Member Reviews


Thank you @theboldbookclub for an early copy of Baby, One More Time by @camillaisley. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. 🤍

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
Release date: January 20th, 2024


🛑Read on with caution; review may contain spoilers🛑

Baby, One More Time tells the story of John and Marissa’s second-chance romance. John left Marissa so suddenly when they were teenagers, with no explanation. This made Marissa hate him with all of her heart and had difficulty trusting men years after, which made it also difficult for her to have lasting relationships. At almost thirty-five years old, she has decided she wanted to be a mother, with or without the father, and has signed herself up for IVF treatments to get pregnant. Meanwhile, John, now a divorced single dad and also a doctor specializing in infertility, has moved back home and coincidentally is working at the clinic where Marissa is getting her treatments.

He has regretted his decision to leave Marissa for sixteen years, and meeting her at the clinic was his chance at redemption. Fate must have favored them when Marissa finally gets pregnant with John’s sperm after the clinic accidentally fertilizes her eggs with his instead of the donor’s sperm Marissa chose, which I found absurd really! But I found John’s enthusiasm and instant support of the pregnancy sweet. He really owned up to his mistake and shows that he’s making an effort to gain Marissa’s trust back by being present with her, as a future father of their child and a not-boyfriend. He may have been an ass for leaving Marissa and ghosting her for years because he didn’t think they could handle a long-distance relationship, but he was really sweet and has proven that he’s a different person at present than he was before. He’s also a great father to Nora – who is just so adorable and smart beyond her age.

I admire Marissa and her independence and her wit, how she managed to be successful in her career. It also takes so much bravery to get pregnant and be willing to have and raise a baby all on her own. I totally understand her reluctance to trust the man who has broken her heart and has ruined other men and relationships for her, but I’m glad that her character didn’t give John a difficult time groveling, since he truly seemed to regret his past actions and has shown consistently that he loves Marissa. His actions made me swoon, especially with him bringing Marissa coffee every morning and walking her to work. I enjoyed their moments together as they fell in love all over again.

Camilla Isley has never failed to deliver a novel that didn’t keep my attention waning. Baby, One More Time is beautifully written with very likeable and admirable main characters. It’s not only a rom-com, but it’s also a heartwarming story that will make you believe in love again.

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I would like to thank netgalley and Boldwood Books for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Entertaining, and with a unique premise. Can't wait for the next book.

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I read this book...a few weeks ago...and completely forgot to write my review, so here are my notes:

I love the app idea!
I considered having a baby on my own before I met my husband.
16 years is a really long time to hold a grudge.
It's super unprofessional to look at someone's chart for your own personal reasons. Kind of icky.
You're placing a LOT of responsibility on someone who broke your heart when you were EIGHTEEN.
I love that the FMC is successful - and a coder! GO STEM!
All this IVF terminology is reminding me of our infertility journey.
Why would the FMC be a consideration in the decision making of the MMC?
She doesn't have a right to be upset about that.
Marissa is DRAMATIC.
But also, that's a stupid reason for him to have left - very cliche.
Why wouldn't you have legal present for that conversation? Also, super predictable.
Thomas seems to be the one smart person in this book.
Nora is absolutely adorable and I love her.
Marissa. drives. me. NUTS.
The chemistry between Marissa and John enthralls, frustrates and confuses me.
I can't handle all this back and forth - it's taking it all a bit too far.
Seriously?? You won't commit to him, but you're getting angsty about his ex-wife?
I'm legit 82% into the book, and Marissa STILL hasn't decided WTF she wants to do with her life.
How many "breaks" are you going to ask this man for?
And how many times is John going to have to say he's sorry?
I feel like the Sierra thing was left unsettled.
The ending was good.

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I feel like this book was written just for me. This had all of my favorite tropes and it was so well written, I felt like I was friends with Marissa the whole time.

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The decision of an unmarried woman to have a child through an anonymous donor is not a choice made lightly. It requires determination, dedication, and precision. When Marissa reconnects with the former love of her life 16 years after he walked out on her, she never expected it to be while she's waiting for a IVF examination. Even worse, later a mix-up at the lab reveals that the former boyfriend's sperm was used accidentally.

An emotionally charged story that leaves you laughing, yet crying at times, is a well written record of their problems and joys. Delightful cast of characters include family, friends, co-workers, and an adorable 5 year old daughter. A mixture of face-to-face and text messages make it even more realistic and interesting.

I loved the book, the characters, and the topic. Realistic, yet humorous, it was difficult to put the book down and deal with my reality. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review my thoughts afforded me by NetGalley and Boldwood Books.

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5 stars – I absolutely loved Baby, One More Time by Camilla Isley (Book 2 in the True Love series)! Marissa and John were high school sweethearts until he broke her heart at Prom. Fast forward 16 years and Marissa is a successful professional (COO at a FinTech startup )in NYC and John is equally successful as a neonatal doctor in California (married to a famous actress and they have a daughter). John and his wife have divorced and, due to her filming schedule, he takes their daughter and moves back to Brooklyn to his childhood home, next door to Marissa’s parents. John and Marissa run into each other, and the rest is a funny story. I really enjoyed the banter between Marissa and John, and they have tons of chemistry.

