Member Reviews

Zenta and Estere, sisters, and daughters of Darta and Nikolai, along with their brother Tomass, lived a peaceful life in Riga, Latvia, working in the family bakery, producing bread daily for their friends and the locals who shopped there. But when the Russians took over Latvia, their lives changed. Cruelty emerged, families were divided and when the Germans pushed the Russians out, the Latvians thought they were saved. But worse was to come, much worse. Zenta cycled daily, delivering bread to their older customers. Estere was absent a lot, while Tomass had been forced to join the German army.

When disaster struck, Zenta fled with baby Aina tucked tightly in her arms. First one place then another until eventually Zenta and Aina arrived in Australia, ending in Adelaide, in South Australia. The secret she held would stay deep inside until Zenta was old, with grandchildren on her knee. But could she release the darkness that she had held inside for so long? She was tired...

The Baker's Secret is a phenomenal read by Aussie author Lelita Baldock, and I loved every minute of it. Heartbreaking, traumatic - I had no idea that the Russians held Latvia in its grasp for more than 45 years! The second occupation was from 1944-1991. Under Soviet occupation thousands of Latvians were deported to Siberian camps, executed or forced into exile. What a horrible life for the people who lived there. Zenta is a wonderful character, and her heartbreak was palpable. I highly recommend The Baker's Secret for fans of historical fiction.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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**Thank you Net Galley for the advanced reader copy**

This book was told from the town of Latvia when it was under occupation. Told from the point of view of a girl who came of age during WWII, she started off naive but as the book unravels she comes to understand the complexity of the war and what she needed to do to help the Jews in her town. I enjoyed seeing the family dynamics during the war, the fear, the worry, the anger, and eventual turn of emotions to love, trust and unity.
The book moved from 1940's to 2018, from when Zenta was a girl to when she was an old woman. As an old woman, her family (niece, grandniece and grandnephew) surround her and listen to her story as they celebrate Latvia's 100th year anniversary. It was a very emotional story demonstrating the tough choices people made in time of crisis.

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If you enjoy WWII fiction, you will love this book! Set in Latvia, the story follows a family of two sisters through generations of war, resettlement, and heart-wrenching decisions, often when there isn’t one single “good” choice. I’ve read many WWII fiction books, but never about Latvia, and her story amazed me.

Lelita Baldock is an excellent writer. Even though this is a tragic topic, the story flows so well that I found it hard to put down. The characters are well-developed, and I was drawn into the family’s lives.

Most chapters are from Zenta's perspective, interspersed with some from her sister Estelle. The choices they make and the lives they lead are heart-wrenching, yet I was captivated throughout. I'm looking forward to reading more of this author's work!

I received this ARC from Storm Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
#TheBakersSecret #NetGalley

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I love historical fiction and especially historical fiction set during WW2 and so I knew I would probably like this but I devoured it in one sitting. I loved it. I thought the characters were done really well as it really showed how people probably were at this time, frightened, yet still a little naive about the whole thing.

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I enjoyed reading this book set in Latvia during the 2nd World War. A country under pressure from the Russians and the Nazis in turn. The sisters were both brave and nieve at times. It was quite a emotional read. It is well written and one that I fully recommend.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and author Lelita Baldock for this eARC.

The Baker's Secret is a story of two sisters trying to survive in occupied Latvia durin WWII.
The book is very well written and at no point was I bored. I loved Estere and her defiance, strong convictions and determination.
Zentas charavter was less my cup of tea. For most of the story she just passively drifts through the world. Which is understandable, as she is very young when the story starts.
Where the book started loosing me was in the last ~20%. At this point Zentas passitivity and at times thoughtlessness started taking over. She is no longer 11 years old and has resposibilities, yet she just continues drifting along to the detriment of her family. I disliked the big reveal at the end/why we got there. So I'm subtracting half a star for that.
3.5 stars

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What an incredible story, a journey for both characters and readers. A heartbreaking story, one you want to put down to take a breather but are unable to put this page turning book down. We often read WW2 books set in Pairs, Germany etc, but it was certainly eye-opening to read a book set in Lativa during two occupations. We follow two young sisters, their fight for freedom, their love, courage, their fight to survive and everything they lost and experienced. The Bakers Secret a highly recommended, unputdownable story, have you tissues close.

