Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Dutton Books for an advance review copy.

This book follows the faculty of a high school in Texas for one school year. The story starts with the untimely death of an elderly substitute teacher, Mr. Bob Lehrer, who retired from teaching at the very school he went back to substitute for. He passes away in the faculty lounge during his off period.

The aftermath of this man’s death opens up unplanned consequences in this sometimes hilarious, sometimes heart-heavy, true-to-life fictional account of the constant chaos in a world made for educating kids. The novel is told through many povs including the principal, new teachers, veteran teachers, and even Bob himself.

This character-driven story is close to my heart working in the education business myself. The pressures of standardized testing to teacher evaluations, the day-to-day craziness to the mundane of working in education will be familiar to many teachers. I applaud the author for this honest portrayal of the cogs in the machine that make the education field so frustrating and so worthwhile.

This novel is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.

“There was a sense of solidarity among them that was built around the noble goal of helping young people learn and thrive in the face of constant bureaucratic absurdity and nefarious external forces.”

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If I could just stay home and read all day as a career, I would. I am not being hyperbolic when I write that I could not put this one down. I've worked in schools, the culture is unique in each one. I loved the different characters and getting the glimpse into their backstories. Delightful! Highly recommend. This one will stick with me. 4.5 stars!

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The Faculty Lounge is a humorous and heartfelt collection of stories about the people who keep one Texas high school up and running. Each chapter in this character-driven novel focuses on one staff member of Baldwin High and explores the character's backstory and the major issues they deal with as an educator. Since the author is a practicing English teacher, this book reads as authentic and perfectly describes what it's like to be an educator in today's world, including dealing with book bans, teenage pregnancy, parent complaints, and outdated libraries. I especially enjoyed reading the perspectives of the high school principal, custodian, school nurse, and guidance counselor to get a better understanding of their daily struggles and triumphs. I highly recommend this book for everyone who's been a teacher, or for anyone who has wondered what it's truly like to be a teacher in 2024. Thank you so much to Netgalley, Dutton Books, and author Jennifer Mathieu for the librarian preview copy!

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I was very fortunate to receive an advanced reader copy from NetGalley but all thoughts are unbiased and my own!

Based on the summary of the book this wouldn’t have been something I picked up on my own. BOY OH BOY THOUGH am I glad I read this! I really loved it!! Each teacher got their own “chapter” so to speak that focused on their past and their current struggles in their role. Because the way it was written, it almost felt like a mosaic of each teachers’ unique lived experiences they bring to their profession everyday and how that blend makes a functional school system.

The author did a great job highlighting the politics teachers face that seemingly come from every director. Teachers face the politics of lawmakers, over bearing parents, orders coming from disconnected administrators and interpersonal conflicts. As someone with a sister and mom who are teachers I can tell you I hear so much about the crap they deal with daily!! But like I see with my family, these characters continue their invaluable roles and impact their students daily.

I seriously loved this a lot! It was a super fun read and made me a bit nostalgic because as I read I reflected on my own experiences with my favorite teachers. I’m going to be recommending this to so many of my friends!!

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this was such a fun read; i breezed right through it. light on plot, heavy on character study. these kind of books can be so good if done right, and i think this one is great! my only critique is i'm not sure why Ms Jiminez's backstory was so abrupt and underdeveloped? it kind of took me aback when her section ended like, that's it? but that's a nitpick.

i would love to find more books in this vein.

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I really flew through The Faculty Lounge because I loved it. Each chapter is told from a member of the faculty or staff of Baldwin High School in Texas. It starts with the death of Mr. Lehrer, an elderly substitute teacher in the faculty lounge. A few weeks after this, the ashes of Mr. Lehrer are scattered in the school courtyard, per his request, which a very vocal student parent interrupts. This is the catalyst to a very busy year and the novel visits each staff member who attended the service including teachers, admin, cleaning staff, and support staff. Some of the chapters cover some very heavy content such as mental illness, substance addiction, and assault, as well as book bans and angry racist parents, but everything is discussed with sensitivity and heart. I typically don't like books that bounce around between characters too much, but I devoured this in one day.

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A thoughtful novel about the lives of teachers in one school.

An elderly, former teacher, now volunteer, dies while at school in the faculty lounge. The staff rally a round to show support for his long tern dedication. The story follows most of the faculty and how they deal with this event. The backstories of the teachers are revealed which makes for a more interesting novel.

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A timely and topical read about what it is like inside the world of teaching. Written by a teacher, I feel like this really rings true. The book is almost a set a vignettes held together by taking place in the same school but that's what give it the feel of reality in school. At times, I would be disappointed when it would switch voices, having invested so much in the character of that chapter but I would soon be equally engaged by the new storyline. The book was in part sad, funny, inspiring and frustrating - a lot like what would be feel like to be a teacher. I highly recommend this book. Thank you to Netgalley and Dutton for an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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This book was a really fun read. I loved the cast of characters in this novel, it was so refreshing.

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I really enjoyed this one! I have many teachers in my family, and I recognized, and believe Mathieu did a great job of portraying the struggle of trying to do your best in an increasingly impossible profession, while still carrying on a personal life. I loved the large cast of characters, and how the book took turns being lighthearted and humorous, but also deep and profound.