There were 2 minor flaws in the story to me (1) is how vehemently opposed Marissa was to forgiving John for his teenage behavior. Second, was how John’s daughter speaks/acts like a teenager as opposed to a six-year-old. But…I really loved this story, and it was hard to put down.

Props to Isley for her treatment of IVF. It is not easy to go through (shots, hormone fluctuations, etc) but she did a great job articulating it. I’m looking forward to her next book.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for allowing me to read an ARC copy. All opinions here are my own.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'Baby, One More Time' by Camilla Isley.

'Baby, One More Time' is Camilla Isley's newest novel and I'm gutted. I loved the first one in this kinda-series-but-more-universe. The characters weren't exactly my favourite and the story was intriguing but it just didn't catch me with love as much as the first one did. Still a great read though!

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This is another entertaining story from Camilla Isley. It is set in the same ‘universe’ as ‘Not in a Billion Years’ and some of the events in this book run parallel to events in that book, so I would definitely advise reading them in the right order to avoid spoilers.
Marissa has had her heart broken at her high school prom and has had major trust issues ever since. While undergoing IVF treatment, she encounters her high school sweetheart for the first time since that night – he’s covering for her regular OB/GYN! He’s always regretted what happened and is desperate to show Marissa how much he has changed. The story takes place over nine months and is very funny and entertaining.
Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the review copy.

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Second chance romance for childhood sweethearts, he hurt her and she's never been able to trust again.

When fate steps into her life plans, it proves they were meant to be!

Second chance is slowly making its way to becoming one of my favourite tropes to read.

There was no spice in this book, but it still kept me hooked and wanting more. I wish I had more time to read it in bigger stints rather than when I could. I didnt realise this book was a part of a series and missed out on the first book. Although it can be read as a standalone, it has interconnected characters. I will be going back to read Blakes story in the first book.

I was gifted this book in return for an honest review via NetGalley

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Baby, One More Time is the second installment of the series and follows Marissa, who tries to have a baby through IVF. Unfortunately, the doctor who examines her the first time is her high school sweetheart, who broke her heart 16 years ago.
In general, I found the plot so fanny and enjoyable but Marissa's denial was a little to much. Definitely, recommended to fellow romance lovers.

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So initially, I was loving this book. Marissa was strong, level headed and sensible. The writing was compelling and I loved the overall vibe of the book but John & Marissa as a couple failed to hold my interest. The flashbacks of them were about what went wrong between them but even in the present there was nothing to convince me that they were good together tbh. Also John being a single dad was not mentioned anywhere in the blurb so I found it a bit offputting. I started to like them as a couple towards the very end but then the book reached it's end. The whole IVF situation though was handled very well and felt realistic especially since the author said that she was going through it herself. So I liked that part and overall it was an okay read but the second half felt dragged and John's feelings were poorly portrayed because it was more of an "insta-love" situation tbh.

Thank you Netgalley for providing me an ARC in exchange of an honest review

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this book was cute! I didn't realize it was the second in a series, so i think it would be beneficial to make sure readers know that

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A second chance romantic comedy, featuring a cinnamon roll MMC and 'enemies' to lovers.

'Johnny Raikes is back in my life, and it looks like he's staying'.

Marissa is a successful business woman, but she's been put off love forever.. ever since her high school sweetheart ghosted her 16 years ago. Wanting to have a child, she decides to go through the IVF journey, but what she doesn't expect, is for the man who broke her heart doing the exam. Johnny Raikes. The high school sweetheart who broke her. Will she give Johnny a second chance, and trust that he won't break her heart all over again?

I do enjoy a second chance romance, and an 'enemies' to lovers situation! I say 'enemies', because it's really only Marissa who dislikes Johnny for what he did when she was younger. There's a lot of trust issues there, which I don't blame her for!

You can see how hard Johnny was trying to win her over, which was incredibly adorable with his golden retriever/cinnamon role vibes. The set up of how they meet (again) was so funny, I would completely die of embarrassment in Marissa's situation!

I also loved seeing the characters from the first book, Blake and Gabriel - Blake is incredibly close in Marissa's life, so I loved the crossover and seeing behind the scenes in their life!

Thank you to NetGalley for this copy. This review is voluntary.

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There's nothing like a great second-chance romance. Baby One More Time is the second in Camilla Isley's True Love series and takes place simultaneously as the first book in the series, Not in a Billion Years. It's an exciting addition to the story, but it doesn't mean the reader must read the first book to enjoy it.

Baby One More Time was an easy, lovable read! But there was something about John's character that I couldn't get behind one hundred percent. Maybe it was my loyalty toward Marissa because of her bond with Blake between the two books. Perhaps it was that I felt John's excuse for leaving Marissa behind was a little weak, even if they were young when it happened. Ultimately, I felt warmer toward John by the end of the story, but still, there was something about him I couldn't quite get over.

