Member Reviews

Camilla Isley has done it again! Another lovable, can’t-put-it-down, romcom! Camilla never disappoints with her character development having richly built characters. Having already known and loved the characters it was fun to read Marissa and John’s story.

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4 ⭐️

That’s it! Camilla Isley is the queen of romcoms! I’ve read some of her other books before and there wasn’t a single one I didn’t love!

I must admit that the reason he left her for when they were teenagers was a bit dull, mostly because it was something they already had talked about and sorted out but, anyway, I couldn’t have enjoyed more this book and, even though, I’m not really into the pregnancy trope— this book was wholesome to read.

This book follows Marissa Mayer and her journey on becoming a mother through IVF. Upon returning to New York, she discovers that her doctor is none other than her teenage love, John Raikes. After not seeing each other for sixteen years, he is eager to win her back and, despite past heartbreak, John is determined to show her he's changed.

Thank you to the author, Boldwood Books and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. 'Baby, One More Time' by Camilla Isley will be coming out on January 20th.

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This was really good. It was so easy to see why Marissa struggled to trust Josh again. He just had to keep showing up for her and the baby. That man never stopped loving her and it was beautiful to see. I really liked the moments with the two of them and Nora. She was so excited to be a big sister. This book being a slow burn really worked in its' favor and I loved it.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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I enjoyed this story, Marissa, an independent woman who still had insecurities about her past put all of her energy into her work and was successful. Yet the one thing she didn't have was a baby which she really wanted and decided she didn't need a man for.

Everything was really good until the whole twist at the clinic and him still being in love with her so easily after all that time. It was sweet but wow quick. I did like the twist and I liked how it was written in. It sounded plausable. Yet it was a highly regarded clinic so how the twist ended up happening I was 😳 shocked. However, Dr John Raikes was just dreamy, a caring, doting guy who wanted to right his wrong. And as a side note, Nora.. oh my goodness, loved her!

Thank you for this arc @netgalley and @theBoldBookTok. @camillaisley you have written a great book

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Romance mignonne qui donne une seconde chance à l'amour.

Marissa Mayer, motivée et intelligente, a évolué jusqu'au poste de COO dans une entreprise Fintech et a parallèlement lancé sa propre application avec succès. Maintenant, ce qu'elle désire plus que tout, c'est un bébé. Ayant renoncé à l’amour à l'adolescence, elle est prête à le faire seule. Le Dr John Raikes, qui est récemment rentré de Los Angeles, est un expert en médecine néonatale. Lorsque John se présente comme le médecin de Marissa, des étincelles jaillissent et pas dans le bon sens. Il n'est autre que l'amour de jeunesse de Marissa…

J'ai adoré le premier tome de la série, j'étais donc très enthousiaste à l'idée de lire la suite. Le pitch est engageant, le thème du processus de FIV, autant sur le plan physique que psychologique, est intéressant et plutôt bien amené. J'ai apprécié le lien entre le récit et les personnages de la première partie, et j'ai eu un coup de cœur pour le personnage de Nora qui est très attachant. Cependant, plusieurs moments semblent forcés et tombent trop dans le cliché, manquant de réalisme et d'authenticité. J'attendais une histoire plus profonde et un développement du personnage de Marissa plus poussé, j'ai eu du mal à accrocher, la trouvant parfois un peu trop critique.

Moins d'entrain pour ce second tome, mais toujours partante pour lire la suite, s'il y en a une. 

Merci à Netgalley, à l'autrice et aux éditeurs pour cette lecture.

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I enjoyed this - it was exactly what I needed. Lighthearted, fun plot line and great characters.

I did find some of the dialogue cringe & the insta love from the MMC was odd - regardless of it being a second chance romance - it just didn’t make sense for him to be so in love with that quickly after he very cruelly left her. He can’t have loved her originally that much, to leave her now he did when they were younger.

Overall I liked it for what it was.

