Member Reviews

As a New York state newbie, I couldn't wait to give this new title a read! I was one of those people who longed for New York my entire life, knew that I was destined to hit Manhattan like a storm and make it big. Didn't quite end up that way. I managed to make it to the Finger Lakes region of NY with monthly trips into the Big Apple where I pretend I know where I'm going and what the cool new finds are. I don't know sh**. Or at least I didn't, until I read this book. *wink, wink*

Loved it, loved it, loved it.

Huge thanks to Dan Saltzstein and Chronicle Books for the ARC in return for my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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These were a great collection of stories that epitome or are essentially New York. Interesting, entertaining and demonstrating the heart of this city, it's a lovely love letter to New York.

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I've lived in New York City all of my life so I know firsthand that anything can happen here and it usually does. Dan Saltzstein defiantly loves New York and he gets what makes us so special, and different, from everywhere else in the world. This love letter to the greatest city on earth is perfect for those of us living here or for people who just want to know us a little better. The different authors, and their different writing styles, and bonus artwork just add to the fun. I'm definitely looking forward to a sequel!
Thank you NetGalley, Chronicle Books, and Dan Saltzstein for the chance to read, and enjoy, this ARC.

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LOL! I loved this book! As someone who lied n NYC, this book is so true. If you have never been to the city, read this book for a good representation of this place. There is nothing like the “BIG APPLE”!!! Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the arc of this book. Receiving the book in this manner had no bearing on my thoughts.

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A fun collection of short stories all focused on the city that never sleeps. I absolutely loved this. The stories all have different authors, which provides different perspectives, voices, and experiences. Additionally, this book has the cutest drawings to complement the writing. There are various writing formats as well, ranging from a traditional essay to real tweets. For all my NYC fans, or people who love short non-fiction stories, this one is for you.

Thank you to the publisher for my e-copy.

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And this is why I love New York! This feeling of being in a big, small space with all these other interesting people! I've only experienced New York as a visitor, but I still got to enjoy the quirkiness, the friendliness, the feeling that everyone is the same and there are no classes. The pictures are also great.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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A charming collection of essays about New York. The author had a strong voice and I felt like I really understood what Saltzstien set out to show, the magic of New York.

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I grew up in the NJ suburbs, so it went without saying that NYC was the coolest place ever. Fast forward several years, and commuting into the city for work every day rubbed that shine right off. I love that this book serves as a reminder of all the things that make NYC what it is, and unlike any other place in the world. I especially loved the tweets spanning years of memories and the illustrations (though the section about the subway brought back all kinds of memories).

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This was a small, quaint story about a large city and I loved every single moment of it. The stories had me smiling, laughing, and pondering what it must be like to feel such community. Kudos to Dan Saltztein and all contributors of this title. Definitely going to be picking up a hard copy upon release,

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with this Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The best thing about New York are the little moments over time that add up to the story of your time in this city. I delight in hearing those takes from others, and those that feel the same should read this book.

It’s fast, filled with great illustrations and a perfect encapsulation of what makes New York so special.

Thanks to Chronicle Books and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Charming collection of New York City stories! I loved the quick vignettes and laughed out loud. In the famous words of columnist Cindy Adams, "only in New York, kids".

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Chronicle Books provided an early galley for review.

Plain and simple, I love New York! The city has always been fascinating to me - ever since childhood (this is something Saltzstein and I share in common). Actually living there is not the dream I'll ever achieve. Luckily, I've visited several times but more would always be better.

This nonfiction book collects twenty-two essays about life in the city. They are organized into eight categories including ones about subways, rules of the city, animals, celebrities and more. It also features delightful color illustrations by Emily Carpenter to accompany the essays and Tweets.

This was a quick fun read. If you are a fan of the Big Apple or just fascinated by it, definitely check it out.

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Thanks to netgalley for this free arc.

Very colorful and many people contributing to this collection of art stories and tweets. The eel and drag queen was my favorite lmao

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Illustrations by Emily Carpenter, design by Jon Glick

Anything can and does happen in New York. Some are improbable, like the person stepping on a rat and getting a sort of skateboard ride, or having Sting sit down beside you at a club show. I've never been to NYC but have friends there and have, of course, visited virtually many times via the screen, most recently an upscale area hosting the show "Only Murders in the Building". I'm leaning toward thinking I'd be more at home in the "In the Heights" area, however. I do have friends who frequent NYC and based on their stories and photos would have to say this book captures the reality, good and bad, and humor nicely.

It definitely does an excellent job of capturing random moments, both in words and artwork. To be honest, I was probably more captivated by the seemingly always in motion, colorful, diverse illustrations. The colors and vibes seemed to almost jump out at you at time. The accompanying blurbs/captions were often humorous and to the point, whether capturing street scenes or riding the subway. It was definitely interesting to discover that having a bladder of steel might be a must qualification for subway operators. And, oh, my, stories from the woman involved in pest removal. Rats! Let's just say, rats seem to be a dominant thread of NYC memories.

Oddly enough, while negative memories were frequent shares, that actually made the book all the more powerful. Heaven only knows there are plenty of commercially prepared raves about not just NYC but just about any local. The negatives somehow seemed to blur into a blurred memory of mixed feelings. Maybe a sense of "Yeah, we got rats. So what? They're our rats." Overall, of course, the book is positive, maybe not quite a love letter to New York City but definitely a positive remembrance. I mean, even Sully doing an emergency landing on the Hudson River was somehow initially momentarily viewed as an "Are they filming a movie?" scene. Yes, definitely only in NYC could a large passenger plane landing on a major river be seen as just another movie scene. Thanks #NetGalley and #ChronicleBooks for the unpredictable virtual tour. I still want to hear more about Molly Jong-Fast's haunted childhood home, of course.

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That's So New York was such a fun book. I was laughing, giggling, and some times a little grossed out. I think any book that gets those reactions is a worthwhile book. I personally have never been to NY yet, but I also feel a little more prepared to not be so shocked, because apparently anything can happen in NY . Also the illustrations in here are great,

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From the illustrations to the interviews to the tweet responses, every aspect of this fun little book was incredibly well done. I think it holds great appeal to both native New Yorkers and the uninitiated alike.

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It really always will be New York or nowhere! This fun little book was such a joy to read, and it really covered so many New York-isms. I am not a New Yorker, but I have a fascination with the city that never sleeps and all things NYC culture, so this was such a fun read for me. This would make a great gift for the city slicker in your life, or a coffee table book that would pair well with the People of New York anthology series.

Thanks to NetGalley for the eARC!

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I was so excited to read this book! I may be a little biased since I'm from New York City, but this book was amazing. I loved the short stories, tweets, and illustrations. The illustrations paired well with the stories and tweets.

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There are eight million stories in the naked city and this is just more than one. As a native I'm used to listening to people who like to disparage my home town, but I've always known that much of that talk was jealousy. This I think is true of any major city like Paris or London.

The area of NYC that I grew up in was Eastern Queens which is one of the most diverse ethnic area you can imagine except for Elmhurst/Corona. Corona has been an area that has attracted support staff from the UN and Embassies. For many years my family owned a grocery in the area and we were constantly getting requests for new products not found in most stores. At one time Corona was said to have over 150 different ethnic groups in the local schools.

Saltzstein has done a yeoman's job in trying to give everyone a flavor of what that is like. One of my pleasure of life was going downtown to have Asian food in Chinatown and then walking two blocks uptown and having cannolis and expresso in Little Italy.

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