Member Reviews

The idyllic isle of Tresco is a popular retreat for the wealthy who come over for seasonal stays and regular holidays, while the locals work hard to keep everything up to the high standard expected. But when a storm comes in, both sides are embroiled in suspicion as women are being attacked and the culprit remains elusive.

This was a slow-burn in a great way. The Island gave a great atmosphere and, as always with this author, the characters (and there are plenty of them!) are superbly drawn! Highly recomended if you are up for a moody, atmospheric thriller.

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Wow, what an atmospheric thriller! The writing was so evocative and the characters with their dramas were brought vividly to life. I was totally pulled in and read this in just a few days.

The drama unfolds on the island of Tresco in the Scilly Isles, and illustrates a world of two halves, the monied set living up close and personal with those who serve them. The central story resolves around a love affair between Kit from the wealthy half, and Hannah, the barmaid and hairdresser. As their relationship becomes more serious, Kit’s relationship with his family and their friends begins to fall apart. The island is rife with rumours and secrets that simmer beneath the repressed surface. Everything builds and builds until it reaches boiling point during the Storm.

What We Did in the Storm is a fabulous atmospheric thriller that feels uncomfortably edgy and plausible. It drew me right in with the relationships, hopes and frustrations and carried me through until the very end. Of course I had theories, but I only figured out the mystery just before the moment of reveal. It was so cleverly done and the ending was perfect and unexpected.

This was my first Tina Baker novel, and I will definitely be going back for more.

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Loved the setting of the Isle of Tresco, the Scilly Isles second biggest island - so claustrophobic
Like any island , the Isle of Tresco has its workers and visitors and the fun starts when the boundaries are crossed.
In the midst of a storm on the island, two women are attacked and one goes missing.
The clever plotting totally transports you to the Scilly Isles, each short chapter shows a fractured community with something to hide, which totally pulls you in.
The multiple unlikeable characters kept you vested as you could see each character was capable of the crime, making the ending harder to predict.
The group dynamics was very disturbing - their lust, jealousy and eventually murder.
Loved the subtle dry dark humour and the witty observation made the characters so real.
Tense, gripping and utterly compelling.
The storm is coming - dive in, I dare you, find out what they did in the storm.
Thanks @tinabakerbooks @viperbooks & @netgalley for the tense, gripping read

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Another very good book by Tina.

Initially it might seem like there were too many characters, but the more you get into the book, the easier it gets to follow who is who and how they all link together.

I loved how Tina managed to create such an underlying tension between characters and later how it was bought to life with the backdrop of the storm. That really created an electrifying atmosphere.

It was a fun and enjoyable read.

Thank you to NetGalley, Tina Baker and Viper/Serpent's Tail/Profile Books for the chance to read this book.

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This was completely different to what I was expecting and I don’t know how I feel about it! It was a slow burn, told from multiple POVs, before, during and after a storm on the tiny island of Tresco.

I didn’t like any of the characters, not a single one, but they were strangely compelling and quite fascinating. I found parts of the story confusing, references to “the family” and “the royals”, didn’t seem to make sense to me and there were so many characters, it was hard to follow, but the ending was ok.

2.5/3 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Tina Baker and Viper for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in return for an honest review. This review is based entirely on my own thoughts and feelings.

Overall rating : 4*
Writing skill : 4*
Plot: 4*
Pace: 5*
Characters: 4*
Setting: 4*

This felt like one of those Christmas specials of EastEnders way, way back in the day, when there was an accumulation of plots and storylines that build up to a huge crescendo, mostly involving a death of a major character, and has people talking for weeks.
There were a multitude of main characters, all interconnected in some way. Some you liked, some you loathed. But all had your full attention. They convened in a pub, of course, on an island off the south coast of England. It sounds idealic and I’m sure at times it is, but what’s a good thriller without some inaccessibility and some bad weather.
I’m not saying too much of the plot, you’ll have to find out for yourselves, but if you’ve read any of Tina’s other novels (I fully suggest nasty little cuts) you can never quite know where your being led.
Another fabulous, unputdownable, multi-POV read from this go-to author of mine. Excellent work.

Fans of Lucy Foley, Lisa Jewell and Lucy Clarke will love this.