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I chose this book to read for a very personal reason. My mother and grandparents, along with my 2-month-old sister, escaped from Latvia in 1944. I was not yet born, but I am aware of the horrors of the times which were relayed to me through my parents. Also, I was drawn to the book because the main character's name is Zenta, the same as my mother. And, another major character is Valdis, the same as my father.

The Germans (Nazis) wanted control over Latvia. The Russians (Communists) wanted control over Latvia. Latvia wanted to retain independence. Not a good scenario.

There are many people in this world who cannot pinpoint Latvia on a map. And, there are even more that have no concept of what the citizens of this country suffered during repression and occupation which started in the 1940s. The author has done her best to paint the picture for those who might be interested but do not know.

The description of events is not overly graphic, but it paints pictures that are horrifying and realistic. Sometimes words present a better picture than videos or news clips. As I am reading, the words sink in, I pause and the whole event carves out a spot in my mind. Whereas, a news clip comes and goes, replaced by another.

The author does not just state facts. There is a family at the centre of everything, which puts everything in to a more identifiable perspective. As you get to know the characters, you can empathize with them. The members of the family are well portrayed.

There are many, many books set in the time of WW2. This is the first one I have read that is set in Latvia. I found it very compelling and interesting. Perhaps, because of my personal connection, it also kept me awake for a few nights.

At first, I found the writing style a little too simple, a little too basic. But as I became involved in the story, I realized that the simple style is as it should be. The story is intense on its own without adding complicated language and sentence structure.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an Advance Readers Copy.

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This was such a well written book. Although it was difficult to read at some points due to the content, I also couldn't put it down. The characters were so well written, I really enjoyed the change in views for some chapters and the jump in timelines from 2018 to the various earlier years.

The ending though a bit predictable to some degree was still so good.

Huge thanks to NetGalley & Storm Publishing for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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It starts in 2018 when Zina is waiting for her family in Australia. When she receives a phone call she goes back in time, back to Latvia before WWII. There her story starts, and what a story. This is so well written and the characters are believable. I couldn’t stop reading, it held my interest the whole story. I never knew anything what the people of Latvia has to endure. A deserving 5 stars!

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This book is a harrowing read based in 1940 in Latvia.
it is based on the family of Zenta and her struggles when Latvia is ruled by Russia and then the Germans.
the characters will absorb you and you will feel all the emotions they do as you read this book by
Lelita Baldcock.

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I recently finished an ARC of the The Baker’s Secret by Lelita Baldock. To say that I enjoyed the book is difficult as the book is heartbreaking and very moving. But as a persistent reader of WWll historical fiction I found this book to be very enlightening and educational about the plight of Latvia and its citizenry during the era of World War ll. In 1940 after recently winning independence from the Soviet Union following World War l, Latvia finds itself being occupied by the Soviet Army under the guise of protecting the country from the advance of the Germans. There is much sacrifice, rationing and subjugation by the Soviets until Latvia is being marched upon by the Germans and Soviets flee. Occupied by yet another army, Zenta and her Latvian family are submitted to much hardship and personal sacrifice. The story of the family members is heartbreaking as each member makes enormous sacrifices for their home and country —the brutality of the occupiers and the bravery of the Latvian people is remarkably presented. The story continues with some family members escaping to Germany to be liberated by the Allies and then placed in DP camps as they try to rebuild their deeply scarred lives and learn the stories of their own family members—did they survive and if so, where are they? The emotional trauma that follows the survivors is evident in every aspect of their daily lives.
This is a fascinating story about Latvia’s role during the Second War and a family faced with the hardship of a war and the destruction of their world. I appreciate the opportunity to have the chance to read Ms. Baldock’s new book. Thanks to Net Galley

