going to discuss his plans as they happen. Which leaves everyone to just be like well, that's Loki.

I liked the additions of of a handmaiden of Hel and the demon puppy. The magpies really kicked it off well too. Volstagg telling his story had me laughing.

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5 stars!

So much incredible FUN!

Caveat: I adore LOKI (in all their wild iterations).

This is the second graphic novel-to-(audio)book I have listened to, and this one worked out so much better. This might be because it is so character driven? Better written? Regardless, I had so much fun following this swirling story arc through several grand exploits.

Here, we can (somewhat) indulge our misplaced hope that LOKI will use his penchant for chaos and mischief, in the name of overall wellbeing. Alongside his new BFF and “pets”, LOKI plows through adventure after undertaking, trying to stay ahead of his own consequences and unknowable fallout. And through all, we see both nail-biting action, as well as personal development and some striking realizations. I cheered, I cried and I laughed out loud.

Huge gratitude to NetGalley and the publishers, Dreamscape Media and Marvel, for an AUDIO ARC version of this book, in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you netgalley for this audiobook arc. Loki, the god of mischief and lies is reborn as a younger version of himself and this story is his journey on trying to save the world from an ancient terror. Its really fun to read (listen) about the adventures of loki. It's hard to not fall in love with their many interpretations of Loki because no matter what, the marvel versi9n of the god is always fun to explore.

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