I think Thomas, Gabriel's brother, will be the third book in the True Love series. He was the fun, pesky brother to Gabriel in Not in a Billion Years and made a brief appearance in this book. I cannot wait to see what he gets into!

Thank you, Camilla Isley, Boldwood Books, and NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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"Baby One More Time" by Camilla Isley is a heartwarming surprise that not only entertained but also tugged at my emotions. Marissa Mayer, with her dreams and determination, felt like a friend navigating the complexities of life. As she embarks on the challenging journey of single motherhood, I couldn't help but cheer for her resilience.

When Dr. John Raikes, the unexpected but familiar face from Marissa's past, steps in as her obstetrician, the story takes a delightful turn. Their journey from teenage sweethearts to potential co-parents is filled with humor, unexpected twists, and a genuine exploration of second chances.

Camilla Isley's writing is like a comforting conversation with a friend. Marissa's character is not just a CEO or an app developer; she's a woman with real fears and hopes. John's transformation from a teenage crush to a caring doctor adds layers to the narrative that I found both charming and relatable.

What made this rom-com special for me was the dual POV. Seeing the story unfold from both Marissa and John's perspectives added depth to their characters. It was like peeking into their hearts, understanding their fears, and celebrating their joys. The dual perspective created a connection that made their journey even more poignant.

Marissa's hesitancy to open her heart again resonated deeply, and the medical setting added a unique touch to the storyline. The balance between humor and heartfelt moments made this a truly enjoyable read.

"Baby One More Time" is more than a rom-com; it's a story about love, resilience, and the unpredictability of life. If you're a fan of stories that warm your heart and leave you with a smile, this book is a must-read. It earns a solid 4-star recommendation from me, reminding us that love has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. 📚❤️

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Book 2 in this series! It’s Marissa’s turn, and I love how it is at the same time as most of Not In A Billion Years so there’s Blake and Gabriel! Loved John’s character … he was so loveable and Nora was a great kid addition. I really enjoyed but I preferred the first book first!

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I went into this book blind, not having read any other books by this author. Well, now I want to go and read this authors entire catalogue of books! I was hooked from the first chapter.

Marissa is a character I simply love. She is strong, independent, and is determined to start a family on her own. She has issues trusting men, which I can completely relate to. I was rooting for her happy ending (no matter what they would be) for the duration on the book.

John was sweet, but he has so many moments where he was cocky that it took a while for him to grow on me. We also had the mystery for why he left Marissa at prom dangling over us for much of the book. I wanted to know more, but at the same time I was happy Marissa didn’t instantly forgive John. Serves him right to grovel a bit.

The banter, plot, and characters were great. There were even some scenes that would usually make me roll my eyes (ie the brownie scene), but I thought they actually worked well and made me laugh.

And that plot twist in chapter 20? Oh my gosh I did not see that coming! Completely shocked me; maybe even more than the characters were shocked.

The only part I found hard to believe was with Nora. She’s in the first grade but talks like she is a wise teenager. It was sort of hard to grasp.

If you are looking for a book that will sink its little claws in you, pick this one. Add this to your 2024 TBR list right now!

*An ARC was provided by NetGalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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How are you, as a 34 year old woman who is supposedly such a #girlboss, still saying vajayjay instead of vagina.

The two mc's honestly just pissed me off so badly. Marissa claims to hate John yet the second they meet again 16 years later it's like insta-love all over again. Additionally, she's also just very immature and unlikeable. John is the most one-dimensional character I have ever read in a romance book. It feels as if chatgpt wrote him cause there is just no depth to him whatsoever.

However, I would love to try one of the author book's in the future, maybe once there is more growth as a writer.

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Thank you netgalley for the chance to read this! Loved revisiting the world from Isley's previous book: I had missed Blake and Gabriel.
Marissa is a CEO looking to have a baby on her own. John is her highschool sweetheart who broke her heart. How do two people find their way back to each other 16 years later, while being thrust together by a whirlwind of circumstance?
I would give this 2.5 stars, rounded up to 3. This was a good read, but was missing that something special that was "Not in a Billion Years". In that story I really enjoyed the B storyline, but here Marissa's job in this one really took a back seat in this one. I do love these tropes: a bit second chance romance, a bit enemies to lovers...but the 'forced proximity' trope that was used was waaay too farfetched for my taste. I couldn't buy in how much both characters were just ok with what happened, and so exuberantly so. I just I also thought the transition of Marissa and John's romance was a bit hard to follow: Marissa's waffling was far less realistic than Blake's in the first book. I struggled really believing and rooting for their HEA: I knew it was coming, but I didn't really love the road we took to get there.

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I found the premise a bit far-fetched and even excessive in its time effects, so much so that everything else afterward seemed rather unbelievable. The two characters then are all too much: too successful, too beautiful, too much in love, etc.etc.

La premessa mi è sembrata un po' inverosimile e anche eccessiva nei suoi effetti temporali, tanto che tutto il resto dopo mi é parso piuttosto poco credibile. I due personaggi poi sono tutto troppo: troppo di successo, troppo belli, troppo innamorati, etc.etc.

I received an advanced digital review copy from the Publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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