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Lelita Baldock ripped my heart out and didn't give it back. The Baker's Secret is an absolutely powerful read! WWII is one of my favorite historical fiction topics to read. I love when I discover different spins on the typical WWII genre, which is exactly what the reader gets in this book. I had never read about Latvia and the struggles they faced fighting off intruders from both sides of their country. This book is a little longer due to how detailed the author writes, but it fits with the story. You can feel the emotions, visualize the landscape and smell the smells from this book. There were some grueling parts, but that is to be expected for this time period. I caught on pretty quickly why Zenta had to escape with her sister's daughter but was caught by surprise by the twists that followed. I don't want to give away too much about this book other than you have to add it to your TBR if you enjoy historical fiction. I'd even go as far as saying it is in my top 10 historical fiction novels.

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The Bakers Secret taught me soo much about life for Lativins during WWII!
This story flips back and forth between now and the war and follows a family that owns a bakery. The struggles and strife the characters endure is so hard to fathom. The 'ending reveal' was pretty predictable but overall worth the read to learn more history about Lativa and all those people endured.

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Wow what an incredible book!
These characters draw you in from the beginning and keep you begging for more.
Zenta is hiding a secret from her family. We go back in time to her memories and learn of the hardship her family endured through multiple wars. First her father in the Latvian War and now WWII.
They have a lovely bakery in Latvia. I felt like I was there smelling the breads.
We also get her sister Estere's story and the sacrifices she makes for love.
As a child enters the story and everything Zenta loves is torn away from her we dig deeper into the story.
I felt like I was there with these characters and my heart ached for them.
Baldock does a great job with details in her writing, making you feel like you are there.
The struggle and heartache of these characters is real and all you want for them to have hope that they can find happiness again.
This is a beautiful story set against the backdrop of WWII and the hardships Latvia and it's people had to face.

A good book for book clubs.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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A very interesting book on Latvia the struggles they went through during the War.

Zenta has always wanted to work in her families bakery but she is still at school. Russia invade Latvia and eventually they are overpowered by the Germans. We see how the people cope with the occupation. Zenta has a sister Estere who joins the resistance.

What a powerful book of hardship and lose it certainly will stay in your mind for a long time. The characters all worked well together.

I would recommend this book.

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What a heartwrenching novel!! I enjoyed it very much. I found very interesting to read about Latvia during WWII as I didn't know so much about it. Both storyline and plot were compelling, and even though I guessed some facts early on, I couldn't put the book down! Many difficult decisions had to be taken, giving the novel a thought provoking tone. Well written, and loosely based on the author's family experiences, this story felt very real.
I received a digital copy of this novel from NetGalley and Storm Publishing, and I am leaving voluntarily an honest review.

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Wow, this was such a heartbreaking story of trying to survive the Second World War as a small town bakery with the families will to live, but I loved all of the characters in this book so much. The ending surprised me but I am so grateful I got an early read of this book. This was my first book by this author and I cannot wait to read more of her stories. This story broke my heart reading but seeing their resilience and just their will to survive (and bake bread) really moved me. This is a must read book in 2024, I cannot recommend this book enough!

Thank you so much to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book!

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Omg what a heartwrenching book. I learnt so much by reading it. The author does not shy away from graphic scenes. She writes beautiful characters, you Will love them. And love their spirit. Thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest opinion

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I learned a lot while reading this book. A lot about the struggles of Latvia and its people during WWII, as well as there were people who were resettled in Australia after the war. The author does a great job describing her scenes, using emotions and scents to paint a picture. This book had a few twists and turns I did not see coming, there was a plot point I was mad about when it first came into play, but once the story started to unfold it made sense. In the end I was hooked to this story line, I would highly recommend to any historical fiction lover.
Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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