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Tina Baker has an uncanny ability to draw her characters vividly; making them vital, not just pale figures but the full technicolour deal. Add in the beautiful vistas of the Scilly Isles and in particular the family-owned island of Tresco and you have an excellent recipe for examining the microcosm of human life.

From the locals who live and work on the island to the well-heeled visitors who return every year, and the backpacking youngsters looking for a different feel to the rest of Britain, the island plays host to a whole range of different characters.

Those who live and work in Tresco are a small community. Inevitably everyone knows everyone else’s business, and where they don’t quite, they’re happy to make it up and pass it on, regardless. It takes a special kind of person to settle in a small island community and Tresco has its share of people who have come to this island for reasons they don’t want to disclose. This is a place of secrets, some festering, all just waiting to be discovered.

At the centre of these characters are Kit and Hannah. Hannah is a barmaid and wild-child. She is a free spirit; ready to fall in love but not ready to be tied down. Kit is the darling son of a wealthy mother coping badly with her recent bereavement – the death of her husband.

Kit and Hannah come together in an idyllic explosion of fun, laughter and sex. Not everyone is happy with their relationship; but then not everyone on the island is happy. Resentments simmer; characters grate on each other and somewhere in the heart of this small community someone is watching and waiting.

There are many characters in this book to get your head around, but each has a distinctive voice and you really do get a sense of a whole village and its shared preoccupations. Tine Baker brings them all to life and infuses them with humour, passion and sometimes a grumpy, unpleasant, ire.

Her writing is especially good when it comes to bringing a sinister undercurrent to the goings on in Tresco, especially around the village pub. Baker brings you a great cast of characters and then foists a storm upon them, breaking down the oppressive feeling that has held Tresco in its thrall for days, wreaking havoc on all its inhabitants.

Soon everyone left standing will have to account for their whereabouts during the storm and not everyone will have a convincing story to tell.

Verdict: Sharp writing combines with an intricate plot to produce a gripping character driven thriller with plenty of twisted threads to tie together and a beautifully articulated set of dark undercurrents that swirl through the stormy waters. I really enjoyed it and recommend it highly.

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Darkly humorous, twisty and gripping: a story about the 2% and the others, a story that kept me hooked and guessing. I was always surprised and wasn't able to guess anything as my theories were always wrong.
Perfect if you love dark humour or multilayered and well plotted thriller
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Another great work by Tina baker. Love the way she builds a novel. This had all the great elements, wonderful characterisation, mystery and subterfuge and enough little twists to keep you guessing to the end.

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What we did in the storm by Tina Baker is a book about the people who live and visit the island of Tresco, one of the Isles of Scilly. There is a mixed bunch of people, the islanders who work on Tresco and the wealthy visitors who re-appear each year, depending on their individual time share deal at their lavish cottage of choice.
The visitors travel by helicopter and the islanders by boat, and under the surface life goes on, marriages go through tough times, family secrets unravel and love affairs
When a storm hits the island two women are attacked and another goes missing and eventually all of the secrets, lies and criminal acts will be uncovered.
I really enjoyed reading this book.
Highly recommended

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This is unlike Ms Baker's other books. This one is a slow burn.
It takes a little while to get to grips with all the characters as some are holiday makers and others live there.
Two people injured and one person missing , what happened at North End in Tresco?
Each chapter is told from the pov of the main characters as to what they saw that day.
Tina is very good at keeping you guessing right to the very end. I didn't know who it was till then.
I don't think there are any particularly likeable characters, and there does seem to be a lot of, if not violence, then people actually thinking about it. Loose lips, plenty of gossip as the rumours circulate. Small island syndrome.
Thanks to Netgalley and Serpents Tail/Viper for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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What we did in the storm is another great read by Tina Baker. I found this to be a slow burn and usually I prefer my thriller reads to be fast paced from the start. However the pace of this story really suited the storyline and I found it to be an intense read and at times I was nearly afraid to breathe with the suspense. I honestly had no clue who was guilty until the final reveal as there were so many suspicious characters. I do love a book with unlikeable characters and boy this one had plenty of them. My only slight criticism was there were a lot of characters that at first I found difficult to keep track of but it certainly didn’t take away my enjoyment of this book.