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“My fun fact is that I absolutely despise fun facts.”
When the elderly substitute and former teacher at Baldwin High School is found dead in the faculty lounge, it affects many on campus in different ways. Throughout the book we meet many on campus from the principal to the counselor to the new teachers to the veteran teachers to the nurse to the custodian who all have stories to tell about their time at Baldwin High in Houston, TX. From 1962 to present day we get a comprehensive look at each character’s life and what it truly means to be in education.
This wasn’t what I thought this book was going to be at all, but when I saw one of my favorite TX authors had a a debut adult novel releasing I had to check it out. One of the things I appreciated most about this title is the authenticity that comes from someone who is in education now. Only a teacher (particularly, in this case, a Texas teacher) could have written this book. It hit the nail on the head with every single issue we are facing in education now from state testing to book banning to how overworked and underpaid teachers are—everything was relatable, current and will definitely give the public a glimpse into what it’s like to be a teacher in 2023. Every story and connection was poignant and in some cases, hilarious, while others, sad. It was a richly diverse group of characters that I loved learning about. I truly enjoyed this journey. This novel releases July 23.

CW: abortion, forced pregnancy, forced adoption, death, alcoholism, alcohol, cheating, school shooting (mentioned), grief, death of a spouse

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I received this ARC thanks to the kindness of NetGalley. 'The Faculty Lounge' describes events and staff within a year at a high school in Texas. The characters were endearing and relatable. As someone who's taught in the same school for 26 years, I could easily relate to how Mathieu perfectly captures the ins and outs of public school teaching. She understands teachers, students, building administration and central office administration. I read it on January 2 (arguably a hard day to be back to school) with a bad attitude, and finished the book with glimmers of light of how important teaching is ('the good work' as it's described by some of the characters). While not overly rich in plot, this book is rich in depth of characters and a hopeful read for any educator. We're not alone, and we truly do the good work.

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Anyone familiar with the ins and outs of public education will instantly resonate with the authenticity that permeates "The Faculty Lounge." This novel captures the gamut of emotions experienced by teachers, administrators, and support staff on a daily basis – from laughter, frustration, incredulity, and anger to passion and, most significantly, a deep love and commitment to a profession often undervalued. As a current teacher, I found myself laughing out loud and resonating so strongly with these characters.

Told through the diverse perspectives of various school staff, the narrative introduces us to a spectrum of characters, ranging from fresh-faced, idealistic new teachers to seasoned veterans. The ensemble includes a long-serving counselor, a rule-bending school nurse, and an often-invisible custodian who sees much more than she is seen. Together, they constitute the beating heart of Baldwin High School.

Amidst the distractions prevalent in public education, the book uncovers the essence of what makes it special – a well-defined sense of purpose and service to others. Jennifer Mathieu's writing weaves an entertaining and emotionally authentic tale, shedding light on the often-overlooked aspects of the education system.

Moving into the narrative of the elderly substitute and former teacher's death in the faculty lounge, the story delves into the impact on various campus members, including the principal, counselor, new and veteran teachers, nurse, and custodian. Spanning from 1962 to the present day, each character's life unfolds, offering a comprehensive look at their experiences at Baldwin High in Houston, TX.

If you are a teacher, read this, and you will feel seen -- an easy 5 star read.

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I read this book for free thanks to NetGalley in exchange for my honest feedback.

The next time anyone asks me what it's like to be a teacher these days, I should suggest they read this book.

I love how the author elegantly weaves the stories of all these staff members around their relationships to the primary focus, Mr Lehrer.

This us a must read for teachers, and those interested in teaching as a career.

Thank you for your book.

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The Faculty Lounge is a realistic and engaging book about the various people who work at the fictitious Baldwin HS in Houston. As an educator with 25 years of experience, i could see myself or various colleagues in the characters of this novel. As a school librarian in Texas, I really hope the naming of the antagonist, Jessica PATTERSON, was no coincidence. : ).

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I really enjoyed The Faculty Lounge. The story begins with the death of an elderly teacher in a high school's faculty lounge, and follows the other teachers and staff in the buildings. Some had little relationship with the dead, others had experiences with him that were very important to their lives. It reminded me of the Olive Kitteridge series by Elizabeth Stout, very character driven.

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When I requested this as an ARC from Netgalley, I had expected a murder mystery. This was not that. However I found the different stories of the various teachers interesting. When you are a student, you don't stop to think about the fact that teachers have their own lives outside of teaching. I enjoyed this book. Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC.

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I loved the many stories of teachers in this book. It was great to get a glimpse into the minds of new ones and retired ones. I think the bookmaas very well written and full of creative dialogue. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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First I want to thank NetGalley & Penguin Drop for this advanced reader's copy of The Faculty Lounge by Jennifer Mathieu. This book is for teachers and educators for sure! I enjoyed all the perspectives from the characters as well as a deep look into what it is like to be a teacher. There were definitely surprising moments in the book that caught me off guard (old man kiss) that was more funny to me than anything. Baldwin High alone is it's own character and she is a mess! This was my first read from this author and I would read her again.

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When I picked up Faculty Lounge, I expected a quirky workplace comedy. What I got was so much more. Told in interconnected short stories, this book gives us comedy, tragedy, romance, social scrutiny, friendship, camaraderie, and heartfelt celebration of the people who work so tirelessly for our children every single day.

I loved this book for its insight, its warmth, and its truth. It makes you want to thank every teacher you've ever had (and the rest of the school staff).

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