Member Reviews

Professor Ewe is an Einstein-like female sheep who shares just as much excitement for the intricacies of the human body as she does for the art of teaching science.

Enjoy a laugh-out-loud exploration that will leave you and your child in fits of laughter, as Professor Ewe delves into some of the quirkiest things our bodies do - from flatulence to earwax to urine - and a whole lot of other icky stuff in between.

A novel and child friendly way of looking at the human body. My grandson loved it, my granddaughter not so much. Illustrations are cute and informative and a novel way of explaining bodily smells and functions.

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This book is fun and it’s about the gross substances in one’s body. The illustrations are fun, but I do wish the cover was punched up a little bit more. This book is interesting entertaining and kids will really like it, but without a more engrossing cover kids will never pick it up.

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This children’s book was just OK. I’d say it’s definitely for younger kids because it is very basic info about our bodies and the various substances they produce. I think older kids (older then 9) wouldn’t need the info presented in quite such simple terms. But it was very funny, boys will definitely love this.

The artwork was very good.

Thanks to the author and publisher for the e-arc I received via NetGalley.

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A funny and well-explained children's book about the body and what it does for us. The illustrations are cute and the text is funny. No doubt it will be appealing to kids and make them learn new things!

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Thank you to BooksGoSocial and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book for my students. Ok this is an adorable but also well informed on our more disgusting topics. It also helps my speech therapy students with the sound "ooo" in words. However, I would say know your audience when it comes to this book because some kids are not going to behave when it comes to this silly book so be careful. Otherwise, though I would highly recommend it. 4 out of 5 stars.

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💨 This book is about all the “gross things the body makes”, which includes poop, but also boogers, farts, earwax, and more. The information is presented in a fun and informative way, and it is a great introduction to young readers about how the human body works.

🩸 The back matter contains a section that provides further explanation about some of the words used in the book (like mucus, saliva, and blood).

💩 The illustrations are fun and enhance the reading experience a lot!

💨 There is so much to love about this picture book! I predict kids will laugh out loud while reading about poop and boogers and our other icky bodily functions… but they’ll be learning something, too! Can’t beat that!

Thank you @netgalley and BooksGoSocial for an eARC of this book, which I have read and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Such a clever topic for a kids book. We for equal parts giggles and focus waiting on the next part. Great to have for preschool and early elementary kiddos.

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It's Not EWWWW...It's YOU by Sharon Leya is a great book to share with younger ones about bodily functions they may not understand or have questions about.

I enjoyed the colorful illustrations and rhyming throughout the book. The glossary at the back of the book provides additional information and more details about the body functions mentioned.

It can be difficult to explain these things in a way children will understand so this book is perfect for that!

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I love this book so much! It was such a great book to show the littles in our life about homonyms and germs! Love this combination for my non-fiction patrons and daughter.

***I received a free ARC of this e-book from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.***

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I read this with my family and my youngest enjoyed it alot.

Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read this.

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A great book to have some fun while talking about important things. Talking about body fluids can be a tricky business for parents and kids. This book makes the topic fun and engaging with silly illustrations.
Great for preschoolers.

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This was a cute story. It was a fun way to show that our bodies aren’t always warm and fuzzy but sometimes are gross! But our bodies are still amazing in the things they can do.

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I actually thought this was really cute. This book seems like it’d be great for kids who are starting to find humor in some of our normal and necessary bodily functions. It did a good job of acknowledging that things can be silly and important simultaneously.

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This was a cute one that helps explain some of the bodily functions to young kids. The pictures were nice and colorful. I enjoyed the play on words with the sheep.

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What's not to love about this little picture book? It's cute, the language is clever (and rhymes!), and it makes science easy. Most importantly, it's about gross stuff. I never met a kid who didn't enjoy talking about gross stuff, and this book goes through several parts of your body to talk about the gross stuff and how it's just natural.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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This book reminded me a little of the magic schoolbus, a series I greatly enjoyed as a child. This book would be wonderful in an early classroom to include as part of the science ciriculum about our bodies. The book wonderfully shows how some of the various body functions we consider gross are important and how they work. I hope that after reading this book children will understand that sometime things seem gross, but they are actually our bodies ways of looking after us.

I received an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley. Opinions are my own.

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I thought that this book was excellent!

It is pitched just right for the age group and I can see it being a huge hit as to be honest, you will be hard pushed to find a kid that isn't interested in the gross things!

The book is well laid out, I loved the illustrations, it is bright, clear, easy to follow and informative - I loved the facts and as a parent I love this kind of book that teaches about the topics in a different way

It is 5 stars from me for this one - very highly recommended!

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This book was so adorable, I loved everything about it, the illustrations were so well done, they suited the book perfectly, the story was amazing as well. I’m sure the kids are going to be just as enthralled with this amazing book as I was. I will definitely recommend! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

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This book is a fun take on the disgustingly beautiful human body. I think it would be a great start and get kids into science, explain what's happening with their body, and be silly with stinky poos and yucky stuff. The animals were cute and I think there is just enough information on each page.

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This is a cute story of a sheep teaching her class about bodily fluids/functions. Each spread talks about one thing, such as pee or sweat, and mentions that they are important parts of how a body functions. The book encourages kids to think of these things as necessary and normal, not yucky. The illustrations are colorful and the rhyming prose will make this book a good read for very young kids.

Thank you NetGalley and Orange Puffin Playground for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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