Member Reviews

Bobby, the main character, is an elephant who uses mean nicknames for his classmates. The story eventually evolves into a lesson about empathy, as it is uncovered that Bobby bullies because of his own fears. Children will learn that words have the power to hurt, but they can also be very healing.

The whimsical illustrations give the story life, with great facial expression and movement. Bobby and His Hobby is a great book to use as a teaching tool for young children, both in a classroom setting or at home. It is never too early to give lessons about compassion and children are little sponges when teaching them by using picture books. Overall, Bobby and His Hobby is good for the target age of 3-6 and I recommend it to both educators and parents.

Disclaimer: I was given an Advanced Reader's Copy by NetGalley and the publisher. The decision to read and review this book was entirely my own.

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The hobby in this brief tale is making clubbish yet boring nicknames up for everyone, and the culprit is an elephant unaware of just how thin everyone else's pachyderm skin actually is. Now, would you rather this verbal bully get a comeuppance, or get a justifying excuse that makes it all alright? One thing the jury is not out on is the text, which is really clumsy with meter and line length at times, meaning that added to the mediocre plot, the average art and the debatably naive morals, this really struggles to find a USP. Not offensively bad, it just is swamped by countless superior options for your money.

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Bobby makes up mean names, but those characters who he is giving those names to help him when he needs it. There is a good message about bullying and friendship and how to be the bigger person.

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Bobby had a bad hobby, not because he is bad, but because he had to hid his weakness. This book explained it in kid's words how your bad friend might had an issue in him, and then express it by being mean. A book I think everybody need to read and understand the fact, so we can all be friends again by helping each others.

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A story about a bully in kindergarten giving everyone new names. I like the message given in the story- this could be beneficial for young readers such as those in the book (kindergarten age readers)
Overall, the moral of the story is that it is okay to be afraid and ask for help.

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Bobby and his Hobby is about an elephant who's hobby is making up not so nice nicknames for his friends. It is reviewed that he does to become he doesn't wasn't to be made fun of for being scared of a shadow. This book shoes children that it is not nice to make fun of others and it is okay to be scared of something. Your friends will have your back. The illustrating this book are very sweet and will definitely appear to yoing readers.

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The premise of this is very clever and cute, but I wanted the story to flow better. Some part felt a little difficult to get through but the base message is fantastic. Overall good story.

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This is an adorable children’s book that teaches important messages about the impact of mean words. The harm it can cause to others, and how to respond when people are being mean. Useful for children who are of socializing age who may experience these problems

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I thought this book was absolutely adorable! I loved the artwork, the story and the message it teaches!

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I liked the idea behind this book, and I read it with my 6-year-old daughter.

Sadly, it is quite apt timing as she has just had an issue with two boys at school that were being mean to her, but it helped show that sometimes other children might not realise the impact of their actions and I think this is quite key to what is happening with her at school.

I liked the concept as a parent and the book is well written and easy to follow. The illustrations really suit the story too.

It is 4 stars from me for this one – a good story to use as a prompt with younger children to discuss some tougher and sensitive subjects

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had so much fun reading this book, the story is so adorable and the illustrations were so well done and charming, there’s so many little details in every page that I couldn’t stop but be mesmerized by it all. I will definitely be recommending it! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

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Bobby is a little elephant with a big problem - he likes calling his friends by unkind nicknames. Names he thinks are funny, but his friends don't like.

This book is very clear on it's moral, but the writing isn't smooth and the rhymes don't always work, making it challenging to read out loud. The illustrations are cute and colorful. This could be a good mentor text for SEL lessons on bullying and name calling.

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Thanks netgalley for the smart inchange of a review.
This book is sooo cute!! I loved it so much. My 2 young nephews enjoyed it as well. It was fun and vibrant and funny and the 8 year read it alone no problem! Who doesn’t love elephants?

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I thought it was strange to call the elephants name calling a ‘hobby’. But overall this was an ok read about the importance of being kind to your friends.

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I do not know if I agree on name calling being referred to as "a little hobby". I do get the idea the book is trying to cast, however.
I do think it hit the mark and shows empathy and why it is not ok to name call.

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This book was so cute!! I loved it so much. My kiddos enjoyed it as well. It was a little tough for my younger kiddos to read on their own because of bigger words being used, but my older kiddos had no problem at all!

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