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Marissa Mayer has worked her way to COO at a major Fintech startup as well as launching her own successful app on the side. Now what she wants more than anything is a baby. When she finds herself single again, she decides to face parenthood alone. And having given up on love after her heart was broken by the boy next door, she’s prepared to do it alone. When she discovers that Dr John Raikes, one of the doctors at the IVF clinic is her ex-boyfriend from high school, she is shocked. John is now a single dad and determined to show Marissa that he has changed and wants to give their relationship a chance.
This was a great second chance romance with Marissa seeing Johnny as the enemy. Yet it was so sweet to see him do all that he could to right the wrongs of his past. It was also wonderful to see the supportive and care given to Marissa as she decided to tackle parenthood alone. This book manages to keep the romance realistic.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Don’t we all have that 1 person from high school that really shattered your heart? How would you feel if that person showed up again in the most unexpected way after 16yrs? Would you let that person slowly breakdown the wall you erected thanks to them? Would you/Could you ever fully trust them again?

This is what the FMC is trying to figure out in Baby, One More Time. She has always wanted a family but could never trust another person thanks to the MMC. One day she decides to have a baby regardless of being in a relationship/married. She starts treatments only to realize that her fill-in doctor is the ex-boyfriend that shattered her heart. One unexpected thing happens that throws them back together. Will they make it?

I have recommended this book to many friends since finishing. I do plan to read book 1 of the series. Overall, 4⭐️ because I’m always hoping for some spice but this book was great without it.

✅Doctor vs CEO/COO
✅Late 30s MCs
✅Chick-lit/Clean Romance
✅Book 2 of series but can be a standalone

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I've really been looking forward to reading this and I was not disappointed. It was an absolute blast. It starts off in true rom-com style where Marissa meets her heartbreaker of an ex in a gynae examination room, and yes he's the doctor! An hilariously, cringy start to the story and I just loved it from beginning to end.

It's a story about first love, second chances and found family. And it's just gorgeous!

This book is set in the same world as Not In A Billion Years, which I also recommend, but this can also read as a standalone.

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There are many elements that I dislike in this book. It reached a point where every page made me roll my eyes and or cringe. Warning: spoilers ahead.

This book takes insta-love to an extreme. It's been 16 years since we last saw each other and we don't know anything about each other, but I see you, and I know I'm still in love. Should we catch up? No, being in love with you when you were 18 years old is enough for me. Come on.
There is zero respect for boundaries. Your ex doesn't want to see you, but you still follow her, you take advantage of the fact that you have access to her medical file to gossip (hello?!!!) and you don't listen when she says she doesn't want to see you.
Ah, and to create drama, there is the hardest moment of the protagonist's life. The unmentionable moment that destroys her entire life. Basically, her 18-year-old boyfriend ghosts her instead of losing his virginity to her.
Terrible. 0 communication. The conversations are cringy af. Ah and let's not forget that she gets a fertilised embryo implanted with his sperm by mistake. Thing that they all accept without any problem????
Well. A horrible reading that I don't recommend it at all.
I received this book through NetGalley.

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When you're single and embarking on IVF, the last person you want to see at an internal exam is the ex you never really got over. And for Marissa, that's just the start...
I admit, after the first few chapters I wasn't sure I was going to like this. Marissa had the potential to be too over-dramatic; it seemed like the suspension of disbelief was going to be too much. However, I found myself thoroughly drawn in. Marissa turned out to be a strong character who's both successful and self-aware, and her interactions with John developed beautifully. The dual POV was a definite plus: I really liked the way John owned his teenage actions and worked/schemed to earn back Marissa's trust, and then there was the utter delight of Nora as well. This is a fun, humorous, romantic read and I'm very happy I persevered with it.

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Love this book so much! I read it in two days because it is so good. Isley has created a situation that ends up being both funny and sweet.