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I enjoyed this one from Tina Baker. I have read her other books and although good, were not my cup of tea. This one however!!! Yup crime fiction with the Baker touch. Please write more!

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📱E-Book Review📱

What We Did In The Storm
Tina Baker


It's no secret that I absolutely love Tina's books and this one was no exception!

We are transported to the gorgeous island of Tresco in the Isles of Scilly where we meet a large and diverse cast of characters - those who live and work there - and those who holiday (the wealthy timeshare clientele!!)

I loved the presentation of this whereby we alternate pov's every chapter and we follow this over a couple of different timelines too.

Tina has a skill for creating characters that jump off the page and embed themselves into your head, heart...or both!
This book has such a large cast - but every single one of them is believable and relatable. We learn so much about them over the first part of the book that we cannot help but be invested in each and every one of their lives.

This introduction to the characters almost leads us into a false sense of security - maybe this is just a lovely story about the people of Tresco - but no!
It's not long before the secrets and lies rear up and we start to see the real personalities, thoughts and feelings of our lovely islanders.

I love the "them and us" division and how this plays out over the whole book.
The interactions between certain people and certain groups and how these are viewed by others really is quite disturbing - but totally the way real life is (sadly!)
I'm saying very little - but the reveals are done to perfection!

I also loved the setting for this book.
Not only are we somewhat cut off, being on the island, but the build up of tensions created by the impending storm, the taciturn weather generally and the influx of the tourist chaos over the gig weekend really darkens the mood over time.
Not one that had me on the edge of my seat, but there was a pressure building within which really had me racing through the pages!

As ever, there is no shortage of humour to balance out the darkness of the storyline - both in the dialogue and in the general narrative. And it's this that makes it so iconically Tina Baker!

Another brilliant read and I'm already looking forward to the next one....

💕Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my ARC copy - this is my honest review 💕

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Arg this one was so hard to rate! First of all. I hated every last person on that island. Every single one! So kudos to the writer on that one. The story is gripping and left me guessing. I actually finished it in three sittings.

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Everyone brings their secrets to the island.

An island where the rich and their staff live side by side but each person there seems to have their own secret. After a terrible storm one night some of those secrets are set to be exposed after two women are attacked and one goes missing.

I am so torn about this book, it seemed to take so long to pull me in but around 65% through it really picked up. I liked how each characters story wrapped up at the end. Thanks to @netgalley for the opportunity to read this book and good luck to the author on its release.

Publication Date - 15/02/2024



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This was set on the Scilly Isle of Tresco...I love an island setting and it was so beautifully described and felt like the ultimate escape... until it wasn't...! An island storm occurs...two women are attacked and one goes missing.
The island community was central to the story and the story was told from many different perspectives which I almost struggled to keep up with (I didn't need to write a list as I have done before!) but as it evolved, everyone had a role to play in help unlocking the mystery! Some of them were so sinister, I was questioning everyone 🤣
The ending was clever...I stayed up way past my bedtime to see what happened and I wasn't disappointed!

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I give this book all the stars. I loved the mystery, the twists, the characters and their different personalities and the island descriptions for both sides.

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I initially thought 400 pages would be too long for a crime/mystery/village drama. But this novel kept my interest all the way through. There were plenty of puzzles to wonder about and a variety of characters to make judgement on or to cheer on from the sidelines. There were a lot of characters with all manner of connections to each other and it was intriguing to follow the complexities of the village relationships and goings on. I love this sort of set up and it was done really well.

I received this arc from netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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On the island of Tresco there are two types of people. The wealthy visitors and the staff employed to look after them. As a storm rolls in, a woman goes missing. What happened in the storm and what secrets do the islanders hold?

This was not at all what I was expecting. It is less of the usual thriller and more of a slow burn drama, which worked well setting the scene and introducing the large amount of characters. I really enjoyed the authors writing style and how she used the atmosphere to tell the story. Although the amount of characters and timelines was confusing for a while, the characters were all very well written and had unique voices. I loved discovering all the secrets and the little twists and turns. It all comes together in a satisfying way. I don’t usually enjoy slow paced books but found that it worked well for this novel and was captivating, eerie and clever. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy in return for an honest review.

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