Member Reviews

"What if in each universe there reigned other Black woman gods?" Now that's a beautiful premise & I was taken with the multiverses here, the leaps in form, experimentation, and how lucile drove the narrative forward. "I love black shimmering holograms / projected on my bark." Look forward to reading more from Anastacia-Renee!

Anastacia Reneé's "Here in the (Middle) of Nowhere" embarks on a captivating journey into magical realism and spirituality while exploring the bonds of close-knit communities. The narrative intricately weaves together themes of identity and existence. Whether it's the tale of a black woman's transcendence to godhood in suburbia or the saga of multiple Lucille gods, the story's premise invites interpretation. Through encounters with myriad fantastical creatures and everyday individuals across alternate realities, the characters pursue happiness, community, and love. While I may not have had any clue what was going on sometimes, the allure of the narrative remained undeniable.

Here in the (Middle) of Nowhere by Anastacia Reneé is quite the unique journey! It explores magical realism, spirituality, and tight-knit communities through a diverse and poetic lens. Reneé's storytelling is like nothing I've encountered before, seamlessly blending elements of sci-fi, short stories, and modern life into a captivating tapestry. If you are craving a fresh and engaging read, definitely give this one a shot!
Thank you to Book Sparks, NetGalley, and Amistad for the gifted copies of this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Amistad for an Advanced Reader’s Copy in exchange for an honest review.
Admittedly, this was a challenging read for me. I am not used to reading poetry, nor prose set in such creative formats. This is a mix of science fiction and poetry, that focuses on Lucille – a female Black god that takes many forms and gives the reader a bird’s eye view of her complex and multilayered universe.
Renee seems to be in a league of her own with this work. Futuristic, thoughtful, and dimensional.

I'm a sucker for books that play with form, and getting a short combination of speculative poetry and short stories, all based on a normal black woman in the suburbs ascending to godhood and experiencing her existence across other dimensions is a hell of a hook. Ms. Renee gets to play with and break poetry forms here, and it was just a genuine delight to read through. Pick this up if you're looking for something new and want to support a Black queer writer.