Marissa wants a baby & decides to do so on her own. Relationships are not really her thing since her long term boyfriend, Johnny Raikes left her on prom night years ago with no explanation. Of course, Johnny Raikes has returned to New York and is a doctor at the clinic Marissa uses. Their paths cross once again, Marissa fights to stay away from Johnny yet he finds any opportunity he can to run into her.

She wants nothing to do with him. He still loves her and wants her back. He has to work hard to gain back her trust. Luckily, a small mix-up in the lab brings them close together. Emotions are everywhere. Hurt for the past appears again. Johnny refuses to let Marissa go again. And while she tries to resist it becomes more difficult each day.

I highly recommend reading this book!

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This is such an easy to read book. From the minute I read the description I knew I had to read this and it did not let me down. Loved the characters and the whole story! Just wonderful!

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I was familiar with Marissa from Not in a Million Years and I’m glad I got to read her story. Camilla Isley has chosen to write a story that revolves around a topic that is still sometimes treated as a taboo - having a baby through IVF. I could really feel for Marissa in the story, because I plan to be in a similar situation than she is when the time comes for the same reasons as Marissa’s.
The characters were great, Marissa was a strong, independent boss lady, while John was so kind, caring and I loved how he was as a dad. The banter was as good as always. The glimpses into Blake and Gabriel’s life were welcomed, and when Thomas appeared, he was quite hilarious. Marissa’s agony tethered on the line of being annoying, but finally she came to her senses. On the other hand, I get it, it’s hard to let go of your deepest fears. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this story as well as the other Camilla Isley books.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the book.

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This one just wasn’t for me. The writing felt very immature. By the way Marissa went on and on about their past, I thought what happened between them at eighteen was going to be way worse than it actually was. Marissa’s character was on one hand, a boss babe and so mature and brave to go through IVF alone. But on the other hand, so immature and wishy-washy in how she treated John. Also didn’t love the lab mix-up aspect of the story. It felt too forced and unbelievable.

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I was so excited for this book and it did not disappoint! While this can be read as a stand alone, I think you would enjoy it more if you have already read Not in a Billion Years. This one takes place concurrently with Blake and Gabriel’s story and I really enjoyed reading these shared scenes from Marissa’s POV. These books are definitely worth your time and look forward to reading the next 😊.
Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️/5

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun, breezy book that still dealt with more serious topics. I enjoyed it a lot!

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Absolutely captivating! This book seamlessly weaves together Marissa and John's complex journey with a delightful mix of humor, heart, and undeniable chemistry. The alternating perspectives provide a dynamic view into their evolving relationship, while the inclusion of text messages adds a modern and playful touch to the narrative. Camilla skillfully navigates the intricacies of a second chance romance, infusing it with depth and emotion. The characters are richly developed, and John's determination to win Marissa back is both endearing and compelling. The tension between them is palpable, keeping you eagerly turning the pages. The incorporation of the single dad trope adds an extra layer of warmth and charm. If you enjoyed Camilla's debut, this is a must-read! A perfect blend of romance, humor, and heartwarming moments, making it an engaging and thoroughly enjoyable experience. I eagerly await the next installment in this captivating series!

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Thank you Netgalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC of "Baby, One More Time" by Camilla Isley, coming out January 20th, 2024!

The title of this book is what first grabbed my attention and I was super excited to be approved to read and review an ARC of it! This is the second book in the True Love series by Camilla Isley. I have not read the first book but it did not impact my reading of this so it can be a stand alone. It features characters from the first book but focuses on Marissa and John's s

This was a fun read and I loved how it went between Marissa and John's point of view as well as adding texts between characters which was a fun addition to the story. If you enjoyed Camilla's first book , love second chance romances, and enjoy single dad character's I defintely recommend reading this book when it is released!

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This was an ok read. The book deal with fertility clinics and reconnecting with young lost love. It was predictable and obvious from the start how it would end. At times it felt a little to rushed. 2.75 stars.

************************I received an ARC for my honest opinion from NetGalley.*************************

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