Member Reviews

I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own

It is a great book on accountability in words that are easy to understand for kids.. I very much enjoyed the message that sometimes apologizing is not enought and we have to make things right to be forgiveness.

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Thank you to, Boys Town Press Publishing and if course the author Jeff Tucker for the opportunity to review this adorable book!

When Sophie's Sorry Wasn't Enough is a wonderful book that teaches kids that saying sorry isn't enough to fix a mistake. Sophie says sorry all the time, but she doesn't really mean it. She only says sorry to get out of trouble. But one day she accidentally breaks her friends new birthday gift. She says she's sorry, but her friend says that's not enough and wants her to make it right. So Sophie works hard to make it right. She learns to take responsibility of what what she's done and does a lot of work to replace the gift.

I really liked the conversation she has with her dad about taking responsibility and think this is the perfect book to teach kids how to take responsibility and fix their mistakes :)

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This book would be perfect for young kids who overuse “sorry”, and think that just because they said “sorry” that everything is back to normal. Overall, the message from the story is a good one and I think some kids will definitely learn from reading this- sometimes just saying “sorry” is not enough, you need to make it right.
I found the illustrations to be interesting / different- a tad bit creepy with the character eyes which could be a turn off for young readers.

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When Sophie's Sorry Wasn't Enough (Chicoree Elementary Stories for Success)
by Jeff Tucker
Steps to normalizing social emotional learning. With the added guide to normalizing social relationships this books shows children not only taking responsibility but doing things to make things right.

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This is a book from Boystown. They offer a downloadable lesson to reinforce the lesson. The main message is don't just say sorry, do something to make a difference. Saying sorry doesn't change what you did wrong. The main character says it just to stay out of trouble.

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This is a great educational and fun read for children. Sophie felt as though saying sorry was enough, but it wasn't. She learned a valuable lesson when her friend Emelia explained to her how she felt. Therefore, Sophie made it right with her.

Everyone has an accident, but it's what we do afterwards that makes a difference.
1. Apologize for the situation.
2. Acknowledging and own up to your responsibility in the matter,
3. Make it right.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read in exchange for an honest review.

I appreciate the message in this book. Saying 'sorry' isn't enough. Although the intention behind it is good, it also requires action. Taking responsibility for your actions counts more than the words. As a kindergarten teacher this is something I navigate on a daily basis. Many parents and children will automatically say 'sorry' when the child has done something wrong, but there needs to be a follow up conversation and some sort of change. This book provides a great starting point for those conversations.

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ophie is known that when she makes a mistake, she says sorry and goes on. However, she learns a valuable lesson from a friend that was hurt by her well rehearsed sorry. Sorry was not enough. She learned that to be a friend and to be truly sorry it had to be more than a word. It had to be an action. Sophie learned a valuable lesson to make it right.

A great lesson not only for young children but all of us. It teaches responsibility and caring for others.

A special thank you to Boys Town Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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This is an excellent children’s fiction book that can be educational as well as fun to read.

It helps children understand the important of apologizing and saying sorry when doing something deemed as wrong or something that causes peoples feelings to be hurt. But it goes further beyond that and shows how sometimes we need to do more than just apologize, and how taking action can be necessary to make things right

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I received an electronic ARC from Boys Town Press Publishing through NetGalley.
Sophie learns a valuable lesson after coming to simply rely on saying "I'm sorry" every time she did something wrong. When she broke her friend's ball, she discovered that just saying sorry doesn't heal the situation. Sometimes, you have to take action to make it right.
I appreciate how Tucker set the stage by showing how Sophie got the idea that all she had to do was speak the words. This worked well for the later part when she had to learn to be sorry too. Don't miss the info for adults at the end of the book. A definite addition to elementary libraries.

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It’s cute and great for children ages 5-7 as far as teaching them how to not only say sorry but think about your actions. Will it be engaging for children, not too sure. Also I did notice there was some grammatical errors.

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I like the overall concept of the book but found the text to not match the developmental level of the illustrations. It was a bit wordy for use in a therapy session. This may be better suited for classroom discussion.

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"When Sophie's Sorry Wasn't Enough" by Jeff Tucker is a delightful and insightful children's book that skillfully addresses the common tendency among young ones to rely on apologies as a quick fix for their mistakes. With a charming narrative and vibrant illustrations, Tucker introduces readers to Sophie, a character whose frequent use of apologies earns her the nickname "Sorry Sophie" among her peers.

The story unfolds as Sophie's habitual apologies no longer suffice after a series of mishaps, forcing her to confront the consequences of her actions. Tucker weaves a relatable tale that effortlessly captures the attention of young readers, prompting them to reflect on their own behaviors and the significance of genuine remorse.

One of the strengths of this book lies in its ability to deliver a valuable lesson without sounding preachy. The author skillfully navigates the theme of accountability, encouraging children to go beyond mere words and take tangible steps to make amends. The narrative is both engaging and educational, striking a perfect balance that keeps young readers entertained while imparting a meaningful message.

The inclusion of colorful illustrations adds to the overall appeal of the book, providing a visual feast for young readers. The images complement the narrative, bringing the characters and scenarios to life in a way that enhances the reading experience.

Jeff Tucker, an award-winning author and school counselor, showcases his expertise in addressing children's emotional development and conflict resolution. The book not only entertains but also offers a practical guide for parents and educators on implementing restorative practices. The additional page dedicated to tips for adults adds a valuable dimension to the book, making it a resource for fostering empathy, resolving conflicts, and instilling a sense of accountability in children.

"When Sophie's Sorry Wasn't Enough" is a charming and instructive read that successfully combines entertainment with a meaningful lesson. Jeff Tucker's storytelling prowess and commitment to promoting positive behavior shine through in this well-crafted children's book. I highly recommend it for parents, educators, and young readers alike.

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A perfect educational children's book to teach our little ones the importance of owning up to mistakes, and to follow through with actions when they're sorry.
I consider this a 5 star book.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book.

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This is another book on social skills in a series from Boys Town Press. I can picture a parent sitting down and reading this picture book with their child. Children are taught to say I’m sorry when they’ve done something wrong, but this book focuses on taking action to make things right after saying sorry. This is another well illustrated title with appropriate text to teach a valuable lesson in a gentle way.

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This book has such an important message, especially when so many adults make young children say sorry without any clue why or what it means and I genuinely believe that actions do have consequences and we should all take accountability more often. I also liked that this was tied in at the end with the message for parents and educators about promoting accountability without blame.

Favourite Quote:
"Accidents happen to everyone, but what we do affects others - even when it’s something we don’t do on purpose."

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This children's book shows the importance of not just apologizing when we do something wrong, but actually meaning it, and if possible making it right. Through this story children will learn the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and how those actions make others feel whether we meant to hurt them or not. The illustrations are nice and colourful and should keep kids attention.

I recieved an advanced copy from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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This story is a great way to explain to kids how to “make things right” in tricky situations like this. I think it shows a great way to take responsibility

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